Does Beef & Dairy Quality Really Matter?

In today’s world of mass food production, the quality of the meat and animal products we consume is more important than ever. Choosing high-quality meat and dairy not only impacts your health but also impacts the environment and local economy. Let’s explore common keywords to look out for when shopping for animal products. A keyword…


Not Everything Is Mold

(As part of a good medicine series interspersed in our usual blogs, these blogs explain how your provider handles your care with more than just what facts they know.) One of the last things I want to diagnose someone with is mold toxicity- unless they really have it.  Just like a brain surgeon who wants…


Proverbs 16:29

Proverbs 16:29 ESV A man of violence entices his neighbor and leads him in a way that is not good. []   Violence is a convenient way to solve a problem. Somebody ticking you off? Punch the daylights out of him. Political rival being the absolute worst? Imprison him. Spouse being yappy when you’re tired?…


Folate Mitigates Autism Risk for Lead Exposure

We are complex organisms, affected by the interplay between our exposome and our nutritional status in light of our genetics. Children with autism don’t appear by random chance, like a number drawn out of a hat, but as a result of their genetics interacting with what enters their bodies whether for good or for bad.…


Are You a One-Size-Fits-All Lab Test Program?

(As part of a good medicine series interspersed in our usual blogs, these blogs explain how your provider handles your care with more than just what facts they know.) In a world filled with toxins and noxious microbes where our bodies age from daily wear and tear, it should be no surprise that we or…


Proverbs 16:28

Proverbs 16:28 ESV A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends. []   We all like to think that our relationships are ironclad, incapable of breaking down. We all know, when we’re not deliberately closing our eyes, that while our relationships may be strong, some of them nearly unbreakable, they only stay…


The Importance of Balancing your Blood Sugar

First of all, what does it mean to “balance your blood sugar”? Blood sugar balancing refers to maintaining stable levels of glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream throughout the day. This stability is crucial because glucose is the body’s primary energy source, particularly for the brain and muscles. When blood sugar levels fluctuate too much—either spiking…


Distressed Children Do Better in Nature

We live in a chaotic world where children’s mental health is declining, and therefore we need more common-sense approaches like this nature study promotes.  Before you say “Well duh!”, just stop for a moment and appreciate that this study gives you some hard evidence that children need more time outside.  With so much pressure on…


Proverbs 16:27

Proverbs 16:27 ESV A worthless man plots evil, and his speech is like a scorching fire. []   When dealing with a difficult relationship, we have two impulses: first, to cut them out as soon as possible and (try to) never look back; second, to hold on forever, thinking that perhaps one last interaction can…


Don’t Let the Landlord Talk You Out of Addressing Mold

We take care of so many people who are told that mold in their homes is not causing their problems.  Sometimes, the spouse is in denial. Sometimes, other family members won’t take it seriously.  Often, their doctors won’t listen.   Even if they get past these doubters and start getting help, these sufferers can face landlords…


Keto Diet Keys to Autoimmune Therapy

As internet voices and a few leading medical figures promote Ketogenic diets for autoimmune diseases, we can appreciate those behind the scenes doing the lab science that reveals the pathways connecting the dots.  Recently, University of California – San Francisco researchers reported their mouse study’s findings regarding Beta-hydroxybutyrate and how this metabolic product reduced findings…


Proverbs 16:26

Proverbs 16:26 ESV A worker’s appetite works for him; his mouth urges him on. []   Reality is reality. Sometimes that sucks. Sometimes that’s awesome. Sometimes, as here, we need to take a second and a third and even a fourth look before we understand both sides of the problem. This verse falls into the…


Meal Prep Makeover: New Year, New Recipes for Success

For most of us, meal prepping can get very monotonous and more than often, it turns into a hodgepodge of pantry items thrown together last minute to get some sustenance in. In this new year, I challenge you to start a new trend of meal prepping with some enjoyment! It can take some time to…


Prenatal Cannabis May Impact Baby Brains

While there was once a time long ago when smoking was promoted for everyone, eventually tobacco cigarettes were linked with adverse health outcomes for babies born to smoking moms.  As access to cannabis grows across the U.S., questions arise whether this type of smoking will also be a problem for the next generation of children…


Proverbs 16:25

Proverbs 16:25 ESV There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. []   We’re experts at deciding the right way to go. Left, right, up, down, family, work, church, that politician, this politician, that book, this one, that medicine, this one. We develop plans, and…


Pregnancy, Obesity, and the Baby’s Heart

Australian researchers released their findings: babies born to moms who were considered obese during pregnancy had changes to their hearts through alterations in their thyroid hormone.  With the increasing rates of cardiometabolic disease like diabetes and coronary artery disease, our society needs to understand all the factors that go into this epidemic.  Recommending adults to…


Gut Bacteria Changes Precede Rheumatoid Arthritis

In dealing with autoimmune diseases, researchers are always looking for warning signs prior to symptoms onset so that we can prevent disease and damage before they happen.  By the time autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis have caused joint pain, they have already damaged tissues and organs in ways that can’t be repaired.  If we in…


Proverbs 16:24

Proverbs 16:24 ESV Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. []   Living life is a tiring proposition. At some point, be I who I may be, I will get worn down, tuckered out, even flat-out hurt. Bad things happen, we sin to our own harm, and…


Healthy Holiday Feasting

The holiday season is a time for joy, connection, and, of course, delicious food! But it can also bring the challenge of maintaining healthy habits such as not overindulging and managing stress. To help take a step from the overwhelming tasks at hand this season, here are some practical tips to help you enjoy this…


Proverbs 16:23

Proverbs 16:23 ESV The heart of the wise makes his speech judicious and adds persuasiveness to his lips. []   Smooth-talking, silver-tongued, these are words we can easily give a negative connotation. We call it persuasion but it seems more like manipulation, and it’s hard to find the line where indeed charisma or persuasion becomes…


News Headlines: Ultra-processed Foods and Type 2 Diabetes

In caring for patients with cardiometabolic conditions like diabetes, nutrition has to be front and center, including guidance on processed foods.  While sugar intake is important for glucose control in diabetes, this study proves what we already knew.  Processed foods worsen diabetes along, not to mention the other health issues shown by other studies. University…


Robot Exercise Trainers for Children

As a functional medicine pediatrician, I have a responsibility to both treat the young patients in front of me as well as advocate for the well-being of children in society.  Obviously, there is considerable overlap between these two roles.  As I evaluate studies and research findings in order to apply new discoveries in either arena,…


Proverbs 16:22

Proverbs 16:22 ESV Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the instruction of fools is folly. []   Good teachers are not a dime a dozen, unfortunately. In fact, on inspection, money seems to have irritatingly little to do with teaching quality; certainly the more expensive a university, the…


Healthy Holiday Recipe Swaps

Cooking and baking for the holiday season is a lot of fun for the whole family, especially when everyone gets to eat and enjoy the treats. Unfortunately, it gets a little harder when there are a lot of dietary restrictions or special diets. The good news is, nowadays it’s so common, there are plenty of…


