Who Should You Fear More? A Virus or a Scientist?

Have you ever started down a road only to discover that you’re not really headed where you thought you were going?  At one point, Alzheimer’s scientists set out to search for potential drug targets for this terrible disease.  Somewhere along the research road, they unexpectedly turned a corner and landed themselves somewhere completely different than…

Basic Rules for Enviromental Mold Detox

Basic Rules for Environmental Mold Detox   Introduction Receiving a diagnosis of mold toxicity both relieves and overwhelms those already exhausted, confused, and battered by this stealthy enemy.  The diagnosis often concludes months to years of uncertainty, fear, and even shame.  Some have spent countless hours going from one doctor to the next without answers. …

Concussions are more than just a bruised brain…

Functional MD’s like myself often find ourselves in the realm of medical concepts like methylomics, transcriptomics, and genomes when we are researching ways to alleviate our patient’s suffering.  In searching for personalized therapy modalities for my patients, I find myself reading the latest research on a variety of issues. One research topic of late has…