Proverbs 16:4

Proverbs 16:4 ESV The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble. []   Men do horrific evil every day. Every day, people made in God’s image murder, enslave, kidnap, rape, torture, and every combination thereof, and they do it to other people made in God’s image. The…


Screentime & Your Kids

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional, conventional, Christian, and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for parenting in this…


Immune Modulation by Quercetin

While we live in a world where we usually want to kill two birds with one stone, our pharmaceutical industry seems to target single mechanisms of action for their new drugs.  This may make for easier testing and development of new drugs, but having substances which act in a variety of beneficial ways is more…


Proverbs 16:3

Proverbs 16:3 ESV Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established. []   The plans we make go, in the words of the Scottish poet, ‘aft agley,’ which (translated from the original) means ‘often awry.’ Sometimes, looking back, this is a remarkably good thing. Sometimes those plans weren’t just practically flawed…


My Favorite Healthy Prep Ahead Snacks

Summer is here and that means lots of road trips, festivals, sporting events, summer camps, and more! For those longer days out and about, it is helpful and important to pack some healthy, well-balanced snacks to avoid blood sugar crashes or having to resort to less-than-ideal fast-food chain runs that will likely leave you feeling…


Parkinson’s Disease, Microbiome, and B Vitamins

One functional medicine saying that will never grow old or be overused is the reality that everything is somehow connected inside us.  For this reason, we must always keep in mind a wholistic picture of the person we are treating for any given illness.  While conventional medicine would agree with this as they try to…


Baby’s Microbiome Post C-Section

Functional Pediatric Wellness Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional, conventional, Christian, and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for…


Proverbs 16:2

Proverbs 16:2 ESV All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit. []   What does God judge? Every action has three parts: what’s intended, what’s done, and what results. We humans have an inconsistent standard for using these. We tend to choose which one to…


Mold and Co-Morbidities: The Friends

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Helping Picky Eaters with Nutrition

If your child struggles with food aversions to many different foods and you are having trouble figuring out what to give them, or even how to get good nutrients in? This is a challenge many parents struggle with, especially among our patient population. As a dietitian, it is my job to help bridge the gap…


Proverbs 16:1

Proverbs 16:1 ESV The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. []   Tell me honestly: have you ever made a plan that went perfectly as you anticipated? Maybe, I guess; if I plan to have cereal and I have cereal, that’s a success. When we…


This Might Be The Wrong Way

Rather than dive into a long, deep discussion on the question highlighted by this study, I want to use this opportunity to simply stimulate some reflection by my readers.  In this study, 90 five-year-olds were studied in how they responded to an experiment.  The researchers divided the 90 children into 3 groups.  All three groups…


Stopping Mast Cell Anaphylaxis

Extroverts generally love being the center of attention, and if mast cells are extroverts, they’re very happy right now, because they are getting a ton of attention from researchers and headlines.  While mast cells have been around in our bodies for centuries and known for decades, the past 10 years seem to be the decade…


Proverbs 15:32

Proverbs 15:32 ESV The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor. []   To desire “glory and honor and immortality” seems a little suspect to us nowadays. Ought we really to be pursuing ‘honor’? The idea seems selfish, self-directed. Certainly Philippians 2:3 condemns ‘selfish ambition;’ how is a desire…


Mold and the Human Spirit

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Breathing in Children’s Mental Health

The debate between nature and nurture may never end as both sides continue to discover more evidence.  This time, the nurture side can call on this latest research linking air pollution and children’s mental health to bolster their argument.  While we know that mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and others do run in…


Functional Pediatric Wellness (#2)

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children; they get access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional and conventional medicine, Christian wisdom, and parenting experience without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for…


Proverbs 15:31

Proverbs 15:31 ESV The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise. []   To listen to reproof is an essential life skill, more important than making the bed or driving or good manners (though helpful for all three). Wisdom is not innate to sinful man. In fact, sinful man intensely dislikes…


Choosing the Right Supplement

One might wonder how functional medicine doctors can keep up with the thousands of supplements and pharmaceuticals out there, let alone their combinations and interactions. Honestly, no one can know everything, even if they practice medicine for decades. Beyond that, even if you memorized all the current supplements, tomorrow a slew of new discoveries, products,…


Feeling the Burn After a UTI

Three little letters drive many women crazy.  U, T, and I combine into Urinary Tract Infection in millions of women yearly, causing significant discomfort and inconvenience.  For some, it is a short-lived condition that resolves with either natural remedies or antibiotics.  For others, the bladder pain can persist for days or weeks after the actual…


Functional Pediatric Wellness (#1)

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children; they get access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional and conventional medicine, Christian wisdom, and parenting experience without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for…


Proverbs 15:30

Proverbs 15:30 ESV The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones. []   Sickness of the body is a universal human experience. We all can remember a snotty nose or a headache or a stubbed toe. Too many of us know all about serious injuries, chronic illness, even the…


Mold and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Dad’s Gut Bacteria and Your Pregnancy

Some days, with all the research headlines, it can feel like we are controlled by the gut bacteria in our colons.  News headlines keep talking about dysbiosis and the effects of antibiotics on gut health.  Now we have one more twist that even surprised me a little.  I did not see this headline coming, the…


Proverbs 15:29

Proverbs 15:29 ESV The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous. []   Where do we go when life gets hard? We have a lot of options, in a sense. We could pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps, early 1900s style. We could rely on family, on…


You Become Your Exercise

The well-known cliché, “You are what you eat” has driven many diets for adults and helped many small children imagine themselves as giant bowls of ice-cream- with legs, of course. A study by a very large group of researchers may add a new but similar cliché: “You become what you exercise.” Even the most biologically…


Pregnancy Immune Impacts

How the baby’s brain develops inside mom’s belly challenges medical understanding. Wrapping our adult medical brains around the process has been a work in progress for a very long time. Many of our insights have come from correlations discovered in epidemiologic works which link various illnesses to outcomes in children years later. We obviously can’t…


Proverbs 15:28

Proverbs 15:28 ESV The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things. []   The fruit of a man is his insignia, his flag. Just as a pirate sloop is known by its skull-and-crossbones, just as a British ship-of-the-line is known by its Union Jack,…


Mold and Pain

Mold Guide Series Part 14 For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and…


Making Vaccinations Easier to Get and Harder to Avoid

We live in a vaccination world, a world where many accept vaccines like they accept a blue sky.  Many, therefore, are looking at ways to encourage more and more vaccinations.  On one end, some want to create easier ways to get vaccines, easier than getting a needle shoved into your (or your child’s) arm.  On…


Proverbs 15:27

Proverbs 15:27 ESV Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household, but he who hates bribes will live. []   Evildoing starts at home. In fact, evildoing starts evil closer, in the heart. We have a tendency to tell ourselves we can just do this slightly wrong thing over here and not let it…


The Latest News on PolySupplementation

First, forgive me for using a little sarcasm to get your attention.  In reality, we will probably never get a study on the effects of taking multiple supplements.  The field of cancer therapy is probably the only time medicine produces study trials with multiple therapies since single therapies rarely work in cancer.  For supplements and…


Clearing Out Bacterial Weeds

We live in a world of metaphorical weeds, nuisances that grow in our yards and in our bodies, causing problems.  Outside, we may chase dandelion seeds that seem impossible to eradicate when you aren’t willing to poison your family with weed killers.  Inside our bodies, we turn to antibiotics to rid ourselves of pneumonias, UTI’s,…


Proverbs 15:26

Proverbs 15:26 ESV The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord, but gracious words are pure. []   We have an unconscious way of assuming that, at the end of the day, what goes on inside us is ours alone. I can be angry or sad or mad or covetous, and as…


Mold and the Other Systems

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


The Importance of Variety in your Diet

Last month we talked about why it is beneficial to eat seasonally. This month will be an extension of that as I am discuss the importance of variety in your diet. Oftentimes when we are trying to get to root causes of our health issues, we find ourselves cutting out multiple foods, and even whole…


Proverbs 15:25

Proverbs 15:25 ESV The Lord tears down the house of the proud but maintains the widow’s boundaries. []   Powerlessness is a terrifying thing. When “the enemy comes in a’roaring like a flood, coveting the kingdom, and hungering for blood,” we generally feel quite powerless. What are we against the culture’s overwhelming depravity? What are…


How to Optimize Your Child’s Future Work Life

Parents spend a lot of time, money, and energy trying to set their children up for success.  Tutors, private school, test prep, sports camps, computer programs, and more all drive up the cost of parenting.  Making sure they get to all their daily and weekly activities adds up to a lot of time even before…


Flu Poke Propaganda

We live in an age of “pragmatic expertism”, assured we can justify any action based on an ‘expert’s opinion’, a worldview where the end justifying the means. In the case of flu shots being offered in an ER setting, this means that because our CDC believes everyone should be vaccinated… therefore encouraging patients waiting in…


Proverbs 15:24

Proverbs 15:24 ESV The path of life leads upward for the prudent, that he may turn away from Sheol beneath. []   At first glance, this verse seems only a recapitulation of the truth that righteousness brings life. Indeed I thought precisely that when I first read it (and it’s not entirely wrong). Yet consider the…


Mold and the Energy Cycle

Mold Guide Series Part 12 For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and…


More Screen Time Equals Less Talking With Parents

No doubt that we live an age of technology with glittering touchscreens seemingly everywhere. Many parents and countless educators think that children need to be comfortable with the reality of computers and technology, but there is a dark side to the shiny screen. Other research demonstrates that computer-based learning is different than learning from books…


Proverbs 15:23

Proverbs 15:23 ESV To make an apt answer is a joy to a man, and a word in season, how good it is!. []   The right word at the right time means a lot. In a story, it’s the proverbial lightning. When you’re in trouble, when you’ve got a problem that’s really not working…


Licorice and Blood Pressure Elevations

Well-known is the saying, “Let food be thy medicine”.  Commonly known is the fact that any medicine can be good or bad for a given person.  Together, these statements add up to the fact that foods can also have positive or negative effects on a person’s health.  Hopefully, you already realize that the highly processed…


Severe Crohn’s Disease, Gut Bacteria, and Antibodies

As more and more research sheds light into the darkness of our colons with their billions of bacterial residents living there, we learn more and more how those bacteria interact with our immune system leading to inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s Disease.  We need these little critters inside our GI tract to provide a number…


Proverbs 15:22

Proverbs 15:22 ESV Without counsel plans fail,but with many advisers they succeed. []   Men throughout history have recognized the value of wise council. “These were hard times, heartbreaking for the prince of the Shieldings, and powerful counselors… would lend advice,” states the poem Beowulf (1). As much as we like to think that we…


Rewriting Mold, Mold and the Hormonal System

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Benefits of Eating Seasonally

Written by Stacie DeLucia If you have been looking for a new way to eat healthier, support your local community, or get your kids involved in the kitchen, try eating seasonally! If you are local to middle Tennessee, you know there are so many wonderful farms and farmers markets to explore all year round. If…


Proverbs 15:21

Proverbs 15:21 ESV Folly is a joy to him who lacks sense, but a man of understanding walks straight ahead. []   Doing stupid stuff can be a blast. Sometimes this ‘stupid stuff’ is innocent, a matter of taste, thrill-seeking balanced with the rest of life. Sometimes, though, we place our own pleasure before wisdom.…


Cortisol and PTSD Risks

We live in a fallen world, a stressful world, and too many walk through such intense stress that they develop a condition called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. For these individuals, life changes from one with sporadic stresses to one in which nearly everything becomes a source of stress. Not only do those with PTSD find…


Spiked by COVID for Years

While many bemoan the fact that science seems to be always changing, we can be thankful for the constant advancements which overturn incorrect scientific dogma. The need for such change becomes very evident in the case of COVID, a word we all hate but can’t escape. So many ‘truths’ of COVID which were promoted both…


Proverbs 15:20

Proverbs 15:20 ESV A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish man despises his mother. []   Modernity as a whole despises its ancestors. Progress is the creed of liberal and conservative alike, and we look at the past with something like contempt. Even when we honor it, we honor the past for breaking…


Rewriting Mold: Mold and the GI System

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Following Pediatric Guidelines

With a mainstream medical world harping about the importance of following CDC and consensus guidelines for the treatment of COVID 19, let’s revisit some ancient history, i.e. 2013, to see how well pediatricians follow guidelines. Researchers from Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York measured the compliance of pediatric specialists with the “American Academy of…


Proverbs 15:19

Proverbs 15:19 ESV The way of a sluggard is like a hedge of thorns, but the path of the upright is a level highway. []   ‘The path of the upright is a level highway,’ the proverb states, and this conjures to mind images of ease, of walking in comfort, of a life of pleasantness. An…


Not All Fiber is Equal

Sometimes, we need reminders. This post from 2022 reminds us how different fibers in our diet and supplements affect us differently. Get to know your fibers and let food be thy medicine with this reminder…. Both conventional and functional medicine can agree that most people in our nation need more fiber. The average American diet…


The New Gut Normal After 2020

Most of us are tired of the “new normal”, but are unsure what to do about it. Apparently, the microbiome of infants born during the pandemic lockdowns also underwent a change in the normal which may or may not return to the old normal.  In one sense their change had some positive effects in that…


Proverbs 15:18

Proverbs 15:18 ESV A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention. []   The world gives us a lot of reasons to be angry. People, politics, and the simple inconveniences of live, there’s always something else we could be angry about. It’s an easy temptation to give into.…


The Importance of the Microbiome

Written by Stacie DeLucia Did you know that the average person has about 100 trillion bacteria living in his microbiome? And within those 100 trillion, there are as many as 5,000 different species? The human microbiome is defined as the array of all the bacteria, fungi, and viruses, microorganisms that live inside of us. Most…


Rewriting Mold: Mold and Immune Health

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Proverbs 15:17

Proverbs 15:17 ESV Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it. []   Modern society is ridiculously wealthy by historical standards. You and I, simply by having the electronic device that allows us to read this, have surpassed the vast majority of people who have ever existed.…


Beware of Lantibiotics in Food

We live in an age of preservatives. Fresh food has almost become a luxury. In the health food world, we advocate that our patients shop the grocery store more around the periphery rather than down the aisles of processed and preservative filled foods. We repeat the cliché that if you can’t read the ingredient on…


Immune System Accomplices in Viral Neurodegeneration

While the mantra that ‘correlation does not equal causation’ remains quite true in medicine, we mustn’t forget that correlation does suggest connection, and connection sometimes turns out to be causation. For decades, researchers have found epidemiologic studies connecting viral illnesses and degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s. Many theories and many unsuccessful therapies have made their…


Proverbs 15:16

Proverbs 15:16 ESV Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it. []   Humans have an innately skewed ability to prioritize. We value the here-and-now, the physical, the fun over the eternal, the spiritual, and the virtuous. We see this world, and we forget the next. Christ…


Wheat and Multiple Sclerosis: The Plot Thickens

The proponents and opponents of countless fads constantly bicker back and forth over their entrenched positions on the internet.  The question of gluten, wheat, and their effect on health is old and heated.  The doubters of gluten’s negative impact on health have long dismissed this staple of the American diet as having any contribution to…


Gut-Lung Connection and Respiratory Virus Immunity

The surprising connections between the microbial residents of our gut and various human body systems continue to astound.  Medical research has uncovered many mechanisms which connect a variety of bacteria and other organisms with our brain, our immune system, our hormones, and more.  In this paper, researchers not only found a very strong correlation between…


Proverbs 15:15

Proverbs 15:15 ESV All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast. []   Contentment is a virtue hard to find and harder to hold onto. We humans are a naturally discontent people, wanting this and bewailing that with habitual regularity. I do it, you do it,…


Rewriting Mold: Mold and Psychiatric Health

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this Rewriting Mold series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Multigenerational Toxicities

In an increasingly toxic world, we could blame the government, the corporations, our neighbors, or even ourselves for our kid’s poor health secondary to toxin exposures. We can now add our parents and grandparents to the list of guilty parties, and not just because they keep sneaking candy to their grandchildren. Instead, a recent study…


Proverbs 15:14

Proverbs 15:14 ESV The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouths of fools feed on folly. []   When it comes to wisdom, what you have, you want more of. Wise people want more wisdom; foolish people want more foolishness. Why? Why shouldn’t a foolish person want wisdom or a wise…


Resveratrol’s Immune Super-Powers

(Some articles are worth republishing.  This overview of resveratrol from 2022 deserves a reading, whether or not you missed it the first time round.) While the onslaught (literally) of super-hero movies battles for our attention, we should instead consider real-life heroes in the world of natural therapies. Movie screen superheroes get the adrenaline going for…


Toxic Algae Blooms Could Hurt You

We live in a fallen world filled with thorns that can pierce us literally and figuratively, leaving their marks on our health. While walking through this world of thorns and toxins, we should keep our eyes open in order to avoid as many as we can and minimize the impact of those we cannot fully…


Proverbs 15:13

Proverbs 15:13 ESV A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed. []   We spend a lot of time trying to be happy all the time. It doesn’t work, but we try anyway. Everybody does. Some use drugs. Some use a credit card and trips to Walmart.…


The Superheroes of Functional Therapy

(Originally published in February of 2022, this is a good resource to remember for all of our patients and those who want to maintain a healthy life, therefore worth the “Rerun”.) Let’s step back from individual therapies that a functional medicine provider might recommend for our patients and consider the bigger picture: natural therapies versus…


Mold Legal Resources and Hope

(Originally published in January of 2022, this is a good resource to remember for our mold patients and therefore worth the “Rerun”.) When mold toxicity strikes you or your family, you often feel very alone.  No one seems to understand.  Friends may back away from spending time together hearing about your random symptoms.  Family may…


Proverbs 15:12

Proverbs 15:12 ESV A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will not go to the wise. []   Who are the wise among us? It’s not an easy question. Rich people, maybe? But let’s be honest, rich people can be remarkably stupid. Worse, a lot of them are downright evil. What about poor…


Rewriting Mold: “Mold and the Nervous System”

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Adverse Childhood Events and Chronic Pain

More and more research keeps coming back on the effects of what we call Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) in a person’s life.  While no normal person seeks to cause harm to children regardless of the downstream effects, acknowledging the impacts of such ACEs on individuals and society helps guide further research into both prevention and…


Proverbs 15:11

Proverbs 15:11 ESV Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the Lord; how much more the hearts of the children of man! []   Who really understands mankind? Our hearts are obscured even to us, and we all know that we haven’t the faintest shot at completely comprehending those closest to us. There’s always some new…


Having Your Cake and Eating Your Supplements

The internet promises a thousand and one miracles of healing if you’ll just take this or that supplement. Unfortunately, this marketing works. Otherwise they wouldn’t keep spending their money on the ads. Now don’t get me wrong. You should just dump your supplement bottles in the trash without further deliberation. There is a role for…


Another Bright Idea to Treat Lyme Disease

Innovation deserves recognition, especially when it involves a bright new idea applied to an old problem like Lyme disease.  While I am not a big fan of Duke University- I graduated from University of Kentucky-, I have to give these Duke scientists credit for their pharmaceutical engineering.  By connecting a transport molecule to a light…


Proverbs 15:10

Proverbs 15:10 ESV There is severe discipline for him who forsakes the way; whoever hates reproof will die. []   We’re all sinners. I sin, you sin, your kid sins, your parents sin, and the president of the United States sins (though I don’t know what we expected from that last one). On this earth,…


‘Dr. Google’ versus Science on Women’s Exercise

In an age of internet, our favorite search engine gets consulted on countless questions of life, including the medical ones. Such access does help a lot of people care for themselves and for their families more easily and effectively. It also empowers patients who want to interact with their health care providers on a more…


Special Report: COVID Vaccine Lawsuits

Times are changing, sometimes for the worse, sometimes for the better. New challenges force old systems to adapt or get out of the way. In this case, the linked article describes an ongoing legal case filed in the Western District of Louisiana, vaccine injured individuals are arguing that the current Health and Human Services program…


Proverbs 15:9

Proverbs 15:9 ESV The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but he loves him who pursues righteousness. []   Christianity is antithetical to laziness. For us individuals, though, it’s easy to try and live our lives in moral equilibrium. We go from one day to the next, content in the assurance…


Rewriting Mold – Unexplained Symptoms

Many of our patients come to Sanctuary Functional Medicine because some other medical provider or providers were unable to fully explain their symptoms. When an exhausted patient and their family walk into our clinic, we want to be able to provide the missing explanations by keeping an open mind and thinking broadly in our search…


Adverse Childhood Experiences Hit Our Brains

We have probably all heard the rock and a hard place dilemma, where you have to choose between two negative options or outcomes.  Most of the time, there are other options besides the two offered in the hypothetical situation.  In a recent study, researchers created such a situation for lab rats to compare the effects…


Proverbs 15:8

Proverbs 15:8 ESV The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright is acceptable to him. []     Heresy has dogged the steps of Israel and the church since its earliest days. In the days of Moses, the Israelites- at least the less honest of them-…


NrF2 and the Supplements that Boost This Antioxidant Pathway

Given the constant internal and external bombardment of our cells by oxidative stress, without a control system we would crumble under the biochemical strain. On the inside, our bodies produce countless reactive oxygen or nitrogen species which could damage other cell and tissue structures. From the outside, our fallen and inflammatory world creates another set…


How Nutrient Deficiencies Increase Microbial Resistance

While COVID 19 continues to fill the headlines like a past-his-prime football player who refuses to retire, a likely greater challenge in medicine arises from various bacterial infections that are growing stronger and more resistant to antibiotics. Even before 2020’s disastrous debut of COVID, many had been sounding the alarm over the growing number of…


Digital Devices for Calming Children Backfires

  We see it everywhere these days, eyes glued to smartphones and tablets.  This includes children of parents who hand over these digital devices to their young children to get them to calm down so mom or dad can take care of some pressing interaction like a doctor visit or simple car ride without behavior…


Gut Inflammation Marker in Children with Autism

(Continuing highlights from recent MAPS pediatric functional medicine conference.  Refer back for prior articles from this enlightening conference and stay tuned for future articles on recent autism research findings like this one.) With the rising prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder pressing itself upon not only the children and their parents, but upon society as a…


How to Have a Healthy Family Table

The American College of Pediatricians serves as an alternative to the mainstream and more well known American Academy of Pediatrics.  They are far more conservative and attempt to provide a voice of reason in several areas affecting parents and their children’s pediatricians.  Recently they asked their membership to share the attached handout about encouraging families…


“Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life”

Day 12 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life” On this 12th and final day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I wanted to share some images that help illustrate some of my ideas of the Abundant Life we talk about at SFM. We…


“Eleven Favorite Supplements”

Day 11 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Eleven Favorite Supplements” “On this, the 11th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” we offer eleven video clips of some of Sanctuary’s favorite supplements. These all-stars stand out due to their ability to provide multiple benefits in one dose. I…


Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving

Day 10 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”  On the 10th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” we not only encourage you to do at least 10 minutes of exercise per day but provide 10 exercise ideas to fit into…


“9 Favorite Psalms”

Day 9 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “9 Favorite Psalms” “On this 9th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” the staff at Sanctuary will be sharing some of their favorite Psalms. May your meditation upon these Psalms bless your season. We encourage others to look to the Psalms…


8: “Memory is a Marvelous Gift”

Day 8 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Memory is a Marvelous Gift” “On the 8th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I want to highlight memory. We hold traditions and affections in our memory. Our memories often help shape who we are in the present. We encourage…


Day 7 of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas

Welcome to the 7th day of a Sanctuary Christmas. Today we share 7 of my favorite blogs from the past year. in no particular order. Dehumanizing Mold The Dehumanizing Work of Mold Inflammatory Pathways in Autism Inflammatory Pathways in Autism Lyme Meets COVID and We Groan Lyme Meets COVID and We Groan Empathizing with ChatGPT…


“Five Minutes of Real Rest”

Day 5 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Five Minutes of Real Rest” “Rest… It can be an elusive concept in today’s frenetic world. Many things interfere with rest: newborns, toxins, stress, anxiety, illness, schedules, LIFE! And this time of the year it seems to get worse. Despite its elusive nature, rest…


“Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value”

Day 2 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value” “We all recognize Christmas as a season of gift giving. Have you ever stopped to think about the lasting value of the gifts that you give? Often, I have found that the gifts that I…


“One Dose of Conquering Peace”

Day 1 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “One Dose of Conquering Peace” At Sanctuary Functional Medicine, our patients come to us seeking restoration. An important part of that restoring process includes finding relief from the chaos that chronic illness has brought into their lives. That chaos comes in many different forms.…


10 Tips for Navigating Holiday Parties

<!– wp:tadv/classic-paragraph –> <div><img class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-22946″ src=”×360-1-300×150.jpeg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”150″ /></div> <div>Sanctuary’s own nutritionist has some tips to share today!</div> <div> </div> <div> <div> <div>10 Tips for Navigating the Holiday Parties</div> <div> </div> </div> <div> <div>1. Make sure to stay hydrated with plenty of clean, filtered water. 1/2 your body weight in ounces is approximately what…


Proverbs 15:7

Proverbs 15:7 ESV The lips of the wise spread knowledge; not so the hearts of fools. []   If a wise man’s lips spread knowledge, and we desire to be wise, we must choose to follow the course of the wise man and spread knowledge. We must not be like the fool, whose heart hides…


Rewriting Mold: Why the Increased Frequency?

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Hormones Increase Teen Impulsiveness

The study of interest today seems pretty “Duh!” Just about every parent will attest to the effects of teenage hormones on their sweet little pre-teen.  But there is something here much more critical to the future health of our children!  This study looked at the effects of synthetic hormones known popularly as “birth control” or…


Proverbs 15:6

Proverbs 15:6 ESV In the house of the righteous there is much treasure, but trouble befalls the income of the wicked. []   The common line of modern church thought is that the promises of the Old Testament in regards to prosperity in this present life were for that time and not this. Or it’s…


Practical Sources of Neurotransmitters

While we as humans are clearly more than the sum of our neurotransmitters, this group of chemicals do play a significant role in our experience of life, running feelings, thoughts, and actions, the stuff make us who we are. Have you ever pondered where these little chemical influencers come from? No, I am not talking…


Exercising Your Immune T Cells

The medical literature is replete with oodles of studies and articles supporting the benefits of exercise for everything under the sun. Some call it one of the strongest medicines available for the treatment of chronic illness. While we know how good it is, we don’t always know why it works for so many conditions. In…


Proverbs 15:5 – Part Two

Proverbs 15:5 ESV A fool despises his father’s instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is prudent. []   Man does not have the right to ignore true authority. God’s authority over man is without exception and absolute (1 Sam. 2:10). It should be to our joy, then, that His authority is not only perfect but, to…


Rewriting Mold: Why Me?

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Sluggish Brains from Fluoride

The internet serves as a sort of battlefield of opinions for so many topics, from medicine to politics to religion. The debate over the safety of fluoride has been one of those channels you could tune into whenever you wanted to watch the two sides grapple, wielding not just opinions but studies to try and…


Proverbs 15:5 – Part One

Proverbs 15:5 ESV A fool despises his father’s instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is prudent. []   We humans hate authority. Toddlers are the most honest about it; they regard ‘no’ as a horror beyond belief. Unfortunately, as much as we like to think otherwise, we don’t really leave our instinctive hatred for the word…


Precision Nutrition and Omega 3’s

The internet bombards us with countless promises of the perfect diet or nutrition plan to melt off pounds, make us feel 20 again, and even optimize our bedroom activities. Millions are searching for how to improve their health in a variety of ways and therefore chase after these perfect plans. Sometimes, they land on the…


Microglia Clearance of Candida and Alzheimer’s Disease

With research reporting that Candida albicans has been found in the brains of some patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders despite any obvious signs of acute illness, researchers have taken more interest in understanding the mechanisms behind this correlation. Alzheimer’s disease has been on the rise for decades, and so have its correlations…


Proverbs 15:4

Proverbs 15:4 ESV A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. []   Sometimes when those you love are hurting, you just want to shake them. They’re begin stupid, they’re being slow, can’t they just get better and stop hurting so much. More shamefully, and we don’t like…


Mold Re-Writing Mold: Infection, Allergy, Toxicity

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Post-Partum Depressed Daddy

I must admit when I run across something that I had not considered before.  In this case, the possibility of new dads experiencing post-partum depression had not crossed my mind.  We all think about moms with their hormone fluctuations and sleep deprivation as being at risk for post-partum depression.  The researchers in this study noted…


Proverbs 15:3

Proverbs 15:3 ESV The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. []   Surveillance is a fact of modern life. You might be in London and China, where cameras watch your every move; you might be on eBay or Netflix, where your information is (probably) fodder…


Novel News on 1918

In this case, old news can become new “news” when we realize that the old news missed the mark the first time. For decades, the general belief held by medicine and history was that the 1918 flu epidemic affected healthy individuals at the same rate as those with pre-existing illness. At the time, medical providers…


Fraternal Twins: Long Colds, Long COVID

Possibly the only positive effect of SARS CoV2’s COVID19 is the amount of money pouring into viral research.  With so many millions affected by this virus that we all wish would disappear, the number of research papers looking at treatment and prevention are growing exponentially.  While the main focus of each study centers on COVID…


Proverbs 15:2

Proverbs 15:2 ESV The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly. []   We expect good things from good people, bad things from bad people, and lies from politicians. This is as it should be, but it’s only the beginning of the truth this verse points to: the…


Rewriting Mold: Pediatric Mold Toxicity

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Exercising Children to Lower Cortisol

Why do we need scientific studies to convince us that common sense was right in the first place? On one hand, sometimes common sense is not exactly right and studies disprove myths and legends. On the other hand, we are limited as humans in our knowledge and insight such that biases and blind spots can…


Proverbs 15:1

Proverbs 15:1 ESV A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. []   Proverbs is known as a book of practical advice, and today’s verse is one of the reasons why. This verse admonishes us to consider the impact of our words and actions. Harshness encourages anger, and gentleness discourages…


Ginger-ly Treat Your Autoimmune Disease

Whether you stand on the conventional side of medicine or the functional side of medicine, we all love research that supports what we already believe and do.  There can be a risk of confirmation bias from only acknowledging study findings that we like, but as studies uncover the actual mechanisms of a supplement’s actions, we…


Adolescent Brain Inflammation and Depression

Our world continues to fill with emotionally suffering people of all ages, and yet how can we be surprised as a society that mental health is suffering under the stress put on both adults and children? While many are willing to acknowledge the stress of the 2020’s and its contributions, we should not stop there…


Proverbs 14:35

Proverbs 14:35 ESV A servant who deals wisely has the king’s favor, but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully. []   We live in a world which rewards evildoing, to all appearance. In politics, evil men prosper, are raised up by their fellows to great heights of power and wealth, exercise their ill…


Rewriting Mold: Introducing CIRS

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Babies Breathe Pollution Before Born

While a mom’s belly should be the safest place for a developing baby to start his life, his mom’s exposure to toxins will affect the children’s life even after birth.  The evidence is clear: prenatal toxins and stressors can matter to his future.  Besides adding to this evidence, this study also confirms biological individuality.  Not…


Proverbs 14:34

Proverbs 14:34 ESV Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. []   How do we assess the nations we live in, the governments we live under, the peoples we are born amidst? We could run calculations and figure out the local or national GDP; we could consider how much we…


Mold Detox: A Personal Introduction

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let the upcoming series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold Symptoms…


Mandating Solutions to Childhood Obesity?

Practically all statistics agree with our eyes: obesity is a problem, a problem that includes too many children.  Various sources will corroborate that the average Body Mass Index (BMI) has risen and is continuing to rise.  This index compares a person’s height to their weight to determine if they are a healthy weight for their…


Proverbs 14:33

Proverbs 14:33 ESV Wisdom rests in the heart of a man of understanding, but it makes itself known even in the midst of fools. []   Wisdom is recognizable. Even the most foolish of men occasionally has a good idea; even the most foolish can recognize wisdom. We are, after all, made in the image…


COVID Genetics of HLA

The HLA (Human Leukocytes Antigen) gene group plays a critical role in determining if and how we respond to various antigens inside and outside our bodies.  Without getting into the finer details, these genes basically provide the extremely wide variety of binding surfaces to identify and to respond to any foreign substance that we encounter…


Chemical Intolerance and Its Triggers

“Research has increasingly shown that toxic mold is much more dangerous than was previously recognized.”  This quote from the study article out of The University of Texas health Science Center at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio) is like a breath of fresh air for those of us in the mold detox world.  While their…


Proverbs 14:32

Proverbs 14:32 ESV The wicked is overthrown through his evildoing, but the righteous finds refuge in his death. []   Isaiah 57:1 echoes (in much more poetic terms) a sentiment that our lives and our world urges on us perpetually: “The righteous man perishes, and no one lays it to heart; devout men are taken…


Probiotics for Multiple Sclerosis

The recognition that our gut and its countless bacterial residents play a major role in our overall health is now widespread.  Thankfully, more and more research money has been dedicated to uncovering the very complex relationships between these microscopic organisms, their metabolic by-products, and our biochemistry.  In this study, one particular bacterial by-product was used…


COVID-19 Vaccination: Effective for Pregnant Women?

Discernment in an age of disinformation requires methodical consideration of the full pictures when deciding what approach you take to health during your pregnancy.  So many promises of health and well-being on the internet encourage an expecting mom to make a checklist and check off their boxes for a guaranteed healthy baby.  That list should…


Proverbs 14:31

Proverbs 14:31 ESV Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him. []   God made man in His image. The Fall marred that image but did not destroy it. Therefore, when man harms his fellow man, he assaults the image of God, not mere arrangements of…


Justice Prevails in a Mold Case

As with many in the non-conventional world, even lawyers who are fighting for other’s rights to a mold-safe home have a story behind their work.  Attorney Kristina Baehr, founder of Just Well Law, PLLC, had to fight for her own family’s justice and won in Texas recently after years of effort. Mrs. Baehr founded her…


Sounding the Alarm on Child Health

The health of our nation continues to decline both in terms of adult’s cardiometabolic health and in terms of the age at which poor cardiometabolic health begins.  While we watch the rates of diabetes, strokes, and heart attacks increase in adults, we have to wake up and realize that the tsunami of poor cardiometabolic health…


Proverbs 14:30

Proverbs 14:30 ESV A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. []   The idea of calm is antithetical to modernity. Social media, politics, and the thousand other things we put time into suck us up and portion us out into frenetic, burying bundles of ‘what’s next?’, and I…


Fake Sweets, Real Fat

If only healthy living allowed you to have your sugar-stuffed cake and eat it too.  Years of nutritional research, along with billions of dollars, have gone into letting us enjoy the sweetness of sugar without the extra calories and pounds it brings.  We’ve wanted to believe that with the help of artificial sweeteners we’ve been…


Mental Health Special Session and a Sanctuary Announcement

While mental health statistics for our nation and state can be helpful in some ways, they are unhelpful in others.  Stating that a fire exists is not enough to get rid of the fire, and we don’t need statistics from the CDC to know that our society is really messed up right now.  We should…


Proverbs 14:29

Proverbs 14:29 ESV Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. []   We like to reduce theology and morality to the simplest possible set of commands. “Don’t kill,” we say- and then get all tripped up about war, capital punishment, and (most commonly) self-defense. “Don’t…


Meet Your Mycotoxin: Zearalenone

Mold is everywhere, so they say.  ‘They’ refers to mainstream medicine as they try to convince you that mold toxicity cannot be causing your symptoms.  They challenge you to explain how a little chemical called a mycotoxin made by little molds that are all around us could somehow make you feel as horrible as you…


Breastmilk Win Over Cerebral Palsy

Breastmilk has scored many wins in recent years as scientists repeatedly uncover new ways this amazing substance benefits human health from infancy into adulthood.  So many life critical and life enhancing substances have been isolated from breastmilk.  So many disease processes have been demonstrated to be influenced by the duration of breastfeeding, including asthma and…


Proverbs 14:28

Proverbs 14:28 ESV In a multitude of people is the glory of a king, but without people a prince is ruined. []   For humans, the glory of being a leader is bound up in those led. In paintings and in popular memory, perhaps, the shiny medals and the impressive title and the energetic speeches…


Sniff Your Way to Brain Health

As our nation ages, individual and societal concern for brain health continues to skyrocket.  Billions of research dollars go into finding the latest drug breakthrough or new therapy that might reverse dementia with its memory loss and cognitive processing issues.  Others look at the preventive side hoping to avoid the decline in the first place…


Ketogenic T Cells

With old and new viruses running amok and disrupting our lives, nearly everyone is searching for an extra immunity boost.  While billions are poured into attempts at finding the next wonder drug, others are searching for those simple hacks of daily life that can get the odds to favor us when we next encounter a…


Proverbs 14:27

Proverbs 14:27 ESV The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death. []   The world is dangerous to body and soul. Toes can be stubbed, fingers can get squashed, and cars can crash into each other at distressingly high speeds. Temptation is ever…


Celebrity Mold Life

We can idolize the lives of the Hollywood elites or bemoan the insanity of their worldviews, but in the end they are still human and thus susceptible to the toxins of our moldy world.  In this brief news headline, Tori Spelling, best known for her role in Beverly Hills 90210, tells of her experience with…


Arsenic and Pediatric Heart Disease

While many parents lament the effects of heavy metal music on their teen’s heart strings, all parents should be aware of the effects that actual heavy metals may have on their even younger children’s physical hearts.  Living in a toxic world, we and our precious little ones breathe, eat, and drink toxins from countless sources…


Proverbs 14:26

Proverbs 14:26 ESV In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge. []   The world is a precarious place nowadays. Politics are crazy (whatever position you hold), false religions are abounding (from child murder to mere castration, the rituals are impressively depraved), and the economy is……


Babies and Gut Viruses

While the world of microbiome research has been exploding for some time (thankfully not literally- that would involve fresh poop flying everywhere), the gut virome approaches on the horizon with new discoveries of unknown viruses in baby poop.  Whereas most gut related bacteria have been identified in recent years, this study found over 200 families…


Meet Your Mycotoxin: Ochratoxin A

Series Intro Mold is everywhere, so they say. “They” refers to mainstream medicine as they try to convince you that mold toxicity cannot be causing your symptoms. They challenge you to explain how a little chemical called a mycotoxin made by little molds that are all around us could somehow make you feel as horrible…


Proverbs 14:25

Proverbs 14:25 ESV A truthful witness saves lives, but one who breathes out lies is deceitful. []   We often condense the ninth commandment (Ex. 20:16) to ‘don’t lie’, and very often, the summarization is perfectly valid. Not lying, usually, is sufficient to avoid bearing false witness against your neighbor. Yet the ninth commandment, like…


How Can Healthcare Be Spiritually Harmful?