Babesiosis Increasing in the US

Babesiosis rates are rising about 9% per year according to the fringe university called Penn State, and once again a mainline university points out what we already know.  This parasite travels inside ticks along with other diseases like Lyme, ehrlichia, anaplasma, and others, ultimately infecting red blood cells after a tick bite.  Most of the…


Proverbs 16:21

Proverbs 16:21 ESV The wise of heart is called discerning, and sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness. []   I’ve been in an argument or two, in my time. Siblings like them, it turns out, and not just siblings. In those arguments, I generally feel myself to be entirely in the right, and I wonder why…


Another Reason to Believe in Mold Toxicity

Soapbox Rant Warning:  I am beyond aggravated at the medical world which dismisses the reality of mold toxicity and maligns any provider who attempts to care for those outcast individuals suffering from mold toxicity.  Without the details of recent experience, I will just say that the system is rigged against you (if you have mold…


The Emotional Language of Autism

Contrary to common beliefs, individuals with autism do experience complex emotions, but their language of experiencing and expressing them is different.  If this Rutgers University researcher is correct, the long-held belief that autistic individuals have very muted emotions may need to be altered.  With that change in approach, maybe a better way to think of…


Proverbs 16:20

Proverbs 16:20 ESV Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord. []   In all the rush and hurry of daily life, Scripture is easily set aside. We know what it says, after all; we’ve got all the doctrine right up here in our heads,…


Enhance your Diet for Liver + Detox Support

The liver is one of the most important organs responsible for detoxifying the blood, metabolizing nutrients, and producing essential proteins. In functional medicine, supporting liver health is essential for overall wellness, especially since most of our patients come to us needing to detox from harmful chemicals, environmental pollutants, mold, Lyme, you name it! Supplements and…


Butyrate Babies and Allergies

As allergic diseases become more common in children, researchers hunt for causes and cures to prevent not only ER visits, but deaths as well.  Endless debate between the genetic (nature) and the environmental (nurture) camps has raged- as well as the argument between the hygiene theory adherents and the nay-sayers.  This study points towards a…


Proverbs 16:19

Proverbs 16:19 ESV It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. []   To be of a lowly spirit is a hard saying and, if some thought is given to it, an obscure one too. What does it mean to be of a…


When the FDA Is Not in Charge

For any of you who have been told that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not approve a therapy and therefore that doctor won’t prescribe it, you are likely missing a patch of hair from where you pulled it out in frustration.  You or a loved one were ill and hurting, but the FDA’s…


POTS and PANS Connected in Children

While pots and pans come in handy for cooking, their namesakes’ causing of significant morbidity in children disrupts many childhoods, as well as the sleep of many parents.  POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome while PANS stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome.  This latter condition crosses over with PANDAS, Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated…


Proverbs 16:18

Proverbs 16:18 ESV Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. []   Maturity is a difficult art, one in which every summit turns out to be a valley and every victory only the start. For every moment in which we are satisfied with our heart and our actions, there’ll be another…


A Little Honey May Go a Long Way in Breast Cancer

While we all need to focus on nutrition, sometimes there are special cases, such as when Manuka honey shows promise in treating estrogen positive breast cancer. Studies like this demonstrate how the food we ingest daily can have a profound impact on our health.  Apparently, besides its potential for infection fighting, something in Manuka can…


Diet and Inflammation in the Mainstream

When almost 6 out of 10 Americans eat food daily that contributes to inflammation, no one should wonder why our country has an epidemic of health conditions related to excess inflammation. We see rising rates of cancer, heart disease, strokes, atopic conditions, autoimmunity and more. In looking for an explanation, we can point to the…


Proverbs 16:17

Proverbs 16:17 ESV The highway of the upright turns aside from evil; whoever guards his way preserves his life. []   The Christian has many foes with which he contends, and they come in three flavors: the world, the flesh, and the devil (Eph 2:2-3). None of them can be treated with contempt; none of them…


COVID Proteins Stick Around and Lower Cortisol

Research in rats strongly suggests that spike protein leftover in brain tissue lowers its cortisol and raises its inflammation.  While little surprises us anymore about the far-reaching effects of COVID proteins, I do appreciate when research confirms what I have been saying for a while- despite the mainstream narrative that COVID is completely gone in…


The PANS Autoimmune Connection in JAMA

Epidemiologic studies point toward an autoimmune link between PANS/PANDAS and other immune system dysfunctions. The disabling pediatric condition we know as PANS / PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome/ Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep), has been debated for years, even as thousands of children suffer under it. Many pediatricians still denies its reality, while…


Proverbs 16:16

Proverbs 16:16 ESV How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. []   It’s easy to prioritize literally everything besides Scripture. I’ve done it; you’ve done it; we’ve all done it. The day starts, and you’re in a hurry, so no time there. Work or…


The Health Benefits of Bone Broth: Nourishment in a Bowl

Bone broth has surged in popularity in recent years, often claimed as a superfood with numerous health benefits. This nutrient-rich broth, made by simmering animal bones and connective tissues, is packed with minerals, gelatin, collagen, and amino acids. Let’s explore some of its key health benefits, along with important considerations for certain dietary restrictions.  …


When Crunch Has To Soften Up

You just got invited over to some new friends who are excited that you are also trying to live a healthier life by limiting toxins, simplifying life, and eating healthy. Every new health minded friend is a blessing, but you already know that the healthy or Crunchy lifestyle comes in different degrees of crunchiness. These…


Proverbs 16:15

Proverbs 16:15 ESV In the light of a king’s face there is life, and his favor is like the clouds that bring the spring rain. []   The role of a Christian in this world has no real easy spots, however great its joy. We are to be priests, seeking God continually by the grace of…


Three Mycotoxins and Their Immune Stories

Working in a functional medicine clinic caring for mold toxic patients will quickly convince you that mold toxins affect our immune systems.  On a daily basis we see patients suffering from yeast overgrowth, repeated viral infections, Lyme or other tick born infections who underneath it all have mold toxicity.  Seeing this hundreds of times leaves…


Childhood Inflammation Risks Young Adulthood Mental Illness

Parents generally want to spare their children the effects of prolonged inflammation now and in the future, but too many are unaware of how important that could be for their child’s mental health.  We live in an age of inflammatory diseases and effects. Beyond the natural toxicities of a fallen world such as venomous snakes…


Proverbs 16:14

Proverbs 16:14 ESV A king’s wrath is a messenger of death, and a wise man will appease it. []   The authority of God is a hard pill to swallow, even for those of us used to swallowing hard pills. We want a pleasantly schizophrenic deity- vicious towards our enemies, blinds to our faults, flattering…


Incorporating More Vegetables into Your Diet this Season

One of the most common struggles with eating a balanced diet is getting enough vegetables throughout the day! The Institute of Functional Medicine recommends 9-13 plant sources of foods a day, and that includes at least 3-5 servings of vegetables. The average American eats about 1.6 cups a day, so you are not alone if…


Bifido Probiotic Closes Leaks in the Gut

Many conventional medical providers still pooh-pooh the use of probiotics for their patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease or other gut disorders.  The research which is as profuse as viral diarrhea keeps pouring out that targeting dysfunctional GI pathology with various probiotics can make a difference for those suffering.  This latest research from a backwoods academic…


