The Path to Plenty

Proverbs 3:19-20   Science requires order.  Without assuming order’s preeminence in the universe, the scientist may not assume his experiment stands true tomorrow to today’s results.  He may not assume his discovered law of nature stands true next door or across the sea.  Yet, assuming the universe functions according to an order permits one to hope in consistency…

The Path to Plenty

Proverbs 3:9-10 The Path to Plenty Our society values prosperity. This is not inherently bad as prosperity provides a foundation for health and enjoyment of life. The path to prosperity is viewed from a positive light in these verses while other verses describe the fruits of pursuing prosperity wrongly. At Sanctuary, we want to…

Contradicting the World

Proverbs 3:5-8 Contradicting the World While we can always trust God’s Word to provide truth, sometimes profound truths arise in the oddest of places. While listening to a lecture from The Great Courses on music history, the instructor emphasized that our current view of music arises from a Greek humanistic mindset. He contrasted this…

Let Your Heart Keep My Commandments

Proverbs 3:1-4 Let Your Heart Keep My Commandments We strive to imitate our heavenly Father in caring for our patients. He encourages us to remember the teachings of wisdom in this Proverb. We encourage our patients to remember what we teach them about caring for their health. Both encouragements are intended to result in…

Slow Down and Ponder His Wisdom

Proverbs 2:6-15 “Continuing Proverb 2:6-15” Slow Down and Ponder His Wisdom God calls us to meditate on His truth. Quick glances do not bring out the depth and breadth of His Word any more than jogging through an art museum. In a fast-paced world, we must force ourselves to slow down and ponder His…

Gold Mine Alert

Proverbs 2:6-15 Gold Mine Alert Yes, I am serious, this Proverb is a gold mine, a treasure trove for those able and willing to dig into it. Proverbs repeats for those of us who are hard of hearing two timeless truths: wisdom is more valuable than treasure and wisdom begins with God. A third…