In a past article I suggested that some forms of healthcare could be spiritually harmful to Christians but did not explain nor name names.  Though I will again avoid name calling, I do want to encourage and equip Christians with this article in regard to discerning which healthcare practices might contradict their profession of Biblical…


Why Christian Healthcare at Sanctuary

Anyone who more than glances at Sanctuary Functional Medicine’s website will notice something peculiar: the blatant Christian nature of what we profess.  This bluntness has provoked both explicit, to-my-face comments and rumors that I only hear second hand.   Speaking in generalities, more than 9 in 10 have been glad or grateful to have a clinic…


Proverbs 14:24

Proverbs 14:24 ESV The crown of the wise is their wealth, but the folly of fools brings folly. []   Nuclear bombs and foolishness have something in common: they are, barring divine intervention, self-perpetuating phenomenon, at least until the side effects blow the whole thing to smithereens. See, that’s another way they’re alike. Nuclear bombs…


Immune Diets

The concept that ‘food is medicine’ is growing like wild kudzu through the medical world, prompting more and more research like this study on how diet can affect diarrheal infections.  This is more than just the “BRAT” diet of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast after the diarrhea has passed, meant to allow your intestines to…


ALS and Omega 3s

Correlation is not causation, but when researchers find that higher levels of specific omega 3 fatty acids and an omega 6 fatty acid do correlate with longer survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, they take note to research further.  Researchers from Harvard found the link intriguing, though they caution against too much excitement, but those of…


Proverbs 14:23

Proverbs 14:23 ESV In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty. []   It’s an unfortunate reality of life that when we try to get our jobs done by talking about getting them done, nothing really happens. At some point, you have to sit down, buckle up, and get to…


Longer Meals and Better Child Health

Parents spend a lot of time and energy trying to get their children to eat more veggies.  They also have less and less time, what with the pressures of modern life, to actually get this done.  The number and variety of games parents and children play to eat another carrot or ‘a single bite of…


Meet Your Mycotoxin: Aflatoxin

Series Intro (repeated from the last entry): old is everywhere, so they say. “They” refers to mainstream medicine as they try to convince you that mold toxicity cannot be causing your symptoms. They challenge you to explain how a little chemical called a mycotoxin made by little molds that are all around us could somehow…


Proverbs 14:22

Proverbs 14:22 ESV Do they not go astray who devise evil? Those who devise good meet steadfast love and faithfulness. []   The fine art of misinterpreting the Bible is an old and honored profession, a favorite of prelate, king, and common man alike. The early Christians anticipated the destruction of Jerusalem by getting rid…


Sucralose is Splendid for Cancer

While we know that excess sugar in the diet contributes to a multitude of health risks, we as a society still long for that sweet taste in our foods.  For that reason, the industry of artificial sweeteners has bloomed to fill that longing with the taste without the calories.  If sweetness were the only criteria,…


Autoimmune Form of Schizophrenia

As researchers search for the yet to be discovered mechanism behind schizophrenia, they have traced some cases of this psychiatric condition back to an autoimmune connection- at least in mice.  As with many neuropsychiatric diseases, multiple different triggers can lead to similar symptomatic pictures for the person afflicted.  The search for answers and therapies requires…


Proverbs 14:21

Proverbs 14:21 ESV Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor. []   Today’s verse is the moral counterbalance to last week’s realism. Last week, we got the realpolitik of the situation, the way things are whether we like it or not: people like people who…


Metal in the Fruit Juice

One of the “wonders” of modern life for parents running from one kid event to another includes the availability of small boxes of juice prepackaged for storage, transport, and consumption with less risk of spilled juice in the car.  While this option for parents makes like easier in this hectic fallen world, it does come…


Meet Your Mycotoxin: Deoxynivalenol (DON)

Mold is everywhere, so they say.  “They” refers to mainstream medicine as they try to convince you that mold toxicity cannot be causing your symptoms.  They challenge you to explain how a little chemical called a mycotoxin made by little molds that are all around us could somehow make you feel as horrible as you…


Proverbs 14:20

Proverbs 14:20 ESV The poor is disliked even by his neighbor, but the rich has many friends. []   ‘Unpleasant but true’ is a fittingly unpleasant commonality. Today’s proverb fits that category well, pointing out as it does the human tendency to align our affections to petty, selfish reasons. We like powerful people, the ones…


Effects of Maternal Vitamin D on Infant’s Dopamine Pathways

Our lives are the products of a lifetime of deficiencies or excesses mixed with genetics, beginning before we were born.  We can grow up with too little nutrients or too many toxins.  In attempts to understand how brains grow into adult brains with abnormalities like schizophrenia, researchers have looked at the dopamine neurotransmitter pathway and…


Too Sweet for IBD

For all that a patient recently told me that their GI doctor dismissed the effects of their diet on their Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) symptoms, a recent study demonstrates a likely mechanism by which sugar worsens IBD severity.  With around 3 million or more in the United States suffering from Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis,…


Proverbs 14:19

Proverbs 14:19 ESV The evil bow down before the good, the wicked at the gates of the righteous. []   Aside from its translation using one of my favorite rhetorical devices, zeugma, this verse also promises to the righteous what we so often find difficult to hope for, much less expect: victory, true and abiding.…


Excerpts on Mold: Replay 1

For a few years, we have not only cared for countless patients with mold toxicity, we have also worked to educate the public about the dangers of mold and the remedies against the effects of mold toxins.  One of our public education efforts has been a site called  We launched it by sharing excerpts…


Pesticides, Autism and ADHD

In another research summary review from my recent MedMAPS conference (see prior blogs for more details and summaries), researchers analyzed available studies considering whether pesticides may increase risks for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder when their moms were exposed during pregnancy.  With the growing prevalence of these neurodevelopmental conditions, those of us…


Proverbs 14:18

Proverbs 14:18 ESV The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. []   Preparation is the nine-tenths success, the saying goes. Making bread is significantly easier if you have the flour, the eggs, the clear space on your kitchen counter, and an idea of what exactly making bread involves. None of us,…


Empathy: From ChatGPT?

Like many of you, I could do without another story about Artificial Intelligence and how it will revolutionize your health or life beyond your wildest dreams.  We are constantly hearing more implementations of AI technology to make our lives easier, yet I for one am skeptical.  For years, I have doubted that such technology can…


Cranberry Prevents UTIs

The history of natural medicine offers countless myths and legends, both justifying the objections of nay-sayers and intriguing the open-minded in their search for answers to their own health challenges or for their patients.   Cranberry juice and its promises for preventing bladder infections have long enticed sufferers to imbibe either the sharp juice or its…


Proverbs 14:17

Proverbs 14:17 ESV A man of quick temper acts foolishly, and a man of evil devices is hated. []   ‘Evil devices’ may, if you’re of a particularly fanciful bent, conjure up images of techno-contraptions, Bond villain death traps, and printers that never work right. That’s not really what it means, though, as a quick comparison…


Some Mold Stories Worth Repeating

Over the years, we have addressed mold from many angles through a multitude of article reviews and news stories.  Our aim is always to equip our readers and our patients with information and wisdom that benefits them or their family.  As we do this, there are some articles so full of great learning points that…


Gut Inflammation Marker in Children with Autism

(Continuing highlights from recent MAPS pediatric functional medicine conference.  Refer back for prior articles from this enlightening conference and stay tuned for future articles on recent autism research findings like this one.) With the rising prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder pressing itself upon not only the children and their parents, but upon society as a…


Proverbs 14:16

Proverbs 14:16 ESV One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless. []   The trap of ‘just a little bit’ is a potent one. Just a little bit of sin, after all, seems so harmless. Stealing a banana at the grocery store, being just a…


What You Can Do to Prevent COVID

We must face the fact that COVID happens, but we must also realize that we can change how it happens to us.  As was emphasized by many early in the pandemic, this virus was destined to become endemic along with the flu and other common viruses.  Eradication of most viral diseases is a pipe dream…


Spinning Lyme to Fit Their Narrative

We live in an age where the news, including medical research reports, can be spun in so many different directions to hide the truth that we all know.  Researchers reported that a “notably small percentage of children took longer than six months to recover from Lyme disease” but their definition of “notably small percentage” is…


Proverbs 14:15

Proverbs 14:15 ESV The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps. []   Every day, you are presented with the same choice a myriad of times: do I believe what I am told or do I not? You can’t believe everything you’re told- that leads to stupidity like treating diseases with…


Autism, Allergies, and Autoimmunity

Welcome to the twelfth in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring…


Autism and Developmental Pathways Derangements

Welcome to the eleventh in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter. MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder). This Spring…


Proverbs 14:14

Proverbs 14:14 ESV The backslider in heart will be filled with the fruit of his ways, and a good man will be filled with the fruit of his ways. []   The contrast today is similar to, but not precisely the same as, a theme we’ve encountered often in Proverbs, as recently as verse 11…


Methylene Blue for Tick Borne Infections

Medical research would seem to hinge on the brand-new therapies coming out of major research labs pouring millions of dollars into the latest and greatest.  Research into using an “out-dated” therapy like methylene blue would seem a waste of time.   It now appears that the glory of those days has passed as we move into…


Recovery from Chronic Illness Takes Time

Welcome to our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring Conference focused not…


Proverbs 14:13

Proverbs 14:13 ESV Even in laughter the heart may ache, and the end of joy may be grief. []   The Bible can be a real downer. Sin, judgement, taxes… they’re all unpleasant things to confront. This verse is, honestly, among those unpleasant topics. As will become clear with an understanding of its context, though, this…


Lyme Meets COVID and We Groan

While none of us like to hear the newest, a-bit-longer-than-four letter curse word, COVID, research into the pathophysiology or mechanisms of acute and chronic COVID illness has helped us understand Lyme disease better.  Clinical experience in adult and pediatric functional medicine clinics confirms that both of these debilitating diseases work through common inflammatory pathways.  In…


Pathophysiology of Lyme

Welcome to the seventh essay in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This…


Proverbs 14:12

Proverbs 14:12 ESV There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. []   The number of utopian solutions to society is beyond counting. The number of times you’ve thought, “That’s a great idea!” is also likely beyond counting, at least if you’re given to enthusiasm.…


PANS and PANDAS Can Be Treated

In the prior article, I began with a story about Little Johnny who turned into a different Johnny after an infection of some sort which left his parents searching for answers.  While the story is fictional (you can read in the prior article) it combines pieces of several stories by parents in our practice over…


PANS and PANDAS: From Little Johnny to Mr. Hyde

Little Johnny loved his brothers and sisters since he was old enough to play with older brother Jack and younger sister Susy.  For the first 7 years, they would enjoy Saturdays, playing happily under the sun in their back yard with neighbors and visiting cousins.  Then, one morning in his 7th April, Johnny woke up…


Proverbs 14:11

Proverbs 14:11 ESV The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. []   The idea of family heritage often gets sidelined in American culture. We pride ourselves on being individualistic; we pride ourselves on being self-made, not reliant on others for our achievements. The Bible, though, doesn’t…


Gut Centrality in Pediatric Health: Part Two

Welcome to the third in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring…


Gut Centrality in Pediatric Health: Part One

Welcome to the third in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring…


Proverbs 14:10

Proverbs 14:10 ESV The heart knows its own bitterness, and no stranger shares its joy. []   No matter how well someone knows you, ultimately they are a different person. Nobody can literally feel somebody else’s happiness or somebody else’s bitterness; nobody can quite grasp the fullness of somebody else’s emotions. Sympathy, empathy, psychopathy, it…


Sulforaphane: Broccoli v Autism

Welcome to the first in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring…


Cerebral Folate Deficiency and Autism

               Welcome to the first in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This…


Proverbs 14:9

Proverbs 14:9 ESV Fools mock at the guilt offering, but the upright enjoy acceptance. []   Getting a gift you really wanted- the next book in your favorite series, two hours extra of sleep, etc.- is an occasion of joy. Most people, when they open such a gift or understand its reality, are glad, accepting…


Announcing Special Conference Pediatric Series

A regular mental exercise routine of reading the latest research keeps a functional medicine doctor like myself sharp and able to apply the latest research findings to the care of patients.  Without reading and writing these articles, my mental muscles could get rusty and stiff.  This weekly habit is great and all, but now and…


Breathing Better Air for Your Health

Medical research boasts thousands upon thousands of studies which prove common sense. In this case, researchers wanted to confirm that improved air quality in Stockholm, Sweden, during a person’s childhood would lead to improved lung function into adulthood.  While this seems hardly worth the time and effort to prove, such studies justify policy changes and…


Proverbs 14:8

Proverbs 14:8 ESV The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools is deceiving. []   “Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit,” says Matthew 15:14, and Christ isn’t talking about literal blind men here. He’s…


Exercise Your Mood into Shape

We live in depressed and anxious world today.  With the increasing isolation and abounding fear  intensified with the events of 2020, more and more are facing depression and anxiety as a part of daily life.  The hope of recovery in conventional medicine has long resorted to either medications or admonitions to pull oneself by their…


Milking Eosinophilic Esophagitis

While the cause or causes of the increase in allergic disorders is hotly debated, one must acknowledge the obvious increase in food reactions across the population.  One of the diseases we are seeing more often is a condition called eosinophilic esophagitis.  With an increasing number of patients experiencing this frustrating illness, more therapies are being…


Proverbs 14:7

Proverbs 14:7 ESV Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge. []   As is appropriate for a doctor’s website, today’s proverb is about an infection. This infection, however, is of the spirit, not the body. Being around fools, particularly when you listen to them, is bad for…


Fusarium Toxin T2 and Brain Damage

Much debate exists over the effects of mold toxins or mycotoxins on the health of humans in water damaged buildings.  Despite the plethora of animal research and the multitudes of patients with clear cases of mold toxicity, the wider medical world has its doubts.  They must admit the more unusual cases of third world food…


Children, Makeup, and Cancer

If the commercial for kid’s lip gloss and face glitter included a warning that these products might cause cancer, few parents would feel compelled to give into their child’s begging.  Obviously, life is never that easy or that simple.  Since no producer of these products would ever willingly profess such abuse of trust, we must…


Proverbs 14:6

Proverbs 14:6 ESV A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding. []   Any parent who has tried to teach math or grammar or colors or table manners to their kid can tell you one thing with certainty: the student’s attitude matters a lot. A kid that wants…


Moments with Mold

Only someone with mold toxicity illness will completely understand this, although many other chronic unexplained illness sufferers will share many of these emotions.  You are told by conventional doctors that it is all in your head.  You find out that your house or your workspace is making you sick.  You have to throw away a…


Inflammatory Pathways in Autism

If you have seen one child with autism, you have seen one child with autism.  This statement rises from the reality that we are still struggling to wrap our heads around the multiple causes of autism.  This disease affecting now millions of children appears to vary not only in severity but in what appears to…


Proverbs 14:5

Proverbs 14:5 ESV A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies. []   This proverb seems like a set of two truisms everybody already understood, but it highlights an important truth: people, even in the most important circumstances (especially in those circumstances), lie. Sometimes this lying seems inconsequential, like whether…


Houttuynia Review

In functional medicine, we apply both the best of natural and the best of conventional medicine to bear upon the root and the fruit of whole person dysfunction.  This means understanding the therapies we use in terms of their mechanisms and targets and applying them in a personalized fashion to each patient.  In order to…


Macrophages Prefer Low Salt Diets

Much of our time in providing functional medicine care is spent in establishing balance in a patient’s body.  Too little or too much of just about anything can be bad for the person sitting across from us.  Take salt for example.  It has gotten such bad press relating to blood pressure and heart disease that…


Proverbs 14:4

Proverbs 14:4 ESV Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox. []   No food means no people, so we have to get food. The process of getting that food, however, has some icky bits. For ancient Israel, it was the ox, with its…


Understanding the East Palestine Disaster: Part Two

Read Part One here. As promised from my recent post on how to think about the recent Ohio train incident, there are a number of things you can do even while experts sort out the scientific facts and storyline of what happened and what will happen.   The first two steps are things we should all…


Understanding the East Palestine Disaster: Part One

One might ask how we can know so little about something that everyone is talking about?  After 2020 & COVID, we should realize that in times of crisis, talking and ignorance often coexist. Now, with so many facts still being debated and (probably) many facts being withheld or hidden, let us consider how to look…


Proverbs 14:3

Proverbs 14:3 ESV By the mouth of a fool comes a rod for his back, but the lips of the wise will preserve them. []   Ever said something you really, really shouldn’t have? We’ve all done it, me not the least, and we’ve all regretted it, sometimes five seconds later, sometimes (the worst times)…


Food Addictions Abounds

Given that our society is obsessed with self-fulfillment, one should not be surprised that foods are one of the many ways that humans seek happiness.  A recent survey indicated that high percentages of different groups between 50 and 80 years of age exhibit an unhealthy relationship with food.  By looking at how the individuals thought…


Silver Lining Woven Into Antibiotics

Functional medicine providers are always searching for silver linings in medical research to share with their patients.  In this case, the silver lining is literal: silver nanoparticles have been found to synergize with a class of somewhat toxic antibiotics, making it easier to use the antibiotics at a lower dose.  Building on the centuries long…


Proverbs 14:2

Proverbs 14:2 ESV Whoever walks in uprightness fears the Lord, but he who is devious in his ways despises him. []   Why do people sin? Generally, we default to two different explanations: some people want to do things more than they care about morals, and some people want to do things without realizing those…


Moldy Rental Rights

In caring for over a thousand mold patients at Sanctuary, we face challenges like the one in the linked article on a regular basis.  In the article, Legal Services of Alabama state that they have received numerous complaints from rental tenants about moldy conditions.  A few individual stories sound like the stories of our patients. …


Salty Sprays Versus Snoring and Snots

With over 500,000 tonsillectomies occurring per year in the United States (1), researchers regularly search for opportunities to save the tonsils.  Two of the more common reasons that surgeons remove tonsils are recurrent throat infections and sleep-disordered breathing patterns.  Like any surgery, multiple complications may occur and thus avoiding the surgery is a better option…


Proverbs 14:1

Proverbs 14:1 ESV The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down. []   Folly is much easier than wisdom; unfortunately, it has side effects: sin, self-destruction, and judgement, just to name a few. Wisdom, though it is difficult, can produce enduring legacies of virtue and prosperity (spiritual,…


Red Food Dyes Contribute to Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Functional medicine providers get lumped in with conspiracy theorists and get a lot of quacking scoffs, but again we have to say a “I told you so” on this one.  For decades, natural, functional and integrative providers have warned patients about the dangers of all the artificial ingredients in the food supply.  We have warned…


Choline Makes The Headlines for Brain Health

With Alzheimer’s disease boasting stats as the fifth leading cause of death over 65 years and 6.5 million in the US alone facing it, finding effective therapies is on everyone’s mind.  Pharma has not hit any home runs, but besides the functional medicine root cause approach, a simple nutrient called choline shows promise for preventing…


Proverbs 13:25

Proverbs 13:25 ESV The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, but the belly of the wicked suffers want. []   Despite the words of this proverb, a fairly large number of Christians have starved to death, whether by persecution or mishap. Of course, that’s hardly proof of its falsity; properly understood, this verse is…


The Dehumanizing Work of Mold

Daily in our office, we talk about one of my least favorite subjects: mold.  Why would I daily spend time talking about or even thinking about something that caused so much harm to my own family?  It comes down to the simple fact that my hatred for mold makes me want to fight it wherever…


Weighing the Effects of COVID Lockdowns on Kids

As we determine the best course of treatment for a patient’s condition, we must weigh the pros against the cons and make a balanced decision.  While a surgeon may be forced to choose cutting off a leg to save a life, there are usually other options to avoid unwanted adverse effects.  With the pandemic beginning…


Proverbs 13:24

Proverbs 13:24 ESV Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. []   Being a parent, I am given to understand, is difficult (though I have no personal experience as yet). Whether it’s worry about your kids, frustration with their foibles, fear over your own inadequacies,…


Degrading Gowns Off-Gas

Whenever someone has a bright idea, they should always test out the secondary and tertiary consequences of their change before they implement them on a large scale.  Any time we implement a therapy change for our patients, we have to consider if one therapy will interact with another therapy or might worsen another condition.  The…


Updates on the COVID Rebound

COVID 19 infections from SARS-CoV2 have been the gift that keeps on giving in so many ways such that we never know when it is over.  Many government and public health officials prophesied an end to the pandemic with a two-week isolation, but that was obviously a pipe dream.  Many medical professionals hoped that with…


Proverbs 13:23

Proverbs 13:23 ESV The fallow ground of the poor would yield much food, but it is swept away through injustice. []   Oppression, governmental, criminal, or otherwise, is a common event in human history. Power corrupts, and those with power prey upon those without. Historically, perhaps the most common form of societal weakness is poverty,…


It’s Beyond Comprehension Why This Is Tolerated

We live in a changing world where many past traditions are now considered unhealthy or even immoral.  One of those changed expectations affects meat, not only whether it is good or bad, but the idea that we can call a plant-based product “meat”.  Moving beyond the psychology and honesty of this practice, some traditions should…


Digital Devices for Calming Children Backfires

We see it everywhere these days, eyes glued to smartphones and tablets.  This includes children of parents who hand over these digital devices to their young children to get them to calm down so mom or dad can take care of some pressing interaction like a doctor visit or simple car ride without behavior issues. …


Proverbs 13:22

Proverbs 13:20 ESV A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous. []   The wealthiest people on earth, at least in modern times, tend to be incredibly sinful. Whether it’s Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or George Soros or Xi Jinping or any…


Old Drugs with New Uses for COVID 19

New challenges can bring out new uses for old drugs.  In the fight against the world’s most famous virus, we know of many old drugs and old supplements that have been tested to prevent and/or treat COVID-19.  The newer therapies with big price tags often get more media attention, but many old drugs have offered…


Which Supplement Support Cardiovascular Health

Functional medicine looks to research for support of its protocol and therapeutics.  Much of this accumulated wisdom requires piecing together data and finding from multiple different studies, then applying them to real world situations.  Occasionally, that work is made easier by meta-analyses which combine multiple studies, or consensus groups that attempt to systematically bring all…


Proverbs 13:21

Proverbs 13:19 ESV Disaster pursues sinners, but the righteous are rewarded with good. []   To those who have read this blog series before, the theme of this verse will not be unfamiliar. The world is canted towards virtue; God’s creation despises vice. These two truths, sides of the same coin as they are, run…


Death by Mold

As a functional medicine physician, I get many questions about mold toxicity.  While not everyone asks this question, some patients who feel rather terrible from chronic mold toxin exposure do wonder if their toxicity will kill them. I can assure that death by mold toxicity is quite rare, but I would argue that it is…


Synthetic Hormones Changes Teen Brains

Adolescence challenges one’s parenting skills: your child moves from depending on you to possessing a much greater degree of autonomy as they develop their own identity.  So many factors influence the path your child takes and the new self-identity they attain, especially hormones.  Their own hormones offer enough turbulence and drive towards young adulthood, but…


Proverbs 13:20

Proverbs 13:20 ESV Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. []   We judge people for the company they keep not just because it speaks to their current moral tastes but because we know that it will have an impact on how their morals develop in the…


Paths to Safe and Effective Botanicals

There can be such an adversarial relationship between the average medical provider and the world of supplements or natural medicine.  Each side lobs their stereotyped hand-grenades over the dividing wall, hoping to discredit the other.  By its very name, however, integrative medicine should work to integrate the best of both worlds.   By its emphasis on…


Another Immune Benefit of Gut Microbiome

Who needs TV to watch the unfolding of a suspenseful plot when we have the developing interactions of our GI tract with our immune system?  While observant medical practitioners of all flavors over the centuries have preached the connections between the gut and the immune system, contemporary researchers are the ones uncovering the actual connections. …


Concerned About Your Children Being Sick From Mold Toxicity?

Mold and Children Concerned about your children being sick from mold toxicity.. (A word before digging into how mold can affect children:                You may feel a little overwhelmed and stressed after the recent Toxic Mold Summit  A great line up of both clinical types and environmental remediator types took the stage for several day…


Mold Binders – Cholestyramine and Ochratoxin A

Medicine boasts its fair share of long words.  Cholestyramine is one of those long words which we use a lot at Sanctuary Functional Medicine when we’re caring for our patients who suffer from biotoxin illness such as mold. Typing or saying it over and over gets tiring, so we use the acronym CSM in the…


GI Detox – A Supplement Review Part 1

G.I.DetoxTM from Bio-Botanical Research Inc. offers a multi-modal detox in a single product for our biotoxin patients who suffer from mold toxicity, Lyme, disease, toxic algae, Bartonella, and more.  Over time, we may shift focus to a single agent such as clay or charcoal or cholestyramine alone when we find only 1 toxin remaining, but…


What Is the Difference Between T3 and T4?

As my first blog on Thyroid Answers explained, our thyroid gland makes two active forms of thyroid hormone.  The first difference between these forms, T4 and T3, lies in how many iodine atoms are attached to the backbone structure. As you might guess, T4 has 4 iodines and T3 has 3 iodines.  They are added…


Mold and the Hormonal Systems – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

“Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life”

Day 12 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life” On this 12th and final day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I wanted to share some images that help illustrate some of my ideas of the Abundant Life we talk about at SFM. We…


“Eleven Favorite Supplements”

Day 11 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Eleven Favorite Supplements” “On this, the 11th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” we offer eleven video clips of some of Sanctuary’s favorite supplements. These all-stars stand out due to their ability to provide multiple benefits in one dose. I…


“Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”

Day 10 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”  On the 10th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” we not only encourage you to do at least 10 minutes of exercise per day but provide 10 exercise ideas to fit into…


“9 Favorite Psalms”

Day 9 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “9 Favorite Psalms” “On this 9th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” the staff at Sanctuary will be sharing some of their favorite Psalms. May your meditation upon these Psalms bless your season. We encourage others to look to the Psalms…


8: “Memory is a Marvelous Gift”

Day 8 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Memory is a Marvelous Gift” “On the 8th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I want to highlight memory. We hold traditions and affections in our memory. Our memories often help shape who we are in the present. We encourage…


Day 7 Sanctuary of Functional Christmas

Welcome to the 7th day of a Sanctuary Christmas. Today we share 7 of my favorite blogs from the past year. in no particular order.   GI Detox Supplement Review Part 1 | Part 2 Superheroes of Functional Medicine Biotoxin Spikes COVID Triggered Peripheral Neuropathy Baby Mycotoxin Bath Take a Deep Breath of Honey Tired…


“Six Gluten-free Go-To’s”

Day 6 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Six Gluten-free Go-To’s” For the sixth day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I will share a list of some of my family’s favorite gluten-free options for those times when life is just a little too rushed to worry about absolute…


“Five Minutes of Real Rest”

Day 5 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Five Minutes of Real Rest” “Rest… It can be an elusive concept in today’s frenetic world. Many things interfere with rest: newborns, toxins, stress, anxiety, illness, schedules, LIFE! And this time of the year it seems to get worse. Despite its elusive nature, rest…


“Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value”

Day 2 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value” “We all recognize Christmas as a season of gift giving. Have you ever stopped to think about the lasting value of the gifts that you give? Often, I have found that the gifts that I…


“One Dose of Conquering Peace”

Day 1 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “One Dose of Conquering Peace” At Sanctuary Functional Medicine, our patients come to us seeking restoration. An important part of that restoring process includes finding relief from the chaos that chronic illness has brought into their lives. That chaos comes in many different forms.…


Proverbs 13:19

Proverbs 13:19 ESV A desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but to turn away from evil is an abomination to fools. []   Proverbs has much to say about fools. It would be easy to assume that when the Bible says ‘fool’, it means ‘stupid’, but that’s not quite accurate. Foolishness, Biblically understood, is…


10 Tips for Navigating Holiday Parties

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Proverbs 13:18

Proverbs 13:18 ESV Poverty and disgrace come to him who ignores instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is honored. []   I don’t like being told I’m wrong. I want to be right, if only because it makes everybody else look at me with approbation, and when somebody tries to tell me I’m not, I don’t…


Where Dreams Come True

While my friends would already know that any Disney park would be the last place I would want to visit, thousands of visitors in one Disney park had their dreams (or for some, their nightmares) come true recently.  With nearby positive COVID cases, Chinese government officials locked down Shanghai Disney park until they could show…


Spikes in the Brain and Parkinsons Disease

We all ask what COVID does, but ‘What does COVID not do?’ might be the better question as we work to understand not only the symptoms of COVID and Long COVID, but more importantly the mechanisms by which this virus and others cause such long-term harm.   Interestingly, this mounting push for understanding exactly how viruses…


Proverbs 13:17

Proverbs 13:17 ESV A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a faithful envoy brings healing. []   “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news,” declares Isaiah 52:7, and we can all understand the sentiment. When someone comes to tell us good news, we are glad to see them,…


Moldy Bases Welcome Soldiers Home

Going away on a vacation for a week and returning to a water leak and subsequent water damage is never fun.  Going away for months serving your country and returning to your home base’s living quarters to find mold growing is just as disheartening.  While both may be covered cost-wise, one by insurance and the…


COVID and Pediatric Diabetes

COVID 19 has clearly left its marks on both individuals and society as a whole, and researchers have found another example of the profound immunological impact of this viral infection in reviewing the medical records of numerous children: COVID increases the rates of type I diabetes in infected children.   This should not shock those who…


Proverbs 13:16

Proverbs 13:16 ESV Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool flaunts his folly. []   We’ve all been a bit to quick to the trigger at times. We’ve spoken before thinking, acted before considering, agreed before understanding. Sometimes it works out. Often it doesn’t. This proverb points out the dichotomy between the foolish…


Humic, Fulvic, and Scientific

Functional and natural medicine live in a world where their angry cousin, conventional medicine, keeps shouting for evidence, for studies, and for proof.  Thankfully, the vast majority of what we do has sound evidence to support it directly or indirectly.  The moaning and groaning of the grumpy cousin are therefore unwarranted- except for the rare…


Fluorocarbons Hurt Gators and Humans

While alligators, as a top predator, don’t fear much in the wild, they should be concerned about the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances contaminating their environments.  Their thick skin prevents harm from potential attackers, but their immune systems can be sabotaged by the widespread fluorinated organic chemicals polluting much of American waterways.   Having recognized that alligators…


Proverbs 13:15

Proverbs 13:15 ESV Good sense wins favor, but the way of the treacherous is their ruin. []   Stories are the fundamental way people understand reality. Math and numbers may describe reality, but for the human mind, stories define reality. In other words, math is setting; stories are setting, plot, character, and theme combined. Thus,…


More Moldy Dorms

The University of Minnesota is working to evaluate and remediate recently discovered excessive mold growth in one of their freshman dorms.  After several students reported health concerns and visible mold, the university initiated a full inspection with a report to be released soon.  So far, they report having found Cladosporium sphaerospermum but no mention of…


Glyphosate Pregnancies

This common herbicide in your food and in your yard increases the risk of lower birthweight in high-risk pregnancies and appears to increase the risk of a neonatal intensive care unit admission.  With 8% of U.S. births falling into a high-risk category due to some other health factor in the mom, many babies enter the…


Proverbs 13:14

Proverbs 13:14 ESV The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death. []   Dramatic Bible verses are hardly uncommon, but this one should grab our attention: what are these ‘snares of death’? They could be literal, theological, eternal, or any other of a…


Keeping Your Head on Straight

We live in a paradoxical age, a time when information is more available to the average person than ever before in history, yet the truth seems more elusive than ever.  Multiple factors play a role in creating this volatile and anxiety provoking situation.  Together these factors challenge even the most diligent of truth seekers, while…


Iron Deficiency Suppresses Immune Cells

A study of the history of warfare emphasizes that an army’s supply lines are often the difference between victory and defeat.  Our immune system’s battle for our health, though enacted at a microscopic level, likewise depends on supply lines.  The recent pandemic, by highlighting the effects of nutrients like vitamin D on the outcomes of…


Proverbs 13:13

Proverbs 13:13 ESV Whoever despises the word brings destruction on himself, but he who reveres the commandment will be rewarded. []   We don’t like listening to authority. Well, we do, but only when it tells us things we like. Unfortunately, because man is sinful, the only authority he tends to like is that which…


Mold Exposure Affects Childhood Development

So many parents face the challenge of raising small children with unexplained chronic illness and hear the encouragement that the child will grow out of it sooner or later.  This may cheer parents in the first week or two, but when symptoms continue for weeks or progress in severity and variety, eventually parents want more…


Acetaminophen May Harm Pregnancies

Settled science sometimes unsettles.  Due to the universally recognized critical sensitivity of infants in the womb to toxins and stress, a wide body of evidence and resulting recommendations address what medications are safe or not safe during pregnancy.  Health care providers and expecting mothers depend on these recommendations and guidelines to protect their little ones…


Proverbs 13:12

Proverbs 13:12 ESV Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. []   God created man to desire. Primarily, He created man to desire Him, to love and adore Him; as a consequence of that love, though, He also ordained that we should love each other, should love…


Ginger Tools: A Review

In practicing functional medicine, we use the best of both worlds of medicine, and both worlds benefit from quality studies looking at the therapies we recommend to our patients. Regardless of whether we’re recommending an herbal or a pharmaceutical, we want some evidence to back up our plans. Clinical experience always guides our protocols, but…


Autoimmune Cardiovascular Disease

We have known for some time that various autoimmune conditions increase the risk of heart disease, but no big picture of the connection has ever been attempted.  These cardiovascular risk factors have always taken a backset to the traditional risks of diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.  This research paper sought to bring the big picture…


Proverbs 13:11

Proverbs 13:11 ESV Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it. []   Money made quick goes quick. It’s not a universal rule- this verse is descriptive, not prescriptive-, but the trend holds true. If I made money quickly, I’ll be more prone to spending it quickly, because I…


Tired of Mycotoxins

Understanding causation of a disease often starts with recognizing correlations between possible triggers and an identified disease syndrome.  Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) has been recognized as a syndrome affecting millions for a number of years yet a full understanding of its mechanisms and causes is still forthcoming.  Researchers who take it seriously rather…


Pediatric Phthalates and Precocious Puberty

The awareness of environmental chemical effects on human health has grown over recent years as more and more studies point towards measurable effects.  Simultaneously, medical understanding of the hormonal receptors and these chemicals’ structures allow more direct connections to be made at a mechanistic level.  Regardless, much of the work begins with studies like this…


