Micronutrients Impact on ADHD

Parents of children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) search for anything that will help their children overcome the hindrances of this condition.  They watch their children struggle with school and relationships.  The parents struggle with the stress of ADHD on their own relationship with the affected child.  Arguments and frustrations can abound.  With this…

Other Biotoxins – Cyanobacteria and Algae Blooms

Mold and Lyme garner greater attention from both chronically ill patients and functional medicine practitioners, but they are not alone in the biotoxin world.  Spider bites and bartonella, the bacteria behind cat scratch disease, are also generally recognized as triggers for the Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).  Lesser attention, however, is paid to toxic algae…

Daycare Mycobiomes and Allergies

While correlation does not equal causation, the presence of various mold and yeast species in Norwegian daycare centers does suggest the need for more research.  A number of other studies have suggested a connection between mold and yeast in children’s environments and the development of allergies and asthma.  These researchers did not work necessarily towards…