Functional Pediatric Wellness: Night Terrors

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional, conventional, Christian, and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for parenting in this…


Proverbs 16:13

Proverbs 16:13 ESV Righteous lips are the delight of a king, and he loves him who speaks what is right. []   This verse is yet another Proverb that at first blush seems flat contrary to common sense and history. Sure, we’d all love if our rulers appreciated being told when they’re wrong, that they…


Sulfurophane- Broccoli v Autism: Old but Good

Functional pediatricians like myself are continuously searching for new therapies that can benefit our patients suffering from neurodevelopmental conditions like autism and PANS/PANDAS and more.  Attending a conference focused on nation wide providers bringing both the latest research and years of experience together for the sake of improving our efficacy was, in short, amazing.  One…


How to Talk with Your Kids More

Babies learn to talk by hearing parents talk.  More talking leads to more learning.  More phone time means less talking.  Less talking likely leads to less learning.  While I am not known for conciseness (I love filling in all the details when explaining health conditions to patients), these 4 short sentences sum up both common…


Proverbs 16:12

Proverbs 16:12 ESV It is an abomination to kings to do evil, for the throne is established by righteousness. []   What makes a king a king, a man a man, a parent a parent, a deacon a deacon? Certainly for all of these, some prerequisites are set- whether formal investiture, in the first and…


Creative Ways to Tackle Seasonal Allergies Through Diet

As the environment changes this fall, those of you who struggles with seasonal allergies may be reaching for your antihistamine supplements more regularly. What if I told you that your diet can play a role in mitigating environmental allergies this season? Here are some useful tips to try even before the leaves start changing! Start…


Milk The Controversy

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional, conventional, Christian, and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for parenting in this…


Functional Pediatric Wellness: Toxic Exposures and Children

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional, conventional, Christian, and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for parenting in this…


Proverbs 16:11

Proverbs 16:11 ESV A just balance and scales are the Lord’s; all the weights in the bag are his work. []   We suffer under a delusion of sufficiency. Our minds, our hearts, they are enough to carry us through, or so we think. We traipse around, forgetting God in deed if not word, and we…


Effects of Maternal Vitamin D on Infant’s Dopamine Pathways

Here’s an article from a while back that’s worth reviewing today.   Our lives are the products of a lifetime of deficiencies or excesses mixed with genetics, beginning before we were born. We can grow up with too little nutrients or too many toxins. In attempts to understand how brains grow into adult brains with…


Autism, Allergies, Autoimmunity

As mentioned in the prior article discussing dysfunctional metabolic pathways leading to autism, autism is becoming alarmingly prevalent, and the list of potential triggers to investigate is just getting longer. In today’s article, connections between other immune disorders and autism take us away from the metabolic pathways to look at how immune disruption in allergic…


Proverbs 16:10

Proverbs 16:10 ESV An oracle is on the lips of a king; his mouth does not sin in judgment. []   Kings and judges alike are corrupt, evil men. James II, Nero, Stalin, and Genghis Khan: all these kings (for they were all kings) were men of vile passions and evil deeds, men who slaughtered…


What’s The Deal With Einkhorn?

If you have stepped inside a health food store or local farmers market, you may have heard or seen the ingredient “Einkorn”. It has gained much popularity over the last decade due to more individuals in society educating themselves on the flaws of our food supply, specifically with the wheat in our country. I often…


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and COVID

With the repetitive onslaught of COVID in our post 2020 world along with its subsequent Post-COVID syndrome in a large percentage of sufferers, many have asked if myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) has increased with COVID.  This study was aimed at determining whether the SarsCoV2 virus was guilty of causing more ME/CFS than other viruses.  According…


Functional Pediatric Wellness and Tantrums

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional, conventional, Christian, and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for parenting in this…


Proverbs 16:9

Proverbs 16:9 ESV The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. []   Why does life happen the way it does? Why do some acts brings one result and some another? Why do we hurt or love or enjoy or despair?  Life has a thousands bits and pieces in it, and…


Environmental Mold Concerns

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Household Chemicals Contributing to Brain Disorders

Multimillion dollar national programs have been run to reduce exposures to mind altering drugs, but when will we see the same effort towards limiting the amount of environmental toxins our children are exposed to?  Researchers at the Institute for Glial Sciences at the School of Medicine provide startling proof that chemicals from daily consumer products…


What to Look for When Newborns Poop

Even before you bring your baby home the focus is mainly on wet diapers and bowel movements. Since they can’t talk to us, we need to watch them and monitor them in all ways and bowel movements are key component to that monitoring. So then $100,000 question is, ‘What is normal?’ Let’s talk about the…


Proverbs 16:8

Proverbs 16:8 ESV Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues with injustice. []   Envy lives strong in mankind’s heart. Envy, the strong right hand of greed, topples empires and slaughters innocents; envy brings first seeming justice and then damning evil; envy finds a pretext for every deed, so long as its victim…


New Ways to Beat the Summer Heat

Many of our patients struggle to get enough hydration for themselves or their families. I know after a while, just water or the same electrolyte packets can get boring and monotonous. While we are still in a season of heat, be sure to try out some of these new and innovative ways to hydrate and…


Spinning Lyme to Fit the Narrative: Old But Good

(Although originally published over 1 year ago, in the midst of the 2024 summer, it is good to remember articles like these when ticks are crawling up your leg.) We live in an age where the news, including medical research reports, can be spun in so many different directions to hide the truth that we…


Supporting Mom After Delivery

Mom. You have most likely have prepared and dreamed of this moment. Your baby is finally here! You might be very nervous and anxious about caring for this precious little one. That is normal! Humans have been giving birth and raising children for millennia. We know it can be overwhelming but with the Lord’s help,…


Proverbs 16:7

Proverbs 16:7 ESV When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. []   This proverb is one which the world seems to flat out contradict. We try our best, it seems, and our enemies still persist in being our enemies, still assault us. It doesn’t…


Building Allergy Therapy on a Fiber Foundation

Functional Medicine aims to build on a firm foundation of root cause therapies so that our patients can look forward to long term recovery from chronic illness.  When we see conventional medicine employing those same principles in research and potential clinical applications, we applaud their efforts.  In this example of innovative utilizations of how our…


News Flash: Is Checking Vitamin D a “Bad Idea”?

