Turning the P2X4 Key to Turn off Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) attacks many patients relentlessly while others experience intermittent attacks interspersed with periods of quiet.  In looking for answers to why some progress to these relentless attacks and how to treat them, scientists may have found a key to unlocking answers and therapies.  As evidenced by the series of logical steps they followed,…

Didn’t Your Mom Teach You to Share?

Health care cost sharing ministries are programs that any mother should love.  Caring for those who suffer ill health should take many forms including sharing the financial burdens.  Our moms taught us to share our toys.  The Bible teaches us to share with those in need.  Cost sharing ministries like Samaritans and others (Medishare, Christian HealthCare Ministry, Liberty Share,…

Neuroinflammatory Biomarkers – They Will Blow Your Mind

Have you ever started reading something so deep and so complex that you pause on the second page realizing you already are in over your head?  I confess, this article “Advances in Biomarker-Guided Therapy for Pediatric- and Adult-Onset Neuroinflammatory Disorders: Targeting Chemokines/Cytokines” from Frontiers in Immunology did that to me.  I am in awe of…