Wisdom encourages a careful evaluation of both the cost of care and the cost of not caring. The former stands so obvious that one would think its mention is frivolous. Read more and you will be surprised. The latter would appear initially free, but the losses acquired by inaction deserve more attention than they receive.
The Cost of Health
The cost depends on what you are purchasing. Purchasing bad health requires little from your purse or wallet and accrues interest in old age as chronic conditions build until they overcome you. Purchasing average health requires an occasional salad, an occasional doctor visit, and a few prescriptions taken as often as you remember.
Purchasing extraordinary health demands ongoing investment. You forgo some pleasurable obstacles like sweets and processed foods. You perform some regular activities like exercise and stress management. You choose a doctor who goes beyond pharma, who goes beyond at 15 minute visit, and who goes beyond the party line of big medicine.
Until you combine these efforts, extraordinary lies beyond your grasp. Once they have grasped you, you realize that you never want to look back
The Cost of Not Caring
Extraordinary health and its patterns have not yet grasped your life. You consider the cost. Do not ignore the cost of not caring as you weigh your options. Not pursing health when you are ill means you will pay many costs. You will pay the cost of lost experiences with family and friends. You may pay the cost of lost wages in missed work. You will pay the cost of progressing symptoms when unaddressed.
Decisions grow clearer with these costs set against the cost of a visit or a program or a supplement or a healthier meal. At some point you realize that you can’t afford to not care any longer.
Making the Most of Sanctuary
Choosing to care for your health by enlisting Sanctuary on your team means the following. You give up short visits and gain prolonged time with your provider. You give up a limited set of pharma therapies and gain the best of both worlds on medicine. You give up supporting the big medicine system and you gain a trusted ally in your quest for the healthier more abundant life.