Proverbs 10:27-30

Righteousness Leaves Physical Fruits              Swallow your supplements.  Do your exercise.  Eat this. Don’t eat that. Go to bed early and wake up refreshed. We seek long and fruitful life filled with joy and steadfastness.              None of these are wrong.  Each of these have their time and place and role in life.  Its just…

Proverbs 10:26

            Don’t be a Slug              Outside of young boys wanting to gross out their sisters, few find enjoyment in slugs.  They are slimy and not very exciting. We would never send a slug on a necessary errand as their sluggishness would delay its success and leave be a slimy trail. We recoil at the…

Post COVID Moldy Schools

Apparently, teachers and students should fear more than COVID19 upon return to long empty school buildings, at least in this Virginia school district.  After months of remote learning, everyone looked forward to Sherwood Forest Elementary returning to in-person learning.  Upon returning, many teachers found disturbing environmental conditions and experienced concerning health symptoms.  With obvious water…

Quercetin – The Swiss Army Knife – A Review

Quercetin finds itself in a number of Sanctuary protocols due to the multiplicity of benefits it has to offer.   The natural substance boasts among its most well-known functions effects in ameliorating allergies, preventing oxidation of LDL cholesterol, assisting in metal detoxification, and providing anti-oxidant protection.  Lesser-known benefits include for those with prostatitis and very mild…

Proverbs 10:23-25

            Striving for the True Riches             While we may grunt and groan in our strainings after material gains, our efforts only carry our lives to a point both in the here and now and in the life to come.  Wisdom and righteousness to the contrary bear more lasting fruits.             Wisdom grants pleasure now…

Fruit Microbiomes are Inherited

The scientific world has continued to reveal the effects of our microbiome on our health.  The bacteria, fungi, and even viruses living in our GI tract influence every other body system through various mechanisms.  This collection of internal microbial neighbors begins with ones provided by our mothers at birth.  Well, it seems that even fruits…