We live in an age where common sense does not appear to be so common. After the public health disaster of 2020 and the plethora of studies indicating a benefit for vitamin D3 in preventing or at least lowering the risk of COVID 19 severity, you would think that no one would dare argue against…


Newborns & Sleep: Functional Pediatric Wellness

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7.  As we combine the best of functional and conventional medicine with Christian wisdom and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance…


Proverbs 16:6

Proverbs 16:6 ESV By steadfast love and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear of the Lord one turns away from evil. []   Reconciliation doesn’t come easy. When my brother sins against me, I will struggle with how to handle the problem- where the lines are, what forgiveness means, what it doesn’t…


Back to School Nutrition Guide

  With new seasons come new beginnings, which can bring along mixed feelings. It can often take time to adjust to new schedules, new weather, and more! One thing that comes with the fall season is back to school, meaning packing lunches and planning ahead! I quite often get asked, “At school lunches are not…


More Research on Crohn’s Disease Link to Gut Bacteria

When you flush the commode, you normally don’t pause to inspect your stool under a microscope.  Sure, you may think about the Bristol stool scale to sort out needed dietary changes like fiber intake, but few of you are thinking about the bacteria being flushed away.  Those with Crohn’s disease start paying more attention, especially…


Proverbs 16:5

Proverbs 16:5 ESV Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished. []   Man’s arrogance really lacks bounds. We are sure of ourselves in all sorts of ways, from controlling the world to controlling how the next day will go to controlling our own hearts.…


Recovering from Mold the Sanctuary Way

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Food Habits

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7.  As we combine the best of functional, conventional, Christian, and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for parenting in this…


Proverbs 16:4

Proverbs 16:4 ESV The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble. []   Men do horrific evil every day. Every day, people made in God’s image murder, enslave, kidnap, rape, torture, and every combination thereof, and they do it to other people made in God’s image. The…


Screentime & Your Kids

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional, conventional, Christian, and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for parenting in this…


Immune Modulation by Quercetin

While we live in a world where we usually want to kill two birds with one stone, our pharmaceutical industry seems to target single mechanisms of action for their new drugs.  This may make for easier testing and development of new drugs, but having substances which act in a variety of beneficial ways is more…


Proverbs 16:3

Proverbs 16:3 ESV Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established. []   The plans we make go, in the words of the Scottish poet, ‘aft agley,’ which (translated from the original) means ‘often awry.’ Sometimes, looking back, this is a remarkably good thing. Sometimes those plans weren’t just practically flawed…


My Favorite Healthy Prep Ahead Snacks

Summer is here and that means lots of road trips, festivals, sporting events, summer camps, and more! For those longer days out and about, it is helpful and important to pack some healthy, well-balanced snacks to avoid blood sugar crashes or having to resort to less-than-ideal fast-food chain runs that will likely leave you feeling…


Parkinson’s Disease, Microbiome, and B Vitamins

One functional medicine saying that will never grow old or be overused is the reality that everything is somehow connected inside us.  For this reason, we must always keep in mind a wholistic picture of the person we are treating for any given illness.  While conventional medicine would agree with this as they try to…


Baby’s Microbiome Post C-Section

Functional Pediatric Wellness Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children, but access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional, conventional, Christian, and years of parenting without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for…


Proverbs 16:2

Proverbs 16:2 ESV All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the spirit. []   What does God judge? Every action has three parts: what’s intended, what’s done, and what results. We humans have an inconsistent standard for using these. We tend to choose which one to…


Mold and Co-Morbidities: The Friends

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Helping Picky Eaters with Nutrition

If your child struggles with food aversions to many different foods and you are having trouble figuring out what to give them, or even how to get good nutrients in? This is a challenge many parents struggle with, especially among our patient population. As a dietitian, it is my job to help bridge the gap…


Proverbs 16:1

Proverbs 16:1 ESV The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. []   Tell me honestly: have you ever made a plan that went perfectly as you anticipated? Maybe, I guess; if I plan to have cereal and I have cereal, that’s a success. When we…


This Might Be The Wrong Way

Rather than dive into a long, deep discussion on the question highlighted by this study, I want to use this opportunity to simply stimulate some reflection by my readers.  In this study, 90 five-year-olds were studied in how they responded to an experiment.  The researchers divided the 90 children into 3 groups.  All three groups…


Stopping Mast Cell Anaphylaxis

Extroverts generally love being the center of attention, and if mast cells are extroverts, they’re very happy right now, because they are getting a ton of attention from researchers and headlines.  While mast cells have been around in our bodies for centuries and known for decades, the past 10 years seem to be the decade…


Proverbs 15:32

Proverbs 15:32 ESV The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor. []   To desire “glory and honor and immortality” seems a little suspect to us nowadays. Ought we really to be pursuing ‘honor’? The idea seems selfish, self-directed. Certainly Philippians 2:3 condemns ‘selfish ambition;’ how is a desire…


Mold and the Human Spirit

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Breathing in Children’s Mental Health

The debate between nature and nurture may never end as both sides continue to discover more evidence.  This time, the nurture side can call on this latest research linking air pollution and children’s mental health to bolster their argument.  While we know that mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and others do run in…


Functional Pediatric Wellness (#2)

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children; they get access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional and conventional medicine, Christian wisdom, and parenting experience without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for…


Proverbs 15:31

Proverbs 15:31 ESV The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise. []   To listen to reproof is an essential life skill, more important than making the bed or driving or good manners (though helpful for all three). Wisdom is not innate to sinful man. In fact, sinful man intensely dislikes…


Choosing the Right Supplement

One might wonder how functional medicine doctors can keep up with the thousands of supplements and pharmaceuticals out there, let alone their combinations and interactions. Honestly, no one can know everything, even if they practice medicine for decades. Beyond that, even if you memorized all the current supplements, tomorrow a slew of new discoveries, products,…


Feeling the Burn After a UTI

Three little letters drive many women crazy.  U, T, and I combine into Urinary Tract Infection in millions of women yearly, causing significant discomfort and inconvenience.  For some, it is a short-lived condition that resolves with either natural remedies or antibiotics.  For others, the bladder pain can persist for days or weeks after the actual…


Functional Pediatric Wellness (#1)

Parents in our pediatric wellness program get more than just a trusted and experienced provider for their children; they get access to our childhood wellness guidance resources online 24/7. As we combine the best of functional and conventional medicine, Christian wisdom, and parenting experience without driving you to unnecessary fear, you get our guidance for…


Proverbs 15:30

Proverbs 15:30 ESV The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones. []   Sickness of the body is a universal human experience. We all can remember a snotty nose or a headache or a stubbed toe. Too many of us know all about serious injuries, chronic illness, even the…


Mold and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Dad’s Gut Bacteria and Your Pregnancy

Some days, with all the research headlines, it can feel like we are controlled by the gut bacteria in our colons.  News headlines keep talking about dysbiosis and the effects of antibiotics on gut health.  Now we have one more twist that even surprised me a little.  I did not see this headline coming, the…


Proverbs 15:29

Proverbs 15:29 ESV The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous. []   Where do we go when life gets hard? We have a lot of options, in a sense. We could pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps, early 1900s style. We could rely on family, on…


You Become Your Exercise

The well-known cliché, “You are what you eat” has driven many diets for adults and helped many small children imagine themselves as giant bowls of ice-cream- with legs, of course. A study by a very large group of researchers may add a new but similar cliché: “You become what you exercise.” Even the most biologically…


Pregnancy Immune Impacts

How the baby’s brain develops inside mom’s belly challenges medical understanding. Wrapping our adult medical brains around the process has been a work in progress for a very long time. Many of our insights have come from correlations discovered in epidemiologic works which link various illnesses to outcomes in children years later. We obviously can’t…


Proverbs 15:28

Proverbs 15:28 ESV The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things. []   The fruit of a man is his insignia, his flag. Just as a pirate sloop is known by its skull-and-crossbones, just as a British ship-of-the-line is known by its Union Jack,…


Mold and Pain

Mold Guide Series Part 14 For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and…


