When You Need More than One Test to Get an Answer

Individuals with multiple symptoms in multiple body systems over months and years without beneficial answers from conventional medicine need something more.  Functional MD’s like myself strive to provide such patients with paths to restoration, not by abandoning conventional medicine, but by applying the best of medical research to our patients.  We are often accused of…

Immune Boosting Antibiotics Discovered

Having your cake and eating it too in the field of infectious disease means discovering antibiotics that both attack the bacteria and stimulate the immune system to turn up its defenses.  Researchers report a new class of antibiotics which carry out this dual function, providing some hope in the fight against antibiotic resistant bacteria. Functional…

Introducing Lipidomics – Getting an Oil Change

Medical research has poured billions of dollars into understanding protein and carbohydrates based metabolic processes.  Even when lipids have been studied, they often related to how either proteins metabolize them or how carbohydrates relate to them.  The long article from which this post is based argues forcibly for a deeper study of lipids in their…

Shocking: A Healthy Lifestyle Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

Sometimes the obvious deserves mention.  Medscape recently highlighted an article from the journal, Neurology, (see link at end) which emphasized how the practice of 5 lifestyles patterns could lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by up to 60 percent. The rate of Alzheimer’s disease is climbing and it impact on society is growing as more…

Curcumin – Nanoscale Multi-Tool

Curcumin, the multi-tool of functional medicine just got nano-scaled.  As the article notes, curcumin has frustrated scientists for years.  It clearly affects multiple bodily processes like inhibiting NF-kB, TNF alpha, and IL-6. Each of these substances play a role in inflammation.  However, our body’s limited ability to absorb curcumin and the swiftness of its metabolism…

Salugenesis (aka Salutagenesis)

Modern medicine signs its name with “allopathy” when pressed for its roots.  Allopathy basically means that we come against disease (pathos).  If bacteria invade our body’s sanctuary, we respond with anti-bacterials.  If cancer arises, we respond with anti-cancer agents called chemotherapy.  This paradigm has served us well for decades in the acute war against disease.…