Proverbs 13:10

Proverbs 13:10 ESV By insolence comes nothing but strife, but with those who take advice is wisdom. []   Listening is a skill most humans find unpleasant to learn. Generally speaking, one’s own opinions are much more interesting than everybody else’s, unless they’re agreeing; generally speaking, being too fond of the sound of one’s own…


Post-COVID Brain

The news offers a never-ending smorgasbord of COVID-19 studies, but analyses like this one which bring together a lot of information into one presentation deserve special attention.  Many are studying the aftereffects of COVID 19, something we call Post-COVID syndrome or Long-Hauler Syndrome.  Countless symptom fingerprints are attributed to this unholy viral disease thrust upon…


Take a Deep Breath of Honey

Sometimes researchers get really sweet ideas.  Who wouldn’t want to inhale some honey to treat an infection?  Well, okay, the reality of this new therapy for a drug resistant infection is not as taste-bud-exciting as it initially sounds.   However, the potential benefits for thousands of cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis patients could be far more exciting…


Proverbs 13:9

Proverbs 13:9 ESV The light of the righteous rejoices, but the lamp of the wicked will be put out. []   One central theme of the book of Proverbs is the superiority of the eternal to the temporary, of that which is God’s to that which is man’s. This proverb continues the trend, highlighting the…


Gliotoxin Overview

Show me the science!  This situation reminds me of a middle school argument in which a friend would just reply with a “prove it” when confronted with something they did not like.  When it comes to mold toxicity, many in the conventional medical world just can’t fathom that their medical school and residency did not…


Sleepless Nights Slow Kid’s Brains

Most kids shrug off the call to bed as long as they can.  With TV’s, smartphones, computers, and headphones among other bedroom electronics to keep them busy, young children want to keep going.  Life is too much fun and there are too many things to do to justify turning out the lights and turning off…


Proverbs 13:8

Proverbs 13:8 ESV The ransom of a man’s life is his wealth, but a poor man hears no threat. []   Being rich is dangerous. People are envious, and people are greedy. Some people will take the direct route to the wealth: kidnap-and-ransom, violent theft, or (if they’re particularly envious) murder-and-loot. Some take a more…


B Vitamins and Fatty Livers

The methylation cycle shows up in all kinds of disease processes.  Researchers had linked high homocysteine levels with NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, in other studies.  In this mouse study, they found that the addition of B12 and Folate not only lowered homocysteine levels, but also lowered the frequency of homocysteine being attached to liver proteins and…


Long Hauler COVID in Children

While a prior article discussed which children get Long Hauler COVID and how often, today we add to that scientific understanding with more on which symptoms children get in this troublesome post-viral syndrome.  Those of us practicing medicine have long recognized the concept of post-viral syndromes, but we do appreciate the newly found interest in…


Proverbs 13:7

Proverbs 13:7 ESV One pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth. []   As soon as a man got hold of one pretty rock, he immediately showed it off and told all his brothers that he actually had two shiny rocks, the second was just a…


Mold Can Hurt People

The Western Journal reported on a recent case of mold toxicity in August of this year, describing how a now 42 year previously healthy woman developed a list of unexplained symptoms after moving into an apartment with her husband in 2016.  Over time her weight continued to increase while her brain function continued to decline.…


Antibiotics, Allergies, and Babies

Many would confidently assert that antibiotics have changed the course of medical progress while others would just as vigorously assert that antibiotics can change the course of one’s life in less-than-positive ways.  Yes, antibiotics have saved the lives of many who would have otherwise succumbed to some overwhelming infection. Yes, even without resorting to the…


Proverbs 13:6

Proverbs 13:6 ESV Righteousness guards him whose way is blameless, but sin overthrows the wicked. []   In the ultimate account of the world, righteousness, the true righteousness which comes from God, is a guard, a protection, to the man whom God loves; vice, conversely, brings about the downfall of the wicked. Therefore, the man…


Our Stomachs are Smart

Sometimes I have to admit when my gentle skepticism is proven wrong. Thankfully, one of the paper’s authors admits that he did not expect the results of this study either.  Conventional medicine will doubt these results, but it does appear that our natural appetites do seem to reflect innate recognition of what food combinations cover…


Score One for Vitamin D Against Inflammation

Even prior to COVID’s intrusion into the world of immune research, much debate centered around whether we needed more vitamin D or if the standard daily allowance was enough.  The exact minimum level continues to be debated, but this study provides further support for our contention that this so-called vitamin plays a role in inflammatory…


Proverbs 13:5

Proverbs 13:5 ESV The righteous hates falsehood, but the wicked brings shame and disgrace. []   Hate is the great crime of modernity. Racism, anti-homosexuality, anti-transgenderism, and a whole host of other sins against modernity (e.g. bigotry) revolve around hate, around not being loving. After all, ‘love is love’. That position is evil. To hate…


How Mold Hurts You

For those who suffer from mold toxicity, ‘Is this mold?’ is rarely relevant. They know the answer. On the other hand, they really want to know how or why it is happening.  They see others around them in the same environment who are not sick, but they themselves suffer greatly.  In the end, it comes…


Crying Out to Be Heard

Any parent gets this point, but research now supports the fact that parents of infants know a painful cry when they hear it.  It is a well know fact of life that babies cry a lot.  Sometimes it seems like they cry for no reason, but clearly, sometimes the crying means they’re hurting.  They have…


Proverbs 13:4

Proverbs 13:4 ESV The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied. []   That sloth breeds poverty and diligence plenty is not surprising. We often, however, forget about the more important results of sloth and diligence: the respective impoverishment and enrichment of the soul. Sloth…


DHA for Male Brains

Researchers have long noted that male pregnancies seem to suffer more from pregnancy stress than female.  Many theories abound for why males have higher rates of neurodevelopmental issues like autism than females.  This study looks at both the mechanisms of this effect and a possible therapy to prevent it.  In their mouse study, this group…


Viral Alzheimer’s Disease

Though tiny in size, viruses pack a big punch.  Most recognize that from the various acute illnesses we face, including the recent heavyweight SARS CoV2 (which causes COVID 19).  On the other hand, many may not know that viruses can contribute to long term conditions.  Sure we know that some viruses can contribute to liver…


Proverbs 13:3 – Part Two

Proverbs 13:3 ESV Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. []   Let’s pick up where we left off last week. The second standard, beauty, is the question, ‘Does this person have a right to this information; is this the proper time and place to tell…


Moldy Finnish Schools

The wider medical world and the world at large keep ignoring the evidence of the toxicity of water damaged buildings.  Despite this, functional medicine providers continue to treat scores of adults and children with clear symptoms due to these microbially overrun environments.  One of the challenges to confirming a causative link resides in debate over…


Post COVID Pediatric Risks

If COVID is a four letter curse word, Long COVID is a drunken sailor’s mouth which torments adults after COVID and includes a few children as well.  Thankfully, studies like today’s focus article indicate that children are affected less often than adults.  Still, parents want to know the chances and be prepared if their child…


Proverbs 13:3 – Part One

Proverbs 13:3 ESV Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. []   Snitches get stitches, or so the warning runs, and gossips have acquaintances, not friends. Some people, it seems, just don’t know when to stop talking; others don’t know when to start. This proverb addresses…


Houston Hurricane Air Quality

Hurricane Harvey’s arrival in Houston left a lasting impression.  There were the obvious impacts:  Homes and businesses were destroyed, and lives were lost.  There were also invisible impacts:  flood damaged buildings and possessions grew mold and apparently, yet more toxins touched people’s lives.  Other articles have addressed the mold toxins in the water damaged Houston,…


Good News, Bad CMV, and an Ugly Plan

One might believe that viruses besides SARS-CoV2 are novel, but viruses have been around for a very long time.  Not only have they been infecting our ancestors for generations, but right now, you have viruses that have taken up residence in your body since childhood or earlier.  Articles like today’s encourage functional medicine providers when…


Proverbs 13:2

Proverbs 13:2 ESV From the fruit of his mouth a man eats what is good, but the desire of the treacherous is for violence. []   We talk a lot. We speak to friends, family, acquaintances, strangers, ourselves, nobody in particular, and most importantly, God. We speak, and most of the time we pay little…


Mycotoxin Baby Bath

Mothers cherishes their little bundles of joy.  We celebrate their birth and joyously commemorate the day for a lifetime.  So much is poured into the infant’s first months and years in order to raise them into healthy adults. We should not ignore the fact that the little life has been swimming in amniotic fluid, absorbing…


Preterm Phthalates

I am always amazed at how we can consider our society as so advanced when we so blatantly poison ourselves with so many chemicals.  We can look back and arrogantly belittle ancient uncivilized societies who poisoned themselves with lead in their water or drank from the waters in which they sacrificed.  However, no matter how…


Proverbs 13:1

Proverbs 13:1 ESV A wise son hears his father’s instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke. []   Modernity doesn’t like fathers. To this culture, the father is a bigoted idiot, a bumbling if well-intentioned obstacle, or a Machiavellian tyrant, whom the children must evade and outwit in order to do what they…


Quercetin and Autophagy

Our cells undergo a lot of wear and tear in this fallen world of infection, toxins, and inflammation.  The proteins take a beating, and sometimes they end up getting unfolded, misfolded, or stuck together.  These dysfunctional proteins need to be cleaned up and cleaned out if the cells are going to continue working properly.  When…


Leaky COVID Brains

Foggy brains during a viral illness are nothing new as most of us feel foggy during the flu or bad head cold.  This fogginess typically resolves as the infection is clear.  COVID foggy brains can rise to a different level, however, both in terms of severity and duration.  Not that the flu bug can’t kill…


Proverbs 12:28

Proverbs 12:28 ESV In the path of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death. []   Can a man once saved be assured that the salvation is permanent? To say yes, many argue, is rank presumption; to say no, their opponents argue, is insulting the sovereignty of God and the truth…


Moldy Vacations

As 2022 marches on, we have entered the season of summer vacations.  Many families booked beach trips up and down the coast months ago and are recently, currently, or soon enjoying time away from home in hotels and beach houses.  Most choose their hotel based on location, amenities, and rates, with little thought to what…


Early Life Brain Scars

Unlike those who consider life to be an illusion, we all know that our experiences can leave long-lasting effects on who we are.  For any pediatric health care provider and many adopting parents, the fact that early life deprivation for children leaves life-long effects is an undeniable conclusion.  Having worked with many families who adopted…


Proverbs 12:27

Proverbs 12:27 ESV Whoever is slothful will not roast his game, but the diligent man will get precious wealth. []   The image of a man deciding not to eat because cooking is just too much work is legitimately funny, but we’ve all had similar impulses. We’ve all considered (or gone through with) leaving the…


Antibiotics and Alzheimers

Sometimes antibiotics are needed to save a life. They are not inherently evil.  However, not all uses of antibiotics are worth the risks associated.  We know that antibiotics can trigger yeast overgrowth, intestinal problems, and possible allergic reactions.  In this study, researchers also found a link between increased use of antibiotics over the lifetime and…


Don’t Stress Your Immunity

What do immune cells look like when they age and why do some immune systems grow more gray hair than others?  When we talk through a mall, we can usually separate strangers by age through a variety of characteristics like gray hair and wrinkles.  Sometimes, though, we marvel at how certain people seem to age…


Proverbs 12:26

Proverbs 12:26 ESV One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray. []   The power of a good- and a bad- example seems obvious to all of us. We imitate what we admire, and as we imitate it, we are shaped by that imitation.…


Moldy Military Housing

Hopefully, your mom and dad taught you to respect those who protect you.  Besides respecting our parents, we should show respect to police officers, firefighters, and our military.  Respect doesn’t require a huge amount of effort but does include attention to doing the right thing.  In the case of providing housing to military families serving…


Veggies for your ADHD

Forgive me, but I am still a little shell-shocked.  After years of mainstream medicine downplaying the role of diet and nutrition in the severity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, we actually get a study which demonstrates a connection between diet and ADHD symptom.  We have known that imbalances in brain neurotransmitters contribute to ADHD.  We…


Proverbs 12:25

Proverbs 12:25 ESV Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad. []   Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.   The book of Proverbs has a way of stating truths we all know with clarity we often lack. Being…


Pathogenic Hide and Seek

In the world of functional medicine, we deal with numerous occult infections.  Viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi can sometimes find great hiding places in our bodies preventing our immune surveillance from eradicating them.  Medical scientists must admit that even pharmaceuticals like antivirals and antibiotics may leave behind these hiding infectious agents.  To fully eradicate these…


Meeting a New Friend: Ginger

Our world is filled with not only lots of new people to meet and appreciate, but with a vast number of natural therapies which offer relief and restoration to those suffering from a chronic illness.  As science advances, many of these new herbal friends attract our attention and gain our interests.  New studies by researchers…


Proverbs 12:24

Proverbs 12:24 ESV The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor. []   Proverbs is full of harsh truths, truths many people enjoy forgetting. Laziness leads to ignominy and forcible hard work. Diligence leads to prosperity and authority. These truths are not without exception; they are patterns,…


Moldy Dorms, Even Vandy

Mold is everywhere; so the naysayers claim.  That truth of that claim does not negate that some molds are more problematic than others and that some molds can be an issue in our world of air-tight buildings.  With that in mind, yes, the mold that college students like those a Vanderbilt found could be negatively…


Connecting Mom’s Hypothyroidism with ADHD

Everyone wants to know why almost 1 in 10 children now have been diagnosed with ADHD, affecting their lives and the lives of their families.  Numerous theories ask if some exposure or deficiency during pregnancy could be influencing brain development negatively.  Toxins, deficiencies, infections, and various forms of inflammation are also implicated.  As with autism,…


Proverbs 12:23

Proverbs 12:23 ESV A prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims folly.]   Why does Proverbs tell us that prudent people conceal knowledge? Such concealment seems dishonest, almost; shouldn’t they be forthright in sharing what they know? Lying is wrong. We all know this. Concealing knowledge, though, is not lying. Not…


Sugar Fires in the Immune System

While the epidemic of diseases associated with inflammation rages, many search for explanations and mechanisms.  With a little epidemiological sleuthing, one can quickly see a pattern linking dietary issues and higher rates of these inflammatory diseases.  Many know that cardiovascular disease offers a number of links with poor nutrition lifestyles.  Fewer recognize the nutritional choices…


Toxins Should be on the Front Page

With the increasing prevalence of autism and developmental delays in children, would you stop to read a headline like ‘54% of Pregnancies at Risk for Autism’?  Most parents would at least read the first few lines of such a striking claim.  Uppsala University researchers should have gotten everyone’s attention when they published their results earlier…


Proverbs 12:22

Proverbs 12:22 ESV Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.]   To be an abomination before the Lord is no small thing. The deeds of the Canaanites, which God called ‘abominations’, were the foundation for God’s judgement of that land. As Deuteronomy 18:25 says, “……


Mycotoxins Impact Immunity

While mold toxins, mycotoxins, affect us in a variety of ways, their effects on the immune system seem to be a primary pathway.  Though controversy exists over things like “toxic building syndrome”, research clearly supports immune modulating effects of these toxins.  Researchers in a November 2021 volume of the International Journal of Molecular Science reviewed…


The Influence of “D” on ADHD

In functional medicine, we are trained to think about root causes and this requires thinking about the upstream.  For example, according to this study Vitamin D can be traced far upstream in the development of ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  Rather than simply waiting until a disease or symptom occurs and then responding with a…


Proverbs 12:21

Proverbs 12:21 ESV No ill befalls the righteous, but the wicked are filled with trouble. []   Well, here’s one that seems patently untrue. Good people get hurt a lot; wicked people get rich a lot. The problem with that interpretation, though, is a mistaken understanding of ‘ill’ and a consequent misunderstanding of ‘trouble’. The…


Not All Fiber Is Equal

Both conventional and functional medicine can agree that most people in our nation need more fiber.  The average American diet includes more and more processed ingredients with less and less old-fashioned fiber, leaving many missing out on fiber’s benefits.  We can all agree that most patients can see benefits like lower cholesterol, better gut health…


Mapping Gut Fungus

Most people know that their best chance at triggering an unwanted yeast infection would be to take some good old-fashioned antibiotics.  These yeast infections caused by a particular type of fungus may manifest in various bodily locations but they all seem to share a common mechanism.  Antibiotics, by their very design, kill off bacteria that…


Proverbs 12:20

Proverbs 12:20 ESV Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil, but those who plan peace have joy. []   This verse sets up an antithesis: deceit and evil versus peace and joy. The contrast, on a very basic level, seems obvious. It’s bad things against good things. That overview is true, but…


Mycotoxins Hurt Children

For some reason, many people, particularly in our supposedly advanced nation, ignore what much of the world already realizes. The world’s most advanced medical system can focus so much attention on the big diseases like heart, diabetes, cancer, and others but cannot grasp the impact of mold toxins on our health. In this study, a…


Micronutrients Impact on ADHD

Parents of children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) search for anything that will help their children overcome the hindrances of this condition.  They watch their children struggle with school and relationships.  The parents struggle with the stress of ADHD on their own relationship with the affected child.  Arguments and frustrations can abound.  With this…


Proverbs 12:19

Proverbs 12:19 ESV Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. []   The sovereignty of God means that the good guys are going to win; more precisely, it means that our good Lord is going to win. After all, if He is with us, who can hope to stand…


Lyme Patients are Not Crazy

How does such a little bacteria in such a little insect as a tick cause so many trouble?  Lyme disease, like other biotoxin illnesses, produces a myriad array of symptoms in those who suffer from its attack.  Practically every body system suffers some symptom or disruption when Borrelia burgdorferi enters one’s bloodstream from a tick…


Heart Healthy Avocados

Health prevention comes down to a risk reduction number-game.  Primary prevention serves as a term describing how to keep a healthy person healthy.  At the point of primary prevention, we don’t know who is going to develop which disease so we treat a lot of people the same way trying to prevent as many as…


Proverbs 12:18

Proverbs 12:18 ESV There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. []   Let’s start things off with a bang. “… The tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the…


Other Biotoxins – Cyanobacteria and Algae Blooms

Mold and Lyme garner greater attention from both chronically ill patients and functional medicine practitioners, but they are not alone in the biotoxin world.  Spider bites and bartonella, the bacteria behind cat scratch disease, are also generally recognized as triggers for the Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).  Lesser attention, however, is paid to toxic algae…


Watering Down Endocrine Disruptors

We live in a toxic world.  Yes, the stress of our times burdens us, but here I am talking about the toxins literally flowing through our water supply.  We have industrial pollutants.  We have countless medications pouring into our toilets.  Some of these are filtered out in treatment plants and some are not.  Among the…


Proverbs 12:17

Proverbs 12:17 ESV Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters deceit. []   This proverb seems like a truism or a tautology. A tautology, of course, is a tautology, and we can’t get much out of them. Proverbs 12:17, though, points out a truth very important to all parts of…


Resveratrol’s Immune Super-Powers

While the onslaught (literally) of super-hero movies battles for our attention, we should instead consider real-life heroes in the world of natural therapies.  Movie screen superheroes get the adrenaline going for a day or so, but natural heroes like resveratrol can offer far more benefits to our health.  We could extol resveratrol for a variety…


COVID Triggered Peripheral Neuropathy

The world of medicine must constantly learn what it does not know.  This requires a level of humility and a measure of hunger.  With the advent of COVID, we have all faced the unknown of a novel infection which required us to admit that we had much to learn about viruses and their diseases.  The…


Proverbs 12:16

Proverbs 12:16 ESV The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult. []   Ignoring an insult is generally harder than you’d wish. Sometimes, thankfully, it’s a glancing blow, ill-aimed to get past your defenses. More often than we’d like to admit, though, the insults, intended or not, make…


Takeaways from Moldy Animals

The veterinary world strives to understand mold toxins and their effects on various livestock.  Since the world of human medicine refuses to adequately research how these ubiquitous toxins affect us, we have to look to these animal studies to better understand.  With that in mind, this veterinary paper offers a number of takeaway points to…


Missing Post-Concussion Syndrome in Children

Our brains don’t like being shaken, rattled, or given a thud.  Growing recognition of this fact of biology has given rise to more and more research into the effects of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS).  In addition to a range of adults in contact sports (boxing, football, soccer, and others), children…


Proverbs 12:15

Proverbs 12:15 ESV The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. []   Nobody knows everything, but some folks are awful certain they do indeed have that privilege. We’ve all met them, and sometimes, to our everlasting shame, been them from time to time. Unfortunately,…


Lead in Your Head

Decisions are never so simple.  Just add some heavy metal like lead to gas so that it burns better and our cars run better.  Seemed simple at the time.  Decades later we all still suffer as a nation from that decision.  Rather than methodically study the possible secondary effects of adding millions of tons of…


Connecting Sugar and Inflammation

Despite decades of food industry propaganda blaming fat as the scapegoat, more and more research points towards sugar as being a major contributor to inflammation in the diet.  Many studies have correlated sugar consumption with a variety of inflammatory conditions.  Scientists are not, however, satisfied with correlations. We want mechanisms of action to be clear…


Proverbs 12:14

Proverbs 12:14 ESV From the fruit of his mouth a man is satisfied with good, and the work of a man’s hand comes back to him. []   To say that God rewards the just and punishes the wicked is nearly banal. The question of how He does so, in contrast, is all too often…


Daycare Mycobiomes and Allergies

While correlation does not equal causation, the presence of various mold and yeast species in Norwegian daycare centers does suggest the need for more research.  A number of other studies have suggested a connection between mold and yeast in children’s environments and the development of allergies and asthma.  These researchers did not work necessarily towards…


Pain Meds May Suppress Immune System

In a world where pain and fever are a common affliction, sufferers (and their parents) appreciated having therapies which relieve these discomforts.  Both pharma and natural medicine offer a list of substances which work to relieve pain and fever.  With this list of options, most parents recognize that any therapy may have risks, even if…


Proverbs 12:13

Proverbs 12:13 ESV An evil man is ensnared by the transgression of his lips, but the righteous escapes from trouble. []   This verse continues the themes of the previous verse and of much of Proverbs: the self-destructive nature of evil and the fundamental consonance of righteousness with God’s world. These two tendencies are far…


Omega 3’s Score in Heart Disease

The world of conventional medicine seems to continue in its doubt of natural therapies until its own methods prove a natural therapy worked… and then they hijack it for a medication.  Once again, researchers have found omega 3’s, in this case the EPA form, to have significant benefit for patients with cardiovascular disease.  Therefore, of…


Natural Killer Cell Checkup

Firefighters in a burning building will check doors and rooms for fire or smoke.  If something is not right, they activate resources to address the issue.  Natural Killer cells function in a similar way: they patrol our cells asking each one how things are going.  Depending on the response they get, the Natural Killer cells…


Proverbs 12:12

Proverbs 12:12 ESV Whoever is wicked covets the spoil of evildoers, but the root of the righteous bears fruit. []   The wicked man does not produce; he steals. His love is the spoil, and spoil cannot be made, only stolen. Wickedness is, after all, antithetical to God, and therefore antithetical to the Dominion Mandate…


Biotoxin Spikes

Introductions are in order for the newest biotoxin to the world of life and medicine.  Over the years society has become more and more familiar with biotoxins like mold toxins, Lyme, Bartonella, red tide, and others.  Those who suffer from these illnesses would not wish their symptoms on anyone.  Those of us who care for…


Green Kids and Oxidative Stress

We live in a world seemingly obsessed with either industrialization or with greenification.  While our cities are expanding, we hear the battle cries for keeping our planet green on the news and social media. While many strive for climate change, in functional medicine we are urging our patients to move towards nature and away from…


Proverbs 12:11

Proverbs 12:11 ESV Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense. []   Mankind loves to be the center of attention, and mankind hates to work. These two truths come together to make ‘worthless pursuits’- carnal, empty entertainment, flashy stunts, get-rich-quick schemes, and more- to make…


Our Military Still Waits for Help with Mold

The news report below in the Military Times from February 17th recounts another sad chapter in our soldiers’ trench warfare against governmental bureaucracy.  In 2019, Congress passed measures to address the publicized issues with military housing which included not only mold infestations, but rats and other problems.  Countless soldiers and their families had raised awareness…


COVID 19 Gut Punch

As the world continues to live through another day of COVID 19, the medical world continues to report new findings attempting to explain the symptoms of COVID 19.  A common adjective used to describe COVID 19 disease has been ‘weird’.  This virus seems to have taken on a multitude of superpowers to affect a wide…


Proverbs 12:10

Proverbs 12:10 ESV Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel. []   To have mercy for the weak is not natural. Mankind may feel pity, it is true, and kindness is hardly unknown to him, but these are mere impulses, washed away with…


Moldy Computer Analysis

We have all stood in front of a locked door working through a set of keys to see which one unlocks it.  It takes time to try key after key to find one that works.  What if we had a few hundred key, and a hundred or so locks to match? I would just give…


Environmental Autism

Like a modern-day action movie, the ticking time bomb of autism advances forward, taking a higher and higher percentage of the next generation as scientists frantically search for clues to the mystery.  With the estimated rates of autism rising to 1 in 50-something, we all hope for answers which lead to successful therapies.  Like the…


Proverbs 12:9

Proverbs 12:9 ESV Better to be lowly and have a servant than to play the great man and lack bread. []   The famous words of Milton’s Satan encapsulate the common sentiment of man’s pride: “Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven” (Paradise Lost Book 1, Line 263). Fallen man loves to lord himself…


Iron Wars: Bacteria and Lyme

Most are aware of vitamin D and vitamin C as well as minerals like zinc, but do you know about the role that iron plays in our immune defenses and microbial invasions like Lyme? As functional medicine strives to optimize the terrain for potential or actual microbial attacks, we must consider the battle over iron…


Proverbs 12:8

Proverbs 12:8 ESV A man is commended according to his good sense, but one of twisted mind is despised. []   Men of twisted minds seem to be the most successful sort. After all, who walks the halls of power? Who squabbles over the ‘Top Ten Wealthiest ____ in the World’ spots? Who do all…


Hygiene Theory at Work in COVID 19

Snotty noses may protect from COVID infections.  Scientists in the Imperial College of London report on the benefits of T-cells primed by prior coronaviruses in lowering the risk of COVID 19 infections.  Building on prior knowledge of cross-reactivity in the immune system and the genomic functioning of other coronaviruses, this team searched for more answers. …


Proverbs 12:7

Proverbs 12:7 ESV The wicked are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the righteous will stand. []   The house of the righteous is a remarkably resilient institution when considered under the lens of world history and a remarkably fragile one when considered under the lens of most men’s lifetimes. After all,…


Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Food Allergies

Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients may grow a little irritated when allergists tell them that a particular food cannot be causing their GI symptoms. The allergist looks at either a skin allergy test of a blood IgE antibody test and says “all normal”. The IBS patient, however, knows that the food in question undoubtedly causes them…


Proverbs 12:6

Proverbs 12:6 ESV The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the mouth of the upright delivers them. []   Why do we worry about people’s character when we’re listening to them? You’re probably giving me a funny look right about now, I know, but we need to be able to answer…


Mold and Emotions: Not Just in Your Head

So many struggling people enter our doors searching for answers to chronic mental health problems after having been told it was just all in their heads.  Many other providers had advised them to accept the fact of lifelong medications and lifelong symptoms.  Some of them had heard from therapists and counselors that they just had…


The Super Heroes of Functional Therapy

Let’s step back from individual therapies that a functional medicine provider might recommend for our patients and consider the bigger picture of natural therapies versus pharmaceuticals.  For many, this separation is truly a one “versus” the other, an “either – or” choice.  The purists of either camp can demonize the opposing camp, painting the picture…


Proverbs 12:5

Proverbs 12:5 ESV The thoughts of the righteous are just; the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. []   How much does somebody’s character matter when you’re considering their advice? Intelligence and knowledge don’t correlate well with moral character (though wisdom does), but the idea that since somebody is smart, he must be worth listening…


Spotlight on Miss USA Suicide

Even prior to the stress of 2020 and 2021’s new normal, we have seen a growing number of suicides. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( the rate per 100,000 individuals has risen from about 12 in 2010 to 14 in 2018 with a slight dip in 2019 and 2020.  So many…


Novavax Looks to Soap Bark Nanoparticles for the Win

As our understanding of immunity deepens, our repertoire of immune modulators expands so that we can influence our immune defenses in a beneficial direction.  The vaccine company Novavax, in working on a COVID-19 vaccine, has incorporated saponins from Chilean soapbark trees into their vaccine with the goal of boosting both antibody and cell-based immunity.  Whereas…


Proverbs 12:4

Proverbs 12:4 ESV An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones. []   Choosing who you marry is a big deal. Even modern culture recognizes that much, and modern culture has relaxed the bonds of marriage till they’re a mere mockery of their…


Metabolomics and Children’s Chronic Diseases

The tool of “Metabolomics” looks to revolutionize how we view children’s chronic diseases.  The basic lab markers of yesterday revealed shadows of underlying dysfunction.  Metabolomics works to shine clearer light deeper into the actual mechanisms of our next generation’s growing chronic illness epidemic.  Today’s article of interest shares insights into how this developing tool has…


Proverbs 12:3

Proverbs 12:3 ESV No one is established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved. []   The Bible repeatedly emphasizes man’s need for a strong foundation. In Matthew 7, for example, we read of the man who builds upon stone and the man who builds upon sand, and in 1 Timothy…


Proof of the Hygiene Theory

Parents, doctors, and researchers have long wondered how children who have greater exposure to potential pathogens seem to have less infections and less allergies.  Living on a farm, playing in the dirt, and hand-washing dishes seem to strengthen kids’ immunity in a variety of immune studies.  The idea that ongoing infectious or antigen stimulation keeps…


Moldy Rhode Island Dorms

Anytime you pack hundreds to thousands of students into a college campus, mold may visit the dorms and hallways bringing a variety of health effects (see our previous article on Virginia Commonwealth University here) .  To put that many people in one area, you need large building, often with flat roofs and always with extensive…


Proverbs 12:2

Proverbs 12:2 ESV A good man obtains favor from the Lord, but a man of evil devices he condemns. []   Good things for good people seems like an over-simplified, Sunday school moral, and when we put it that way, it is. The righteous, those who hold faith in God and seek to follow his…


Macrophages Like to Clock Out

For any of you out there who have worked the evening or night shift, you know that it does something to your bodies.  Sure, there are a few night owls who thrive past midnight, but they have just adapted their body clocks to run differently that others.  For those who disrupt a more day-oriented body…


Following Pediatric Guidelines

With a mainstream medical world harping about the importance of following CDC and consensus guidelines for the treatment of COVID 19, lets revisit some ancient history of 2013 to see how well pediatricians follow guidelines. Researchers from Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York measured the compliance of pediatric specialists with the “American Academy of…


Proverbs 12:1

Proverbs 12:1 ESV Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid. []   Discipline and reproof are an essential part of any parent’s arsenal. When a kid throws a tantrum over not getting ice cream (incidentally launching his brussel sprouts in a parabolic arc towards the floor), his mother and father…


Mold Legal Resources and Hope

When mold toxicity strikes you or your family, you often feel very alone.  No one seems to understand.  Friends may back away from spending time together when they hear about your random symptoms.  Family may urge you to just push through or stop complaining so much.  Doctors pass you around from one office to another…


Antibody Suspects in COVID Autoimmunity

The COVID 19 pandemic has hit us all like a real life fast-paced mystery spy thriller.  Medical news has never gotten the media attention like this virus and the hoopla around it.  Regardless of your opinions on the source of the virus, motives of the players, or response to COVID, we can all agree that…


Proverbs 11:31

Proverbs 11:31 ESV If the righteous is repaid on earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner! []   God’s justice doesn’t always seem to work. From out finite, mortal perspectives, it seems like a rickety old coffee machine which only works when you kick it a few times and turn the dials juuuust…


GI Detox – A Supplement Review Part 2

Check out part one here. Aloe vera includes a number of chemical constituents derived from the plant which provide a number of benefits to the GI tract with ingestion.  (Mills 2005)  Various studies have demonstrated benefits including bowel regularity and various inflammatory conditions (Brawn & Cohen 2015; ,Bone & Mills 2013).  It is considered safe…


GI Detox – A Supplement Review Part 1

G.I.DetoxTM from Bio-Botanical Research Inc. offers a multi-modal detox in a single product for our biotoxin patients suffering from mold toxicity, Lyme, disease, toxic algae, and Bartonella among others.  Over time, we may shift focus to a single agent such as clay or charcoal or cholestyramine alone when we find only 1 toxin remaining, but…


Immune Boosting Antibiotics Discovcered

Having your cake and eating it too in the field of infectious disease means discovering antibiotics that both attack the bacteria and stimulate the immune system to turn up its defenses.  Researchers report a new class of antibiotics which carry out this dual function, providing some hope in the fight against antibiotic resistant bacteria. Functional…


Quercetin – The Swiss Army Knife – A Review

Quercetin finds itself in a number of Sanctuary protocols due to the multiplicity of benefits it has to offer.   The natural substance boasts among its most well-known functions effects in ameliorating allergies, preventing oxidation of LDL cholesterol, assisting in metal detoxification, and providing anti-oxidant protection.  Lesser-known benefits include for those with prostatitis and very mild…


Vitamin D3 Review

I have said this before, but we need to consider potentially removable triggers for a patient with autoimmune disease before just condemning them to a life of immune suppressing therapies. Discerning the root cause may avoid a lot of unnecessary therapy and prevent a lot of damage. I just don’t understand why conventional medicine ignores…


Removing Autoimmune Triggers

I have said this before, but we need to consider potentially removable triggers for a patient with autoimmune disease before just condemning them to a life of immune suppressing therapies. Discerning the root cause may avoid a lot of unnecessary therapy and prevent a lot of damage. I just don’t understand why conventional medicine ignores…


Zinc Raises T Cell Immunity in Nursing Homes

We should all be looking for ways to strengthen our immune systems and the immune systems of our vulnerable loved ones. As we do so, we should search for those therapies that are most cost effective not only for ourselves, but for society as millions could benefit from such insight. Finding $1000 a pill therapies…


Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life

Day 12 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life” On this 12th and final day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I wanted to share some images that help illustrate some of my ideas of the Abundant Life we talk about at SFM. We…


Eleven Favorite Supplements

Day 11 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Eleven Favorite Supplements” “On this, the 11th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” we offer eleven video clips of some of Sanctuary’s favorite supplements. These all-stars stand out due to their ability to provide multiple benefits in one dose. I…


Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving

Day 10 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”  On the 10th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” we not only encourage you to do at least 10 minutes of exercise per day but provide 10 exercise ideas to fit into…


9 Favorite Psalms

Day 9 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “9 Favorite Psalms” “On this 9th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” the staff at Sanctuary will be sharing some of their favorite Psalms. May your meditation upon these Psalms bless your season. We encourage others to look to the Psalms…


Day 8: Memory is a Marvelous Gift

Day 8 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Memory is a Marvelous Gift” “On the 8th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I want to highlight memory. We hold traditions and affections in our memory. Our memories often help shape who we are in the present. We encourage…


Day 7 Sanctuary of Functional Christmas

Moldy and Blood Brain Barrier Everyone is exposed to mold on a practically daily basis. How can it really cause so many different symptoms as functional MD’s claim? Over time, I intend to answer those questions for a long list of symptoms, but for today, let’s look at the brain. Several studies indicate that…


Six Gluten-free Go-To’s

Day 6 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Six Gluten-free Go-To’s” For the sixth day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I will share a list of some of my family’s favorite gluten-free options for those times when life is just a little too rushed to worry about absolute…


Five Minutes of Real Rest

Day 5 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Five Minutes of Real Rest” “Rest… It can be an elusive concept in today’s frenetic world. Many things interfere with rest: newborns, toxins, stress, anxiety, illness, schedules, LIFE! And this time of the year it seems to get worse. Despite its elusive nature, rest…


Early Life Nutrition and Family Meals

Today’s report brings together two studies into one soup that impacts health from infancy to adulthood.  While the two groups of researchers know little to nothing of each other, their work comes together to guide families, society, and medical providers on the importance of early childhood nutrition and family meals. On one hand, the group…


Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value

Day 2 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value” “We all recognize Christmas as a season of gift giving. Have you ever stopped to think about the lasting value of the gifts that you give? Often, I have found that the gifts that I…


One Dose of Conquering Peace

Day 1 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “One Dose of Conquering Peace” At Sanctuary Functional Medicine, our patients come to us seeking restoration. An important part of that restoring process includes finding relief from the chaos that chronic illness has brought into their lives. That chaos comes in many different forms.…