Making Vaccinations Easier to Get and Harder to Avoid

We live in a vaccination world, a world where many accept vaccines like they accept a blue sky.  Many, therefore, are looking at ways to encourage more and more vaccinations.  On one end, some want to create easier ways to get vaccines, easier than getting a needle shoved into your (or your child’s) arm.  On…


Proverbs 15:27

Proverbs 15:27 ESV Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household, but he who hates bribes will live. []   Evildoing starts at home. In fact, evildoing starts evil closer, in the heart. We have a tendency to tell ourselves we can just do this slightly wrong thing over here and not let it…


The Latest News on PolySupplementation

First, forgive me for using a little sarcasm to get your attention.  In reality, we will probably never get a study on the effects of taking multiple supplements.  The field of cancer therapy is probably the only time medicine produces study trials with multiple therapies since single therapies rarely work in cancer.  For supplements and…


Clearing Out Bacterial Weeds

We live in a world of metaphorical weeds, nuisances that grow in our yards and in our bodies, causing problems.  Outside, we may chase dandelion seeds that seem impossible to eradicate when you aren’t willing to poison your family with weed killers.  Inside our bodies, we turn to antibiotics to rid ourselves of pneumonias, UTI’s,…


Proverbs 15:26

Proverbs 15:26 ESV The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord, but gracious words are pure. []   We have an unconscious way of assuming that, at the end of the day, what goes on inside us is ours alone. I can be angry or sad or mad or covetous, and as…


Mold and the Other Systems

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


The Importance of Variety in your Diet

Last month we talked about why it is beneficial to eat seasonally. This month will be an extension of that as I am discuss the importance of variety in your diet. Oftentimes when we are trying to get to root causes of our health issues, we find ourselves cutting out multiple foods, and even whole…


Proverbs 15:25

Proverbs 15:25 ESV The Lord tears down the house of the proud but maintains the widow’s boundaries. []   Powerlessness is a terrifying thing. When “the enemy comes in a’roaring like a flood, coveting the kingdom, and hungering for blood,” we generally feel quite powerless. What are we against the culture’s overwhelming depravity? What are…


How to Optimize Your Child’s Future Work Life

Parents spend a lot of time, money, and energy trying to set their children up for success.  Tutors, private school, test prep, sports camps, computer programs, and more all drive up the cost of parenting.  Making sure they get to all their daily and weekly activities adds up to a lot of time even before…


Flu Poke Propaganda

We live in an age of “pragmatic expertism”, assured we can justify any action based on an ‘expert’s opinion’, a worldview where the end justifying the means. In the case of flu shots being offered in an ER setting, this means that because our CDC believes everyone should be vaccinated… therefore encouraging patients waiting in…


Proverbs 15:24

Proverbs 15:24 ESV The path of life leads upward for the prudent, that he may turn away from Sheol beneath. []   At first glance, this verse seems only a recapitulation of the truth that righteousness brings life. Indeed I thought precisely that when I first read it (and it’s not entirely wrong). Yet consider the…


Mold and the Energy Cycle

Mold Guide Series Part 12 For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and…


More Screen Time Equals Less Talking With Parents

No doubt that we live an age of technology with glittering touchscreens seemingly everywhere. Many parents and countless educators think that children need to be comfortable with the reality of computers and technology, but there is a dark side to the shiny screen. Other research demonstrates that computer-based learning is different than learning from books…


Proverbs 15:23

Proverbs 15:23 ESV To make an apt answer is a joy to a man, and a word in season, how good it is!. []   The right word at the right time means a lot. In a story, it’s the proverbial lightning. When you’re in trouble, when you’ve got a problem that’s really not working…


Licorice and Blood Pressure Elevations

Well-known is the saying, “Let food be thy medicine”.  Commonly known is the fact that any medicine can be good or bad for a given person.  Together, these statements add up to the fact that foods can also have positive or negative effects on a person’s health.  Hopefully, you already realize that the highly processed…


Severe Crohn’s Disease, Gut Bacteria, and Antibodies

As more and more research sheds light into the darkness of our colons with their billions of bacterial residents living there, we learn more and more how those bacteria interact with our immune system leading to inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s Disease.  We need these little critters inside our GI tract to provide a number…


Proverbs 15:22

Proverbs 15:22 ESV Without counsel plans fail,but with many advisers they succeed. []   Men throughout history have recognized the value of wise council. “These were hard times, heartbreaking for the prince of the Shieldings, and powerful counselors… would lend advice,” states the poem Beowulf (1). As much as we like to think that we…


Rewriting Mold, Mold and the Hormonal System

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Benefits of Eating Seasonally

Written by Stacie DeLucia If you have been looking for a new way to eat healthier, support your local community, or get your kids involved in the kitchen, try eating seasonally! If you are local to middle Tennessee, you know there are so many wonderful farms and farmers markets to explore all year round. If…


Proverbs 15:21

Proverbs 15:21 ESV Folly is a joy to him who lacks sense, but a man of understanding walks straight ahead. []   Doing stupid stuff can be a blast. Sometimes this ‘stupid stuff’ is innocent, a matter of taste, thrill-seeking balanced with the rest of life. Sometimes, though, we place our own pleasure before wisdom.…


Cortisol and PTSD Risks

We live in a fallen world, a stressful world, and too many walk through such intense stress that they develop a condition called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. For these individuals, life changes from one with sporadic stresses to one in which nearly everything becomes a source of stress. Not only do those with PTSD find…


Spiked by COVID for Years

While many bemoan the fact that science seems to be always changing, we can be thankful for the constant advancements which overturn incorrect scientific dogma. The need for such change becomes very evident in the case of COVID, a word we all hate but can’t escape. So many ‘truths’ of COVID which were promoted both…


Proverbs 15:20

Proverbs 15:20 ESV A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish man despises his mother. []   Modernity as a whole despises its ancestors. Progress is the creed of liberal and conservative alike, and we look at the past with something like contempt. Even when we honor it, we honor the past for breaking…


Rewriting Mold: Mold and the GI System

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Following Pediatric Guidelines

With a mainstream medical world harping about the importance of following CDC and consensus guidelines for the treatment of COVID 19, let’s revisit some ancient history, i.e. 2013, to see how well pediatricians follow guidelines. Researchers from Cohen Children’s Medical Center of New York measured the compliance of pediatric specialists with the “American Academy of…


Proverbs 15:19

Proverbs 15:19 ESV The way of a sluggard is like a hedge of thorns, but the path of the upright is a level highway. []   ‘The path of the upright is a level highway,’ the proverb states, and this conjures to mind images of ease, of walking in comfort, of a life of pleasantness. An…


Not All Fiber is Equal

Sometimes, we need reminders. This post from 2022 reminds us how different fibers in our diet and supplements affect us differently. Get to know your fibers and let food be thy medicine with this reminder…. Both conventional and functional medicine can agree that most people in our nation need more fiber. The average American diet…


The New Gut Normal After 2020

Most of us are tired of the “new normal”, but are unsure what to do about it. Apparently, the microbiome of infants born during the pandemic lockdowns also underwent a change in the normal which may or may not return to the old normal.  In one sense their change had some positive effects in that…


