Heart Healthy Avocados

Health prevention comes down to a risk reduction number-game.  Primary prevention serves as a term describing how to keep a healthy person healthy.  At the point of primary prevention, we don’t know who is going to develop which disease so we treat a lot of people the same way trying to prevent as many as…

Other Biotoxins – Cyanobacteria and Algae Blooms

Mold and Lyme garner greater attention from both chronically ill patients and functional medicine practitioners, but they are not alone in the biotoxin world.  Spider bites and bartonella, the bacteria behind cat scratch disease, are also generally recognized as triggers for the Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS).  Lesser attention, however, is paid to toxic algae…

Lead in Your Head

Decisions are never so simple.  Just add some heavy metal like lead to gas so that it burns better and our cars run better.  Seemed simple at the time.  Decades later we all still suffer as a nation from that decision.  Rather than methodically study the possible secondary effects of adding millions of tons of…

Daycare Mycobiomes and Allergies

While correlation does not equal causation, the presence of various mold and yeast species in Norwegian daycare centers does suggest the need for more research.  A number of other studies have suggested a connection between mold and yeast in children’s environments and the development of allergies and asthma.  These researchers did not work necessarily towards…