Guaranteed Health, Wealth and Success?

Proverbs 1:24-33 True or False: Following God will guarantee health, wealth and success. Of course, we know this to be false. Following God involves sacrifice and suffering with no guarantee that storms won’t come. True or False: Suffering is a sure sign of disobeying God. Also, obviously false. However, the verses above do suggest…

The Call of Wisdom

The Call of Wisdom Proverbs 1:20-22 At Sanctuary, we strive to be such a voice of wisdom crying aloud in the street. We have studied with an open mind the fields of natural and conventional medicine extensively. We have worked to apply Biblical wisdom in caring for patients rather than simply following the mainstream…

When You Need More than One Test to Get an Answer

Individuals with multiple symptoms in multiple body systems over months and years without beneficial answers from conventional medicine need something more. Functional MD’s like myself strive to provide such patients with paths to restoration, not by abandoning conventional medicine, but by applying the best of medical research to our patients. We are often accused of…

Temptation to Shortcuts

Proverbs 1:8-19 Again we hear the call to heed the words of those before us bearing the gift of wisdom. A child will know that their parents have wisdom to offer by having lived under their care. Physicians should know where to seek medical wisdom by the tested fruits of the wise teachers in…

Blame Your Great-Grandmother for Your Flu Symptoms

Blame Your Great-Grandmother for Your Flu Symptoms The study of epigenetics marches forward in unearthing previously unimagined connections between our ancestors and our health.  Several organ systems have revealed their transgenerational effects of ancestral environmental exposure (see a few in studies listed at end).  In a recent study by Post et al, the immune system…