Vitamin B12 and Folate Therapy For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A cross sectional study recently released in an open access journal called PLOS|one suggests that the correct doses of vitamin B12 and folic acid might relieve symptoms in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for some patients. Researches compared CFS rating scale results for 38 patients receiving various doses of B12 and folic acid to see if any…

Epigenetics of Asthma: To The Third and Fourth Generations

The Open Access medical journal, Clinical Epigenetics, is publishing a study indicating that epigenetics not only influences heart disease and diabetes (as has been shown in numerous other research studies), but also impacts lung health.  Krauss-Etschmann et al searched for correlations between environmental influences and rates of asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) in…

Functional Medicine Cardio-metabolic Conference

Technology can be a wonderful thing.  This weekend, live streaming allowed me to attend an educational event in California while sitting in my Tennessee home-office.  The Institute for Functional Medicine organized its first live streaming event for a Cardio-metabolic model in its certification program.  Watching 20 hours of lectures about improving heart health and being…

Oklahoma Senate Passes Direct Primary Care Bill

I just wanted to share a quick post about legislation effecting Direct Primary Care in the state of Oklahoma.   State Senators there passed Senate Bill 560 protecting patients from losing direct primary care membership agreements in the workplace or such agreements from being considered as insurance.  Next it goes to the house.  Rep. David Derby is…