Proverbs 11:30

Proverbs 11:30 ESV The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise. []   The good deeds of a man are a blessing upon that man and upon those around him (Gen. 22:18; 18:18-33). As this verse says, the fruit- the results- of the righteous man’s life is…


Moldy Dorms Closed at Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Commonwealth University joins a list of other colleges which have been forced to close a dorm or building for mold remediation over the years.  Johnson Hall has been closed as of November 23rd, 2021 after October investigations revealed mold concerns in a number of rooms.  VCU’s site linked below provides their basic information on…


10 Tips for Navigating Holiday Parties

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mitochondrial Autism Connections

With the growing number of children developing autistic features in today’s world, researchers are on the hunt for the causes of autism.  In a complex and multifaceted condition like autism, this hunt rarely ends an “aha” moment with the one answer suddenly appearing out of the research.  Instead, research inches forward in fits and starts. …


Proverbs 11:29

Proverbs 11:29 Whoever troubles his own household will inherit the wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise of heart. []   ‘Inheriting the wind’ seems a little bit excessive for such a minor offense as ‘troubling your household’. This word for ‘trouble’ however, is another form of the word used for Achan…


Immune News: Gut Edition

Researchers are continuously uncovering the mechanisms behind what prior observations had demonstrated about the links between our diet, our gut, and our immune systems.  A recent report in Nature explains another fascinating mechanism by which bacteria in our gut take amino acids in our diet to make a sugar that influences our immune system’s natural…


Proverbs 11:28

Proverbs 11:28 Whoever trusts in his righteousness will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf. []   Many men trust in their own righteousness. They say that they do good works for the poor, that they have never been rude, and that no man can hold anything they’ve done against them. These…


Fatty Acids & Immune Health

With all the conflicting stories out there, you know you need to take the time to understand the science behind the recommendations.  You don’t have to become a PhD in immunology or nutrition, but reading articles like this one and taking our Immune Prepper course ( will help you navigate the headlines and their abundant…


In Depth Look at Mycotoxins in the Gut – Part 2

As discussed in the prior article, although the GI tract would appear simple as a one-way street from mouth to anus, the story of mycotoxins turns out to be a real plot twisting complexity.  In part 1 we began with an outline of how our gut bacteria affect the incoming mold toxins. In this edition,…


Proverbs 11:27

Proverbs 11:27 ESV Whoever diligently seeks good seeks favor, but evil comes to him who searches for it. []   In searching for God, man not only fulfills his duty but brings himself much benefit. When he searches for trouble, though, he will find it. He will not usually like the results of finding it.…


In Depth Look at Mycotoxins in the Gut – Part 1

While the GI tract would appear simple as a one way street from mouth to anus, the story of mycotoxins turns out to be a real plot twisting complexity.  We had hints of this complexity by the fact that different animals demonstrate varying abilities to withstand mold toxins in their diets.  The importance of what…


Pediatric Pollution Pneumonia

Given the past research indicating a correlation between air pollution and the rates of pediatric lower respiratory tract infections, this Memphis (TN) based study offers only a few surprises.  Researchers utilized a variety of environmental assessments of pollution levels as compared to rates of pneumonia in different Memphis neighborhoods in order to connect the dots…


Proverbs 11:26

Proverbs 11:26 ESV The people curse him who holds back grain, but a blessing is on the head of him who sells it. [] Not every verse in Proverbs is a moral admonition. Some, like this verse, are intended to teach the read about the way the world really works. After all, just as a…


Proverbs 11:25

Proverbs 11:25 ESV Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. [] This verse continues the theme of the last (LINK): the man who blesses another will be blessed by the Lord. The focus of verse 25, however, is on the spiritual as much as the physical. The most…


NAC – N Acetyl Cysteine Supplement Review

Overview The loved and hunted amino acid derivative, N acetyl cysteine, offers a number of potential benefits to those seeking to recover from or prevent the occurrence of several diseases and conditions.  Those of us practicing functional medicine love its multifaceted uses (as noted below).  For some reason government regulators are hunting it and considering…


Salugenesis (aka Salutagenesis)

Modern medicine signs its name with “allopathy” when pressed for its roots. Allopathy basically means that we come against disease (pathos). If bacteria invade our body’s sanctuary, we respond with anti-bacterials. If cancer arises, we respond with anti-cancer agents called chemotherapy. This paradigm has served us well for decades in the acute war against disease.…


Proverbs 11:25

Proverbs 11:25 ESV Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. []   This verse continues the theme of the last (LINK): the man who blesses another will be blessed by the Lord. The focus of verse 25, however, is on the spiritual as much as the physical. The…


Innate and Adaptive Immunity

As we look to launch our SFM Empower Immune Prepper Course in the coming weeks (Note: as of this re-post, available here), I can’t control the urge to share a few bits and pieces of it now. With the onslaught of COVID 19 and the fear surrounding it, this wisdom will be critical to navigate…


Prenatal Brain Inflammation – The Autism Battlefield

Correlation does not equal causation. We hear that often in medicine. For example, we know there are correlations between maternal illness during pregnancy and autism. We know that these two conditions, maternal illness and infant autism, travel together, but we don’t have a mechanism of action to prove that the former causes the latter. We…


Proverbs 11:24

Proverbs 11:24 ESV One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. [] Charity as a business strategy seems counterintuitive; why would giving away what you have produce prosperity? Surely charity is a goal you can pursue only with the bit of your income that’s left…


Another New Word for 2020 – Syndemic

This year has welcomed a number of new ideas and words to the public’s vocabulary including cytokine storm, lockdown, coronavirus, and now “syndemic”. Apparently, this word was coined in the 1990’s with the HIV/AIDS crisis, but I had never heard it until today’s article. We have heard multiple studies highlighting the connection between chronic diseases…


Mycotoxins Turn Off Our Immune System

It’s just a little mold. It’s nothing to be afraid of… so they say. Until this little mold spreads around a little toxin called gliotoxin- then you all know what goes down. Functional MD’s like myself who deal with mold and its toxins are not surprised by this study’s findings, but conventional medicine should really…


Proverbs 11:23

Proverbs 11:23 ESV The desire of the righteous ends only in good, the expectation of the wicked in wrath. []   At first blush this verse seems to teach ideas many would rightly consider heresy, ideas like “anything a Christian wants is good” and “God gives Christian what they want all the time, every time”.…


Maternal Immune Activation Leading to Autism

The hunt for autism’s trigger continues. The reason for its long continuance likely lies in that it is not one homogenous disease, but a mixture of different triggers culminating in a similar pattern of brain dysfunction and life disruption. The role of the immune system probably runs second only to genetics in terms of research…


Mold Binders – Cholestyramine and Ochratoxin A

Medicine boasts its fair share of long words. Cholestyramine is one of those long words which we use a lot at Sanctuary Functional Medicine as we care for our patient who suffer from biotoxin illness like mold. Typing or saying it over and over gets tiring, so we use the acronym CSM in the office…


Proverbs 11:22

Proverbs 11:22 Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion. []   One consistent theme of Proverbs is the superiority of wisdom to the carnal pleasures which so often overshadow it. A gold ring is beautiful and precious, without a doubt, and likewise a woman may be beautiful and…


Zinc Raises T Cell Immunity in Nursing Homes

We should all be looking for ways to strengthen our immune systems and the immune systems of our vulnerable loved ones. As we do so, we should search for those therapies that are most cost effective not only for ourselves, but for society as millions could benefit from such insight. Finding $1000 a pill therapies…


Introducing POTS

Many younger patients come to our office with a life-disruptive mix of random symptoms that have lasted years, sometimes with a prior diagnosis of POTS, or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, and they want answers.  These patients primarily complain of dizziness, palpitations, passing out, difficulty exercising, and other cardiovascular symptoms.  Most also complain of seemingly vague…


Proverbs 11:21

Proverbs 11:21 Be assured, an evil person will not go unpunished, but the offspring of the righteous will be delivered. [] Nowadays, generational security is an endeavor constantly on the edge of toppling under the pressure of economic trouble, political turmoil, and the difficulties of everyday life. God offers a better alternative: He promises to…


Airborne Mycotoxins

As a functional MD caring for a multitude of mold toxic patient, I am frequently fielding the question of “how did I get mold toxins in me?”. I am also faced with defending this field of mold detox to conventional medicine. This particular article provides a few answers to how this whole process occurs and…


Does Your Child Have PANS or PANDAS?

Many parents come to our doors seeking help for their child whom they suspect has PANS or PANDAS. These parents have either heard of the possibility from their doctor or come to suspect it after some reading online or in a parenting group. Others have never heard of these acronyms but just know that something…


Proverbs 11:20

Proverbs 11:20 Those of crooked heart are an abomination to the Lord, but those of blameless ways are his delight. [] That God takes delight in goodness and in beauty should be evident from a simple glance at the natural world or at your family. Sure, there are imperfections and cracks in the beauty, but…


COVID Effects on Children with PANS & PANDAS

If your child has PANS or PANDAS, you have asked yourself at least once about what will happen if your little one gets COVID19.  Like other parents, even a small risk of a deadly disease for your child sends chills up your spine. Unlike other parents, any viral or bacterial disease, however minor in other…


Mycotoxins Attacking the Gut Lining

In caring for those oppressed by mycotoxins, a functional MD like myself cannot ignore any body system. By definition, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome presents as a multi-symptom, multi-system disease. Mycotoxins enter our patients’ lives in multiple ways, through air, skin, and food. To enter their lives and restore their health, we are constantly trying to…


Proverbs 11:19

Proverbs 11:19- “Whoever is steadfast in righteousness will live, but he who pursues evil will die.” [] God calls His people to imitate Him. He is forever “steadfast in righteousness”, and so we ought to similarly remain steadfast. However, because this task is too great a task for any man, God promises that He has…


ADHD Medications Alter Brain Activity

Researchers have searched for the root causes of ADHD for decades hoping to hint at successful treatments. Sometimes, they also work backwards, looking at therapies that appear to be helpful and trying to understand why. By understanding how a medication changes dysfunction into function, they hope to uncover the root causes in the process. Functional…


Removing Autoimmune Triggers

I have said this before, but we need to consider potentially removable triggers for a patient with autoimmune disease before just condemning them to a life of immune suppressing therapies. Discerning the root cause may avoid a lot of unnecessary therapy and prevent a lot of damage. I just don’t understand why conventional medicine ignores…


Part 18: POTS and Dysautonomia Post COVID Explained

In our final summer series edition, we return to the medicine kitchen to discuss POTS and Long COVID. POTS, or postural orthostatic syndrome, took a while to gain acceptance in mainstream medicine; they have only recently begun to understand it as a probable autoimmune condition. This dysfunctional condition of the autonomic nervous system results in…


Proverbs 11:18

Study Your Paycheck Everything will receive its due reward. The wicked will be deceived for a time thinking themselves the recipients of great reward, only to be rudely interrupted by their unwanted surprise. In contrast, the sower of righteousness receives something unchanging that can be trusted. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric…


Part 17: Spikes in the COVID Brain

There is nothing like living through a mystery thriller in real time (even if the mice are the heroes of this particular chapter). The entire planet wakes up each morning asking for more news about this little virus called “SARS- CoV2” (and the resulting COVID 19 disease). Some people want to know the case count…


Proverbs 11:17

The Reward of Kindness Be kind today. It will do you some good. Avoid cruelty as it will bite you.   Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and…


Part 16: Mast Cells Getting Nasty in Long Hauler COVID

Several voices express their suspicions that mast cell activation plays a role in both the acute and chronic phases of COVID 19 disease.  While these immune cells get more attention for their ability to release histamine and thereby cause allergic symptoms, they play a more common role than most would suspect.  With the predicted frequency…


Proverbs 11:16

Getting What You Deserve In a world of narcissism, sarcasm and disrespect, the graceful nature of godly women gains honor. In our fallen world, violent men do profit for a time. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently…


Part 14: Considering Series on COVID Therapy Studies

We have come full circle again to needing discernment so this is a perfect time to reprint a blog article from 2020. My latest updated thoughts are included at the end.   Current national headlines ramble constantly concerning studies and models for COVID.  Those outside of medicine or the world of research either scratch their…


Part 13: COVID Spiritual Truths

We have come full circle again to needing discernment so this is a perfect time to reprint a blog article from 2020. My latest updated thoughts are included at the end.   We take a moment to remind ourselves of who is in control of COVID.  Some believe the elite globalists control this pandemic.  Some…


Proverbs 11:15

Beware of Striking Hands We should focus on keeping our own word rather than making guarantees for others who are beyond our control. Making pledges for others will lead to disappointment. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently…


Part 12: Long Haulers Annoyed by Conventional Medicine

While I do my best to refrain from hasty generalizations by dialoguing with someone before taking their words in the wrong direction, with this article, I have to state my annoyance.  The attitude hinted at in this article deserves a momentary spotlight and response.  Maybe we can chalk it up to their being French, but…


Part 11: Ringing Bells – Tinnitus and Post COVID

Like other biotoxin diseases, COVID 19 appears to trigger ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus for many people.  While the loss of smell being more common led to its greater fame in the list of COVID symptoms, tinnitus is leaving a number of post COVID patients with an annoyance they would like to be…


SOS Enrollment

If you accidentally close the enrollment box, here is another OPPORTUNITY. If you closed it without enrolling in the Sanctuary Orientation Series (SOS), we hope you will come back soon to do so.     [activecampaign form=3] Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville,…


Proverbs 11:14

Seek Out Wisdom from Many Sources In a world of darkness and fog, guidance is critical. An abundance of insight can only come from an abundance of counselors. In that abundance one can rest in safety. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle…


Part 10: POTS after COVID: Dysautonomia Documented

Most in the general public would not recognize the word dysautonomia nor the syndrome called POTS.  For those suffering with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a type of dysautonomia, or dysregulation of our autonomic control system, they can’t forget it. The dizziness, palpitations, syncopal episodes, fatigue, and sometimes inability to function well while standing upright…


Which Thyroid Med is Best Depends on Who You Are

Like any good all you can eat buffet, you have a number of choices when treating hypothyroid disease.  Besides trying to reverse the cause of the weakening thyroid, functional MD’s work with a number of therapy choices rather than just the T4 that conventional medicine utilizes.  Conventional medicine prescribes T4 or levothyroxine from a few…


Hashimoto’s and Its Triggers

Some diseases have the coolest names.  Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroiditis just rolls off your tongue even if your severe fatigue leaves you wanting to blame Dr. Hashimoto for this disease named after him. This malady gets quite a bit of press in the natural world and rightfully so as the high prevalence of this disease in…


What is Reverse T3?

Prior blog articles discussed the basics of T4 and T3, the primary active hormones of our thyroid gland, but now we turn our attention to the forgotten troublemaker in the family.  Reverse T3, like its mirror image T3, has 3 iodines attached to a double tyrosine backbone. (see prior articles for more).  The problem arises…


What Is the Difference Between T3 and T4?

As my first blog on Thyroid Answers explained, our thyroid gland makes two active forms of thyroid hormone.  The first difference between these forms, T4 and T3, lies in how many iodine atoms are attached to the backbone structure.  As you might guess, T4 has 4 iodine and T3 has 3 iodine.  They are added…


What is the Thyroid and What Does It Do?

The thyroid uses a hormone as its foot on our metabolic gas pedal.  The thyroid is a gland, or collection of tissue sharing one function, which secretes this hormone into our blood stream.  The hormone travels throughout the body and interacts with receptors on cells.  These cells respond by changing the rate of their cellular…


Part 9: Sometimes You Need Long Term Insurance

Long Haulers COVID patients need more help than just functional medicine.  For some, they need help with long term care insurance benefits or disability benefits as they cannot go back to work.  Our goals are always to return our post viral syndrome patients back to a healthier more abundant life, but that often requires some…


Proverbs 11:12-13

Mouth Revelations One may appear wise and strong till the opening of their mouth belittles others and slanders, revealing their lack of sense. Often silence expresses more wisdom and understanding and demonstrates more trustworthiness. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and…


Part 8: Some Kids Get Hyperinflammed from COVID

Many parents have become quite alarmed by Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), also known as “pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS)”.  The media alerted us early in the epidemic to the small number of children who developed a hyperinflammatory state from the viral infection.  While the vast majority of children suffered…


Part 7: Gut and Skin Problems in Long Haulers

While the other systems discussed over the previous weeks stood out as more disruptive of life, the GI tract and the skin are thankfully affected in lesser degrees.  Interestingly, the virus can be found in stool samples an average of 28 days after disease onset despite the GI symptoms being milder than with diarrhea acutely.…


Proverbs 11:10-11

Two Reasons to Rejoice Both the blessing of the righteous and the fall of the wicked brings rejoicing to a city. May we have more rejoicing in these works of God as well as His deliverance of the wicked from their wickedness, making them into the righteous who brings blessing. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the…


Part 6: Brain Dysfunction After COVID

While COVID 19 touches many body systems, sometimes for months, the nervous system ranks high in both the variety of symptoms and in the prevalence among the Long Hauler COVID crowd.  Like other post viral syndromes, sufferers report ongoing fatigue, malaise, mood disruption, and sleep problems.  Also frequent among the Long Hauler crowd are headaches…


Part 5: Messing With the Cardio Pump

While my recent post addressed the lungs and the blood clotting systems, today we turn our attention to a vital organ, the heart, and how COVID leaves behind nagging problems.  For many, after COVID palpitations and chest pains disrupt life up to 6 months beyond the acute illness’s end, according to a Chinese study (1). …


Proverbs 11:9

Overcoming Strong Mouths Godless men seek to destroy everything nearby. Even their neighbors must take care of the wicked man’s mouth seeking to destroy. God uses knowledge and truth to deliver His righteous from the mouth of the wicked. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services…


Part 4: Keep the Blood Flowing

Besides the lung focused symptoms which Long Hauler COVID patients experience, COVID patients fear the less common danger of blood clotting given its potential for devastating effects.  While the rate of diagnosed blood clots up to 1 month after the acute infection lingers below 5% in most studies, the real chances are low.  But, those…


Part 3: Take a Deep Breath

Moving beyond the big picture, many Long Haul COVID patients feel the need for a deep breath but cannot ever quite get what they need.  Obviously, a viral disease which infects the lung has the potential for leaving behind some lung damage.  COVID, however, could be considered an overachiever in its leftover damage compared to…


Proverbs 11:8

Life Preservers Our fallen world offers many opportunities for trouble.  We have more than a full time job avoiding the pitfalls and potholes.  We need one greater than us to act as our deliverer. Living in righteousness before our Maker brings that needed deliverance whereas living in wickedness means one will walk directly into these…


Part 2: Symptoms, Symptoms, Symptoms

In real estate, its all about location, but for Long Hauler COVID, its all about the symptoms and then the time course.  In the previous edition of this Long Hauler Summer Series, we discussed how medicine must identify the correct target in order to hit that target and hope for resolution of the disease or…


Part 1: Whole Person and Big Picture

Hitting a target first requires seeing and aiming at the right target.  Without that first critical step, we will never overcome the very important target known as Long Hauler COVID or Long COVID.  Conventional medicine has named it PACS (Post Acute COVID Sequelae), but most online simply know it as Long Hauler.  In functional medicine…


Proverbs 11:7

The Beginning and End of Hope We all hope whether our hearts are wicked or just. Our hopes may long for different dreams, but they are still hoping. The wicked hearts will one day fall short of that hope. May your hope be grounded in something eternal. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr…


Mycotoxins and Other Endocrine Disruptors

Chemicals which influence our hormonal balance literally fill our reality.  From the air we breathe in water damaged buildings to the plastic- wrapped food we eat, we cannot escape them.  While we treat many in our clinic with mold toxicity for hormonal imbalances, the threat posed by such toxins is magnified by the plethora of…


Vitamin D3 Review

Vitamin D stands out among the most critical and most researched nutrients.  The list below only scratches the surface of known and suspected benefits that we gain from maintaining adequate vitamin D.  It is actually more of a hormone than a vitamin in its mechanisms of action and is produced by humans from cholesterol metabolism.…


Proverbs 11:5-6

Deliverers and Captors   Why does man so often seek captivity to his own lusts?  Do they not see that wickedness leads them to the pit where they fall to their deaths? Why do not more seek righteousness and the deliverance from captivity? Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD,…


Kids and COVID-19, Why Do Some Get It Bad?

COVID 19 has relatively spared children from the most severe complications and death but a very tiny number get a severe complication called multi-system inflammatory response (MIS-C). For these children, they experience the hyper inflammation with life threatening complications. Sometimes 4 to 6 weeks after an otherwise mild infection, these children start with fever, abdominal…


Coronavirus Looney-Bin Antibodies

Ever feel like you are living in the crazy house with how many times the story keeps changing about COVID antibodies? They do protect, they don’t protect. Antibody plasma works, it doesn’t work. Antibodies do last, they don’t last. Other coronavirus antibodies don’t cross react and protect, and now they do. Would you just like…


Proverbs 11:4

Profiting Rightly   Treasure which we cannot hold deserves not our interest. When the day of testing comes and the riches dissipate, the wicked will have no profit. In that day, righteousness will deliver what riches could not. Even death cannot steal the reward. Seek the reward which endures. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction…


Moldy Home Insurance

While the adverse health effects of mold are under-recognized by the general public, the situation with insurance coverage for mold remediation might be even less so. As houses become more and more energy efficient, the risk for humidity or other water sources to build up and encourage mold growth in a house increases. Once someone…


Long Hauler COVID Immune Dysfunction

Science lives on as the discipline which never runs out of questions, especially for COVID19. While true for every worthy scientific endeavor, the persisting syndrome of Long Hauler COVID promises a litany of questions to answer for years to come. The acute disease was threatening enough, but the ongoing symptoms for many with Long Hauler…


Proverbs 11:3

Which Guide Will You Follow? How often have you sought guidance? If you have not done so, you might be more foolish than you realize. If you have sought guidance, what kind of guidance do you desire? Do you seek guidance which deceives? Of course not. You seek integrity. If you seek such integrity outside…


Autism Brain Cells Don’t Reach Their Destination

With the growing epidemic of autism spectrum disorder in children, countless researchers are searching for the genes and pathways which lead to what we call autism.  This paper describes how two proteins, Cullin 3 and Plastin 3 contribute to the failure of certain brain cells to find their destination in brain development.  In the mouse…


Am I Still Immune?

So many are asking if their mild COVID 19 infection protects them from getting the disease again.  Some want to know if they still need a vaccine.  Some just want to know if they are safe to venture out of their self-imposed bubble.  Science wants to provide definitive answers rather than guesses so researchers have…


Proverbs 11:2

Pride Comes Before the Fall We have heard of how the prideful tend to fall from their highest points. Look behind the curtain and see why this is true. We are but fleeting shadows on the grand stage of a universe larger than our comprehension and deeper in complexity than we can contain in our…


Review of Theanine in the Brain

L-theanine finds itself in many patient programs at Sanctuary.  It has a track track record in clinical care at our office.  For patients needing something to relax whether to help with sleep or just settle anxiety, this non-essential amino acid works through GABA and alpha waves to both relax and improve cognitive function.  Our bodies…


Indoor Air Quality in Age of COVID

The age of COVID-19 has brought upon us a re-examination of the air we breathe inside buildings.  While history offers examples of airborne outbreaks inside buildings, this incident, unlike any of its predecessors, caught the entire world’s attention simultaneously.  Yet, for those of us aware of the effects of water damaged building air quality, this…


Proverbs 11:1

Balancing Truth Neither truth nor justice grew out of the evolution of civilization. God determined truth and justice as they flowed out of His being. Within that justice, God hates when men deceive one another through false measurements. For good reason, we would be appalled if we learned that our favorite gas station actually dispense…


National Immune System, CDC, Under Attack

Who doesn’t want the truth?  Just because a famous movie line tells some that they can’t handle the truth, does not mean we should settle for half-truths and outright deceptions.  If you missed the fireworks, a few Senators did their own interrogations of CDC staff in recent weeks. Asking our famous Dr. Fauci and CDC…


Blood Pressure, Particles, and Children Breathing Pollution

While individual studies have given inconsistent results, the meta-analysis big picture suggests that air pollution plays a role in the increasing rates of childhood high blood pressure.  With high blood pressure considered as one of the top ten contributors to global disease (1) public health went looking for answers, as these children with high blood…


Proverbs 10:31-32

            Listen to Lips of Wisdom              For the one seeking wisdom, they must look to the righteous ones who possess and share their wisdom.  The mouth of the wise bears more wisdom for those who listen.                The lips of these righteous ones discern what is good while the mouth of the wicked…


Immune Compromised Children and COVID 19 Risk

Questions abound concerning who is at risk for COVID 19 infection including whether children or the immune compromised of our society are at higher risk. With time, we have learned that the elderly and those with metabolic diseases like hypertension and diabetes are at higher risk. In contrast, children seem to be relatively spared from…


Unmasking the Truth About Face Mask Contamination

Personal protection equipment may not protect as much as it harms.  Since the unforgettable year of 2020, PPE has enmeshed itself into the fabric of society.  As a society, we are searching for ways to overcome the fear of COVID19 through various layers of face masks, sterilization methods, gloves, and more.  In 2021, these responses…


Proverbs 10:27-30

Righteousness Leaves Physical Fruits              Swallow your supplements.  Do your exercise.  Eat this. Don’t eat that. Go to bed early and wake up refreshed. We seek long and fruitful life filled with joy and steadfastness.              None of these are wrong.  Each of these have their time and place and role in life.  Its just…


Depressed Children After Concussions

Did you know that scientists really enjoy reviewing literature?  Okay, so its not poetry or love stories, but scientists at Murdoch Children’s Research Institute reviewed medical literature regarding pediatric concussions to find a link with children’s future mental health.  With the growing number of children with mental health diagnoses, researchers have embarked on a quest…


Proverbs 10:26

            Don’t be a Slug              Outside of young boys wanting to gross out their sisters, few find enjoyment in slugs.  They are slimy and not very exciting. We would never send a slug on a necessary errand as their sluggishness would delay its success and leave be a slimy trail. We recoil at the…


Post COVID Moldy Schools

Apparently, teachers and students should fear more than COVID19 upon return to long empty school buildings, at least in this Virginia school district.  After months of remote learning, everyone looked forward to Sherwood Forest Elementary returning to in-person learning.  Upon returning, many teachers found disturbing environmental conditions and experienced concerning health symptoms.  With obvious water…


Quercetin – The Swiss Army Knife – A Review

Quercetin finds itself in a number of Sanctuary protocols due to the multiplicity of benefits it has to offer.   The natural substance boasts among its most well-known functions effects in ameliorating allergies, preventing oxidation of LDL cholesterol, assisting in metal detoxification, and providing anti-oxidant protection.  Lesser-known benefits include for those with prostatitis and very mild…


Proverbs 10:23-25

            Striving for the True Riches             While we may grunt and groan in our strainings after material gains, our efforts only carry our lives to a point both in the here and now and in the life to come.  Wisdom and righteousness to the contrary bear more lasting fruits.             Wisdom grants pleasure now…


Fruit Microbiomes are Inherited

The scientific world has continued to reveal the effects of our microbiome on our health.  The bacteria, fungi, and even viruses living in our GI tract influence every other body system through various mechanisms.  This collection of internal microbial neighbors begins with ones provided by our mothers at birth.  Well, it seems that even fruits…


Modulating Tau in Traumatic Brain Injury to Prevent Cognitive Decline

The convergence of pharmaceutical and natural therapies upon one neurologic pathway to modify a brain degenerating process offers hope in traumatic brain injury patients.  While traumatic brain injury, especially when repetitive, often leads to cognitive decline, even dementia, two pharmaceuticals and a few natural agents offer hope.  The anti-inflammatory medications diflunisal and salsalate garner little…


Proverbs 10:18-22

Words, Words, and More Words Words can no doubt cause trouble in many ways.  At times, they can hide hatred and mal-intent which boils underneath the surface.  They deceive the hearer, preventing them from knowing the speaker’s actual hatred. At other times, the slander of words while intending to hurt another just prove that the…


Omega 3 Anti-Inflammatory Review

Omega 3’s standout as the most anti-inflammatory of the poly unsaturated fatty acids (omega 9’s also acting as anti-oxidants).  They modulate NF-kappaB (central in the inflammation cascade), help heal leaky gut, treat pain in arthritis including rheumatoid arthritis, benefit the cardiovascular system, and even help lower allergic reactions in the current and future generations.  And…


New Guns Against Coronavirus

When fighting COVID 19 or any threatening disease, we want as many guns pointed at our enemy as possible.  Even a simple form of life like a coronavirus possesses great complexity and thus many potential therapeutic targets. Each target offers many options for guns to strike a mortal blow against our foe.  Options abound- blocking…


Proverbs 10:17

Heeding the Instructions to Life              When traveling, the driver will find it hard to drive while looking at the map.  Keeping the eyes on the road and a map simultaneously can lead to problems.  If they have someone holding the map and reading it for them, they can find their way to their destination. …


Curcumin Review

Curcumin stands as a giant among supplements because both the breadth and the strength of the mechanisms by which it alters health for the better seem staggering.  In its repertoire, it boasts anti-oxidant benefit, pain control benefits, general anti-inflammatory benefits, detoxification capabilities, brain protection capabilities, and even anti-Lyme benefits. Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory:  With greater than…


Mold on Mars

As NASA handles the intricacies of landing on a planet millions of miles away, closer to home they spend our tax dollars to determine whether or not black mold can live on Mars.  Okay, I guess it seems important if we are planning to colonize Mars.  Whether you are looking to buy a new home…


Proverbs 10:15-16

Neither Riches Nor Poverty Lead to Life              Yes, many live with wealth in their riches on this earth. They have strong cities, even lands with many houses circled around them.  They possess the wealth of cities.              Meanwhile many live in poverty and their lives hurdle towards ruin.                Yes, life comes not…


Ashwagandha: Supplement Review

Ashwagandha, the herb name that just rolls off your tongue, offers a little something for many varieties of health issues. Sleep improvement and anxiety reduction may be the best-known uses.  Thyroid support, male infertility, athletic enhancement, cortisol lowering effects, and cognitive improvement should not be forgotten however. Sleep and anxiety:  So many are searching for…


Pathways of Autoimmunity Explained

Understanding must precede therapy as scientists seek to adequately relieve the suffering of millions with autoimmune conditions.  Initial understanding pointed repeatedly to an immune messenger or cytokine called Interleukin 1b as a critical factor in the development and progression of autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and inflammatory bowel disease.   For a number…


Probiotics in Premature Babies

Probiotics receive a lot of attention these days as we have begun to better understand the role of the microbiome within our digestive tract.  Besides the benefits promoted in the functional medicine world, the world of the neonatal intensive care unit also finds probiotics beneficial to their patients.  As science has advanced its ability to…


Mycotoxins and Oxidative Stress

Mold toxins, in all their varieties, damage cells and cell structures through a number of mechanisms including speeding up cellular aging.  Like tires, the cells of our bodies or the bodies of any animal for that matter, can wear out sooner due to ongoing damage.  Our cells sustain different types of damage, but oxidative stress…


Proverbs 10:13-14

May we exemplify wisdom and understanding to the world As Christians walking in a fallen world, may we be known for wisdom and understanding. May it truly rest upon our lips and be shared frequently and freely with others. Strive after understanding so that we can enrich others with wisdom. Yet, even wisdom must be…


Not All Silver Bullets Work Against COVID 19

The world receives a daily serving of medical education as it waits expectantly for a silver bullet therapy against COVID.  As the public watches the unfolding of the COVID 19 pandemic, each morning comes with an eagerness for reports that might tell us of a wonder drug against this invisible foe. One area which receives…


Mold in Kid’s Brains

Many skeptics challenge functional MD’s like myself when we diagnose mold toxicity as the explanation for a chronic illness whether in adults or in children.  The refrain goes like this: “Mold is everywhere!  How could that explain the symptoms?”  We understand that patients or their parents desire proof and certainty before embarking on a treatment…


Proverbs 10:12

The Love Hate Relationship Two different emotions lead to two very different outcomes. Hatred beyond a static existence, taking on a life of its own, self-replicating. Hatred begins as felt strife against another and bears more strife. Hatred stirs and stirs, creating more strife that it feeds off of. In contrast, love denies strife the…


Testosterone Levels And COVID 19 Risks

COVID-19 opened a whole new world of research including great effort into understanding why men fared worse than women with regard to disease severity.  While women generally suffer from more autoimmune conditions, with this SARS CoV2 virus, men got the short straw.  When this correlation for men continued to pop up from epidemiological studies, the…


Math and Health Promotion Could Save COVID Lives

Four diseases, common in America, could explain 2 out of every 3 hospitalizations for COVID.  Imagine if we could have lowered those diseases.  Many hospitalizations and many lives could have been saved.  Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure rose to the top of a computer model which took epidemiologic data and COVID mortality data to…


Proverbs 10:10-11

So many ways to stumble The little boy of yesterday knows that a wink can stir up consequences, but this wink hints at more than an elementary school crush. This wink disrupts justice and makes a deal against truth in the halls of justice. It makes a deal with deceit. Again, the fool who babbles…


Long Hauler

While mainstream medicine long ignored post-viral chronic fatigue, conventional doctors must now acknowledge the long term effects of Post-Covid Long Hauler syndrome alongside functional medicine providers who show no surprise at this situation.  Functional medicine practitioners like our clinic have long treated patients who report months and years of debilitating physical and mental fatigue which…


A Little Green Tea for Your Cancer Prevention

Cancer stands out as such a nasty enemy, but a natural substance in green tea appears to strengthen our internal cancer prevention system.  While cancer rates continue to rise, efforts to both treat and to prevent have increased including looking to natural compounds.  Building on prior awareness of the critical role of a protein called…


Proverbs 10:8-9

Receiving and Walking Wisdom receives commandments from the One who orders all things. Their hearts are open to what is best for them. In contrast, a fool who overflows with babbling only comes to ruin. Their overflow serves neither them nor their listeners. Integrity requires action. Even standing on principles requires the action of standing.…


Hocus Pocus COVID 19: Magic Tricks and New Strains

While we endure living through the poorly written plot of a science fiction medical thriller – yes I am referring to COVID-19 – we must face the plot twist of viral mutations.  Like it or not, 2021 continues the COVID-19 storyline with the so-called variant strains.  The virus and its ensuing pandemic takes on an…


Crohn’s Disease Linked to Gut Bacteria

Fighting autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s disease requires a multi-modal approach including recognition that certain bacteria and certain foods worsen the condition.  Focusing on one bacteria called adherent-invasive Escherichia coli for the moment, researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian took prior knowledge which implicated this bacteria and searched for the reasons behind the connection. …


Proverbs 10:6-7

We fuss and fume. We fight and flurry. We push and shove thinking that our success comes from the American way of hard work. Whether in church, at work, or at home, hard work comes out at the top of most lists of how to get ahead. Here we see that if our heads are…


Phosphatidylcholine Working to Improve Your Gut AND Brain

We can no longer hide our heads in the sand, denying the reality that the daily food which goes in our stomachs influences every metabolic system of our bodies.  No longer can we deny the role of nutrients like phosphatidylcholine, as described in this article, in the health of our guts or our brains.  Simple…


Ibuprofen: Good or Bad for COVID 19?

