Recovery from Chronic Illness Takes Time

Welcome to our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring Conference focused not…

Lyme Meets COVID and We Groan

While none of us like to hear the newest, a-bit-longer-than-four letter curse word, COVID, research into the pathophysiology or mechanisms of acute and chronic COVID illness has helped us understand Lyme disease better.  Clinical experience in adult and pediatric functional medicine clinics confirms that both of these debilitating diseases work through common inflammatory pathways.  In…

Pathophysiology of Lyme

Welcome to the seventh essay in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This…