For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold Symptoms Therapy website one or two at a time. It has been over 3 years since I first wrote this 30 plus page guide and posted it online. A few things have changed since 2020 (yes, an understatement), but the basic principles emphasized in 2020 continue with minimal change.
As this provides me an opportunity to update any advancements, it also offers the opportunity for you to ask questions and even contribute to edition number 2 of the Mold Guide. By leaving comments and questions, I can identify areas where I can offer even more to patients and the public in terms of education and empowerment over mold. Please take 2-3 minutes to be a part of helping others restore healthier more abundant lives with your questions and feedback. You can leave comments on Facebook or our website not only for each week’s section, but any section off the website which I have not addressed yet.
This week: Mold and Co-Morbidities …The Friends
Various co-conspirators work alongside mold to amplify its harmful effects. These are mostly opportunistic infections which either sneak in through the door left open by mold or simply invade life coincidentally. The other co-conspiratorial group includes a variety of toxins that synergize with the effects of mold toxins to make people feel even worse. In the end, the psycho-social-spiritual stressors of life add a final layer on the portrait of a life affected by mold.
Given mold’s weakening of the immune system, no one should be surprised that enterprising infections take advantage of the opening and invade. On this list are chronic bacterial infections like Lyme, chronic viral infections like EBV and HHV6, opportunistic fungi like candida, and parasites of all sorts. Now, since 2020, we also have the possibility of Post COVID or Long Haulers syndrome. Each of these could take up chapters to describe, so for now, just be aware they you should be tested for these co-morbid infections if the symptoms line up. The quick red flag guide would be:
- Chronic Lyme – chronic fatigue, symptoms begin after a tick bite, bullseye rash, weird neurologic or psychiatric symptoms, chronic migratory joint pain, or mast cell symptoms.
- Chronic Bartonella – cat exposure, stretch marks, weird rashes, weird neurologic or psychiatric symptoms.
- EBV – chronic fatigue, recurrent waxing and waning lymph node swelling and tenderness, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis.
- HHV6 (Human Herpes Virus 6) – thyroid disease.
- Candida – recurrent vaginal or bladder infections unresponsive to antibiotics, sugar cravings, irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth), skin rashes.
- Parasites – irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhea, bloating, itching rectum, weight loss, abdomen pain.
- Post COVID / Long Haulers – basically all the symptoms of mold toxicity either initially triggered by COVID or reactivated by COVID after initial success with mold detox therapy.
If these infections are ruled out, but something else beyond mold seems to be causing problems, non-mold toxins are another possible synergism with mold toxicity. The presence of other toxins in the individual amplifies or modifies the suffering initiated by mycotoxins. Such toxins include heavy metals, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s), Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS), and other microbial toxins. Heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, and tin may further hinder the immune system, cause hormonal imbalance, trigger inflammation, and more. VOC’s in new construction and new furniture often lead to headaches, brain fog, insomnia, and other weird symptoms even without mold toxins. Persistent organic pollutants like plastics also imbalance hormones and are difficult to eradicate. In the same water damaged building settings, other microbes like bacteria also reside, also producing chemicals that harm us.
Physical and psychosocial stressors also contribute to a patient’s symptoms. Head trauma can initiate chronic inflammatory changes similar to those mold or other toxins produce. Such head trauma leading to a concussion can also disrupt the barrier between the bloodstream and the brain, allowing more toxins to enter the normally protected brain tissue.
Emotional abuse and neglect from childhood or adulthood both set individuals up for PTSD, anxiety, and depression. The same limbic system which is over stimulated by mold toxins becomes over-stimulated by such stressful factors. The resulting psychiatric symptoms can be much more difficult to manage with medications and counseling when mold toxicity is present. Full restoration requires mold detox, limbic reset, and addressing the effects of that stress on the person.
Any of these stressors and often their combinations may alter cortisol balance, trigger leaky gut, and more. Mold toxicity with any number of these factors creates challenging diagnostic and treatment procedures but expertise and patience can yield the long sought after restoration.
Mold and Co-Morbidities….The Friends
Mold Toxicity allows latent infections to awaken
Bacterial: Lyme or Bartonella
Viral: EBV or HHV6
Produces synergistic effects with other toxins
Volatile organic compounds
Persistent Organic Pollutants
Heavy Metals
Amplifies neuropsychosocial stressors
Head Concussions
Emotional and physical abuse
Physical trauma
Lifestyle stress
May further
Alter cortisol balance
Trigger leaky gut
Mold’s friends and Co-conspirators
Make diagnosis and treatment more challenging
But healing and restoration are still possible
Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more... offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.