Blueberries Lower Blood Pressure

The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recently published the results of a study in post-menopausal women with early hypertension.  The study provided daily blueberry powder to half the women and after 8 weeks, those receiving the blueberry powder had a statistically significant decrease in blood pressure.  For systolic pressure (the top number) it was…

Does Health Insurance Violate Your Conscience?

The Health Co-Op works with Samaritan’s Ministries to offer a conscience friendly alternative to health insurance.  As mandates and regulations increase the chance that your health insurance premium dollars go to procedures which you find objectionable, you should be aware of alternatives.  This LINK takes you to a recent newsletter from Health Co-Op describing how…

How to Have a Healthy Family Table

The American College of Pediatricians serves as an alternative to the mainstream and more well known American Academy of Pediatrics.  They are far more conservative and attempt to provide a voice of reason in several areas affecting parents and their children’s pediatricians.  Recently they asked their membership to share the attached handout about encouraging families…

Principles Five and Six: Integrative and Functional Medicine

The Christmas season was wonderful, full of joyous memories, but it is time to resume my explanations of the principles behind Sanctuary Medical Care and Consulting. I have discussed the Biblical principles which guide my day to day clinical activities, but will now turn to two principles of medicine which benefit my patients, Integrative Medicine…