Like others, our family’s battle with mold has taken many forms, but for years we were unaware of the root source of the enemy. We searched out relief from symptoms with limited success. Mold as a root cause of our issues took years to uncover.
Because of my study and because of my family’s story, I now recognize the common threads of this enemy as I discuss symptoms with my patients…chronic fatigue, chronic autoimmune disease, intermittent allergy symptoms, mental brain fog, infertility, hormone dysfunction, hidden chronic infections, unexplained OCD symptoms, battles with intermittent depression, food intolerances and allergies, and others…. We have been touched by all of these and more. Sound familiar? We know that this enemy has been a major contributor to our health and life story.
As one can see from the above, individual health threads can take time to put together. Often a multiplicity of such threads, especially in multiple family members, mean mold toxins may be at work. Mold Toxicity can be a sneaky opponent.
Because mold is my family’s enemy, it is my enemy. Because mold is my patient’s enemy, it is my enemy. Being thankful that God has allowed me to find the underlying cause of years of health issues in my family, at Sanctuary Functional Medicine, we are moving forward with helping others. Alongside our patients, we are fighting mold and trusting God to continue working out restoration for each person and family affected by this illness.
I’ve recorded some educational videos that I hope will help you and your family become educated about mold toxicity.
- Will It Always Be This Difficult to Enjoy the Holidays
- When Relatives Deny That Their House Has Mold
- With the Holidays Coming Soon
- Why Are More People Getting Sick from Mold?
- Different Mold Toxins Do Different Things
- Water Damaged Buildings are Mold Gardens
- Which Molds Make You Sick
- Not Surprising COVID and Mold
- Stress Can Amplify Molds Effects
- The Exposure Matters
- Genetics Plays a Big Role with Mold