Sweet Supplements

Numerous supplements are proving to benefit diabetics and pre-diabetics in controlling their glucose control, however a list of supplements which might worsen glucose control garners little press.  Maybe the good guys need to step back for a moment and allow the guilty parties to stand alone in the spotlight.   Let’s take a moment to examine…

Yasmina, The Low Histamine Chef

For those who deal with histamine excess, Yasmina offers many helpful tools and recipes to manage the histamine overload which produces migraines, palpitations, rashes, and many other symptoms. I look forward to reading more about the connection between histamine blockers and heart health she describes below. http://thelowhistaminechef.com/histamine-and-your-heart/ Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr…

Vitamin Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis

Scientists as the 67th American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting heard some intriguing study results just last month. Papers are pending from some of the discoveries, but presentations regarding links between vitamins and multiple sclerosis have doctors’ more than a little excited. In one study Stephanie Tankou, MD, and colleagues looked at how vitamin D…