Many come to us with bodies that just don’t want to get up and go…. With our care… They get more done at home or at work. They have more energy to have fun. Patients often express “so this is what it feels like to feel normal” or “I didn’t know how sick I really was until I felt better”.
Many come to us with bodies that just don’t want to get up and go. Their bodies fizzle out when they try to go beyond the simplest of activities. Sometimes they can barely do the least of daily chores, even to the point of spending extra hours in bed. They are tired of being tired and want our help to restore energy and vitality.
We work to restore that energy by digging deeper than conventional medicine and finding the root cause, that foundational dysfunction underlying the symptoms, and restoring it to normal. At times that comes down to one major root cause, but at other times the fatigue arises from several contributing factors.
Some of the bigger contributors can be toxicities of mold or heavy metals, chronic infections like Lyme or Bartonella or yeast, inflammation of various sources, hormonal imbalances, and a few more. While one or two of these can cause significant fatigue on their own, a combination of 2 or 3 of these dysfunctions can sap the energy straight out of your life.
What do patients feel like after detoxing or killing infections or lowering inflammation? The changes begin slowly as the body begins returning to normal function. Their good days increase in frequency and their bad days become less annoying and less frequent. Over time, they realize that their ability to live life returns. They get more done at home or at work. They have more energy to have fun.
As we finish addressing the various contributing factors, patients often express “so this is what it feels like to feel normal” or “I didn’t know how sick I really was until I felt better”.
Areas to Address:
A Word from Dr. Potter
Dr. Eric Potter