christian healthcare

Christian Healthcare at Sanctuary – Obamacare Versus Christian Care

Anyone who more than glances at Sanctuary Functional Medicine’s website will notice something peculiar: the blatant Christian nature of what we profess.  This bluntness has provoked both explicit comments to my face and rumors that I only hear second hand. More than 9 out of 10 express either compliments or gratitude for having a clinic…

Immune System – Summary from SHEICON2016 by Dr. Ben Lynch ND

What better way to kick off SHEICON 2016 than with Ben Lynch, N.D. introducing new findings about our wondrous immune system, the amazing interplay of cells, chemical messages, and weapons that our body uses to protect us every moment of our lives!  The immunology book which I used in medical school has grown fat with…

Why Patients Love Functional Medicine

This past week, had the opportunity to share some feedback in the Williamson Herald about why patients love functional medicine.  I have copied that editorial below: Since opening Sanctuary Medical Care and Consulting this year, many patients have expressed a similar question, “What is functional medicine?” Dr. Hutton and I enjoy answering this question for…