Proverbs 10:8-9

Receiving and Walking Wisdom receives commandments from the One who orders all things. Their hearts are open to what is best for them. In contrast, a fool who overflows with babbling only comes to ruin. Their overflow serves neither them nor their listeners. Integrity requires action. Even standing on principles requires the action of standing.…

Proverbs 9:13-18

Folly is a Seductive Witch While Wisdom was seen to have prepared great blessings for her followers, Folly does nothing more than call others to fall into her pit.  She offers stolen water and bread to entice, but offers nothing of her own to those who succumb to her temptations. Folly is loud.  Folly makes…

Proverb 9:10-12

A reverence for our Creator and Sovereign Lord is the starting point for all wisdom.  Knowing God is the greatest source for insight into life.  This beginning leads to great blessings. Wisdom multiples our days, adding years to our life. Wisdom blesses the possessor while scoffing brings burdens. When you next face a time of…

Proverbs 9:7-9

Scoffers versus the Wise man One’s response to admonition reflects the internal state of their soul.  We all hesitate to tell a scoffer that they are mistaken or that they did something wrong.  We know that they will repeat their past responses which stung us before.  Rather than pausing to consider our words, they will…

Proverbs 9:1-6

Proverbs 9:1-6 Wisdom has prepared blessings for those who listen In contrast to what folly prepares for its followers, wisdom offers far more to those who seek it.  Wisdom builds a house with strong pillars offering dependable shelter.  Wisdom prepares a banquet of meat and wine, setting a table waiting for us. Wisdom not only…

Listen to Wisdom

Proverbs 8:32-36 Listen to Wisdom  The prior verses painted a clear picture of how wisdom should be viewed.  These verses carry on the implications that such wisdom of God will greatly bless those who listen to it.  Blessings, life, and favor from the Lord are waiting for those who hear and keep wisdom’s ways.  In…

Wisdom is not the New Kid on the Block Wisdom is not the New Kid on the Block  Progress seems the thrill of the day.  The latest must be the greatest says contemporary society.  Yet, God says wisdom has existed from before the world itself began. Wisdom should be our joy rather than the newcomer called “progress”.  We could simply breeze over the passage’s significance…

Wisdom Seeks Followers to Love

Proverbs 8:17-21] Wisdom is a tender and caring master.  Submitting oneself to its care is entrusting one’s being to the most loving mother.  Such a mother will never turn away her fragile infant as he searches for warmth.  Wisdom makes itself easy to find if we but try.  The reward for such searching is grand, enduring riches and honor.  Gold…