Fringe Pediatric Group Announces Concern Over Food Additives Effects on Children’s Health

Just who does this American Academy of Pediatrics thinks they are?  Just because they control board certification for all pediatricians, set the guidelines for pediatric well and sick care, and are the largest influence in mainstream pediatrics does NOT give them the right to make outrageous claim that we in functional medicine have been making…

Concussions are more than just a bruised brain…

Functional MD’s like myself often find ourselves in the realm of medical concepts like methylomics, transcriptomics, and genomes when we are researching ways to alleviate our patient’s suffering.  In searching for personalized therapy modalities for my patients, I find myself reading the latest research on a variety of issues. One research topic of late has…

Parenting truths

My readers know that certain articles strike me as critical. Seeing numerous children in our clinic for the primary complaint of behavioral challenges means that I talk with numerous guilt-ridden parents.  Guilty because they can’t fine the key to make their child better- to make them NOT difficult. By the time they see me, they…