Proverbs 15:18

Proverbs 15:18 ESV A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention. []   The world gives us a lot of reasons to be angry. People, politics, and the simple inconveniences of live, there’s always something else we could be angry about. It’s an easy temptation to give into.…


The Importance of the Microbiome

Written by Stacie DeLucia Did you know that the average person has about 100 trillion bacteria living in his microbiome? And within those 100 trillion, there are as many as 5,000 different species? The human microbiome is defined as the array of all the bacteria, fungi, and viruses, microorganisms that live inside of us. Most…


Rewriting Mold: Mold and Immune Health

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Proverbs 15:17

Proverbs 15:17 ESV Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it. []   Modern society is ridiculously wealthy by historical standards. You and I, simply by having the electronic device that allows us to read this, have surpassed the vast majority of people who have ever existed.…


Beware of Lantibiotics in Food

We live in an age of preservatives. Fresh food has almost become a luxury. In the health food world, we advocate that our patients shop the grocery store more around the periphery rather than down the aisles of processed and preservative filled foods. We repeat the cliché that if you can’t read the ingredient on…


Immune System Accomplices in Viral Neurodegeneration

While the mantra that ‘correlation does not equal causation’ remains quite true in medicine, we mustn’t forget that correlation does suggest connection, and connection sometimes turns out to be causation. For decades, researchers have found epidemiologic studies connecting viral illnesses and degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s. Many theories and many unsuccessful therapies have made their…


Proverbs 15:16

Proverbs 15:16 ESV Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it. []   Humans have an innately skewed ability to prioritize. We value the here-and-now, the physical, the fun over the eternal, the spiritual, and the virtuous. We see this world, and we forget the next. Christ…


Wheat and Multiple Sclerosis: The Plot Thickens

The proponents and opponents of countless fads constantly bicker back and forth over their entrenched positions on the internet.  The question of gluten, wheat, and their effect on health is old and heated.  The doubters of gluten’s negative impact on health have long dismissed this staple of the American diet as having any contribution to…


Gut-Lung Connection and Respiratory Virus Immunity

The surprising connections between the microbial residents of our gut and various human body systems continue to astound.  Medical research has uncovered many mechanisms which connect a variety of bacteria and other organisms with our brain, our immune system, our hormones, and more.  In this paper, researchers not only found a very strong correlation between…


Proverbs 15:15

Proverbs 15:15 ESV All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast. []   Contentment is a virtue hard to find and harder to hold onto. We humans are a naturally discontent people, wanting this and bewailing that with habitual regularity. I do it, you do it,…


Rewriting Mold: Mold and Psychiatric Health

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this Rewriting Mold series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Multigenerational Toxicities

In an increasingly toxic world, we could blame the government, the corporations, our neighbors, or even ourselves for our kid’s poor health secondary to toxin exposures. We can now add our parents and grandparents to the list of guilty parties, and not just because they keep sneaking candy to their grandchildren. Instead, a recent study…


Proverbs 15:14

Proverbs 15:14 ESV The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouths of fools feed on folly. []   When it comes to wisdom, what you have, you want more of. Wise people want more wisdom; foolish people want more foolishness. Why? Why shouldn’t a foolish person want wisdom or a wise…


Resveratrol’s Immune Super-Powers

(Some articles are worth republishing.  This overview of resveratrol from 2022 deserves a reading, whether or not you missed it the first time round.) While the onslaught (literally) of super-hero movies battles for our attention, we should instead consider real-life heroes in the world of natural therapies. Movie screen superheroes get the adrenaline going for…


Toxic Algae Blooms Could Hurt You

We live in a fallen world filled with thorns that can pierce us literally and figuratively, leaving their marks on our health. While walking through this world of thorns and toxins, we should keep our eyes open in order to avoid as many as we can and minimize the impact of those we cannot fully…


Proverbs 15:13

Proverbs 15:13 ESV A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed. []   We spend a lot of time trying to be happy all the time. It doesn’t work, but we try anyway. Everybody does. Some use drugs. Some use a credit card and trips to Walmart.…


The Superheroes of Functional Therapy

(Originally published in February of 2022, this is a good resource to remember for all of our patients and those who want to maintain a healthy life, therefore worth the “Rerun”.) Let’s step back from individual therapies that a functional medicine provider might recommend for our patients and consider the bigger picture: natural therapies versus…


Mold Legal Resources and Hope

(Originally published in January of 2022, this is a good resource to remember for our mold patients and therefore worth the “Rerun”.) When mold toxicity strikes you or your family, you often feel very alone.  No one seems to understand.  Friends may back away from spending time together hearing about your random symptoms.  Family may…


Proverbs 15:12

Proverbs 15:12 ESV A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will not go to the wise. []   Who are the wise among us? It’s not an easy question. Rich people, maybe? But let’s be honest, rich people can be remarkably stupid. Worse, a lot of them are downright evil. What about poor…


Rewriting Mold: “Mold and the Nervous System”

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Adverse Childhood Events and Chronic Pain

More and more research keeps coming back on the effects of what we call Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) in a person’s life.  While no normal person seeks to cause harm to children regardless of the downstream effects, acknowledging the impacts of such ACEs on individuals and society helps guide further research into both prevention and…


Proverbs 15:11

Proverbs 15:11 ESV Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the Lord; how much more the hearts of the children of man! []   Who really understands mankind? Our hearts are obscured even to us, and we all know that we haven’t the faintest shot at completely comprehending those closest to us. There’s always some new…


Having Your Cake and Eating Your Supplements

The internet promises a thousand and one miracles of healing if you’ll just take this or that supplement. Unfortunately, this marketing works. Otherwise they wouldn’t keep spending their money on the ads. Now don’t get me wrong. You should just dump your supplement bottles in the trash without further deliberation. There is a role for…


Another Bright Idea to Treat Lyme Disease

Innovation deserves recognition, especially when it involves a bright new idea applied to an old problem like Lyme disease.  While I am not a big fan of Duke University- I graduated from University of Kentucky-, I have to give these Duke scientists credit for their pharmaceutical engineering.  By connecting a transport molecule to a light…


Proverbs 15:10

Proverbs 15:10 ESV There is severe discipline for him who forsakes the way; whoever hates reproof will die. []   We’re all sinners. I sin, you sin, your kid sins, your parents sin, and the president of the United States sins (though I don’t know what we expected from that last one). On this earth,…


‘Dr. Google’ versus Science on Women’s Exercise

In an age of internet, our favorite search engine gets consulted on countless questions of life, including the medical ones. Such access does help a lot of people care for themselves and for their families more easily and effectively. It also empowers patients who want to interact with their health care providers on a more…


Special Report: COVID Vaccine Lawsuits

Times are changing, sometimes for the worse, sometimes for the better. New challenges force old systems to adapt or get out of the way. In this case, the linked article describes an ongoing legal case filed in the Western District of Louisiana, vaccine injured individuals are arguing that the current Health and Human Services program…


Proverbs 15:9

Proverbs 15:9 ESV The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but he loves him who pursues righteousness. []   Christianity is antithetical to laziness. For us individuals, though, it’s easy to try and live our lives in moral equilibrium. We go from one day to the next, content in the assurance…


