Bacterial Immune Chemotherapy

Bacterial Immune Chemotherapy The interwoven nature of our gut microbiome with the functioning of our immune system never ceases to amaze me.  Researchers at the University of Calgary recently reported another potential life-saving discovery.  Specific gut bacteria may enhance the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy in several cancer types.  Besides correlating the presence of Bifidobacterium pseudolongum,…

Don’t Give your Inflammasomes any Matches

Anyone found to be unaware of the tight connection between inflammation and dementias like Alzheimer’s and Fronto-Temporal Dementia needs remedial neurology classes if they intend to practice medicine in the 21st century. Countless studies underscore the correlations between higher inflammatory states and dementia, but we need more studies like today’s spot-light on the role of…

Blame Your Great-Grandmother for Your Flu Symptoms

Blame Your Great-Grandmother for Your Flu Symptoms The study of epigenetics marches forward in unearthing previously unimagined connections between our ancestors and our health.  Several organ systems have revealed their transgenerational effects of ancestral environmental exposure (see a few in studies listed at end).  In a recent study by Post et al, the immune system…