Hygiene Theory at Work in COVID 19

Snotty noses may protect from COVID infections.  Scientists in the Imperial College of London report on the benefits of T-cells primed by prior coronaviruses in lowering the risk of COVID 19 infections.  Building on prior knowledge of cross-reactivity in the immune system and the genomic functioning of other coronaviruses, this team searched for more answers. …

Novavax Looks to Soap Bark Nanoparticles for the Win

As our understanding of immunity deepens, our repertoire of immune modulators expands so that we can influence our immune defenses in a beneficial direction.  The vaccine company Novavax, in working on a COVID-19 vaccine, has incorporated saponins from Chilean soapbark trees into their vaccine with the goal of boosting both antibody and cell-based immunity.  Whereas…

Christmas Present

Day 7 Sanctuary of Functional Christmas

Moldy and Blood Brain Barrier https://sanctuaryfunctionalmedicine.com/topics/mold/moldy-and-blood-brain-barrier/ Everyone is exposed to mold on a practically daily basis. How can it really cause so many different symptoms as functional MD’s claim? Over time, I intend to answer those questions for a long list of symptoms, but for today, let’s look at the brain. Several studies indicate that…