When You Need More than One Test to Get an Answer

Individuals with multiple symptoms in multiple body systems over months and years without beneficial answers from conventional medicine need something more.  Functional MD’s like myself strive to provide such patients with paths to restoration, not by abandoning conventional medicine, but by applying the best of medical research to our patients.  We are often accused of…

When You Need More than One Test to Get an Answer

Individuals with multiple symptoms in multiple body systems over months and years without beneficial answers from conventional medicine need something more. Functional MD’s like myself strive to provide such patients with paths to restoration, not by abandoning conventional medicine, but by applying the best of medical research to our patients. We are often accused of…

Blame Your Great-Grandmother for Your Flu Symptoms

Blame Your Great-Grandmother for Your Flu Symptoms The study of epigenetics marches forward in unearthing previously unimagined connections between our ancestors and our health.  Several organ systems have revealed their transgenerational effects of ancestral environmental exposure (see a few in studies listed at end).  In a recent study by Post et al, the immune system…

The Epic Battle of Nature versus Nurture at Its Core

Prior to the discovery of genetic’s mechanisms of passing family traits, humans from the beginning of time have recognized that children carry characteristics of their parents.  However, they simultaneously recognized that the chip off the old block sometimes fell further from the block than others.  At some point, the headline “Nature versus Nurture” offered good…

Epigenetics of Asthma: To The Third and Fourth Generations

The Open Access medical journal, Clinical Epigenetics, is publishing a study indicating that epigenetics not only influences heart disease and diabetes (as has been shown in numerous other research studies), but also impacts lung health.  Krauss-Etschmann et al searched for correlations between environmental influences and rates of asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) in…