Besides frantically searching for therapies to combat this little coronavirus, scientists also continue searching for those factors which either help or hurt patients during COVID infection.  Many risk factors find their ways into both scientific journals and social media.  The question arose over whether NSAIDS, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, like ibuprofen and naproxen, could help or…


Low Fat, High Fat? Show Me the Truth

“Tell me doctor, which diet works for everyone?” And the doctor answers: the diet that works for the person eating it.  Despite the myriad opinions on the internet, we are still in the midst of learning which diet types work for different people.  Today we offer another insight into what researchers have found in comparing…


This Little Piggy Ate Too Much Mold

While the agricultural world pours millions into avoiding mold toxins in animal feed, the medical world refuses to recognize how these ubiquitous toxins might affect human health. With numerous studies in animals on how different mold toxins might lead to various harms, you would expect some concern in humans. Until that concern leads to an…


Mold Versus Mildew

In caring for patients suffering from mold toxicity, a functional MD like myself must not only care for the patient but guide the patient in caring for their home environment. Being an expert in the former requires understanding the latter even if I can’t become an “expert” in the environmental side. For that reason, at…


When the Pipes Cause Inflammation in the Fat

Researchers continue to search for the mechanistic connection between obesity and increased inflammation which all agree occurs in our epidemic of metabolic diseases.  UT Southwestern scientist believe they may have uncovered at least one connection.  Fibro inflammatory progenitor cells found in the walls of fat tissue blood vessels could link obesity and inflammation. Countless studies…


Immune Cells Wear Watches

How do they make armbands small enough to fit on the immune cells wrists?  Wait, they don’t have wrists…. Anyway, my point is that research is uncovering the mechanisms by which CD8 immune cells react differently during different times of the day. A team of researchers led by Nicolas Cermakian, PhD, of the Douglas Research…


COVID Vaccine Allergies

  Will I turn red, break out in hives, and stop breathing?  Many ask if the COVID vaccine will trigger an allergic reaction.  They are considering whether or not to step in line for the vaccine in the coming weeks but have concerns about news reports of anaphylaxis or other allergic reactions in those receiving…


Bite Into Medical Education for Good Health

  Did you feel the earth quake on April 3rd, 2019?  Well, that was the date the prestigious journal, The Lancet, published one of the most important studies of the year.  Their findings?  Simply their conclusion that medical students need more education in nutrition during their training. Most of you who are reading this are…


Children’s Lives Impacted by Early Life Adversity

Our fallen world provides numerous examples of how adversity can impact our health.  None of you need convincing of that reality and therefore this study appears bland at first.  But read a little further and you will see that the researchers uncovered effects on children’s executive functioning and changes in stress hormones.  They found measurable…


What’s in a Name?

Being sick is confusing these days with so many medical options promising relief.  Allopathic medicine promises medications to heal.  Naturopathic medicine promises natural cures.  Energy medicine promises to realign your energy fields.  That is just the beginning.  When you are hurting, where do you turn?  Who do you trust?  That will depend on both you…


When You Need More than One Test to Get an Answer

Individuals with multiple symptoms in multiple body systems over months and years without beneficial answers from conventional medicine need something more.  Functional MD’s like myself strive to provide such patients with paths to restoration, not by abandoning conventional medicine, but by applying the best of medical research to our patients.  We are often accused of…


Immune Boosting Antibiotics Discovered

Having your cake and eating it too in the field of infectious disease means discovering antibiotics that both attack the bacteria and stimulate the immune system to turn up its defenses.  Researchers report a new class of antibiotics which carry out this dual function, providing some hope in the fight against antibiotic resistant bacteria. Functional…


Lyme on the Move

Sometimes researchers reveal background facts more intriguing than the mundane discovery which they publish in the headline, as this article about the spread of Lyme disease demonstrates. Their headline proclaims a model to predict where Lyme disease will next arise within our nation which might make you think “duh!”. In comparing the records of 1992…


Moldy Thyroid Hormone

Many patients ask how a mold toxin could cause so much trouble in so many body systems?  I greatly enjoy sharing insights with patients, so I could easily get side tracked for hours, but even our prolonged visits in the office have to end so I can see the next patient.  Without going into the…


When Life Hands You Lemons: Remain Rooted

When Life Hands You Lemons: Remain Rooted By Dr. Potter’s wife, Jennifer O Word of God Incarnate O Word of God incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky; We praise Thee for the radiance that from the hallowed page, A Lantern to our footsteps, shines on…


Elderberry Effects Against Flu Explained

Many may express frustration towards the academic types of medicine, accusing them of having their heads buried so deep in their labs that they don’t appreciate clinical applications.  I agree at times, but this research on the mechanisms by which elderberry inhibits influenza activity could only be done in a lab by such academics.  Many…


Moldy and Blood Brain Barrier

Everyone is exposed to mold on a practically daily basis.  How can it really cause so many different symptoms as functional MD’s claim?  Over time, I intend to answer those questions for a long list of symptoms, but for today, let’s look at the brain.  Several studies indicate that our delicate neurological system does suffer…


Milk It Does a Baby Good

What is the magic ingredient in breastmilk which drives the lifelong benefits for infants who breastfeed?  For some this has been like the holy grail, an elusive answer that would explain why breastfed babies journey through life with lower rates of many inflammatory diseases.  Both my field of pediatrics and functional medicine has promoted breastfeeding…


How Much do You Want to Know About Your Child’s Genetics?

The vast advances in genetic testing ushered in a new era in which patients with illnesses are not the only ones to seek therapy guidance from genetic testing.  Parents want to know what their children may face in the near and far term of life. Moving beyond the neonatal screening programs for cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria,…


Interlocking Causes of Autism

Why can’t we find the one cause of autism?  Because… we are searching for what does not exist, the “one” cause.  Autism remains a mysterious complexity and much of that complexity may lie in the fact that multiple causes may lead to it.  Furthermore, multiple processes interact to produce what we see in children. Dr.…


Mold Hurts Brains

Everyone is exposed to mold on a practically daily basis.  How can it really cause so many different symptoms as functional MD’s claim?  Over time, I intend to answer those questions for a long list of symptoms, but for today, let’s look at the brain.  Several studies indicate that our delicate neurologic system does suffer…


Milk It Does a Baby Good

What is the magic ingredient in breastmilk which drives the lifelong benefits for infants who breastfeed?  For some this has been like the holy grail, an elusive answer that would explain why breastfed babies journey through life with lower rates of many inflammatory diseases.  Both my field of pediatrics and functional medicine has promoted breastfeeding…


How Much do You Want to Know About Your Child’s Genetics?

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Interlocking Causes of Autism

Why can’t we find the one cause of autism?  Because… we are searching for what does not exist, the “one” cause.  Autism remains a mysterious complexity and much of that complexity may lie in the fact that multiple causes may lead to it.  Furthermore, multiple processes interact to produce what we see in children. Dr.…


“Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life”

Day 12 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life” On this 12th and final day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I wanted to share some images that help illustrate some of my ideas of the Abundant Life we talk about at SFM. We…


“Eleven Favorite Supplements”

Day 11 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Eleven Favorite Supplements” “On this, the 11th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” we offer eleven video clips of some of Sanctuary’s favorite supplements. These all-stars stand out due to their ability to provide multiple benefits in one dose. I…


“Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”

Day 10 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”  On the 10th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” we not only encourage you to do at least 10 minutes of exercise per day but provide 10 exercise ideas to fit into…


“9 Favorite Psalms”

Day 9 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “9 Favorite Psalms” “On this 9th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” the staff at Sanctuary will be sharing some of their favorite Psalms. May your meditation upon these Psalms bless your season. We encourage others to look to the Psalms…


8: “Memory is a Marvelous Gift”

Day 8 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Memory is a Marvelous Gift” “On the 8th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I want to highlight memory. We hold traditions and affections in our memory. Our memories often help shape who we are in the present. We encourage…


Day 7 Sanctuary Functional Christmas

Covid and Vitamin D3 “As every potential therapy is being tried against COVID in a widespread rock-paper-scissors game of what can beat COVID, one notable vitamin stands out as a rather consistent winner against COVID 19. “And the winner is Vitamin D3” can be heard nearly every week in various medical research reports. The…


“Six Gluten-free Go-To’s”

Day 6 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Six Gluten-free Go-To’s” For the sixth day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I will share a list of some of my family’s favorite gluten-free options for those times when life is just a little too rushed to worry about absolute…


“Five Minutes of Real Rest”

Day 5 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Five Minutes of Real Rest” “Rest… It can be an elusive concept in today’s frenetic world. Many things interfere with rest: newborns, toxins, stress, anxiety, illness, schedules, LIFE! And this time of the year it seems to get worse. Despite its elusive nature, rest…


COVID-19 Changes Your Immune System

While research seeks to answer the burning questions of science, it’s findings often lead to more questions.  Scientists from the Medical University of Vienna described how COVID-19 left changes in the immune systems of patients 10 weeks later and therefore left a question for future research: “so what?” The numbers of different immune cells including…


How Long Do Flu Vaccine Antibodies Last?

Vaccines are notorious for needing repeated doses and the flu vaccine may be the most notorious.  There are many reasons for needing repeat doses.  The childhood vaccines require a series of injections to stimulate enough response for protection throughout childhood. Even then, the tetanus vaccine wears off years later.  Of course, even a natural infection…


“Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value”

Day 2 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value” “We all recognize Christmas as a season of gift giving. Have you ever stopped to think about the lasting value of the gifts that you give? Often, I have found that the gifts that I…


“One Dose of Conquering Peace”

Day 1 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “One Dose of Conquering Peace” At Sanctuary Functional Medicine, our patients come to us seeking restoration. An important part of that restoring process includes finding relief from the chaos that chronic illness has brought into their lives. That chaos comes in many different forms.…


Proverbs 9:13-18

Folly is a Seductive Witch While Wisdom was seen to have prepared great blessings for her followers, Folly does nothing more than call others to fall into her pit.  She offers stolen water and bread to entice, but offers nothing of her own to those who succumb to her temptations. Folly is loud.  Folly makes…


Mutant SARS CoV 2 Viruses Are Not Gaining Superpowers

Science fiction thrillers fill our nightmares with deadly viruses mutating to the point of human annihilation.  While possible, this scenario is highly unlikely and research indicates that SARS CoV-21 does not appear to be gaining transmissibility super powers either.  Researchers from the University College of London Genetics Institute evaluated  over 40,000 strains of the virus…


10 Tips for Navigating Holiday Parties

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Proverb 9:10-12

A reverence for our Creator and Sovereign Lord is the starting point for all wisdom.  Knowing God is the greatest source for insight into life.  This beginning leads to great blessings. Wisdom multiples our days, adding years to our life. Wisdom blesses the possessor while scoffing brings burdens. When you next face a time of…


Egg in Your Face Lowers Inflammation Without Raising Cholesterol

Eggs have gotten a bad wrap from the worlds of cardiology and nutrition. With the anti-cholesterol movement still strong, the belief that egg’s cholesterol content is damaging to heart vessels still erroneously circulates.  DiBella and others report “This study demonstrates that in a MetS (metabolic syndrome) population, intake of three eggs per day does not…


Is COVID Killing More Americans or Not

One theme of this year’s COVID19 research reality TV series is the repeated flip flopping of scientists and policy makers.  In this case, Johns Hopkins University researchers pulled an article by Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of their Applied Economics degree program which reported that COVID-19 had not increased the number of deaths in the…


Glyphosate Poisons Your Microbiome

Recently a patient asked whether toxins we find on urine testing really make a difference in human health.  A friend was challenging her and challenging the work of the Environmental Working Group ( demonstrating the myriad effects of the industrial age chemicals contributing to chronic disease.  I am accustomed to such challenges from people like…


Proverbs 9:7-9

Scoffers versus the Wise man One’s response to admonition reflects the internal state of their soul.  We all hesitate to tell a scoffer that they are mistaken or that they did something wrong.  We know that they will repeat their past responses which stung us before.  Rather than pausing to consider our words, they will…


CDC, You Scare Me, You Scare Me Not

We live in the year of anxiety, 2020, pondering what 2021 will bring.  Our confidence in experts and the government has taken a huge pummeling.  Then we read the CDC’s documents “Operational Considerations for Humanitarian Settings” (accessed 11/21/2020 at site below).   Yes, we want the government to have a plan for emergencies, but our hair…


COVID and Vitamin D3

As every potential therapy is being tried against COVID in a widespread rock-paper-scissors game of what can beat COVID, one notable vitamin stands out as a rather consistent winner against COVID 19.  “And the winner is Vitamin D3” can be heard nearly every week in various medical research reports.  The following studies offer three examples…


Proverbs 9:1-6

Proverbs 9:1-6 Wisdom has prepared blessings for those who listen In contrast to what folly prepares for its followers, wisdom offers far more to those who seek it.  Wisdom builds a house with strong pillars offering dependable shelter.  Wisdom prepares a banquet of meat and wine, setting a table waiting for us. Wisdom not only…


How the Gut Protects the Brain

Everyone wants to talk about the gut-brain axis these days for good reason.  So many brain diseases are being found to have contributing factors originating in the intestinal tract that other are searching for more connections.  Mostly we have a lot of correlations, meaning we know there is a connection, but don’t have a mechanism…


Possible Origins of COVID Long Haulers

COVID-19 offers an endless array of research options as researchers scramble to understand everything from its adaptation in humans to the leftover effects of the disease in what we call “long-haulers”.  This latter topic of “long-haulers” forced upon us by this virus takes center stage in the article of interests as King’s College London researchers…


COVID-19 Storm Hit New York Earlier Than Believed

We know definitively that COVID-19 debuted in the United States not as a thunderclap sudden downpour, but entered as thousands of unnoticed raindrops for weeks to months prior to its March 2020 hysteria.  Research like that of Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine continues to confirm this perspective in contrast to the media’s portrayal of…


COVID 19 and Autoimmune Risks – A Two Way Street

COVID risks and risks of COVID might sum up today’s post, highlighting the possible two-way street between this coronavirus pandemic and autoimmunity diseases.  Two questions have arisen from the COVID 19 pandemic.  First, who is at risk?  Second, after the infection is over what problems are left behind?  Autoimmunity, or the condition where our bodies…


The Mycotoxin Endocrine Axis

Whether conventional medicine likes it or not, we must recognize a mycotoxin endocrine axis which modulates our hormonal balance.  In the endocrine world, we speak the hypothalamic pituitary axis or the hypothalamic pituitary thyroid axis among others.   This term, axis, highlights the interplay between the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary) and the given endocrine gland in…


Listen to Wisdom

Proverbs 8:32-36 Listen to Wisdom  The prior verses painted a clear picture of how wisdom should be viewed.  These verses carry on the implications that such wisdom of God will greatly bless those who listen to it.  Blessings, life, and favor from the Lord are waiting for those who hear and keep wisdom’s ways.  In…


Fatty Metals

You have to ask yourself why conventional medicine does not get it.  Here we have a study that clearly links mercury with cardiovascular disease and even demonstrates treatment efficacy, yet your regular doctor turns a blind eye to it.  They dismiss the connection as some alternative medicine crazy idea outside of real evidence-based research.  Truth…


Another New Word for 2020 – Syndemic

This year has welcomed a number of new ideas and words to the public’s vocabulary including cytokine storm, lockdown, coronavirus, and now “syndemic”.  Apparently, this word was coined in the 1990’s with the HIV/AIDS crisis, but I had never heard it until today’s article.  We have heard multiple studies highlighting the connection between chronic diseases…


Wisdom is not the New Kid on the Block Wisdom is not the New Kid on the Block  Progress seems the thrill of the day.  The latest must be the greatest says contemporary society.  Yet, God says wisdom has existed from before the world itself began. Wisdom should be our joy rather than the newcomer called “progress”.  We could simply breeze over the passage’s significance…


Moldy Testosterone

Who doesn’t want a little testosterone these days? The anti-aging science coming out indicates that both men and women should optimize their levels of this hormone.  Of course, women need far less than men, but still need enough for metabolic benefits.  Like nearly all of our health pathways, we want enough but not too much.…



Quercetin finds itself in a number of Sanctuary protocols due to the multiplicity of benefits it has to offer.   The natural substance boasts  among its most well known functions effects in ameliorating allergies, preventing oxidation of LDL cholesterol, assisting in metal detoxification, and providing anti-oxidant protection.  Lesser known benefits include in prostatitis and very mild…


Good News for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis patients need some good news now and then.  It is such a devastating disease for many and produces so much fear.  Its attack on the myelin surrounding nerve fibers leads to countless neurologic symptoms unless something turns off the attack or turns up the repair.  Researchers are constantly searching for that magic medicine…


Prenatal Brain Inflammation – The Autism Battlefield

Correlation does not equal causation.  We hear that often in medicine. For example, we know there are correlations between maternal illness during pregnancy and autism. We know that these two conditions, maternal illness and infant autism, travel together, but we don’t have a mechanism of action to prove that the former causes the latter.  We…


Gut Bacteria and Creeping Fat in Autoimmunity

Initially the title sounds like a title for a bad horror film written by a biologist.  Creeping fat brings up images of the old “Blob” movies.  The reality is that scientists found a link between a gut bacteria moving through the intestinal walls of patients with autoimmune Crohn’s disease and a complication of fat accumulation…


Ounce of Mold Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cured Bacon

Many individuals attempting to survive 2020’s insanity are looking to food storage as a way to weather the grocery rationing and food shortages. While toilet paper needs little in the way of preservatives to keep fresh, foods don’t sit on shelfs for weeks and months without a little help in the preserving department.  This year…


CDC Can’t Operate A Stick Shift

The long-standing debate between automatics and stick shifts in cars has taken a whole new twist as the nation’s health experts at the CDC can’t seem to choose “drive” or “reverse” as they release guidance on various aspects of their COVID 19 response. Two articles from Medscape highlight this inability to avoid appearing like a…


Mold Can Be Depressing

Do you ever wonder why you don’t hear more about the effects of mold on human health? Normally, the “bad news” gets more attention, but when it comes to mold toxicity, it seems that few want to talk about it.  Even fewer seem to want to acknowledge studies like this one which point to the…


Wisdom Seeks Followers to Love

Proverbs 8:17-21] Wisdom is a tender and caring master.  Submitting oneself to its care is entrusting one’s being to the most loving mother.  Such a mother will never turn away her fragile infant as he searches for warmth.  Wisdom makes itself easy to find if we but try.  The reward for such searching is grand, enduring riches and honor.  Gold…


What is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?

In caring for mold toxic patients, we can’t get over focused on just the toxin removal process.  Mold has too many “friends” including a syndrome called MCAS, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.  Without addressing the “friends” of mold, recovery is difficult and detox may not be possible. Mast cells are immune cells which help coordinate other…


Taurine – An Underappreciated Amino Acid

Protein supplements in general get moderate attention in the nutrition world.  Many debate the pros and cons of different protein sources like whey or hemp or soy or pea.  Others focus on specific amino acids for specific issues like NAC for detox or mucous thinning.  Taurine rarely gets the big headlines even if many of…


With Whom Does Wisdom Dwell?

Proverbs 8:12-16   Wisdom does not live a solitary life.  Wisdom dwells with others who provide worthy treasures.  Prudence, knowledge, and discretion have long shared residence with wisdom.  Yet, there are those who are never welcome in wisdom’s home.  Evil is hated along with pride, arrogance, and perverted speech.    The dwelling together of wisdom’s companions while closing the door…


Kissing Disease Reactivity (EBV)

Mono from Epstein-Barr Virus can be confirmed by blood testing to have infected by about 95 percent of the world by age 30.  Despite this widespread prevalence, only a small percentage of people suffer from the debilitating form of acute infectious mononucleosis in which fatigue, fever, and sore throat which may last weeks or months. …


Milk, It Does a Baby Good

What is the magic ingredient in breastmilk which drives the lifelong benefits for infants who breastfeed?  For some this has been like the holy grail, an elusive answer that would explain why breastfed babies journey through life with lower rates of many inflammatory diseases.  Both my field of pediatrics and functional medicine has promoted breastfeeding…


An Offer You Should Never Refuse

Proverbs 8:1-11                 Creation cries out.  Our inspired spirits cry out.  The Spirit of God alive in the hearts of His children cries out.  They all shout wisdom.                 In all places and in all times, God offers wisdom to the wise and the foolish, to His children and to those who are not His.  The simple are called to learn prudence.  The…


Not Everyone Believes in Mold

That’s right.  You will find a number of articles out there in journals and on web pages which deny that mold toxicity can make anyone sick. While some just blatantly call you crazy for thinking such non-sense, others attempt a measure of scientific propriety.  They walk through examples and mechanisms and a variety of studies…


Maternal Immune Activation Leading to Autism

Maternal Immune Activation Leading to Autism The hunt for autism’s trigger continues.  The reason for its long continuance likely lies in that it is not one homogenous disease, but a mixture of different triggers culminating in a similar pattern of brain dysfunction and life disruption. The role of the immune system probably runs second only…


Bacterial Immune Chemotherapy

Bacterial Immune Chemotherapy The interwoven nature of our gut microbiome with the functioning of our immune system never ceases to amaze me.  Researchers at the University of Calgary recently reported another potential life-saving discovery.  Specific gut bacteria may enhance the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy in several cancer types.  Besides correlating the presence of Bifidobacterium pseudolongum,…


Genetic Triggers for Childhood Eczema

Some call eczema the itch that rashes. In the nearly 1 in 5 children who have eczema or atopic dermatitis (the other name), this skin condition can range from annoying to life-changing. Scientists have long recognized that eczema goes deeper than just redness and dry flaky skin.  In various research the concept of leaky skin…


Proverbs: Seeing Clearly

Proverbs 7:10-20 The author of Proverbs continues to describe the seduction of sin using the adulteress as the prime temptress.  Seductive speech and smooth talk make the temptation appear much more appealing and pleasurable.  “All at once” indicates a sudden “giving in” to the seduction, a dropping of the guard.  The strong ox is then led to its…


Antifungals for Your Home – What Works Best

Antifungals for Your Home – What Works Best While caring for hundreds of patients harmed by mold toxicity, we get countless questions about how to clean homes and belongings for mold contamination.  We are not remediators and often refer questions to those who are more expert in the remediation world than we are, but we…


Zinc Raises T Cell Immunity in Nursing Homes

We should all be looking for ways to strengthen our immune systems and the immune systems of our vulnerable loved ones.  As we do so, we should search for those therapies that are most cost effective not only for ourselves, but for society as millions could benefit from such insight.  Finding $1000 a pill therapies…


Unmasking the Truth: The Thirteenth Question

Unmasking the Truth (skip to “The Thirteenth Question” below if you read prior questions already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse.  With a vision of communities coming together to collectively determine…


Hold Tight to Wisdom and Don’t Reach for Foolishness

Proverbs 7:10-20              The prior verses urged the importance of holding to wisdom.  These verses warn of the temptress who lures away the foolish.  The picture of the prostitute is literal, but the temptation may come in many forms and always promises reward and pleasure to those who forsake wisdom.                We are daily tempted to…


GI Mucous – A Sticky Situation for Autism and Other Neurologic Diseases

As our ability to identify and measure gut bacteria has progressed, the number of connections between our gut microbiome and various neurologic diseases constantly expands.  Autism, Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and others have been linked to various changes in the relative numbers of gut bacteria.  These researchers examined the interactions between the mucous…


Unmasking the Truth: Twelfth Question

Unmasking the Truth (skip to “The Twelfth Question” below if you read prior questions already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse.  With a vision of communities coming together to collectively…


Supporting Smell for COVID

Besides respiratory failure and death, one of the most publicized effects of COVID infection has been the loss of smell experienced by so many.  As one of the earlier symptoms, many have gotten nervous when their smell is off momentarily.  For those who have experienced this frustrating symptom in reality, it sometimes takes weeks to…


The Fools in the Street

Proverbs 7:6-9              Our world is full of fools.  None of us wants to be one of those who fall prey to deception and foolishness, yet we are always a step away from doing so if we forsake wisdom.                As you look out of your window and perceive the foolishness of the immature, remember…


Unmasking the Truth – Tenth question… Am I free to disagree?

(skip to “The Tenth Question” below if you read prior questions already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse.  With a vision of communities coming together to collectively determine truth and…


Sarcoidosis was linked to Fungal Exposures in Homes

In caring for a large number of patients suffering from mold toxicity, I have seen just about every disease and symptom under the sun coming from mold exposure.  I am still amazed at the agility of my enemy (yes, mold is my hated enemy for many reasons) to cause so many different problems for human…


Tee-Up Your Immunity for COVID 19

The race against COVID-19 has developed into the most widely watched scientific discovery since HIV.  However, HIV’s story turned into a long grueling ultra-marathon while COVID is more like the Olympic 1600 meter race with speed hoping for a quick finish.  The rapidity of discovery has been both exhilarating and maddening.  Each discovery is met…


Life and Wisdom

Proverbs 7:1-5              So many in science, in legend, and in the local health store are searching for longer lives.  The Word tells us how to find life both in length and in quality.  Wisdom, its possession and application brings life.  Their reward is so grand that the writer of proverbs urges us to treasure…


Unmasking the Truth #9

(skip to “The Ninth Question” below if you read prior questions already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse.  With a vision of communities coming together to collectively determine truth and…


Unmasking the Truth #8

(skip to “The Eighth Question” below if you read prior questions already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse.  With a vision of communities coming together to collectively determine truth and…


We are Still Learning about the Gut Microbiome

Exactly what is a “healthy” gut microbiome?  Many would just say eat fiber.  Others would throw a probiotic into that mix.  As usual, the situation in our bodies is much more complicated than that.  Researchers from the integrative medicine program at George Washington University along with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reviewed…


Introducing Lipidomics – Getting an Oil Change

Medical research has poured billions of dollars into understanding protein and carbohydrates based metabolic processes.  Even when lipids have been studied, they often related to how either proteins metabolize them or how carbohydrates relate to them.  The long article from which this post is based argues forcibly for a deeper study of lipids in their…


Special Message from Dr. Potter

Hello! This is Dr. Potter. For the last few months we’ve heard from people who wanted to know what they could do to strengthen their immune system and asked if I had recommendations on therapies or courses. I take your concerns very seriously so I’ve been working hard to create one. I call it “Immune…


Unmasking the Truth #7 – Have you read “How to Lie with Statistics”?

Unmasking the Truth #7 – Have you read “How to Lie with Statistics”? (skip to “The Seventh Question” below if you read prior questions already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse.…


Shocking: A Healthy Lifestyle Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

Sometimes the obvious deserves mention.  Medscape recently highlighted an article from the journal, Neurology, (see link at end) which emphasized how the practice of 5 lifestyles patterns could lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by up to 60 percent. The rate of Alzheimer’s disease is climbing and it impact on society is growing as more…


Unmasking the Truth #6 – Are you at risk for COVID?

(skip to “The Sixth Question” below if you read prior questions already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse.  With a vision of communities coming together to collectively determine truth and…


I’ll Take a Side Order of Clay with That Feed

Sometimes we need to get away from the urban life into the country to learn a little science.  In this case, researchers were primarily looking for ways to alleviate the toxic effects of aflatoxin in animal food in the livestock industry.  For functional MD’s trying to care for mold toxic patients and keep our own…


Sins Touch Our Bodies and Our Souls

Proverbs 6:25-29   In the previous selection, parents advise their son to listen to their wisdom.  Here they are urging him to refrain from adultery.  This seems so old-fashioned to many today as morals and expectations have changed.  Many believe they can do whatever they want without consequences. These verses remind us that there are not only…


Unmasking the Truth – Question 5 Part 2

Unmasking the Truth – Question 5 Part 2 – Are you missing any factors?    You will want to go back to the last post to read the first half of question 5.  Then return here to continue…    After looking at the first side of this question, now turn your attention to what factors…


Immune Connections with Schizophrenia

  Sometimes, a study leaves me speechless in the potential for a profound impact I see in its findings.  The authors of the study may never know how significant their finding could be for biotoxin patients.  Without a little explanation, those outside the biotoxin world would never know how far down the rabbit hole a…


Unmasking the Truth – Question 5 Part 1

Unmasking the Truth – Question 5 Part 1 – Are you missing any factors? (skip to “The Fifth Question” below if you read prior questions already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than…


Mycotoxins Turn Off Our Immune System

It’s just a little mold.  It’s nothing to be afraid of… so they say.  Until this little mold spreads around a little toxin called gliotoxin- then you all know what goes down.  Functional MD’s like myself who deal with mold and its toxins are not surprised by this study’s findings, but conventional medicine should really…


Unmasking the Truth: The Fourth Question

Unmasking the Truth (skip to “The Fourth Question” below if you read prior questions already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse. With a vision of communities coming together to collectively…


Do Not Be That Man

Proverbs 6:12-15 Do not be that man We are whole beings of spiritual and physical nature.  The workings of a wicked heart will come out in both word and deed.  The word and deed will bring destruction on the whole person. As the wicked goes about with crooked speech, he will send signals that further distort…


Unmasking the Truth: The Third Question

Unmasking the Truth (skip to “The Third Question” if you read question one already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse. With a vision of communities coming together to collectively determine…


I Agree with Dr. Fauci on Post COVID Syndrome…Mostly

It takes guts to admit when you are wrong. I humbly admit that I finally agree with Dr. Fauci on something.  Okay, if you don’t know already, I am very frustrated with the flip-flopping of our so called medical experts in government.  Dr. Fauci has gone back and forth on multiple topics, but I think…


Don’t Salt Your Immune System

Our upcoming immune prepper course will offer an in-depth look at a multitude of factors which go into the proper care and function of our immune defense systems.  Today we look at one factor in our diets which can impair our ability to fight off infections. The amount of salt we take in on a…


HOLD Tight to Wisdom HOLD tight to Wisdom If we are blessed with wise and loving parents who take the time to share their wisdom, we should stop and receive the gift they offer. Rather than treat them dismissively, we should bind them to us in a way that we hold tightly to them. When held this tightly,…


Unmasking the Truth – Second Question

Unmasking the Truth (Skip to “The Second Question” if you read question one already) Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse.  With a vision of communities coming together to collectively find…


Unmasking the Truth

Having broached the topic of masks, I want to encourage dialogue between the polarities of the debate. This is challenging given the political climate of uncivil discord rather than civil discourse.  With a vision of communities coming together to collectively find the truth and decide on policy, I offer a series of questions.  I don’t…


Looking at Fats from a Different Angle

Fats just do not get the respect they deserve and I admit that I have been in the disrespectful group up until recently.  Over the years, fats have either been implicated as cardiovascular disease culprits or lauded as dietary miracles in the ketogenic world.  They get attention but their contribution to health and disease reaches…


Live Longer In Community

I can’t bring myself to spend a long time on this article as the “Duh!” factor is so overwhelming.  The conclusion is so simple yet so profound I can’t leave it untouched.  The community in which you live affects the length of your life.  Wow, earth shattering news flash, right? The study looked at the…


Avoid That Which God Hates

Proverbs 6:16-19   Avoid that which God Hates We have no excuse should we choose to displease our maker. We have commandments.  We have explanations of the Law in the Pentateuch. We have Jesus’ words and life. And we have 7 things that God hates. In this list we see sins of the heart, sins…


Mold Binders – Cholestyramine and Ochratoxin A

Medicine boasts its fair share of long words.  Cholestyramine is one of those long words which we use a lot at Sanctuary Functional Medicine as we care for our patient who suffer from biotoxin illness like mold. Typing or saying it over and over gets tiring, so we use the acronym CSM in the office…


Random Roots – Thunder God Vine

First of all, I have to admit that I have never recommended Thunder God Vine Root for autoimmune diseases.  Maybe you will fault me for not knowing about this potentially beneficial therapy for autoimmune disease, but this is part of practicing functional medicine.  New studies come out.  New knowledge and understanding come out of research. …


Stay Awake

Proverbs 6:6-11 Stay Awake While looking to a heavenly father for our daily bread, we do not wait idly.  The Israelites were called to gather manna in the desert.  We are called to take care for ourselves and others. We are called to take action in preparing while God does the providing. In contrast, those who…


Don’t Stress Out Over Your Immunity

As I worked through hundreds of articles preparing for my upcoming SFM Empower Immune Prepper course, many of the articles had so much potential for impact that I could not wait to share them in the course.  This article by Moray et al jumped out with its emphasis on the connection between stress and immune…


Brain Over Fire

We are truly a whole person.  Functional MD’s like myself recognize how our body, minds, and spirits interact even though we don’t always understand fully the mechanisms.  Still, we appreciate when studies support what we practice on a daily basis.  This study looked at how cognitive behavioral therapy could lower inflammation and affect inflammatory messengers…


Take Care With Your Promises

Proverbs 6:1-5  Take care with your promises The Father turns to advising his son on pledges and promises.  At the heart of this admonition, he tells his son to not bind himself under a neighbor’s future behaviors.  By putting up a security for the neighbor, the son agrees to pay a price should the neighbor not…


Airborne Mycotoxins

As a functional MD caring for a multitude of mold toxic patient, I am frequently fielding the question of “how did I get mold toxins in me?”.  I am also faced with defending this field of mold detox to conventional medicine.  This particular article provides a few answers to how this whole process occurs and…


Innate and Adaptive Immunity

As we look to launch our SFM Empower Immune Prepper Course in the coming weeks, I can’t control the urge to share a few bits and pieces of it now.  With the onslaught of COVID 19 and the fear surrounding it, this wisdom will be critical to navigate the new world before us.  The nuggets…


Faithfulness to First Loves

Faithfulness to First Loves Proverbs 5:15-23 The betrayal of first loves is deepest of all.  We have read last week of the consequences of betrayal. We read here of the commanded actions towards one’s wife of their youth. Drink from her and do not share with others.  Delight in her and enjoy the blessings of her…


A Race Between our Brain and our Body

Medical research supports both brain exercise and body exercise for our health.  Given the quest for deeper understanding researchers next wondered if the brain or the body led the way in staying healthy.  Boris Cheval et al published their attempt to determine the race between brain and body in Health Psychology. By monitoring cognitive function…


Failed Fertility Therapy

We all prefer good news over bad news, but if functional medicine hopes to remain true to science and reality, we have to acknowledge some failures.  At Sanctuary, some of our female patients not only want to overcome their chronic health issues but want to bear children.  In helping them, we look to detox, fighting…


The Sour Fruits of Foolishness

Proverbs 5:7-14   The Sour Fruits of Foolishness The father continues to plead with his sons to listen and to keep listening.  He repeats his warning from previous verses to stay away from the adulterous woman, the one who entices his sons to betrayal.  Do not even go near betrayal or the one who entices it. The…


Pregnancy Stress May Last Throughout Life

We can all agree stress affects our health.  Whether the source of stress begins with an annoying boss or an overseas virus, we feel, think, and act differently under stress.  A measure of the distress comes from feeling out of control over our situation.  For babies during their mother’s pregnancy or in early life after…


Amino Acid Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease

As the epidemic of Alzheimer’s grows, scientists search for whatever therapy options arise out of the ongoing investigations into root causes.  Scientists search for the complex and sophisticated, but sometimes simple possibilities poke their heads up and surprise.  Researchers recognized alterations in the metabolic activity of early Alzheimer’s and asked themselves if this could contribute…


Breastfeeding Lowers Asthma and Allergy

While some mainstream media outlets and part of society continues to disparage breastfeeding, science continues to support the benefits of breastfeeding for infants.  As a functional medicine pediatrician seeking to counsel parents on the best ways to prepare their children for the world, breastfeeding will always be in the top 5 to 10 practices.  Without…


Future Prebiotic Sleep Aid?

