Micronutrients Impact on ADHD

Parents of children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) search for anything that will help their children overcome the hindrances of this condition.  They watch their children struggle with school and relationships.  The parents struggle with the stress of ADHD on their own relationship with the affected child.  Arguments and frustrations can abound.  With this…

Hygiene Theory at Work in COVID 19

Snotty noses may protect from COVID infections.  Scientists in the Imperial College of London report on the benefits of T-cells primed by prior coronaviruses in lowering the risk of COVID 19 infections.  Building on prior knowledge of cross-reactivity in the immune system and the genomic functioning of other coronaviruses, this team searched for more answers. …

Metabolomics and Children’s Chronic Diseases

The tool of “Metabolomics” looks to revolutionize how we view children’s chronic diseases.  The basic lab markers of yesterday revealed shadows of underlying dysfunction.  Metabolomics works to shine clearer light deeper into the actual mechanisms of our next generation’s growing chronic illness epidemic.  Today’s article of interest shares insights into how this developing tool has…