Micronutrients Impact on ADHD

Parents of children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) search for anything that will help their children overcome the hindrances of this condition.  They watch their children struggle with school and relationships.  The parents struggle with the stress of ADHD on their own relationship with the affected child.  Arguments and frustrations can abound.  With this…

Heart Healthy Avocados

Health prevention comes down to a risk reduction number-game.  Primary prevention serves as a term describing how to keep a healthy person healthy.  At the point of primary prevention, we don’t know who is going to develop which disease so we treat a lot of people the same way trying to prevent as many as…

Iron Wars: Bacteria and Lyme

Most are aware of vitamin D and vitamin C as well as minerals like zinc, but do you know about the role that iron plays in our immune defenses and microbial invasions like Lyme? As functional medicine strives to optimize the terrain for potential or actual microbial attacks, we must consider the battle over iron…

Vitamin D3 Review

Vitamin D stands out among the most critical and most researched nutrients.  The list below only scratches the surface of known and suspected benefits that we gain from maintaining adequate vitamin D.  It is actually more of a hormone than a vitamin in its mechanisms of action and is produced by humans from cholesterol metabolism.…

Fruit Microbiomes are Inherited

The scientific world has continued to reveal the effects of our microbiome on our health.  The bacteria, fungi, and even viruses living in our GI tract influence every other body system through various mechanisms.  This collection of internal microbial neighbors begins with ones provided by our mothers at birth.  Well, it seems that even fruits…