Insomnia plagues the lives of many, robbing their daytime of energy and focus, robbing nights of peace.  In functional medicine we offer many therapies to improve sleep such as supplements, lifestyle changes, and neurofeedback.  This research may lead to another option as scientists further unravel the connections between prebiotics and sleep. Coming in various forms…


Curcumin – Nanoscale Multi-Tool

Curcumin, the multi-tool of functional medicine just got nano-scaled.  As the article notes, curcumin has frustrated scientists for years.  It clearly affects multiple bodily processes like inhibiting NF-kB, TNF alpha, and IL-6. Each of these substances play a role in inflammation.  However, our body’s limited ability to absorb curcumin and the swiftness of its metabolism…


Oranges for Weight Loss

I only know one person whose favorite color is orange, but they may be on to something with weight loss.  Western University researchers identified a substance called nobiletin from oranges and tangerines which modify how animal metabolism handles lipids (fats).   In a study of rats fed a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet, those rats fed nobiletin ended…


Warning Against Betrayal

Proverbs 5:1-6 Warning Against Betrayal        Again the writer of Proverbs calls his son to attend to a warning.  The message is simple.  While the words of the adulterous woman sound sweet as honey in the beginning, they lead to great bitterness and are sharp like a sword.  They lead to death. While both the newlywed and the…


Why Your Stomach Asks What Time It Is

Given the fact that we have been eating for as long as we have existed and modern society focuses so much on weight control, you would think we would have our “system” down on the meal issue.  We do tend towards 3 meals a day even if we have different names for them and different…


Leaky Brains Controlled by Microglial Response

In medicine, scientists search for targets which can be manipulated for health benefits.  The complexity of our systems makes such targets few and far in between.  Still they hope to discern the key players in disease processes like neurodegeneration.  For diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, they have learned that inflammation and a leaky blood brain…


Flavonoids as Brain Boosters

Forget the chickens and the eggs for now, let’s consider teas and berries for brain health.  This research confirms that foods high in flavonoids benefit brain health as we grow older.  By comparing the self-reported intakes of 6 different types of flavonoids in 2,800 people, they determined that those with higher intakes had 2 to…


The Practices of Wisdom

Proverbs 4:20-27 The Practices of Wisdom   In a world which values expediency, we like the easy fixes.  We look for the simple 3 step guide to everything. We want fast food and fast results.                 This selection from Proverbs 4:20-27 gets in the way of finding 3 steps to wisdom.  We are told to: Be attentive Incline…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering Vitamin D

While many are considering COVID to be a four-letter curse word that they are sick of hearing, by necessity of its threat to human life, researchers continue to search for explanations and I continue to share their discoveries with you.  We have addressed many other nutritional, pharmaceutical, and lifestyle therapies in past articles. Today we…


The BP Alphabet

Just change a couple of carbons, add some hydrogen, or move some double bonds and magically you take a dangerous chemical like BPA and make it safe.  Well sometimes yes and sometimes no. When industry realized that BPA in plastics was no longer an option, they devised all sorts of alternatives with the intention of…


Vomocytosis, New Scrabble Word

  My son has already burst my Scrabble bubble by pointing out that vomocytosis is too long for the standard rules of Scrabble.  Nevertheless, it will be a useful word to sound smart.  All that aside, the relationship of vomocytosis and fungal infections intrigues me more than Scrabble success. Researchers from the University of Birmingham…


Folding DNA Incorrectly May Lead to Autoimmune Disease

Our mothers may have taught us how to fold our clothes for easier placement in our dresser drawers, but proper folding appears to be important in the development of type I diabetes, an autoimmune disorder.  Researchers have worked long and hard to understand how autoimmune diseases develop in search of prevention and treatment.  Our understanding…


Psalm 91 and COVID 19

Psalm 91 and COVID 19 Verses 5 and 6    God is not afraid of COVID 19 and neither should we be afraid.  God has a plan for us from eternity past and nothing in heaven or on earth can hinder His plan. In fact, whether it involves the intent of our mortal enemy or…


Salugenesis (aka Salutagenesis)

Modern medicine signs its name with “allopathy” when pressed for its roots.  Allopathy basically means that we come against disease (pathos).  If bacteria invade our body’s sanctuary, we respond with anti-bacterials.  If cancer arises, we respond with anti-cancer agents called chemotherapy.  This paradigm has served us well for decades in the acute war against disease.…


Don’t Forget Your Immune system

Our brain has been a mystery for millennia as philosophers and researchers attempted to understand how we remember.  We now understand that memory occurs in the brain with changes in the electrical properties of nerve cells and changes in the network interactions of those nerves located in various brain regions.  Different areas of the brain…


Autoimmunity and Rogue Immune Cells

We may think of the rogue scientist who plots to control the world in the latest science fiction thriller, but our immune system also operates with rogue agents.  For scientists studying autoimmunity, the search for potential rogue cells which triggered the disease process hit paydirt recently.  Knowing that the majority of autoimmune patients’ immune cells…


Setting Alarms for Your Food

Most know that the immune system serves our body as a defense system with alarms that warn of incoming danger.  Did you know that our daily ritual of meals influences those alarm bells?  As a functional MD always on the lookout for simple ways to help my patients live a healthier more abundant life, the…


Eating Out Does Not Work Out

In a fast paced world where novelty drives our appetites, the typical American spends a lot of time and money eating out.  Staying home for a home cooked meal takes time and can seem mundane. Going out for the latest new dish from restaurants offering endless variety draws us as does the need to get…


The Path to Plenty

Proverbs 3:19-20   Science requires order.  Without assuming order’s preeminence in the universe, the scientist may not assume his experiment stands true tomorrow to today’s results.  He may not assume his discovered law of nature stands true next door or across the sea.  Yet, assuming the universe functions according to an order permits one to hope in consistency…


Series on COVID – Spiritual Truths

Series on COVID – Spiritual Truths As a break from my series on Proverbs, we take time to remind ourselves of who is in control of COVID.  Some believe the elite globalists control this pandemic.  Some believe that the media control the narrative.  Some believe that it is completely out of control. Regardless of where…


Searching for Mycotoxin Silver Bullets

The battle against Chronic Inflammatory response Syndrome induced by mold toxins longs for a silver bullet.  Both functional MD’s like myself and their mold toxic patients long for an easier and quicker path to recovery for those who have suffered for years.  We are waiting for research to uncover a means of either removing mold…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Elderberry

Series on COVID Therapy Studies –  Elderberry Normally, the natural therapy world works together in promoting most therapies.  There are exceptions when arguments arise, but most agree on the big issues.  The social media and internet world currently reverberate with one of those exceptions, elderberry in the treatment of COVID. Let’s examine the evidence further below. With the…


Mycotoxins Attacking the Gut Lining

In caring for those oppressed by mycotoxins, a functional MD like myself cannot ignore any body system.  By definition, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome presents as a multi-symptom, multi-system disease.  Mycotoxins enter our patients’ lives in multiple ways, through air, skin, and food.  To enter their lives and restore their health, we are constantly trying to…


Darkness Offers Not the Shield Which Light Doth Yield

Proverbs 3:21-27 Darkness Offers Not the Shield Which Light Doth Yield Walking through the dark night of one’s soul exposes one to great temptations.  If one’s mind and heart offer no security from previously accumulated wisdom, the dark night likely drives one to fear, even madness or escape.  However, the light of wisdom lends itself to another…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Curcumin

With the onslaught by COVID and its coinciding onslaught of self-proclaimed experts with every opinion under the sun, I choose to respond with a series of research study reports so you can choose for yourself.  Each edition will bring a few studies describing possible therapies for COVID under investigation or reported in past research.  As…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Hydroxychloroquine

With the onslaught by COVID and its coinciding onslaught of self-proclaimed experts with every opinion under the sun, I choose to respond with a series of research study reports so you can choose for yourself.  Each edition will bring a few studies describing possible therapies for COVID under investigation or reported in past research.  As…


Considering COVID Convalescent Plasma

Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering COVID Convalescent Plasma Unless you just returned from a deep jungle safari, you know about COVID 19.  This little virus, supposedly arising from some animal in a China wet market, changed the face of reality for the entire world.  Lethal for some, easily spread, and absent any confirmed…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering Licorice Root (Glycyrrhizin)

Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering Licorice Root (Glycyrrhizin) With the onslaught by COVID and its coinciding onslaught of self-proclaimed experts with every opinion under the sun, I choose to respond with a series of research study reports so you can choose for yourself.  Each edition will bring a few studies describing possible therapies…


Greater than Knowledge

Proverbs 3:13-18 Greater than Knowledge The age of shortcuts hangs a shadow over our world.  The time horizon of diligence continues to draw near in this shadow.  No one wishes to wait for reward.  They expect their payoff today.  Tomorrow resides beyond the horizon in a shadow.  Modern society groans unwillingly to wait beyond the moment to receive out of…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Resveratrol

Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Resveratrol With the onslaught by COVID and its coinciding onslaught of self-proclaimed experts with every opinion under the sun, I choose to respond with a series of research study reports so you can choose for yourself.  Each edition will bring a few studies describing possible therapies for COVID under…


Gut – Brain Connections: How colon bacteria affect mental health

Grand discoveries which explain long sought-after connections between different phenomena in our bodies come by taking keen observations and methodically teasing apart the threads that connect the web of our metabolism.  Researchers knew that some connection between autoimmune disorders, anxiety symptoms, and gut bacteria existed.  This article lays out how researchers at several institutions tried…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering Zinc

Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering  Zinc With the onslaught by COVID and its coinciding onslaught of self-proclaimed excerpts with every opinion under the sun, I choose to respond with a series of research study reports so you can choose for yourself.  Each edition will offer a number of studies describing possible therapies for…


Learn From Those You Trust

Proverbs 3:11-12 Learn From Those You Trust We are taught from birth to develop independence and autonomous strength.  Like many of the world’s “truths”, it resounds a hollow echo as a half-truth.  Yes, we should learn responsibility for our own well-being.  Yes, we should avoid inordinate dependence on others for our needs.  Yet… no matter our age, in order…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Cytokine Storm

Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Cytokine Storm With the onslaught by COVID and its coinciding onslaught of self-proclaimed experts with every opinion under the sun, I choose to respond with a series of research study reports so you can choose for yourself.  Each edition will bring a few studies describing possible therapies for COVID…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering Vitamin C

Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering Vitamin C With the onslaught by COVID and its coinciding onslaught of self-proclaimed experts with every opinion under the sun, I choose to respond with a series of research study reports so you can choose for yourself.  Each edition will bring a few studies describing possible therapies for…


Don’t Stress Out Over Gray Hair

We can thank Harvard for the answer to an age-old health riddle.  They appear to have found the link between stress and gray hair.  For centuries, if not millennia, mankind has noted how high stress can trigger sudden hair graying. Many tried to find the exact mechanism by which this occurs., but Harvard researchers finally…


Don’t let your Children Get Hit Twice

Multiple studies link life stressors (adverse childhood events) with later adult health diseases. Multiple studies are linking environmental toxins during childhood with adult diseases.  This study combined the two factors to determine if the effects were additive or synergistic.  In other words, did they just add 1 + 1 to equal 2 or do the…


The Path to Plenty

Proverbs 3:9-10 The Path to Plenty Our society values prosperity. This is not inherently bad as prosperity provides a foundation for health and enjoyment of life. The path to prosperity is viewed from a positive light in these verses while other verses describe the fruits of pursuing prosperity wrongly. At Sanctuary, we want to…


Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering Therapies

Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Considering Therapies With the onslaught by COVID and its coinciding onslaught of self-proclaimed experts with every opinion under the sun, I choose to respond with a series of research study reports so you can choose for yourself. Each edition will bring a few studies describing possible therapies for COVID…


Frying Your Brain with Soybean Oil

Who ya going to believe these days?  Every medical association and every internet want-to-be is telling you how to cook your food.  Coconut oil, avocado oil, soybean oil, hemp oil, and on and on.  Then you listen to some of my upcoming videos about discerning the results of medical studies to know if the results…


New Series on COVID Therapy Studies – Introduction

With the onslaught by COVID and its coinciding onslaught of self-proclaimed experts with every opinion under the sun, I choose to respond with a series of research study reports so you can choose for yourself. Each edition will bring a few studies describing possible therapies for COVID under investigation or reported in past research. As…


ADHD Medications Alter Brain Activity

Researchers have searched for the root causes of ADHD for decades hoping to hint at successful treatments. Sometimes, they also work backwards, looking at therapies that appear to be helpful and trying to understand why. By understanding how a medication changes dysfunction into function, they hope to uncover the root causes in the process. Functional…


Contradicting the World

Proverbs 3:5-8 Contradicting the World While we can always trust God’s Word to provide truth, sometimes profound truths arise in the oddest of places. While listening to a lecture from The Great Courses on music history, the instructor emphasized that our current view of music arises from a Greek humanistic mindset. He contrasted this…


Plastic Brains (phthalates) are Bad for Little Girls

Regrets and hindsight are meant to teach us lessons.  When it comes to dumping chemical after chemical into our environment without true evaluation of the health effects, this research reminds us of the negative consequences.  The Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health released study findings linking prenatal phthalates exposure to motor development effects on girls…


Removing Autoimmune Triggers

I have said this before, but we need to consider potentially removable triggers for a patient with autoimmune disease before just condemning them to a life of immune suppressing therapies.  Discerning the root cause may avoid a lot of unnecessary therapy and prevent a lot of damage.  I just don’t understand why conventional medicine ignores…


Let Your Heart Keep My Commandments

Proverbs 3:1-4 Let Your Heart Keep My Commandments We strive to imitate our heavenly Father in caring for our patients. He encourages us to remember the teachings of wisdom in this Proverb. We encourage our patients to remember what we teach them about caring for their health. Both encouragements are intended to result in…


Bacterial Proteins May Trigger Celiac Disease

In any crime and in any disease, we should start with “who pulled the trigger”?  Researchers have long known that not everyone with the HLA DQ2 and DQ8 genetics develop celiac disease, but without one of those genes, true celiac disease is rare.  Why do some with the genes develop celiac and some don’t?  Even…


Genes that Affect Your Psyche

Everyone in genetics keeps hunting for the needles in the haystacks. Using data from almost 500 thousand healthy subject and over 230 thousand individuals with one of eight common psychiatric disorders, researchers found 109 genes linked to these mental health conditions. That was a lot of genes to wade through, but today’s computers allow us…


Eating Cake in the Modern World

Proverbs 2:16 Eating Cake in the Modern World The modern world summarizes it in this way, “you can’t have your cake and eat it too”. We choose righteousness or evil each day. Each day that we choose evil, we take another step down a path that leads to destruction. We cannot have it both…


Fire Resistant Fatty Livers

We live in an age of epidemic metabolic disease without clear answers for why. Many point fingers at dietary factors like sugars and trans fats. Others point fingers at lifestyle factors like sedentary life without exercise. While functional MD’s like myself acknowledge these factors, we also look at toxic contributors to diabetes, heart disease, and…


Probiotics…Wanted Dead or Alive

The “Wanted dead or alive?” debate rages on in the world of probiotics and microbiome research. Functional medicine MD’s like myself already apply microbiome principles in the care of our patients. On the other hand, many detractors in conventional medicine claim that the probiotics we swallow in capsules either cross the threshold of our mouths…


Slow Down and Ponder His Wisdom

Proverbs 2:6-15 “Continuing Proverb 2:6-15” Slow Down and Ponder His Wisdom God calls us to meditate on His truth. Quick glances do not bring out the depth and breadth of His Word any more than jogging through an art museum. In a fast-paced world, we must force ourselves to slow down and ponder His…


Finding MEMO1, Autism and Cellular Train Tracks

Finding clues to the underlying mechanisms of autism would seem easier than finding a lost fish in the ocean at times. It turns out that one clue arises from cellular train tracks laid down early in development. These subcellular microtubular proteins serve as tracks on which the developing brain sends cells to differentiate into different…


How Old is Your Cellular Metabolism?

Where can we find the metabolic fountain of youth? Centuries are filled with an endless variety of magicians and now scientists searching for that magic potion to help us live forever. While I ultimately know that only heaven will be forever, present world research into the process of aging can lead to very beneficial therapies…


Gold Mine Alert

Proverbs 2:6-15 Gold Mine Alert Yes, I am serious, this Proverb is a gold mine, a treasure trove for those able and willing to dig into it. Proverbs repeats for those of us who are hard of hearing two timeless truths: wisdom is more valuable than treasure and wisdom begins with God. A third…


Don’t Give your Inflammasomes any Matches

Anyone found to be unaware of the tight connection between inflammation and dementias like Alzheimer’s and Fronto-Temporal Dementia needs remedial neurology classes if they intend to practice medicine in the 21st century. Countless studies underscore the correlations between higher inflammatory states and dementia, but we need more studies like today’s spot-light on the role of…


All Cholesterol is not the Same

We live in an age of heart disease and strokes where medicine often focuses solely on a patient’s LDL cholesterol number as the most important factor to prevent these deadly diseases. A functional MD like myself hopes to see that perspective shift as more research like this article comes to light. The researchers from Ohio…


The Treasure of Wisdom

Proverbs 2: 1-5 Yes, wisdom is that valuable. I remind myself and my children regularly, that wisdom is a treasure worth more than precious metals. Foolishness can lead to the loss of a fortune while wisdom can turn meager resources into an abundance. As we care for Sanctuary patients, we strive to share our…


Single Cell Genetics in Autism

Autism research has developed into a multidimensional scavenger hunt with every research tool possible being thrown at the growing epidemic. It benefits from new discoveries and new tools in other fields, particularly lab methods such as single cell transcriptomics. In this study, researchers evaluated single cells for genetic expression changes in different areas of autistic…


GSTM 1 Genetics and Kidney Disease

Broccoli protects some kidneys better than others apparently. Recent research out of the American Society of Nephrology compared the effects of broccoli intake in those with and without the GSTM1 enzyme. In 2 human cohorts and mice models the GSTM1 – glutathione S transferase M1 – enzyme correlated with increased kidney disease progression. Researchers obviously…


Guaranteed Health, Wealth and Success?

Proverbs 1:24-33 True or False: Following God will guarantee health, wealth and success. Of course, we know this to be false. Following God involves sacrifice and suffering with no guarantee that storms won’t come. True or False: Suffering is a sure sign of disobeying God. Also, obviously false. However, the verses above do suggest…


Inflamed Brains Move Slower

We don’t need scientific studies to tell us that our brains just don’t function as well when we are sick. Viruses, bacteria, and other inflammation triggers undoubtedly slow our thinking organs down and some call this a “brain fog”. What science can help us with is the “why”. Other studies have uncovered how long-term inflammatory…


Mitochondrial Canary System

In the early days, coal miners would use canaries deep in coal mines to monitor for dangerous gases which might kill the miners. The canaries were more sensitive and would show signs of distress at low gas levels before the miners would sense danger themselves. In our cells, something must sound the first alarm and…


The Call of Wisdom

The Call of Wisdom Proverbs 1:20-22 At Sanctuary, we strive to be such a voice of wisdom crying aloud in the street. We have studied with an open mind the fields of natural and conventional medicine extensively. We have worked to apply Biblical wisdom in caring for patients rather than simply following the mainstream…


When You Need More than One Test to Get an Answer

Individuals with multiple symptoms in multiple body systems over months and years without beneficial answers from conventional medicine need something more. Functional MD’s like myself strive to provide such patients with paths to restoration, not by abandoning conventional medicine, but by applying the best of medical research to our patients. We are often accused of…


New Flu Treatment: Ketogenic Diet

I have said a million times that there is no perfect diet for everyone. Each person begins life wired differently, and individual persons need individualized nutrition. For that reason, I have not jumped on the ketogenic bandwagon like many who sound like it fixes everything. However, I have to admit this research is pretty intriguing.…


Temptation to Shortcuts

Proverbs 1:8-19 Again we hear the call to heed the words of those before us bearing the gift of wisdom. A child will know that their parents have wisdom to offer by having lived under their care. Physicians should know where to seek medical wisdom by the tested fruits of the wise teachers in…


I’m Getting Better!

“I remember the day on the left very clearly. It was 2013; and it was my best day of that week. I had actually gotten out of bed, taken a bath and put clothes on to go to the store with my husband. I didn’t make it out of the car, but I was out…


It Ain’t That Simple: Autism

I constantly tell my patients that if their illness were so simple to have one simple “cause” then someone else would have already “fixed” it for them. We have all grown up in a world of medicine where the one-cause-one-disease model has prevailed leading us to all stumble when real life and its illnesses are…


Blame Your Great-Grandmother for Your Flu Symptoms

Blame Your Great-Grandmother for Your Flu Symptoms The study of epigenetics marches forward in unearthing previously unimagined connections between our ancestors and our health.  Several organ systems have revealed their transgenerational effects of ancestral environmental exposure (see a few in studies listed at end).  In a recent study by Post et al, the immune system…


Chaos versus Wisdom

Proverbs Chapter 1:1-7 Life in chaos empties one’s soul whereas wisdom nourishes as it orders and restores. Patients come to our Sanctuary desiring release from chaos’ grip on their health, their lives. Our Sanctuary seeks to serve these good desires through applying wisdom. How should such a sharing of wisdom from a Christian health…


Curcumin: A Scientific Review

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Energy Efficient and Microbially Nasty

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Floxies and Heart Diseases

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

“Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life”

Day 12 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life” On this 12th and final day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I wanted to share some images that help illustrate some of my ideas of the Abundant Life we talk about at SFM. We…


“Eleven Favorite Supplements”

Day 11 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Eleven Favorite Supplements” “On this, the 11th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” we offer eleven video clips of some of Sanctuary’s favorite supplements. These all-stars stand out due to their ability to provide multiple benefits in one dose. I…


“Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”

Day 10 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”  On the 10th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” we not only encourage you to do at least 10 minutes of exercise per day but provide 10 exercise ideas to fit into…


“9 Favorite Psalms”

Day 9 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “9 Favorite Psalms” “On this 9th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” the staff at Sanctuary will be sharing some of their favorite Psalms. May your meditation upon these Psalms bless your season. We encourage others to look to the Psalms…


8: “Memory is a Marvelous Gift”

Day 8 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Memory is a Marvelous Gift” “On the 8th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I want to highlight memory. We hold traditions and affections in our memory. Our memories often help shape who we are in the present. We encourage…


7 Favorite Health Stories

Day of 7 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Seven Favorite Health Stories” All new for 2019: Today, on this seventh day, I will highlight seven of my Favorite Health Stories of the Year. There’s a little bit of something for most everyone. 1 Introduction: Mold Symptoms and Treatment Guide (announcing our…


“Six Gluten-free Go-To’s”

Day 6 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Six Gluten-free Go-To’s” For the sixth day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I will share a list of some of my family’s favorite gluten-free options for those times when life is just a little too rushed to worry about absolute…


“Five Minutes of Real Rest”

Day 5 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Five Minutes of Real Rest” “Rest… It can be an elusive concept in today’s frenetic world. Many things interfere with rest: newborns, toxins, stress, anxiety, illness, schedules, LIFE! And this time of the year it seems to get worse. Despite its elusive nature, rest…


“Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value”

Day 2 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value” “We all recognize Christmas as a season of gift giving. Have you ever stopped to think about the lasting value of the gifts that you give? Often, I have found that the gifts that I…


“One Dose of Conquering Peace”

Day 1 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “One Dose of Conquering Peace” At Sanctuary Functional Medicine, our patients come to us seeking restoration. An important part of that restoring process includes finding relief from the chaos that chronic illness has brought into their lives. That chaos comes in many different forms.…


10 Tips for Navigating the Holiday Parties

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Choline May Prevent Alzheimer’s

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Infant Gluten and Type 1 Diabetes

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

A Different Christmas Present

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold Toxicity Treatment the Sanctuary Way – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Immune Cells Wear Watches

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

RECOVERING FROM MOLD TOXICITY – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

We Are Still Learning About Genetics

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Christmas Presents or an MRI

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and Co-Morbidities… The “Friends” – Stressors

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Hear From a Patient

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and Co-Morbidities… The “Friends”

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Pass the Tea for Your Brain Health

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and the Human Spirit

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Feed Your Mast Cells Some Fiber

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity – Mold Symptoms Treatment

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Multiple Sclerosis Risks: As Always Nature AND Nurture

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and Pain – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Cats, Dogs, and Unfriendly Bacteria

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and the Other Systems – Mold Symptoms and Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Good Night Gut

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and the Energy Cycle – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

When Your Gut Bacteria Hands You a Drink

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and the Hormonal Systems – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Blue Green Algae and ALS trigger

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and the Gastrointestinal System – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Dr. Potter is Different

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and the Immune System – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Don’t Stare at the Muffler if You Want to Keep Your Eyesight

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and Psychiatric Health – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Bacteria and Parasites Communicate

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold and the Nervous System – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Vitamin D and Teenage Woes

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Bite Into Medical Education for Good Health

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Diagnosing the Friends of Mold – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Chronic Bladder Infections

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Traditional Remedies Resurfacing for Drug Resistant Bacteria

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Pump up Your Gut Bacteria

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Why Increased Frequency of Mold Toxicity – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Juice for a Baby’s Brain

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Eat Your Broccoli!

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Why Me? Exposome and Types of Mold – Mold Symptoms Treatment

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Why Me? – Mold Symptoms Treatment

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Traditional Remedies Resurfacing for Drug Resistant Bacteria

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Further Defining Mold Related Illness

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Pediatric Patients and Mold Toxicity

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Pesticides found to increase children’s blood pressure

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Introduction: Mold Symptoms and Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Personal Introduction: Mold Symptoms and Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Stem Cells Nourished by Fat and Ketones

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Gingko May Un-sweeten Diabetes

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Starve the Yeast

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Polluted Air, Polluted Arteries

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Spiritual Depression – Part 7

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Joy of Life

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

What’s In a Name?

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Egg in Their Face ?

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Greasy Greasy Not so Easy on Your Colon

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Spiritual Depression – Part 6

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Mold Versus Mildew

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Don’t Breathe Too Deep

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Kinky Proteins May Cause Alzheimer’s

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Spiritual Depression – Part 5

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Lyme Fights Back

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Chicken, Lentil and Swiss Chard Soup (gluten and dairy free)

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Spiritual Depression – Part 4

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Day 2 with Bob Miller Genomic Impact on Detox Ability Part 2

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Tick Taxis Have Room For More Than One Passenger

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Chicken Tikki Masala

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Spicy Dementia

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Spiritual Depression – Part 3

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Let’s Talk Mold: Day 2 with Bob Miller: Genomic Impact on Detox Ability

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Lyme and Chlamydia May Share Housing

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Spiced Beef Buddha Bowl

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

An Easier Pill to Swallow

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Genomics Work Great on Herbs as Well

  Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.


Spiritual Depression – Part 2

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Feed the Impaired Brain

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Tomato Basil Soup

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Synthetic CBD as Anti-seizure Drug for Rats

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Cilantro and Seizures

While the world is buzzing about CBD oil and seizure control, little fanfare accompanied University of California-Irvine researchers report explaining the molecular mechanisms underlying cilantro’s anti-seizure activity. Like many folk medicines with long histories, no one could explain the actual molecular mechanism which produced its effects. Rian Manville and Geoffrey Abbott reported in the FASEB…


Spiritual Depression – Part 1

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Children’s Lives Impacted by Early Life Adversity

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Not So Chick-Fil-A Nuggets

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Why Physical Matters

Why should we care about the bodies which convey our eternal souls about this world?  Won’t they be renewed in heaven anyway?  Aren’t we supposed to focus on the eternal things rather than worldly things?              Romans 8:29 could be used to argue that we are to focus our energies on spiritual transformation so that…


The Story of our Microbiome

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Pineapple Chicken (gluten and dairy free)

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Antibiotics for Alzheimer’s Disease… in Mice

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Pesticide Soup May Be More Toxic

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Whole30 Compliant Orange Chicken

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Just Saying…About Mold

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

ADHD Meds and Increased Depression

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Antibiotics for Alzheimer’s Disease… in Mice

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

How Much Do You Want to Know About Your Child’s Genetics?

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Broccoli Cauliflower Rice Casserole (gluten and nightshade free)

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

L Theanine

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Antibiotics for Alzheimer’s Disease… in Mice

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Let’s Talk Mold: Fundamentals of Environmental Assessment

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Juiciest Instant Pot Chicken Ever

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Are you constipated?

Everyone knows if they are backed up in the colon, right? Leave it to the British to confuse the matter! Actually, in this case, they are trying to clear the waters of diagnosis by evaluating what the public considers as constipation. This study’s lead author, Dr. Eirini Dimidi, Research Associate of Kings College of London,…


Let’s Talk Mold: Dr. Janette Hope MD, FAAEm, DABEM, DABFM

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Chipotle Chicken Skillet (gluten and dairy free)

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

When Life Hands You Lemons…Prayer Can Conquer Fear

When Life Hands You Lemons…Prayer Can Conquer Fear By Dr. Potter’s wife, Jennifer Yes, our God is sovereign over every circumstance.  At the same time, this sovereign God calls us to be persistent in prayer.  Taking the parable of the widow and the callous judge from Luke 18:1-8, the theme of persistent prayer emerges.  While…


Let’s Talk Mold: Mold and Mycotoxins

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Peppermint Smoothie (gluten and dairy free)

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

When Life Hands You Lemons… Rest in His Grip

When Life Hands You Lemons… Rest in His Grip In His Hands ‘Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt Our feelings come and go; Our best estate is tossed about In ceaseless ebb and flow. No mood of feeling, form of thought Is constant for a day; But thou, 0 Lord, thou changest not:…


Supplement: Ashwagandha

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

When Life Hands You Lemons….. He Giveth More Grace

When Life Hands You Lemons….. He Giveth More Grace He Giveth More Grace as Our Burdens Grow Greater He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,He sendeth more strength as our labours increase,To added afflictions he addeth his mercy,To multiplied trials he multiplies peace. When we have exhausted our store of endurance,When our strength…


10 Tips for Summer Cookouts

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Let’s Talk Mold:Dr. Naviaux on the Cell Danger Response

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

When Life Hands You Lemons: Remain Rooted

When Life Hands You Lemons:  Remain Rooted By Dr. Potter’s wife, Jennifer O Word of God Incarnate O Word of God incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky; We praise Thee for the radiance that from the hallowed page, A Lantern to our footsteps, shines on…


Alpha Lipoic Acid: Supplement of the Month

Alpha lipoic Acid – Supplement of the Month – Updated from our December Series on Sanctuary’s favorite supplements.             Alpha lipoic acid is another supplement with multiple benefits.  It begins as an anti-oxidant which can lower lipid peroxides, continues as a metal detoxifier, acts as a mitochondrial enhancer, and serves to recycle glutathione.  Update:  Alpha…


Non-Toxic Remediation Part 2

Reviewing and Summarizing the recent Toxic Mold Summit Session by  Jeff Bookout Part 2 of 2 (Read this blog series’ introduction at very end if you are catching up. Look for “SERIES INTRODUCTION”)             Jeff Bookout, from Oklahoma EnviroServe Specialists, provided insights from his work as a certified mold inspector.  Here are a few take…


Facebook Live References for Mold & Autoimmunity

References For May 9th Autoimmunity and Mold – Facebook Live GLUTEN Kumar, V et al. “Celiac disease-associated autoimmune endocrinopathies.” Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology vol. 8,4 (2001): 678-85. doi:10.1128/CDLI.8.4.678-685.2001 Ch’ng, Chin Lye et al. “Celiac disease and autoimmune thyroid disease.” Clinical medicine & research vol. 5,3 (2007): 184-92. doi:10.3121/cmr.2007.738 Autoimmun Rev. 2008 Sep;7(8):644-50. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2008.05.006. Epub 2008 Jun 25. Celiac disease: from…


Non-Toxic Remediation Part One

Reviewing and Summarizing the recent Toxic Mold Summit Session by  Jeff Bookout Part 1 of 2 (Read this blog series’ introduction at very end if you are catching up. Look for “SERIES INTRODUCTION”)             Jeff Bookout, from Oklahoma EnviroServe Specialists, provided insights from his work as a certified mold inspector.  Here are a few take…


When Life Hands You Lemons… Pray Like the Saints of Old

When Life Hands You Lemons… Pray Like the Saints of Old By Dr. Potter’s wife, Jennifer Born somewhere between 372 and 390 A.D., St. Patrick was no stranger to suffering.  Although his life began in Scotland with Christian parents, Patrick neglected to embrace Christ as his Savior.  After being kidnapped by Irish pirates, he was…


The Genomics of Long-Term Memory

            The brain and especially its memory function have long fascinated mankind.  Its capacity to remember facts, events, and more has remained a challenging mystery despite countless attempt to probe the process.  As a listened to a genomics podcast by Illumina called, Illumina Genomics on iTunes, Dr. Ted Abel at the University of Iowa discussed…


Yeasty Beasties and Mold Toxicity part 2 of 2

Reviewing and Summarizing the recent Toxic Mold Summit Session by Evan Brand, BCHN, DFMP, NTP.    (Read this blog series’ introduction at very end if you are catching up. Look for “SERIES INTRODUCTION”)             Evan Brand, BCHN, DFMP, NTP provided insights on the connections between mold toxicity and candida overgrowth during the recent toxic mold…


Yeasty Beasties and Mold Toxicity Part 1 of 2

Yeasty Beasties and Mold toxicity part 1 of 2 Reviewing and Summarizing the recent Toxic Mold Summit Session by Evan Brand, BCHN, DFMP, NTP.    (Read this blog series’ introduction at very end if you are catching up. Look for “SERIES INTRODUCTION”)             Evan Brand, BCHN, DFMP, NTP provided insights on the connections between mold…


When Life Hands You Lemons…. Remember to Whom You Belong

When Life Hands You Lemons…. Remember to Whom You Belong By Dr. Potter’s wife, Jennifer Out of the Depths It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; ‘Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest. Dear Name! the Rock on which I build My Shield and Hiding-place; My never-failing…


The Genomics of Cardiac Disease Risk

Who knows how much investment is going into finding the genes behind various chronic diseases?  Fixing what is broken always seems to take more energy and effort than preventing the disease damage in the first place… an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  As a listened to a genomics podcast by Illumina…


Navigating a Life of Chemical Sensitivities Part 2 of 2

Reviewing and Summarizing the recent Toxic Mold Summit Session by  Gail Clayton Pharm.D., M.S.  (Read this blog series’ introduction at very end if you are catching up. Look for “SERIES INTRODUCTION”)             Gail Clayton Pharm.D., M.S. provided insights on the connections between mold toxicity and multiple chemical sensitivity during the recent toxic mold summit.  Her…


Navigating a Life of Chemical Sensitivities Part 1 of 2

Reviewing and Summarizing the recent Toxic Mold Summit Session by  Gail Clayton Pharm.D., M.S. (Read this blog series’ introduction at very end if you are catching up. Look for “SERIES INTRODUCTION”)             Gail Clayton Pharm.D., M.S. provided insights on the connections between mold toxicity and multiple chemical sensitivity during the recent toxic mold summit.  Her…


When Life Hands you Lemons….Remember Providence

Written by Dr. Potter’s wife Jennifer. Providence is not a word on many people’s tongues.  Destiny, fate, chance…. We are more likely to employ such words.  And while the word providence is not a biblical word in the strictest sense, it is definitely a biblical concept.  Providence is the superintending work and care of God…


Another Autoimmune Disease Discovered: Narcolepsy

While parents of newborns may sometimes claim to have narcolepsy, this mysterious disease has presented a challenge to medical researchers for some time.  Individuals with narcolepsy experience the frequent and sudden episodes of sleep during daytime hours.  While sleep deprived parents of newborns know why they are falling asleep, those with narcolepsy and their doctors…


Epstein Barr Virus FB Live Bibliography

EBV Bibliography Symptoms and Diseases associated with EBV: Loebel, Madlen et al. “Deficient EBV-specific B- and T-cell response in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome” PloS one vol. 9,1 e85387. 15 Jan. 2014, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085387 Halpin, Peter et al. “Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and gulf war illness patients exhibit increased humoral responses to the herpesviruses-encoded dUTPase: Implications…


Biobanking Health Data in Estonia

Would you allow a government – academic collaboration to collect and analyze both your genetic data and other medical markers of health?  This big-data driven mass collection of health information is called biobanking and the little country of Estonia in Europe has embraced it on a large scale.  As a listened to a genomics podcast…


This FADS1 is Here to Stay

The internet buzzes with fad diets claiming amazing results for all-comers even to the extreme of becoming a Breatharian (eating only air and light).  While I profess no interest in giving up food for a breakfast of air and light, I do strive to guide others in finding an optimal nutrition plan for them.  Several…


Genomic Clustering in Type 2 Diabetes

               The genomic revolution stands eager to answer the age-old medical question, “nature versus nurture”.  In a sense, we know that the symptom of disease we see in patients results from both, only with the advancing technology to sequence DNA have we begun to uncover the genetics half of the equation.  For chronic diseases like…


Facebook Live References Mold & Leaky Gut

Allergies & Food Sensitivities: Bischoff SC. Food allergy and eosinophilic gastroenteritis and colitis. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010;10:238–245. doi: 10.1097/ACI.0b013e32833982c3. Autoimmune disease: Megan Ciara Smyth; Intestinal permeability and autoimmune diseases, Bioscience Horizons: The International Journal of Student Research, Volume 10, 1 January 2017, hzx015, Qinghui Mu, Jay Kirby, Christopher M. Reilly and Xin M.…


PALEO ZUPPA TOSCANA (gluten and dairy free)

1 lb ground Italian sausage  6-7 slice of bacon, chopped 4 large white sweet potatoes, peeled and diced 1 medium yellow onion, diced 1 bunch of kale, chopped 1 cup full fat coconut milk 5 cups chicken bone broth 2 cloves or garlic, minced 3 tsp fresh Italian parsley 1 tsp salt Set the instant…


When Life Hands You Lemons: Sing a Song

Written by Dr. Potter’s wife Jennifer. I’m going to date myself but somewhere in the recesses of my mind I have vague memories of songs by the Carpenters.  I think my parents listened to their music at one point in my childhood.  I still recall the  following lines:  “Sing, sing a song. Make it simple…


Methylation Cycle Connections to Vitiligo

The number of correlations linking methylation cycle SNPS (single nucleotide polymorphisms) to various disease is growing.  In this case, researching in Italy found three gene SNPS in higher frequencies for patients with vitiligo.  This autoimmune attack on one’s skin melanin cells leaves behind an absence of pigment in coalescing patches.  Stopping its progression across the…


PALEO BANANA MUFFINS (gluten and dairy free)

3 ripe bananas 3 eggs 5 TBS butter, melted 1 cup cassava flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 3 oz dark chocolate, chopped (or cacao nibs) Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease a muffin pan with a bit of coconut oil. Mash the bananas in a mixing bowl and stir…


When Life Hands You Lemons: PANIC??