Rewriting Mold – Unexplained Symptoms

Many of our patients come to Sanctuary Functional Medicine because some other medical provider or providers were unable to fully explain their symptoms. When an exhausted patient and their family walk into our clinic, we want to be able to provide the missing explanations by keeping an open mind and thinking broadly in our search…


Adverse Childhood Experiences Hit Our Brains

We have probably all heard the rock and a hard place dilemma, where you have to choose between two negative options or outcomes.  Most of the time, there are other options besides the two offered in the hypothetical situation.  In a recent study, researchers created such a situation for lab rats to compare the effects…


Proverbs 15:8

Proverbs 15:8 ESV The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright is acceptable to him. []     Heresy has dogged the steps of Israel and the church since its earliest days. In the days of Moses, the Israelites- at least the less honest of them-…


NrF2 and the Supplements that Boost This Antioxidant Pathway

Given the constant internal and external bombardment of our cells by oxidative stress, without a control system we would crumble under the biochemical strain. On the inside, our bodies produce countless reactive oxygen or nitrogen species which could damage other cell and tissue structures. From the outside, our fallen and inflammatory world creates another set…


How Nutrient Deficiencies Increase Microbial Resistance

While COVID 19 continues to fill the headlines like a past-his-prime football player who refuses to retire, a likely greater challenge in medicine arises from various bacterial infections that are growing stronger and more resistant to antibiotics. Even before 2020’s disastrous debut of COVID, many had been sounding the alarm over the growing number of…


Digital Devices for Calming Children Backfires

  We see it everywhere these days, eyes glued to smartphones and tablets.  This includes children of parents who hand over these digital devices to their young children to get them to calm down so mom or dad can take care of some pressing interaction like a doctor visit or simple car ride without behavior…


Gut Inflammation Marker in Children with Autism

(Continuing highlights from recent MAPS pediatric functional medicine conference.  Refer back for prior articles from this enlightening conference and stay tuned for future articles on recent autism research findings like this one.) With the rising prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder pressing itself upon not only the children and their parents, but upon society as a…


How to Have a Healthy Family Table

The American College of Pediatricians serves as an alternative to the mainstream and more well known American Academy of Pediatrics.  They are far more conservative and attempt to provide a voice of reason in several areas affecting parents and their children’s pediatricians.  Recently they asked their membership to share the attached handout about encouraging families…


“Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life”

Day 12 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life” On this 12th and final day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I wanted to share some images that help illustrate some of my ideas of the Abundant Life we talk about at SFM. We…


“Eleven Favorite Supplements”

Day 11 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Eleven Favorite Supplements” “On this, the 11th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” we offer eleven video clips of some of Sanctuary’s favorite supplements. These all-stars stand out due to their ability to provide multiple benefits in one dose. I…


Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving

Day 10 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”  On the 10th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” we not only encourage you to do at least 10 minutes of exercise per day but provide 10 exercise ideas to fit into…


“9 Favorite Psalms”

Day 9 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “9 Favorite Psalms” “On this 9th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” the staff at Sanctuary will be sharing some of their favorite Psalms. May your meditation upon these Psalms bless your season. We encourage others to look to the Psalms…


8: “Memory is a Marvelous Gift”

Day 8 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Memory is a Marvelous Gift” “On the 8th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I want to highlight memory. We hold traditions and affections in our memory. Our memories often help shape who we are in the present. We encourage…


Day 7 of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas

Welcome to the 7th day of a Sanctuary Christmas. Today we share 7 of my favorite blogs from the past year. in no particular order. Dehumanizing Mold The Dehumanizing Work of Mold Inflammatory Pathways in Autism Inflammatory Pathways in Autism Lyme Meets COVID and We Groan Lyme Meets COVID and We Groan Empathizing with ChatGPT…


“Five Minutes of Real Rest”

Day 5 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Five Minutes of Real Rest” “Rest… It can be an elusive concept in today’s frenetic world. Many things interfere with rest: newborns, toxins, stress, anxiety, illness, schedules, LIFE! And this time of the year it seems to get worse. Despite its elusive nature, rest…


“Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value”

Day 2 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value” “We all recognize Christmas as a season of gift giving. Have you ever stopped to think about the lasting value of the gifts that you give? Often, I have found that the gifts that I…


“One Dose of Conquering Peace”

Day 1 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “One Dose of Conquering Peace” At Sanctuary Functional Medicine, our patients come to us seeking restoration. An important part of that restoring process includes finding relief from the chaos that chronic illness has brought into their lives. That chaos comes in many different forms.…


10 Tips for Navigating Holiday Parties

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Proverbs 15:7

Proverbs 15:7 ESV The lips of the wise spread knowledge; not so the hearts of fools. []   If a wise man’s lips spread knowledge, and we desire to be wise, we must choose to follow the course of the wise man and spread knowledge. We must not be like the fool, whose heart hides…


Rewriting Mold: Why the Increased Frequency?

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Hormones Increase Teen Impulsiveness

The study of interest today seems pretty “Duh!” Just about every parent will attest to the effects of teenage hormones on their sweet little pre-teen.  But there is something here much more critical to the future health of our children!  This study looked at the effects of synthetic hormones known popularly as “birth control” or…


Proverbs 15:6

Proverbs 15:6 ESV In the house of the righteous there is much treasure, but trouble befalls the income of the wicked. []   The common line of modern church thought is that the promises of the Old Testament in regards to prosperity in this present life were for that time and not this. Or it’s…


Practical Sources of Neurotransmitters

While we as humans are clearly more than the sum of our neurotransmitters, this group of chemicals do play a significant role in our experience of life, running feelings, thoughts, and actions, the stuff make us who we are. Have you ever pondered where these little chemical influencers come from? No, I am not talking…


Exercising Your Immune T Cells

The medical literature is replete with oodles of studies and articles supporting the benefits of exercise for everything under the sun. Some call it one of the strongest medicines available for the treatment of chronic illness. While we know how good it is, we don’t always know why it works for so many conditions. In…


Proverbs 15:5 – Part Two

Proverbs 15:5 ESV A fool despises his father’s instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is prudent. []   Man does not have the right to ignore true authority. God’s authority over man is without exception and absolute (1 Sam. 2:10). It should be to our joy, then, that His authority is not only perfect but, to…


Rewriting Mold: Why Me?

