Thank you for sitting down with me to hear what drew me to functional medicine years ago. Many ask why I left conventional medicine behind, and here is that story.
I tried a variety of conventional medicine setting, from clinics to hospitals, with many different people. I found that I was being pushed to see more patients and prescribe medications that did not produce long term results. I knew God was calling me to something more than this disappointing practice.
Eventually, I refused to cooperate in bad medicine and started looking for real solutions. around the same time, three different events started my journey out of insurance driven conventional medicine and into functional medicine.
First, I attended a medical business conference that taught me how to run a clinic without insurance ties. Second, I met a Christian Physician at the conference who introduced me to natural medicine approaches that I was not aware of. Finally, a family member reached out to me as she could not find answers for chronic health issues despite asking many doctors.
God used these three influences to lead me out of the well-worn path of conventional medicine into the less traveled road. From there, I began planning Sanctuary as a clinic where I could implement these principles in a setting unhindered by insurance company controls or the ever- present rush of fitting in extra patients.
Besides the changes in my business approach, leaving the confines of Big Medicine, I began digging and digging as far as I could go into functional medicine. I quickly discovered means to help patients who were not getting their health questions answered elsewhere.
In addition to changing my business approach and leaving the confines of Big Medicine, I began digging into functional medicine. I quickly discovered means to help patients whose health questions had not been answered elsewhere.
Dozens of conferences, hundreds of hours of reading, and over 1500 patients later, I can enjoy the fruits of years of work as I see working through Sanctuary to restore others to a healthier more abundant life. From the first family member pursuing her life calling, to the children rising out of debilitating health challenges, the departure from conventional medicine was a wonderful, wise decision despite all the uphill battles I faced between then and now.
My family rejoices in life post-mold exposure. We live in a safe home which we monitor for both moisture and mold issues. God has provided as we rebuild and watch our health improve year by year. God is also healing the emotional trauma of mold toxicity so we can enjoy a healthier more abundant life.
I look forward to being a part of your story as you seek a healthier more abundant life. Through Sanctuary we offer you the opportunity to join our many patients who overcame what other doctors had said was beyond repair and then returned to living “life” again. May God grant you the answer to your prayers for restoration.
Dr. Eric Potter