By Dr. Potter’s wife Jennifer. Panic.  Sometimes it’s just so easy to panic.  Recently, while making my way through a study of Isaiah, I was reminded of the profound difference between panic and prayer.  I encourage you to read the rich storytelling in Isaiah 36 and 37 for yourself.  My summary will not do it…


When Your Own Defenses Go Haywire – Autoimmunity Part 3

Reviewing and Summarizing the recent Toxic Mold Summit Session by Dr. Amy Myers.  Part 3 of 3 (Read this blog series’ introduction at end if you are catching up)             As my family works through building a “mold-safe home”, I empathize with Dr. Myers as her family is looking for a safe home and safe…


SPICY CARROT AND AVOCADO SOUP (gluten and dairy free)

2  large  carrots,  roughly  chopped  1-inch  piece  of  fresh  ginger  2  celery  ribs  1  avocado  3  cups  coconut  water  OR  fresh  water  1  teaspoon  curry  powder  Pinch  of  cayenne  powder  (optional)  Add  the  carrots,  ginger,  celery,  avocado,  coconut  water,  and  curry  powder  to  a  high-speed  blender.  Blend  on  high  until  warm.  Serve  in  a  bowl …


When Your Own Defenses Go Haywire – Autoimmunity:

Reviewing and Summarizing the recent Toxic Mold Summit Session by Dr. Amy Myers.  Part 2 of 3 (Read this blog series’ introduction at end if you are catching up)             From the discussion of leaky gut, Dr. Myers bridges into how mold toxicity contributes to autoimmunity through multiple possible mechanisms.  Like other toxins, mycotoxins likely…


When Your Own Defenses Go Haywire – Autoimmunity

Reviewing and Summarizing the recent Toxic Mold Summit Session by Dr. Amy Myers.  Part 1 of 3 (Read this blog series’ introduction at very end if you are catching up. Look for “SERIES INTRODUCTION”)             Autoimmune diseases bear many names like Lupus, Hashimoto’s, Sjogren’s, vitiligo and more.  Despites the variety of fancy names, they share…


Brains on fire burn out faster

            A fellow functional MD, Ken Sharlin MD, alerted me to this article on Facebook.  While no surprise to anyone in functional medicine, researchers found that the inflammatory marker, CRP (C reactive protein), correlated with faster cognitive decline in middle age study participants.  The cohort study   group of over 12,000 men and women to note…


Concerned About Your Children Being Sick From Mold Toxicity?

Mold and Children Concerned about your children being sick from mold toxicity.. (A word before digging into how mold can affect children.                You may feel a little overwhelmed and stressed after the recent Toxic Mold Summit  A great line up of both clinical types and environmental remediator types took the stage for several day…


Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen Cancer Edition

Sometimes it is better to share other’s work rather than try to re-create the wheel. In this case, I want to share the Environmental Working Group’s top 12 cancer triggering chemicals found in everyday products.  Our society constantly debates climate change and environmental conservation.  For some reason, we ignore how we are poisoning our world and ourselves…


Dentists to Begin Treating Alzheimer’s Patients

The day may come when dentists enter the field of Alzheimer’s therapy thanks to this breaking research.  While past studies have linked the mouth bacteria,  porphyromonas gingivalis, heart disease, this study ties several convincing lines of evidence to implicate this bacteria in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.  This particular bacteria can either colonize our mouths or…


Biting into Food Allergies

JAMA Network’s study results from  2019 estimated that 10.8% of the 40,000 adults who participated in the study have food allergies and another 8% believe they have allergies.  At our functional medicine clinic, we are by no means surprised at this study’s findings, nor the summary conclusion by the authors. On the other hand, while…


Bullies Can Shrink Kid’s Brains

Patients often ask whether their stress might be directly changing them physically;  I always answer yes, and describe how our emotional and spiritual state interlaces with our physical condition.  While they may be apparently distinct, both play an integral role in both good and bad health. Because of this, we at Sanctuary always pay careful…


KALE AND CAULIFLOWER SOUP (gluten and dairy free)

KALE AND CAULIFLOWER SOUP (gluten and dairy free)\ Recipe here: INGREDIENTS 1 large white or yellow onion, diced (390 g) 4 cloves garlic, minced 3 medium carrots (175 g, approx. 1.5 cups chopped) 1 tsp each dried parsley and ground thyme 1/2 tsp sea salt 6 cups vegetable stock 1 head of cauliflower (775…


Agent Orange Takes On A Whole New Meaning

Once, you needed a prescription in order to get an antibiotic such as streptomycin or oxytetracycline. Nowadays, though, all you need to do is go grab a Florida orange from your nearest grocery store. 480,000 acres of Floridian citrus trees receive 650,000 pounds(325 tons) of these formerly prescription-only antibiotics each year. The dangers of this…


A Real No-Brainer for Functional Medicine

Despite the obvious nature of the idea, until recent research, only practitioners of functional medicine had supported the (apparently outrageous) notion that certain nutrients can increase neural connectivity in the brain. Researchers looked at a number of nutrition markers found in high levels of beneficial nutrients in the Mediterranean diet.  They include omega 3’s, some…


When Life Hands You Lemons: Remember the Forever

by Dr. Potter’s wonderful wife, Jennifer Psalm 136 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever. “ verses 1-3 (ESV) Sometimes is…


Is Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy Really Sub-Clinical?

By definition, sub-clinical implies that something is “not” causing any noticeable symptoms. Thus the name “sub-clinical hypothyroidism” assumes that a lower than expected thyroid function causes no problems for an individual person in that category.  In reality, a “sub-clinical” state stands out as more of a burglar in a pitch black room.  Just because we…


CRACK CHICKEN (gluten, dairy and nightshade free)

CRACK CHICKEN (gluten, dairy and nightshade free) Recipe here: Ingredients: 4 chicken breasts – skinless/boneless 1 cup chicken broth 1 tub Kite Hill Cream “Cheese” Spread 6 thick slices of bacon Bacon drippings 2 tsp onion flakes 1 tsp onion powder 2 tsp garlic powder 2 tsp dill weed 1 1/2 tsp parsley 2…


When Life Hands You Lemons: Bear Fruit

By Dr. Potter’s wonderful wife, Jennifer Psalm 92 “The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, To…


Relax with a Sniff of Lavender

In functional medicine we utilized a multitude of therapies with proven benefits but without always having clearly defined mechanisms of action. Even conventional medicine has scratched its head about how Tylenol and metformin work while prescribing literal tons of these medicines.  For essential oils such as lavender, mystery has shrouded their mechanisms of actions until…


When Life Hands You Lemons: Meditate on His Mighty Deeds

by Dr. Potter’s wonderful wife, Jennifer “When I remember God, I moan; when I meditate, my spirit faints. You hold my eyelids open; I am so troubled that I cannot speak.” (Ps. 77:3-4) (ESV)   Have you ever felt such overwhelming sorrow?  More than likely, every one of us can identify with the Psalmist in…


Rats Miss the High, but Benefit from CBD

If there weren’t enough controversies in medicine already, CBD (cannabidiol) lights up the presses in both the medical and political news.  Meanwhile, various mice and rats in labs across the states get to test run this hemp produced chemical as researchers search for not only its mechanism of effects, but study potential benefits of it…


When Life Hands You Lemons: Pray like Moses – Psalm 90

by Dr. Potter’s wonderful wife, Jennifer I don’t know about you but when I read that Moses, “the man of God”, wrote this particular prayer it causes me to take notice (superscript of Psalm 90). What themes does Moses stress in this prayer? A few spring from the page. Theme One: Transcendence. God is other.…


New York Homes are Full of Pesticides

Don’t get excited if you live outside New York.  I doubt we in Tennessee or other states are any better off.  This study out of Cornell University just happened to measure pesticide levels in New York state rural homes in order to assess safety for human health.  They examined 350 homes in 6 different counties…


“Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life”

Day 12 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life” On this 12th and final day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I wanted to share some images that help illustrate some of my ideas of the Abundant Life we talk about at SFM. We…


“Eleven Favorite Supplements”

Day 11 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Eleven Favorite Supplements” “On this, the 11th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” we offer eleven video clips of some of Sanctuary’s favorite supplements. These all-stars stand out due to their ability to provide multiple benefits in one dose. I…


“Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”

Day 10 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”  On the 10th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” we not only encourage you to do at least 10 minutes of exercise per day but provide 10 exercise ideas to fit into…


Psalm 65: Order From Chaos

Psalm 65 Order From Chaos   Let’s face it. Life on this earth tends toward the chaotic. After all, don’t we spend much of our time trying to either bring order or keep order in our lives. Why do we clean the house? To undo the dirt and disorder. Why do we schedule events and…


“9 Favorite Psalms”

Day 9 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “9 Favorite Psalms” “On this 9th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” the staff at Sanctuary will be sharing some of their favorite Psalms. May your meditation upon these Psalms bless your season. We encourage others to look to the Psalms…


“Memory is a Marvelous Gift”

Day 8 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Memory is a Marvelous Gift” “On the 8th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I want to highlight memory. We hold traditions and affections in our memory. Our memories often help shape who we are in the present. We encourage…


“Seven Favorite Health Stories”

Day of 7 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Seven Favorite Health Stories” Today, on this seventh day, I will highlight seven of my Favorite Health Stories of the Year. There’s a little bit of something for most everyone. Testing Methylation to Diagnose Autism (Methylation and other metabolic markers utilized to diagnose…


“Six Gluten-free Go-To’s”

Day 6 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Six Gluten-free Go-To’s” For the sixth day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I will share a list of some of my family’s favorite gluten-free options for those times when life is just a little too rushed to worry about absolute…


“Five Minutes of Real Rest”

Day 5 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Five Minutes of Real Rest” “Rest… It can be an elusive concept in today’s frenetic world. Many things interfere with rest: newborns, toxins, stress, anxiety, illness, schedules, LIFE! And this time of the year it seems to get worse. Despite its elusive nature, rest…


“Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value”

Day 2 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value” “We all recognize Christmas as a season of gift giving. Have you ever stopped to think about the lasting value of the gifts that you give? Often, I have found that the gifts that I…


“One Dose of Conquering Peace”

Day 1 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “One Dose of Conquering Peace” At Sanctuary Functional Medicine, our patients come to us seeking restoration. An important part of that restoring process includes finding relief from the chaos that chronic illness has brought into their lives. That chaos comes in many different forms.…


When Life Hands You Lemons: Ponder the Glorious Future

by Dr. Potter’s wonderful wife, Jennifer “Behold the days are coming,” declares the Lord, when the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it. I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and…


Herbal Medicines are Bad for You

Okay, don’t be alarmed by the headline.  I just used a little marketing gimmick to get you to read something that may save your life.  But yes, the headline is true… in certain situations. The article in the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine references the potential for herbal remedy contamination contributing to morbidity, even…


When Life Hands You Lemons: Gaze Upon the Lord

by Dr. Potter’s wonderful wife, Jennifer Psalm 123 “To you I lift up my eyes, O you who are enthroned in the heavens! Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maidservant to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord…


Getting High on Liverwort

Discoveries come from the oddest places. Having noted a growing number of internet claims for a legal high from liverwort, researchers overturn a long held belief that only marijuana produced a THC type substance that would trigger CB receptors and psychoactive effects.  Don’t get too excited as the effect is less than your usual THC…



LEMON AND SUNDRIED TOMATO BRUSSELS SPROUTS (gluten, dairy free) 1 pound Brussels sprouts 1 tablespoon olive oil ¼ teaspoon Salt 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/2 cup water ¼ cup sun dried tomatoes in oil, drained & chopped 1 teaspoon dijon (whole grain or regular) 1 teaspoon arrowroot + 1 tablespoon cold water Salt & pepper…


When Life Hands You Lemons: Remember Your Helper

by Dr. Potter’s wonderful wife, Jennifer “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear though the earth gives way, Though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” (Ps. 46: 1-3…


Diabetes Begins with Bacteria

Those outside of functional medicine may ridicule the notion that our gut play such a central role in our health (and so did I at one time), but recent research makes that more and more difficult to ignore.  Researchers in a Swedish university looked closely at the gut bacteria of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes…


When Life Hands You Lemons… Ponder the coming of the Lord

by Dr. Potter’s wonderful wife, Jennifer James 5:7-13 (ESV) “Be patient therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it until it receives the early and late rains.  You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the…


Coordinating Your Brain for Success

Scientists have long known that the cerebellum, that smaller chunk of brain sitting at the back of the skull under the “all-knowing” cortex played a central role in coordinating movement.  Ballerinas, musicians, and sports stars among others have spent countless hours of their lives to hone their cerebellar coordination to become experts of motion.  Apparently…


SWEET POTATO BREAKFAST BOWL (gluten, dairy, nightshade free)

SWEET POTATO BREAKFAST BOWL (gluten, dairy, nightshade free) 1 very large sweet potato, or 2 small sweet potatoes 2 tablespoons raisins 2 tablespoons walnuts 1 tablespoon hemp seeds 2 tablespoons almond butter Cinnamon to taste Honey, maple syrup, or banana to taste Instructions Peel sweet potatoes and warm to temperature preference (precook the day before).…


Brainwave Biomarker to Diagnose Autism?

Rather than waste time debating whether or not Autism has increased or is just more frequently reported, more fruit will result from studies like this one by researchers at Kanazawa University in Japan.  As the numbers of children diagnosed with autism rises faster and faster, Kyung-min et al chase a non-invasive test for diagnosing this…


Interlocking Causes of Autism

Why can’t we find the one cause of autism?  Because… we are searching for what does not exist, the “one” cause.  Autism remains a mysterious complexity and much of that complexity may lie in the fact that multiple causes may lead to it.  Furthermore, multiple processes interact to produce what we see in children. Dr.…


10 Tips for Navigating the Holiday Parties

Sanctuary’s own nutritionist has some tips to share today! 10 Tips for Navigating the Holiday Parties 1. Make sure to stay hydrated with plenty of clean, filtered water. 1/2 your body weight in ounces is approximately what you should be drinking. Oftentimes we think we are hungry, when in fact we are simply dehydrated. Ensuring you…


Mono and Poly Walk Into a Restaurant

Heart disease… We all know someone touched by it, always in a unwanted way.  Millions of Americans suffer blockages in their hearts’ arteries, leading to pain, disability, even death.  Multiple culprits have been blamed.  Countless remedies and diets have been proposed to both prevent and cure its dark touch.  The Mediterranean diet stands out among…


I Was Wrong About Mold

Okay, I have to admit when I am wrong.  Many times I have said that there seems to be no ill health issue that mold cannot cause.  In digging for any new information on mold toxicity, I ran across this article from 2016.  While even the authors admit that more research could be done to…



It’s that time of year where we begin to struggle with Holiday goodies…cakes, cookies and candy. Don’t fret! There are alternatives that the kids and guests will love. These refined sugar free cookies will win everyone over and not hamper your goals to live a healthy, abundant life.   INGREDIENTS  2 cups almond flour  1/2 tsp baking powder*  1/4 tsp salt…


Give a Bacterial Colony a Blanket and You Give Them Life

Clinical and research medicine has long searched for keys to overcome bacterial resistance when treating patients for recurrent or stubborn infections.  Researchers have found various means to overcome bacterial resistance in many cases.  They have produced whole new classes of antibiotics, They have altered old antibiotics over and over, either increasing their killing power or…


Mast Cells’ Versality Vital For Ketogenesis

I often feel like a street preacher, proclaiming time and time again the interconnectedness of our body systems.  At other times, I feel a little crazy, talking to myself about the very same things.  Here, both déjà vu’s come to the fore as I did not see this one coming but “feel” like I should…


Can Estradiol reduce visceral fat after Menopause?

Menopause, defined simply as the ceasing of menstruation, brings with it a plethora of changes to a woman’s body. Although there are a variety of reasons for a woman’s monthly cycle to stop, the most common one is menopause due to hormone loss, and specifically, estradiol, or estrogen loss. Although we are increasingly seeing women…


When Life Hands You Lemons……. Remember Hope

Lemons to lemonade…. It can seem such a long way from one to the other- at least from our mortal perspective.  Today, I meditated upon an old favorite – Psalm 147.  In past years, it has provided great comfort.  I hope that each person taking the time to read this will take more time to…


Some Probiotics Make Bad Neighbors

The science of the gut microbiome exploded in recent years. More and more connections arise from lab experiments at a dizzying pace. This time we learn that certain Bacillus and Staphylococcus aureus don’t get along in the neighborhood. Staph aureus makes headlines as a nasty bug, even at times a superbug resistant to multiple antibiotics,…


Viral Contributions to IBS

Epidemiological studies either peer back into time looking for patterns or arrange monitoring of future variables looking for the same patterns.  Data is analyzed and … sometimes nothing.  When a pattern does arise out of the fog, they then have to go searching for biological links.  Patterns may only indicate correlation but not causation, meaning…


When Life Hands You Lemons……Rest

When Life Hands You Lemons……Rest  by Dr. Potter’s amazing wife Rest.  It’s such a nice word.  It’s such a popular concept.  But, why does it seem so elusive? In our frenetic culture, the rest is often talked about but seldom practiced.  Then, there is that all too pervasive human tendency to fear and fret- even…


More Than Salt

Racial disparities in terms of varying prevalence for different diseases may have a multitude of causes underneath the surface.  Sometimes genetics raises its guilty hand.  Sometime geographical factors like sun exposure, fish intake, or local toxins may cast their vote in a person’s health future. Researchers entered into a study in JAMA (Journal of American…


Tracking Down Moldy Evidence

Functional Medicine MD’s like myself spend a lot of time tracking down evidence.  We spend long periods of time working through complicated health stories with our patients.  We also spend time tracking down helpful studies that guide us in caring for patients who have not received answers from conventional medicine.  The field of mycotoxicity or…


The Thievery of Leukemia

The concept of cancer cells living off sugar has grown in recent years from just a functional medicine legend into mainstream science.  Apparently, cancer does more than just grab a few morsels of glucose from the bloodstream like other cells.  Scientists uncovered mechanisms by which mouse leukemia cells diverted glucose away from the body’s other…


Mold Effects on the Immune System

Asthma stands out as one area of medicine where mold is recognized as a trigger.  Researchers in this study searched for mold’s mechanism of action in the immune system of 33 patients exposed to mold at their workplace.  By comparing the levels of many cytokines and immune markers of these patients with levels in 17…


Mold’s Bag of Tricks Part 2

Zearalenone is produced by a number of Fusarium mold species.  Many describe it as an estrogenic mycotoxin due to its similarity to this hormone and its obvious estrogen like effects in humans and animals (5).   This fungus grows on corn, wheat, barley and rye.  It remains intact during normal cooking although higher temperatures can partially…


So Which Is It? Aspirin

Scientists have a bad habit of contradicting themselves or at least contradicting long held dogmas.  This time aspirin stock took a bit hit with the New England Journal of Medicine reporting on an almost 5 year long study regarding benefits of aspirin usage in other healthy individuals.  Despite a solid history of medical dogma that…


Mold’s Bag of Tricks – Part 1

Molds come in all kinds of varieties: Toxic, allergenic, infectious, some affecting only some animals, some only causing certain organ effects, others causing little harm outside their mold neighbors. Their greatest variety of tricks probably come in terms of their different toxins, each with some of the oddest names. You have your trichothenes, your fumosinins,…


Cheer Up a Rat with Estrogen

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I appreciate the sacrifice that mice and rats make for science. In this case, researchers created heart attacks in rats and monitored them for depression with or without estrogen. They found that female rats who had their ovaries removed experienced…


Sports Drinks And Breast Cancer

Sports Drinks And Breast Cancer Sometimes the weirdest discoveries pop up on my news feed.  In this case researchers found that a common dietary supplement called cyclocreatine could inhibit the growth of drug resistant HER2-positive breast cancer tumors in mice.  These human tumors had been grafted onto the mice for testing of therapies against their…


When Life Hands You Lemons……. Suffering

Suffering.  It’s a big topic.  It’s also a topic with which we are all too familiar.  Sometimes the suffering is acute and purposeful.  Sometimes it is prolonged and seemingly meaningless.  Sometimes it’s a combination of the two.  No matter.  It is suffering. After my fifth child was born, I remember pondering the topic of suffering.…


Hormone Cascade

Hormone Cascade Where do hormones come from?  Do they just appear out of thin air?  Do they just ooze out of reproductive organs magically?  No, just like most of our body’s chemical messengers, they are made from other substances in us.  Our reproductive and adrenal hormones all begin as cholesterol, yes cholesterol.  Despite its horrible reputation (not entirely deserved), cholesterol…


Leaky Gut: Why We Use IgG Food Sensitivity Testing Part 2

In searching for answers, others choose blood tests that guide the selection of foods to eliminate.  We use a panel that includes both IgG and IgE antibodies.  Normally, IgG deals with body invaders like viruses and bacteria.  On the other hand, IgE interacts with allergens and parasites in our immune defense system.  For some, the…


Leaky Gut: Why We Use IgG Food Sensitivity Testing Part 1

We have grown accustomed to debating conventional medicine over a variety of topics, but this one is even debated within the functional medicine world.  So many patients want to know if a food is causing their symptoms.  They ask, “How do I know which food it is?”  Conventional medicine either doubts the possibility or refers…


HDL Good or Bad? Two-Faced HDL

How many times have I said “LDL – Bad, HDL – Good” to my patients?  Thousands of times over the past years of practice, I have described the differing effects of LDL and HDL on cardiovascular health, yet researchers want to overturn this dogma, this law of medicine.  Once again, little in medicine stands so…


Aging Your Brain

A major study looking at how our brains age was just released.  The Amen Clinics, Google, John Hopkins, UCLA and UCSF collaborated to look at what factors contributed to accelerated aging in humans.  Using SPECT scans they evaluated over 100 brain areas in over 60,000 people and compared individuals with different characteristics to estimate how…


Not So Spotless Lungs

As a guy, we often possess the innate ability to overlook some smudges or small messes that our better halves (wives) quickly spot.  Our spouses are much better at keeping things spotless, but apparently this may come at a price.  A fellow physician recently shared an article and its press release with me that linked…


Brush Your Liver for Health

Brush Your Liver for Health Your gag reflex may be kicking in as you ponder how you might get your toothbrush down your throat far enough to reach your liver.  Don’t worry, just brush those gums you see in the mirror and lower inflammation in your entire body.  Researchers report on a study of patients…


Tunnel from Skull to Brain

Express Subway from Skull to Brain  — A number of thrilling discoveries have arisen in recent months from the field of neuroimmunology.  First researchers stumbled upon the brain’s lymphatic system despite believing for decades that none existed.  Now researchers uncovered a mechanism for immune cells in the bone marrow of the skull to reach the…


Balloon Therapy for Blocked Arteries

As a close cousin of cardiac atherosclerosis, peripheral artery disease simply blocks different arteries in other body areas.  While the heart’s arteries lend themselves to good targets for stent placement to keep such blood channels open, those in the legs or arms must leave room for flexibility in bending.  Vascular specialists therefore do not have…


Another Sweet and Sour Study

Another Sweet and Sour Study  – Nutrition – Artificial Dogmatism often eats its own words and in this case, sweet words have turned into a sour lunch.  Splenda was touted for its safety not only by industry, but by scores of doctors encouraging diabetics and overweight to ingest this near zero calorie sweetener.  Now newer…


Something is Fishy with this Study

Had to pick myself up off the floor with this discovery.  I could not believe it that a mainline academic institution would allow an article like this to be printed.  I mean, how could the University of Massachusetts publicly admit that functional doctor’s like myself were right about omega 3’s and childhood aggressive behavior. I…


Functional Vs. Dysfunctional Medicine

Dr. Potter is the first to explain how Jill’s various symptoms fit together. After the nurse leaves, Jill glances around for the usual pharmaceutical propaganda promising the magic cures from the latest pill.  Nothing catches her attention and then the door knock startles her.  Dr. Potter enters and introduces himself. After a short description of…


Keep Your Eye on the Turmeric

Research studies about turmeric or its derivative, curcumin, frequently catch my eye, especially this one that looked at turmeric and glaucoma. Researchers had apparently been testing systemic administration of turmeric for glaucoma (a disease of high pressure inside the eye that can result in blindness).  The poor ability of turmeric to dissolve in water had…


SFM Re-Presents: PANDAS

No, I am not writing a veterinary piece this week on zoo animals. I am referring to Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders related to Streptococal infections. PANDAS is a well-known acronym in the medical world for several decades, yet a still mysterious constellation of symptoms with even more mysterious mechanism by which it wrecks havoc in…


Our Kids Brains on Social Media

It is difficult to go anywhere these days without seeing teens staring down at a smart phone screen.  Meanwhile the epidemic of ADD and ADHD type symptoms has everyone up in arms.  These researchers asked a simple question, “Could social media use be connected with developing ADHD?”  I am not shocked by their findings of…


You Should Break a Sweat to Check Your Cortisol

We do a lot of adrenal function testing in our functional medicine office.  In order to monitor how a patient’s cortisol goes up and down throughout the day (higher in morning, lower in evening and night hours), we use saliva testing to determine need for therapy.  Between our high cortisol, stressed patients, and our low…


Testing Methylation to Diagnose Autism

I know I will hear from a number of my patient’s parents when this leaks out.  I suspect that many will begin with “I knew it all along”.  In this article, researchers describe their process for using 24 different metabolite markers in an algorithm to separate autism from non-autistic children.  These markers primarily focus on…


Turning the P2X4 Key to Turn off Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) attacks many patients relentlessly while others experience intermittent attacks interspersed with periods of quiet.  In looking for answers to why some progress to these relentless attacks and how to treat them, scientists may have found a key to unlocking answers and therapies.  As evidenced by the series of logical steps they followed,…


Didn’t Your Mom Teach You to Share?

Health care cost sharing ministries are programs that any mother should love.  Caring for those who suffer ill health should take many forms including sharing the financial burdens.  Our moms taught us to share our toys.  The Bible teaches us to share with those in need.  Cost sharing ministries like Samaritans and others (Medishare, Christian HealthCare Ministry, Liberty Share,…


Neuroinflammatory Biomarkers – They Will Blow Your Mind

Have you ever started reading something so deep and so complex that you pause on the second page realizing you already are in over your head?  I confess, this article “Advances in Biomarker-Guided Therapy for Pediatric- and Adult-Onset Neuroinflammatory Disorders: Targeting Chemokines/Cytokines” from Frontiers in Immunology did that to me.  I am in awe of…


When Life Hands You Lemons…The Nutrition Dilemma

Guest Blog by Dr. Potter’s Wife, Jennifer There it is again. That old saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade”.  Well, as I have said before, sometimes it takes awhile to get to the lemonade stage. Sometimes the sugar is in short supply and you are doing good to decrease the tartness of the…


Toxins, Toxins, Toxins Wherefore Art Thou oh My Dear Toxins?

Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, on your skin and in your hair. How might thou escape their grip?  In them you should not dip! Sorry, lost my sanity for a moment and started into poetic rambles. Must be too many toxins floating around today.  With that in mind,  consider these toxic sources shared by Moldy Mama.  Just…


When Will Scientists Admit the Obvious?

I recently commented on a study linking common childhood viruses (Human Herpes Virus 6 and 7)  to Alzheimers disease.  In that longer article I mentioned that the medical world is not quite ready to admit that some viral infections may play a part in the development of Alzheimers dementia. This article is another example of…


“Contend O Lord” and “Get the Quinoa Breakfast Recipe”

Two GREAT Guest segments today, by Dr. Pottter’s wife and Kira Whitham. We’ll start with a Guest Blog by Dr. Potter’s wife and finish with a great breakfast receipe! So, we are battling mold.  For many a month, we did not realize it but now the enemy has been revealed.  It has been called out. …


What You Really Need to Know About PANDAS

 In functional medicine, we see a myriad of patients who have been dismissed by conventional medicine as psychosomatic, meaning “its just in their head”.  Many children, teens, and occasionally young adults enter our clinic with the oddest of mental and emotional symptoms.  The common factor lies in the symptoms having begun suddenly soon after…


Patients are Influenced by Their Genetic Results

Patients are influenced by their genetic results Many outside functional and personalized medicine poo-poo the whole genomic’s craze claiming that all these SNP testing don’t lead to real clinical outcomes.  Basically, they claim it doesn’t help anyone.  While I could sit back and feel confident in what I see in my patients as we apply…


When Life Hands You Lemons…Supplement Routine Advice

Guest Post by Dr. Potter’s Wife   You know the saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.”  Well, I have mixed feelings about that trite saying.  While it does contain a nugget of truth, it can often be used wrongly and greatly injure someone who at the moment just doesn’t have the ingredients for…


Who Should You Fear More? A Virus or a Scientist?

Have you ever started down a road only to discover that you’re not really headed where you thought you were going?  At one point, Alzheimer’s scientists set out to search for potential drug targets for this terrible disease.  Somewhere along the research road, they unexpectedly turned a corner and landed themselves somewhere completely different than…


Basic Rules for Enviromental Mold Detox

Basic Rules for Environmental Mold Detox   Introduction Receiving a diagnosis of mold toxicity both relieves and overwhelms those already exhausted, confused, and battered by this stealthy enemy.  The diagnosis often concludes months to years of uncertainty, fear, and even shame.  Some have spent countless hours going from one doctor to the next without answers. …


VEGF, TGF, and AHR Walk into a Multiple Sclerosis Convention

A Functional MD like myself has to remember a plethora of acronyms.  We must keep in mind  how they fit together in carrying out healthy biological functions and how they dysfunction and produce illness.  To stay sane, we sometimes piece together some rather corny riddles like this article title.  Despite my weak attempt at humor,…


Simple Arsenic is Simply Harmful to Gut Cells

As a Functional MD, I spend a lot of time addressing toxicity.  While conventional medicine wants to deny that we live in a toxic soup of our own concoction, functional MD’s recognize what study after study reveals.  Not only do one-time high doses of toxins cause issues, but low-level chronic exposures also create bodily harm.…


Nuggets of Lyme Truth from Mainline Media

A Functional MD like myself has to keep his eyes open for nuggets of patient benefiting wisdom wherever it might be discovered.  Usually, these nuggets are dug up from online scientific journal searches where thousands and thousands of articles are available to announce the latest discoveries about health.  In this case, the nugget comes from…


Scribbles on a Page

I have a friend who is a gifted visual artist, and her musings and artistic insights often strike me as significantly profound life lessons.  Well, the other day, as we sat on her patio taking in the warmth of the spring sun while pouring over paper and pastels, she began scribbling on a page.  That’s…


Concussions are more than just a bruised brain…

Functional MD’s like myself often find ourselves in the realm of medical concepts like methylomics, transcriptomics, and genomes when we are researching ways to alleviate our patient’s suffering.  In searching for personalized therapy modalities for my patients, I find myself reading the latest research on a variety of issues. One research topic of late has…


Build stronger bones with more fiber

As a Functional MD, I dig the gut.  It took me a while to buy into the fact that our guts really do play a crucial role in many illnesses that are seemingly separate from our intestines, but now, I regularly seek out more gut related research to sharpen my clinical care to a razor’s…


Alzheimers – Hope Begins with Understanding

Each year hundreds of millions of dollars are being poured into Alzheimer’s disease research and countless families are affected as a loved one begins the apparently irreversible downhill trajectory of this degenerative disease.  Lives are being lost to this relentless thief. Are we any closer to discerning this thief’s entry points? Have we gained insight…


Fountain 5: Biblical Thinking about Health

Effective functioning as Christians is only possible if we learn to view health as God has revealed in the Bible.  A fragmented view of person and community will never restore wholeness to either. While we know that God’s ultimate plan for physical and spiritual wholeness will not be perfectly complete until the next life, God…


Even the Functional MD’s Child Needs Functional Care: A Mother’s Story

Our child had been sick for months, the slightest virus was a trial of strength, allergies amplified existent developmental challenges, and going outside was a dream from six months prior. We began to realize that each successive allergy and illness was sweeping away weeks of hard-earned progress. Could the functional medicine approach help our child?…


Psalm 56 – My Tears Are In His Bottle

Another intimate prayer song from David delivered to God at a time of great uncertainty when he had been seized by the Philistines.  Needless to say, David was once again in a tight spot.  In this, he pours out his plea to God.  Telling God what he surely already knows—the enemy is relentless.  The enemy…


Allen H’s Story

“Dr. Potter and his team are amazing. It is wonderful to have a deep, thorough, meaningful discussion with a doctor about what’s going on without having to worry about them watching the clock or being interrupted every three minutes. I’ve had every question answered both in person and by email, and I’ve received extremely prompt…


Moldy Trail Signs

As a Functional MD who treats mold toxic patients, my middle Tennessee hikes often remind me of my work with patients in the clinic.  I end up pondering what type of mold is growing on the trail markers and rocks around me.  Thankfully, I can reassure myself that these outdoor growths are not the toxic…



Instructions  Heat oil over medium high heat in heavy bottom pan. Add all burger ingredients to a large bowl and combine – be sure not to over mix! Form chicken mixture into large balls – about the size of the palm of your hand. Then flatten to form patties. Place in pan once hot and…


Fountain #4: Secular Thinking and Medicine

Modern medicine, in viewing the patient through a purely secular lens depersonalizes the “sick person” into an object for study and calls them a patient. The patient is no longer whole, but an object divided into smaller and smaller parts as specialization focuses on organs rather than the whole person. Relationships are devalued.  Doctors are…


Get the Recipe: Broccoli Rabe Stir Fry – Nightshade Free

1 lb grass fed ground beef 1 tablespoon ghee or avocado oil 1 small onion, chopped 1 large garlic clove, chopped 1-inch piece of ginger, grated or finely chopped 1 bunch broccoli rabe, chopped 1 cup grated carrots sea salt and black pepper to taste Place a large sauté pan on the stove over medium…


Toxins In All the Wrong Places

No doubt about it, we live in a toxic world.  Our clinic treats countless different toxic conditions from metals to mold to synthetic organic toxins.  From National Geographic and BBC nature documentaries, I knew that various wildlife could produce some pretty nasty toxins as well, but this story grabbed my attention.  A fish tank threatened…


“I am forever grateful!” – A patient’s story

At one of the most confusing, difficult times in my life Dr. Eric Potter brought the hope and answers I needed. When we first met and he opened our appointment with prayer I knew I had found the perfect doctor for me. He was empathetic and listened carefully to every symptom I was feeling. He…


What do your baby’s poop and their brain talk about?

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall of some conversation, listening in?  Well, researchers are trying to do just that as your sweet little baby’s poop sends messages to his or her developing brain. Research methods over recent decades have allowed scientists to “see” so many more bacteria in our guts…


Natural Therapies for Allergies – Session 5 of 5

What could the 5th and final video in our Natural Therapies for Allergies have in it? The approach. Dr. Potter wants to make sure you’re equipped with all you need to battle allergies the natural way to ensure you live a healthier, more abundant life! Watch more from this series below: Series 1 Series 2…


Psalm 6 – How Long?

“ Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled My Soul also is greatly troubled. But you, O Lord – How long?” (English Standard Version) Have you ever asked God “How long?”  I know that I have done so many times.  Usually, I follow…


Natural Therapies for Allergies – Session 4 of 5

What do Leaky Gut and Dysbiosis have to do with Allergies? Watch Dr. Potter explain by watching our 4th video in our Natural Allergy Therapies below: Watch more from this series below: Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 5 Don’t miss information like this! Sign up for our healthier newsletter HERE.   Sanctuary Functional…


Environmental Toxins

Toxins now pervade all areas of our daily lives while industry, government, and conventional medicine continue to rebuff even an acknowledgement of the predicament.  We can look back at the deaths of Beethoven and Van Gogh to see how heavy metals may insidiously destroy lives of greatness.  Modernity would argue that the 21st century is…


Natural Therapies for Allergies – Session 3 of 5

We have long awaited for Spring to arrive, yet our welcome guest brings unwanted baggage.  Sneezes.  Watery Eyes.  Wheezes.  Mucous coughs.  Yes, “ALLERGIES”. Are we doomed to down our anti-histamines, risking future Alzheimer’s? Not if we utilize some of God’s natural gifts in nature and a little functional MD wisdom!  This series from Dr. Potter was…


Natural Therapies for Allergies – Session 2 of 5

We have long awaited for Spring to arrive, yet our welcome guest brings unwanted baggage.  Sneezes.  Watery Eyes.  Wheezes.  Mucous coughs.  Yes, “ALLERGIES”. Are we doomed to down our anti-histamines, risking future Alzheimer’s? Not if we utilize some of God’s natural gifts in nature and a little functional MD wisdom!  This series from Dr. Potter was…


Natural Therapies for Allergies – Series 1

Sneezes.  Watery Eyes.  Wheezes.  Mucous coughs.  Yes, “ALLERGIES“.  Are we doomed to down our anti-histamines, risking future Alzheimer’s? Not if we utilize some of God’s natural gifts in nature and a little functional MD wisdom! This series from Dr. Potter was produced last fall but is timeless if allergies are ruining your Spring. Watch more from this series below:…


“I’m so glad I found Dr. Potter!”

My husband and I have been unable to have a child in our nine years of marriage. We have been on a long journey to figure out the cause of infertility. Along the way, we have learned that I am dealing with painful endometriosis and something called MTHFR. I sought answers from my primary care…


Get the Recipe – Quinoa Power Breakfast

1/2 cup cooked quinoa 3 tbsp chia seeds 1 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk ½ tsp vanilla ½ cup rinsed berries of choice 1/2 banana, sliced 2 tbsp crushed walnuts 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds 2 tbsp almond or sun butter 1 tbsp raw honey Stir together cooked quinoa, chia seeds, almond (or coconut) milk,…


Parenting truths

My readers know that certain articles strike me as critical. Seeing numerous children in our clinic for the primary complaint of behavioral challenges means that I talk with numerous guilt-ridden parents.  Guilty because they can’t fine the key to make their child better- to make them NOT difficult. By the time they see me, they…


How do functional MD’s study autism?

Autism – its one of the day’s great debates. Many spend their time arguing about whether vaccines or some toxin has created the epidemic. Others search for the magic gene convinced that genetics or epigenetics can explain it all. None of these avenues are wrong or fruitless as understanding origins may lead to therapies. Yet,…


Ted W’s Journey

My story started in February 2016 when I experienced severe diarrhea, cramping, and jaundice. I was always curious about functional medicine, as I started the journey to figuring out what was wrong with me by visiting a GI doc at Nashville-based St. Thomas


All the Wrong Ingredients in a Smoothie

This consumer reports article reveals a dark side in supplements, contamination. Our whole world seems caught up in toxins. Why would we be surprised that our protein powders might have some metals or other toxins? These protein powders originate from plant or animal sources living in those same toxins. They will pick up some toxins…


What Do Genes Taste Like?

We all know picky eaters in our families or friends. They push the broccoli away or focus their attention on gets in foods. Of course functional medicine tells us that gut bacteria and yeast influence such preferences, but this research pulls interesting connections out of genome studies. Researchers compared food preferences and dietary patterns to…


Why Waste All Those Great Blueberries on Rats?

As a functional MD, I keep my eyes out for articles which can benefit my patients. Yes, I have a bias going into reading for articles. Normally I’m not in the favor of benefiting rats, as I really don’t like them that much. In this case feeding blueberries to a bunch of lab rats, provided…


Your Story Will Help Others in Need!

Do you remember reading stories when you were a young child? Better yet, do you remember being read to as a young child and being enthralled in a story that was exciting and had a great ending? Our lives tell so many stories; some good and some not so good. My oh my, how we all need a…


Fountain Chapter 3

We must start with understanding the concept of a worldview.  Put simply, a worldview is one’s way of looking at reality.  It is how a person understands and what he or she believes about the basics of what is real.  We can choose to view reality from either a Biblical worldview or from a secular…


Ban productive doctors?

While I have some disagreements with this site at times, I must applied their post on productivity in medicine. The point they are conveying concerns one of the reasons why I left conventional medicine and left the broken Healthcare System behind. Daily I was measured by something called a RVU or relative value unit. Someone…


Food: Facts and Falsehoods or Food Discernment

Or Food Epistemology Once upon a time,  three pigs grew tired of their reputation for being snouts that would eat anything.  The first little pig read a book about organic food and determined that would be the road to good health.  The second little pig read a book about juicing and started juicing everything in…


Polyphenols..Why Veggies are good for your liver…

If you don’t know what a polyphenol is, but are afraid to ask….basically a natural chemical class in  many herbs, veggies, and fruits that posses numerous antioxidant properties.  So what?  In this case, they may be protecting your liver or even helping it to heal. The article lists many sources, but a short list includes…


Sweet Supplements

Numerous supplements are proving to benefit diabetics and pre-diabetics in controlling their glucose control, however a list of supplements which might worsen glucose control garners little press.  Maybe the good guys need to step back for a moment and allow the guilty parties to stand alone in the spotlight.   Let’s take a moment to examine…


What do you get when you cross Indian spices with a cancer drug?

Functional medicine should have seen this one coming.  Researchers sat around thinking about how to get the anti-cancer spice, curcumin, into cancer cells to do their work.  Why not attach doxorubicin to curcumin and see if they would attack cancer cells? In this article researchers reported finding the administration of this new combination chemical would…


Elimination Diet

Eliminate the diet? Some may like the idea of an elimination diet…IF it means they can eliminate the idea of a diet.  Well…it all depends on what you mean by the word “diet”.  The functional medicine elimination diet is not focused on eliminating calories for weight loss.  Rather, it aims to eliminate trigger foods. Those foods causing illness.  By…


What Do Your Brain and Gut Talk about on a Date?

Functional MD’s tell some odd punch lines, like this one.  They talk about their bacterial neighbors of course.  Okay, not expecting any belly laughter on this one, but there is truth in this corny joke.  My staff at Sanctuary Functional Medicine are used to my bad jokes though. Researchers constantly find new interactions between our…


Why Functional Medicine Outperforms

By its nature functional medicine operates in a multitude of small offices across the world.  Countless physicians and other providers have awakened to the success of functional medicine.  The only downside to the grassroots movement is that, without large institutions or labor intensive networking, statistical proof is hard to come by.  The Institute for Functional…


Gut Bacteria May Weaken Your Muscles

Functional MD’s find the strangest connections in the functioning of the human body.  Today’s odd connection links gut bacteria with sarcopenia and inflamaging.  Sarcopenia means that your muscles are shrinking.  Inflamaging refers to the increased inflammation which occurs in many of our patients as they reach their later years. Researchers have long wondered why human…


PFC MVP – A New View of Nutrition

At the end of September, I was privileged to attend an AFMCP conference.  This stands for Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice and was hosted by the Institute for Functional Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia.  I wanted to share some of the things I learned and realized during that week.  Not all of the thoughts will…


Blueberries Lower Blood Pressure

The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recently published the results of a study in post-menopausal women with early hypertension. The study provided daily blueberry powder to half the women and after 8 weeks, those receiving the blueberry powder had a statistically significant decrease in blood pressure. For systolic pressure (the top number)…


Identical Twins Don’t End Up Identical

  Experience with any identical twins quickly reveals that they are not clones one of another.  Personality, demeanor, preferences, and other factors are very similar but not 100% copies.  In terms of health, twins have a higher rate of sharing certain diseases, but rarely 100% there either.  In the functional medicine world, we always say…


Stripped Nerves Reinsulated via Epigenetic Modulation | GEN

As always, excited to see epigenetic research that has potential for clinical application in helping patients to live healthier lives. In this research discovery, a specific gene HDAC3 can be modulated to improve remyelination of nerve cells after autoimmune damage. Several disease processes can cause injury to the myelin covering of nerve fibers. This myelin…


Fire in the Gut Part 2

The Neighborhood does not do well when it is on fire! Other burn patterns in other gut neighborhoods keep the inflammatory fires burning hotter at the local level. They primarily work on the gut landscape.   An inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s Disease will burn the gut lining to the point of visible ulcers and…


NIH Data Release on Teen Brains a Boon for Neuroscientists

As many of you are aware, I can be skeptical of the government at times. However in this case I look forward to the research that this government based study may provide in the coming years. The National Institutes of Health are moving forward and enrolling 9 and 10 year olds in a tracking study…


Fountain: Chapter 2

  Health education endeavors to motivate changes in habits and behavior patterns.  Such changes are hard fought battles as people hold to habits tenaciously for four reasons.  They are deeply rooted in our personality and culture.  We do not understand our own culture well nor the origins of our habits.  Likewise, we do not understand…


Stressful Dads Transmit Genetic Messages to Their Children

I’m always on the lookout for new concepts in research which have the potential to help patients live a healthier more Abundant Life.  Researchers have been searching genetics, epigenetics and other reproductive factors to determine what impact both the father and mother have on the Next Generation. We know that the mother and father each…


Fire in the Gut Part 1

The Neighborhood does not do well when it is on fire. In our last neighborhood report, we uncovered the truth behind the myriad of neighbors in our gut.  In fact, the research now reveals that we journey through life with more bacteria neighbors in just our gut than the number of cells in our entire…


Safe No More, Tylenol’s Downfall

I regularly stumble upon research findings which shock others, yet provoke a sighing “of course” from the functional medicine MD crowd. In functional medicine, we recognize the amazingly interdependent metabolic network in which one process touches a hundred others. Our bodies function as an intricate interplay of millions of process simultaneously dancing together. So when…


Dysbiosis – Gut Neighborhood Cooties Part 2

Continued from last Friday! Any given neighborhood depends not only on its residents but also on the environment where they reside.  Humans provide some partially understood infrastructure for the microbiome through a variety of genes like NOD2, IL23R, ATG16I, and IGRM.  These genes both prepare hospitable homes for good bacteria and modulate how our bodies…


Eggs and Liver for Breakfast

Just the other day, I asked myself why doesn’t someone come up with a test for choline deficiency. I constantly address this critical nutrient for patients, especially women of child bearing age and especially those with PEMT snps. Women of child bearing age are at risk of choline deficiency since they give away tons of…


PANDAS: Not Just a Furry Zoo Animal

No, I am not writing a veterinary piece this week on zoo animals. I am referring to Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders related to Streptococal infections. PANDAS is a well-known acronym in the medical world for several decades, yet a still mysterious constellation of symptoms with even more mysterious mechanism by which it wrecks havoc in…


Dysbiosis – Gut Neighborhood Cooties Part 1

Living in any neighborhood involves ,well, getting to know your neighbors.  Functional medicine opens a window allowing us to interact those little bacteria living in our gut neighborhood for these neighbors profoundly affect our health.    With about 1.3 trillion bacteria living in each of our gastrointestinal (GI) tracts, these neighbors abound beyond the number of…


What is MTHFR anyway?

Representing a classic Dr. Potter Blog: Five Little Letters Can Spell Big Trouble MTHFR = Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase. For some reason, you now know that you have a mutation. School bullies may have claimed as much in years past, but now it is confirmed. Does it really matter if it is 677 or 1298 or whatever…


Clues to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Re-Presenting a classic Dr. Potter Blog: My most recent article, by the same title, light-heartedly approaches a topic that can be very frustrating for patients seeking answers in our current hyper-specialized health delivery system. Patients seek care from primary care physicians/providers (family practitioners, internist, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and others) for complex issues, but…


Gut Punch to the Head

Gut Punch to the Head? Traumatic Brain Injury receives more attention these days as more professional sports stars suffer from years of concussions and equipment designers work to lower the risk of long term consequences.  Beyond that, as more and more youth are pressed into intense sports at younger ages, TBI effects are recognized earlier…


The Epic Battle of Nature versus Nurture at Its Core

Prior to the discovery of genetic’s mechanisms of passing family traits, humans from the beginning of time have recognized that children carry characteristics of their parents.  However, they simultaneously recognized that the chip off the old block sometimes fell further from the block than others.  At some point, the headline “Nature versus Nurture” offered good…


Fountain #1: What’s Wrong?

What’s wrong? Are we really saving lives if we don’t heal the whole person? While medicine proclaims many advances in conquering disease, the reality of our failing approach to health care stands behind the smoke and mirrors of technology and public relations strategies. Though we “save” lives with acute interventions, we are faced with long…


Building a Baby’s Brain

Baby’s brains begin as a collection of cells inside a mother’s womb. They separate out from other cells destined for other purposes and begin forming the nervous systems. Both the internal instructions of DNA and the external influences of neighboring cells ultimately combine to shape the future brain. Where the cells finally reside in the…


Sleep Lowers Your Defenses

Nearly all species need to sleep for survival although the amount needed by a given animal varies from species to species.  Practically everyone loves sleep, yet busy lives or illness commonly deprive us of this much needed recharge.  Journals are filled with studies reporting the negative effects on cognition as well as links to obesity…


Are Shingles Autoimmune?

Shingles are a real pain in the neck… or butt.. or face… or wherever they pop up. Anyone who has experienced an outbreak of this chickenpox virus years after the initial infection never forget it. It burns. It stings. Sometimes for years. This ongoing nerve pain is called Post Herpetic Neuralgia. We throw a variety…


Elderberry Fights Flu A

Sour Medicine for the Flu Video Version HERE Flu season arrived.  According to the news channel, this year’s flu leaves behind a trail of suffering.  While many of you reading this will agree that news outlets often bias and distort, we can agree that none of us want the flu.  We can also agree that…


Vitamins are BAD for you ?!?

Vitamins are BAD for you ?!? Hogwash. Try this. See how far you can read the anti-vitamin piece below before noting major bias and distortions. While they are correct that indiscriminate supplementation can be a problem, they dissuade away from all vitamins (title) with a study on D and calcium.  In the study, there is…


Why We Address Spiritual Care at SFM

(The following is the first session of a series of video messages that our patients begin receiving after their initial visits   This and session 2 (coming soon) will give you a taste of what Sanctuary offers beyond its functional medicine approach.  If you want to receive the entire series, sign up for the newsletter and…


Conventional Medicine Saves Infant With External Heart

While those in the natural world of Medicine can frequently demean the contributions of conventional medicine, I wanted to point out that cases like these do show us that there is a role for conventional medicine. This little one was rescued by the advances of life support and cardiovascular surgery.  As you can imagine, children…


Food and Modern Day Snake Handlers

Prooftexting is the act of taking a verse out of context to prove a doctrine or practice. We are all guilty of prooftexting from Scripture on occasion.  We are also all guilty of accusing others of this splinter while we have a beam in our own eye. Consider snake handling churches as a possible example of prooftexting.…


Relationship Medicine – Do Relationships Matter?

“Honey, I’m home!” “Hello dear.  How was your day at work?” “Good evening. Please tell me your two most important needs for our conversation.  We have a limited time to relate and address those needs.  Some needs may need to wait until tomorrow evening.” “What are you talking about?  “ “Dear, I have a schedule…


A Different Christmas Present

The Importance of Neighbors In contemporary culture, neighbors come and go, not only on a daily basis from behind closed doors, but from year to year as addresses change with each job relocation.  We may never get to really know neighbors that come and go but Scripture verses have been tied to their neighbors for…


Christian Healthcare at Sanctuary – Obamacare Versus Christian Care

Anyone who more than glances at Sanctuary Functional Medicine’s website will notice something peculiar: the blatant Christian nature of what we profess.  This bluntness has provoked both explicit comments to my face and rumors that I only hear second hand. More than 9 out of 10 express either compliments or gratitude for having a clinic…


The New Old -How New and Old Medicine Unite

  Sorry, this is not another article about how to live to be 110 or reverse aging. It is far better than that. The “New Old” refers to how Functional Medicine both restores medical care to not only old fashioned, high touch medicine, but also brings the latest, cutting edge discoveries to bear on your…


Immune System – Summary from SHEICON2016 by Dr. Ben Lynch ND

What better way to kick off SHEICON 2016 than with Ben Lynch, N.D. introducing new findings about our wondrous immune system, the amazing interplay of cells, chemical messages, and weapons that our body uses to protect us every moment of our lives!  The immunology book which I used in medical school has grown fat with…


Yasmina, The Low Histamine Chef

For those who deal with histamine excess, Yasmina offers many helpful tools and recipes to manage the histamine overload which produces migraines, palpitations, rashes, and many other symptoms. I look forward to reading more about the connection between histamine blockers and heart health she describes below. Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr…


Beacon Center on DPC

Good evening, The Beacon Center provides a quick look at Direct Primary Care and urges our state legislators to take action to protect this great health care delivery model.  Having provided some of the background information to a Beacon Center representative, I was glad to see this article come out as it did.  Other states…


Should I Count on 23 and Me?

“23 and Me” has become a common phrase as genetic research uncovers more connections between our genes and our health. If you have not heard of it, you likely have a friend of family member who has already looked at it. 23 and Me is a company which takes a sample of your saliva and…


MTHFR – Five Little Letters That Can Spell Big Trouble

What is MTHFR anyway? MTHFR = Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase. For some reason, you now know that you have a mutation. School bullies may have claimed as much in years past, but now it is confirmed. Does it really matter if it is 677 or 1298 or whatever else the lab included for SHMT, MTR, COMT, or…


Why Patients Love Functional Medicine

This past week, had the opportunity to share some feedback in the Williamson Herald about why patients love functional medicine.  I have copied that editorial below: Since opening Sanctuary Medical Care and Consulting this year, many patients have expressed a similar question, “What is functional medicine?” Dr. Hutton and I enjoy answering this question for…


PFC MVP – A New View of Nutrition

At the end of September, I was privileged to attend an AFMCP conference.  This stands for Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice and was hosted by the Institute for Functional Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia.  I wanted to share some of the things I learned and realized during that week.  Not all of the thoughts will…


Why Does Healthcare Cost So Much?

Mark 5:25-29 My prologue: Some things never change on their own. This book was written in the 90’s. This chapter concerns the rising cost of health care and the crisis of the uninsured. Two decades later and government has still not solved the problem. Dr. Payne: Great confusion exists among Christians concerning the Biblical economics…


Functional Medicine: Conference Report

At the end of September, I was privileged to attend an AFMCP conference.  This stands for Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice and was hosted by the Institute for Functional Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia.  I wanted to share some of the things I learned and realized during that week.  Not all of the thoughts will…


Spiritual Bondage Chapter 12 by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

(Summary of Chapter 12, “Spiritual Depression, Its Causes and Cures” by Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Granted Ministries Press) This passage is one of the most magnificent statements in Scripture. In Romans 8:15-17, Paul wants to save the readers from a spirit of discouragement. He practices his usually form of writing practical truth through pastoral care. Here he…


PANDAS: Not Just a Furry Zoo Animal

pandNo, I am not writing a veterinary piece this week on zoo animals. I am referring to Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders related to Streptococal infections. PANDAS is a well-known acronym in the medical world for several decades, yet a still mysterious constellation of symptoms with even more mysterious mechanism by which it wrecks havoc in…


Headline: Stressed People Like Tasty Food

As is often the case, an elaborate scientific study must occur for scientists to better understand something that we all recognize with a “Duh?”. In this case, researchers from the University of Zurich devised an experiment to study how people (test subjects) come to prefer tasty foods over healthy foods while under some form of…


Developmental Paediatrics

Developmental Paediatricians have specialty interest, training and experience in the development of children: how they grow, how they acquire knowledge and skills, how they learn to behave and socialise. We use our training to understand children from a medical point of view, in order to determine the reasons for different problems of development and behaviour.…


Why your child might see a paediatrician?

Your child might see a paediatrician if your GP wants a specialist opinion about your child’s health and development, or thinks your child needs specialised care and treatment. – behaviour problems – developmental delay – autism – ADHD – sleep problems – brain conditions – for example, epilepsy – problems with muscles or bones, such…


What is paediatrics?

Paediatrics is a medical specialty that manages medical conditions affecting babies, children and young people. Paediatricians are doctors who look at specific health issues, diseases and disorders related to stages of growth and development. This is an area of medicine where the doctor works closely with the patient and their family. Paediatrics is a diverse,…


Lyme Hysteria

Okay, Medscape is leaning towards us crazy Lyme believers. So much for the high standards of the IDSA (Infectious Disease Society of America) and the New England Journal of Medicine. One of the most difficult challenges for suffering patients is finding a source of medical information they can trust. In short the IDSA published guidelines…


Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine: Chapter 2

The Need for a Comprehensive Means of Evaluation. Chapter 2 of Dr. Neil Anderson and Dr. Michael Jacobson’s book, The Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine (This is a summary of the author’s views. Where I disagree, I try to highlight my disagreement and the reasons for it. Just because I agree in these areas, does…


Dinner Table Queries: Chicken for Dinner

With all the nutritional challenges living in today’s world, dinnertime often brings practical questions of what to put on the table. Most families can’t afford to pay 3 to 5 times the conventional price for everything to be organic, non-GMO, or whatever label du jour. Choices must be made. If something doesn’t “need” to be…


Should you count on 23 and Me?

“23 and Me” has become a common phrase as genetic research uncovers more connections between our genes and our health. If you have not heard of it, you likely have a friend of family member who has already looked at it. 23 and Me is a company which takes a sample of your saliva and…


Direct Primary Care Success Stories

Physicians who are seeking rays of hope in a darkening health care crisis are turning to Direct Primary Care to restore joy in their practice, for both themselves and their patients.  However, such a drastic shift in approaching health care comes with its challenges.  Most Direct Primary Care physicians will agree that education is one…


Testosterone: Which comic book character?

Batman or the Joker? Okay, I admit it. I grew up in the day when comic books were comic books and the Hall of Justice cartoons were the thing. My memories of Batman were more in my imagination that the high tech filming of today’s movies. But what does that have to do with testosterone?…



Shame is such a debilitating malady that many of its sufferers often are ashamed of their shame. In friends and patients I have seen how it binds hearts and hands to pain but also shields from relief. I recognize it because like all others it has touch my life at various points producing despair and…


Vitamin B12 and Folate Therapy For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A cross sectional study recently released in an open access journal called PLOS|one suggests that the correct doses of vitamin B12 and folic acid might relieve symptoms in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for some patients. Researches compared CFS rating scale results for 38 patients receiving various doses of B12 and folic acid to see if any…


MLJ: General Considerations on Spiritual Depression

Introduction by me Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ) lived 82 years from 1899 to 1981 and served as minister of Westminster Chapel in London for almost 30 of those years. He was first a physician but over time devoted more and more time to the ministry. He was known for his preaching ability which was replete with…


Physician Heal Thyself

My chapter summaries of Biblical Healing for Modern Medicine, Franklin E. Payne, Jr. M.D. Covenant Books Chapter Three We have come to expect physicians to heal us, yet the true effectiveness of medicine falls far short. It cannot work miracles. Dr. Payne argues that modern medicine (written in the 1980s) was detrimental to health rather…


Essential Hypertension and MTHFR 677

MTHFR garners enough attention these days that the gene should run for office. Furthermore, it would have a great career in politics since it is accustomed to being blamed for everything medical under the sun anyway. This time Chinese researchers linked it to Essential Hypertension in a meta-analysis of other studies comparing the risk of…


Vitamin Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

Scientists as the 67th American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting heard some intriguing study results just last month. Papers are pending from some of the discoveries, but presentations regarding links between vitamins and multiple sclerosis have doctors’ more than a little excited. In one study Stephanie Tankou, MD, and colleagues looked at how vitamin D…


The Bible and the Practice of Medicine

My chapter summaries of Biblical Healing for Modern Medicine, Franklin E. Payne, Jr. M.D. Covenant Books Scripture and Biblical Wisdom II Chronicles 16:12-13 recounts how King Asa did not find healing from the physicians of his time and died. This could quickly turn into a proof text for Christians to avoid doctors altogether. Biblical wisdom…


Epigenetics of Asthma: To The Third and Fourth Generations

The Open Access medical journal, Clinical Epigenetics, is publishing a study indicating that epigenetics not only influences heart disease and diabetes (as has been shown in numerous other research studies), but also impacts lung health.  Krauss-Etschmann et al searched for correlations between environmental influences and rates of asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) in…


True Wholistic Health

(My summary of first chapter of book by Franklin Ed. Payne, MD, titled “Biblical Healing for Modern Medicine”) Considering James 5:14-16, first century Christians had minimal healthcare except the anointing of oil by their elders. This might cause us to pity their plight. We could then finish reading the Bible and consider that not once…


Churches Should Talk About Food

(the opening paragraphs of my recent seminary paper on Food Theology) The Church is mostly silent while its members suffer not only the same lifestyle related physical consequences of the world, but also succumb to the legalistic false teachings of today’s diet prophets. Some estimate that 350000 people die every year from obesity related disease…


Dr. Antibiotic and Mr. Hyde

pillI grew up in the waning Golden Age of antibiotics.  They had swept onto the medical scene decades before, rescuing lives from previously hopeless infections.  Then they entered more everyday life of strep throats and bladder infections, bringing relief and comfort to many common illnesses.  However, the power and wonder began to wane as resistance…


Four Pigs and A Big Platter

Pudgy, one of our three little pigs, is caught again rooting around for midnight snacks in the garden. His brothers have been working with him at mealtimes to keep his portions under control, but Pudgy, his nickname, kept growing more rotund until they realized where his extra calories were coming from. He has long known…


Table Fellowship from Food Theology

(An Excerpt from my seminary paper called Food Theology) (From a section addressing normative principles in the Bible regarding how we eat) The Bible also stresses the importance of fellowship which was primarily in the context of sharing meals. In one example of endangered table fellowship, Paul confronted Peter in Galatians 2:11-14 about Peter’s not…


Chinese Prevent Strokes with Folate and Learn About MTHFR

Researchers in China recently released findings from a large study of 20,000 patients looking at whether folic acid (yes, the synthetic form) affected the stroke risk in those with high blood pressure. Several of the findings underscore the importance of the methylation cycle in cardiovascular health. Both individuals with MTHFR 677 mutations and those without…


The Image of God in Man

  (This post provides the first few and last two paragraphs from a much longer paper I wrote for a seminary class last year.  I have linked the entire paper in between for those who want to read more.  Forgive the occasional fancy words, but reading the entire paper will make sense of those words.) Opening…


How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Scientists recently published some research findings that might make you sleepy.  But before you close your eyes and start your “zzzz”‘s, have you ever asked yourself how some people you know seem to live on 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night without any ill effects, while you need 8 to avoid brain fog? …


Functional Medicine Cardio-metabolic Conference

Technology can be a wonderful thing.  This weekend, live streaming allowed me to attend an educational event in California while sitting in my Tennessee home-office.  The Institute for Functional Medicine organized its first live streaming event for a Cardio-metabolic model in its certification program.  Watching 20 hours of lectures about improving heart health and being…


Oklahoma Senate Passes Direct Primary Care Bill

I just wanted to share a quick post about legislation effecting Direct Primary Care in the state of Oklahoma.   State Senators there passed Senate Bill 560 protecting patients from losing direct primary care membership agreements in the workplace or such agreements from being considered as insurance.  Next it goes to the house.  Rep. David Derby is…


Does Medicine “Heal”?

Several terms are bantered about in the field of medicine regarding what medical professionals do for their patients: cure, heal, rehabilitate, relieve, manage, prevent, and a few others. These all portray the best of medicine, that which returns a person to health or prevents their ever leaving a state of health. But… when we examine…


Epigenetic Links to Asthma

Research constantly uncovers new links between epigenetics and disease. Recently a Harvard PhD, Dr. Liming Liang released findings linking about 30 different methylated genes to asthma risk. Medicine has long recognized a link between a type of immune cell called an eosinophil with asthma and other allergic diseases. Some very expensive drugs were developed, hoping…


Health Insurance For Missionaries: Part 2

(This 2 part post was written by a good friend who worked in a missionary agency, helping missionaries make decision about their health insurance coverage.  While some details apply primarily to missionaries, most of the principles can be applied to our lives regardless of location.  In a sense, we are all missionaries and should consider…


Epigenetics, An Open Book

The great battle between nature and nurture continues. Social scientists, biologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, even theologians have debated for centuries what determines a person’s unique humanness. The field of genetics fired a seemingly victorious salvo against nurture as science discovered sections of DNA called “genes” which decided hair color, eye color, height, and even the presence…


Healthcare Insurance for Missionaries

(This 2 part post was written by a good friend who worked in a missionary agency, helping missionaries make decision about their health insurance coverage.  While some details apply primarily to missionaries, most of the principles can be applied to our lives regardless of location.  In a sense, we are all missionaries and should consider…


Early Childhood Trauma Affects Our Brains

Science has a habit of explaining what common sense has already revealed.  One might wonder why we do the science if common sense can tell us so much for a much lower cost.  Well, understanding how things are biologically connected does help us to work towards therapies and healing at times.  Science provides some tentative ground on…


CDC Study Reveals the Obvious About Children’s Nutrition

While I appreciate those taking the time and effort to improve the health of our children, there is a bigger picture that is being missed.  Yes, the amount of sugar that we and our children are eating daily is damaging to current and future health.  Salt is important as well, but some argue how much…


Ben Carson Weighs in on the Vaccine Debate

The vaccine debate is heating up thanks to the recent measles outbreak.  Many are throwing out their opinions (regardless of whether they know enough to talk on the subject), including Dr. Ben Carson.  I expected better of him, but nothing surprises me anymore about politicians.  An article about his statement can be found HERE.  My…


Blueberries Lower Blood Pressure

The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recently published the results of a study in post-menopausal women with early hypertension.  The study provided daily blueberry powder to half the women and after 8 weeks, those receiving the blueberry powder had a statistically significant decrease in blood pressure.  For systolic pressure (the top number) it was…


Does Health Insurance Violate Your Conscience?

The Health Co-Op works with Samaritan’s Ministries to offer a conscience friendly alternative to health insurance.  As mandates and regulations increase the chance that your health insurance premium dollars go to procedures which you find objectionable, you should be aware of alternatives.  This LINK takes you to a recent newsletter from Health Co-Op describing how…


Asthma And Genetics: MTHFR Included

A recent study led by Carole Ober, PhD, Blum-Riese professor and chair of the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago, found few clear links between gene mutations and asthma risk.  However, MTHFR was one of the three links that was discovered.  The International Business Times discusses the study HERE. My comments are…


How to Have a Healthy Family Table

The American College of Pediatricians serves as an alternative to the mainstream and more well known American Academy of Pediatrics.  They are far more conservative and attempt to provide a voice of reason in several areas affecting parents and their children’s pediatricians.  Recently they asked their membership to share the attached handout about encouraging families…


Principle Seven: Personalized Care

As should be evident by now, the principles underlying Sanctuary Medical Care and Consulting are not independent from one another, operating without interaction. The seventh principle is no different. It asserts the importance of approaching each patient as an individual. Patient care must be personalized in every way possible. Each person is a unique whole…


Why Physical Health Matters

Why should we care about the bodies which convey our eternal souls about this world? Won’t they be renewed in heaven anyway? Aren’t we supposed to focus on the eternal things rather than worldly things? Romans 8:29 could be used to argue that we are to focus our energies on spiritual transformation so that we…


Principles Five and Six: Integrative and Functional Medicine

The Christmas season was wonderful, full of joyous memories, but it is time to resume my explanations of the principles behind Sanctuary Medical Care and Consulting. I have discussed the Biblical principles which guide my day to day clinical activities, but will now turn to two principles of medicine which benefit my patients, Integrative Medicine…


Principle Four: Applying Biblical Worldview In Medicine

Having walked through the first three principles practiced in Sanctuary Medical Care and Consulting, I turn my attention to one that may surprise you in certain ways. If we take the Bible seriously in what it says and consider it as God’s Word, we should apply it 7 days a week, not just in how…


MTHFR, More Than An Acronym For A Curse Word

MTHFR is no longer just shorthand for a curse word. This gene and its gene family are gaining attention both from the medical world (clinical and research alike), but from many patients and bloggers. Why would a gene with such a bad name be getting so much press? Because its medical reputation matches its acronym.…


How Direct Primary Care Meets the Needs of Primary Care Reform

My explanation of how Direct Primary Care can meets the needs of primary care in response to H&HN Daily article Original Article in Hospitals and Health Networks While Direct Primary Care (DPC) is not mentioned directly in this article, it is a growing model of care which can meet many of these ten goals. (Numbers…


Principle 3: Whole-Person Care

In trying to care for a patient’s body, emotions, and spirit, most physicians wander around the proverbial elephant, first palpating a thick leg, next measuring a long trunk, and then listening to who knows where on the elephant’s body. They wonder how this all fits together. They know in their minds that somehow all of…


Three Little Pigs Wax Philosophical on Health

The story of the three little pigs (prior articles) continues as they wax philosophical and ask themselves “why does their health or their diets matter anyway?” You see they are good little Christian pigs who are looking forward to a new heaven and new earth, expecting that they will be renewed in a perfect pig…


Pilgrims With A Purpose

As pilgrims in this life, we embark upon an adventure filled with great stories. Stories of breathlessness, stories of laughter, and stories of woe fill our memories and await our tomorrows. However, all noble journeys, regardless of their rabbit trails and pit stops, must be destined for a singular end. Human life is no exception.…


What is MTHFR anyway?

Five Little Letters Can Spell Big Trouble MTHFR = Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase. For some reason, you now know that you have a mutation. School bullies may have claimed as much in years past, but now it is confirmed. Does it really matter if it is 677 or 1298 or whatever else the lab included for SHMT,…


Principle Two: Covenantal Medicine

The medical world generally holds to the Hippocratic Oath, an oath passed down from antiquity to which physicians hold themselves in caring for patients. This oath is mostly a good thing, despite its original form swearing to Greek gods, as it elevates several important principles of good medicine. However, Christian medicine cannot rightly conclude with…


Soli Deo Gloria: Principle One

nc“To God alone be the glory” or “Soli Deo Gloria” has been used by the great composers Bach and Handel to emphasize that any honor for their musical work was owed to God rather than to the human composers. Short of miraculous intervention I will never compose something of such grand musical nature nor will…


Why the “W” in Biblically “Wholistic” Healthcare?

Most who read this blog post have asked themselves “What does he mean by “Biblically Wholistic healthcare?” or “How is this different than other healthcare?” Don’t feel bad that you have not heard this phrase before. I have chosen this phrase after much deliberation and prayer over several years. It is meant to express as…


Clues to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Doctors were right after all.  Chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is just all in your head… However, researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered some physical clues that may lead to further understanding of this insidious and debilitating disease.  Being “all in your head”, in this case, does not mean that someone is just…


Christmas Presents or an MRI

None of us want a lump of coal in our stocking this Christmas, but there may be some unusual Christmas wishes on many of your lists. Of course, there will be bicycles, games, and other toys as well as the various clothes items for your yourself and others. But how many are wishing for a…


Bringing the Experts Together

Who are the two most important humanly healthcare experts when you are sick?  Can you guess? Your doctor and YOU!  That’s who! Obviously you want a physician who is an expert to be guiding you when you are ill.  However your care excels when your “doctor-expert” works well with you.  Doctors can be experts in medicine,…


Where Was the Internist When the Elephant Was Drunk ???

I wanted to continue the saga of the drunken elephant a little further so as to not impugn the integrity of medical specialists without adequately poking fun at my own specialty, Internal Medicine. As you may remember, Dr. George, Dr. Uri, and Dr. Newton learned from their jungle guide that one must step back and…


Medscape Statins and Personalized Medicine

A recent Medscape article in July which addressed Statins use apparently generated 600 comments. A follow up article I read this morning addresses many of those comments. My short take on the article: Treatment for high cholesterol requires personalization! See the link here . Each of our genetics, lifestyle, goals, and current health conditions influence our…


Obese Mice and Probiotics

A story about obese mice and probiotics Sometimes, as one explores the world of functional and integrative medicine, one may stop and ask if the mainstream medical establishment is right.   Are we so desperate for healing and restoration that we will latch on to any theory or any promise?  Should we just treat symptoms and…


Healthcare Sharing Ministries

I had intended to continue my saga of the drunken elephant (the hyper-specialization of medicine), but I wanted to pause and say a few words regarding the healthcare sharing ministries which are offered as alternatives to health insurance.   A new addition to the ones listed further below has been launched for Catholics who were not…


The Hyper-specialization of Medicine

My most recent article, by the same title, light-heartedly approaches a topic that can be very frustrating for patients seeking answers in our current hyper-specialized health delivery system.  Patients seek care from primary care physicians/providers (family practitioners, internist, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and others) for complex issues, but rather than finding answers, they sometimes only receive 15 minutes…