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Sluggish Brains from Fluoride

The internet serves as a sort of battlefield of opinions for so many topics, from medicine to politics to religion. The debate over the safety of fluoride has been one of those channels you could tune into whenever you wanted to watch the two sides grapple, wielding not just opinions but studies to try and…


Proverbs 15:5 – Part One

Proverbs 15:5 ESV A fool despises his father’s instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is prudent. []   We humans hate authority. Toddlers are the most honest about it; they regard ‘no’ as a horror beyond belief. Unfortunately, as much as we like to think otherwise, we don’t really leave our instinctive hatred for the word…


Precision Nutrition and Omega 3’s

The internet bombards us with countless promises of the perfect diet or nutrition plan to melt off pounds, make us feel 20 again, and even optimize our bedroom activities. Millions are searching for how to improve their health in a variety of ways and therefore chase after these perfect plans. Sometimes, they land on the…


Microglia Clearance of Candida and Alzheimer’s Disease

With research reporting that Candida albicans has been found in the brains of some patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders despite any obvious signs of acute illness, researchers have taken more interest in understanding the mechanisms behind this correlation. Alzheimer’s disease has been on the rise for decades, and so have its correlations…


Proverbs 15:4

Proverbs 15:4 ESV A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. []   Sometimes when those you love are hurting, you just want to shake them. They’re begin stupid, they’re being slow, can’t they just get better and stop hurting so much. More shamefully, and we don’t like…


Mold Re-Writing Mold: Infection, Allergy, Toxicity

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Post-Partum Depressed Daddy

I must admit when I run across something that I had not considered before.  In this case, the possibility of new dads experiencing post-partum depression had not crossed my mind.  We all think about moms with their hormone fluctuations and sleep deprivation as being at risk for post-partum depression.  The researchers in this study noted…


Proverbs 15:3

Proverbs 15:3 ESV The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. []   Surveillance is a fact of modern life. You might be in London and China, where cameras watch your every move; you might be on eBay or Netflix, where your information is (probably) fodder…


Novel News on 1918

In this case, old news can become new “news” when we realize that the old news missed the mark the first time. For decades, the general belief held by medicine and history was that the 1918 flu epidemic affected healthy individuals at the same rate as those with pre-existing illness. At the time, medical providers…


Fraternal Twins: Long Colds, Long COVID

Possibly the only positive effect of SARS CoV2’s COVID19 is the amount of money pouring into viral research.  With so many millions affected by this virus that we all wish would disappear, the number of research papers looking at treatment and prevention are growing exponentially.  While the main focus of each study centers on COVID…


Proverbs 15:2

Proverbs 15:2 ESV The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly. []   We expect good things from good people, bad things from bad people, and lies from politicians. This is as it should be, but it’s only the beginning of the truth this verse points to: the…


Rewriting Mold: Pediatric Mold Toxicity

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Exercising Children to Lower Cortisol

Why do we need scientific studies to convince us that common sense was right in the first place? On one hand, sometimes common sense is not exactly right and studies disprove myths and legends. On the other hand, we are limited as humans in our knowledge and insight such that biases and blind spots can…


Proverbs 15:1

Proverbs 15:1 ESV A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. []   Proverbs is known as a book of practical advice, and today’s verse is one of the reasons why. This verse admonishes us to consider the impact of our words and actions. Harshness encourages anger, and gentleness discourages…


Ginger-ly Treat Your Autoimmune Disease

Whether you stand on the conventional side of medicine or the functional side of medicine, we all love research that supports what we already believe and do.  There can be a risk of confirmation bias from only acknowledging study findings that we like, but as studies uncover the actual mechanisms of a supplement’s actions, we…


Adolescent Brain Inflammation and Depression

Our world continues to fill with emotionally suffering people of all ages, and yet how can we be surprised as a society that mental health is suffering under the stress put on both adults and children? While many are willing to acknowledge the stress of the 2020’s and its contributions, we should not stop there…


Proverbs 14:35

Proverbs 14:35 ESV A servant who deals wisely has the king’s favor, but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully. []   We live in a world which rewards evildoing, to all appearance. In politics, evil men prosper, are raised up by their fellows to great heights of power and wealth, exercise their ill…


Rewriting Mold: Introducing CIRS

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let this “Rewriting Mold” series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness. Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold…


Babies Breathe Pollution Before Born

While a mom’s belly should be the safest place for a developing baby to start his life, his mom’s exposure to toxins will affect the children’s life even after birth.  The evidence is clear: prenatal toxins and stressors can matter to his future.  Besides adding to this evidence, this study also confirms biological individuality.  Not…


Proverbs 14:34

Proverbs 14:34 ESV Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. []   How do we assess the nations we live in, the governments we live under, the peoples we are born amidst? We could run calculations and figure out the local or national GDP; we could consider how much we…


Mold Detox: A Personal Introduction

For those not aware of our Mold Symptom Therapy Guide website, let the upcoming series serve as a reminder of both what we offer our patients and what we offer the general public in terms of understanding mold toxicity illness.  Over the coming weeks, I will be reviewing and reposting sections of our Mold Symptoms…


Mandating Solutions to Childhood Obesity?

Practically all statistics agree with our eyes: obesity is a problem, a problem that includes too many children.  Various sources will corroborate that the average Body Mass Index (BMI) has risen and is continuing to rise.  This index compares a person’s height to their weight to determine if they are a healthy weight for their…


Proverbs 14:33

Proverbs 14:33 ESV Wisdom rests in the heart of a man of understanding, but it makes itself known even in the midst of fools. []   Wisdom is recognizable. Even the most foolish of men occasionally has a good idea; even the most foolish can recognize wisdom. We are, after all, made in the image…


COVID Genetics of HLA

The HLA (Human Leukocytes Antigen) gene group plays a critical role in determining if and how we respond to various antigens inside and outside our bodies.  Without getting into the finer details, these genes basically provide the extremely wide variety of binding surfaces to identify and to respond to any foreign substance that we encounter…


Chemical Intolerance and Its Triggers

“Research has increasingly shown that toxic mold is much more dangerous than was previously recognized.”  This quote from the study article out of The University of Texas health Science Center at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio) is like a breath of fresh air for those of us in the mold detox world.  While their…


Proverbs 14:32

Proverbs 14:32 ESV The wicked is overthrown through his evildoing, but the righteous finds refuge in his death. []   Isaiah 57:1 echoes (in much more poetic terms) a sentiment that our lives and our world urges on us perpetually: “The righteous man perishes, and no one lays it to heart; devout men are taken…


Probiotics for Multiple Sclerosis

The recognition that our gut and its countless bacterial residents play a major role in our overall health is now widespread.  Thankfully, more and more research money has been dedicated to uncovering the very complex relationships between these microscopic organisms, their metabolic by-products, and our biochemistry.  In this study, one particular bacterial by-product was used…


COVID-19 Vaccination: Effective for Pregnant Women?

Discernment in an age of disinformation requires methodical consideration of the full pictures when deciding what approach you take to health during your pregnancy.  So many promises of health and well-being on the internet encourage an expecting mom to make a checklist and check off their boxes for a guaranteed healthy baby.  That list should…


Proverbs 14:31

Proverbs 14:31 ESV Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him. []   God made man in His image. The Fall marred that image but did not destroy it. Therefore, when man harms his fellow man, he assaults the image of God, not mere arrangements of…


Justice Prevails in a Mold Case

As with many in the non-conventional world, even lawyers who are fighting for other’s rights to a mold-safe home have a story behind their work.  Attorney Kristina Baehr, founder of Just Well Law, PLLC, had to fight for her own family’s justice and won in Texas recently after years of effort. Mrs. Baehr founded her…


Sounding the Alarm on Child Health

The health of our nation continues to decline both in terms of adult’s cardiometabolic health and in terms of the age at which poor cardiometabolic health begins.  While we watch the rates of diabetes, strokes, and heart attacks increase in adults, we have to wake up and realize that the tsunami of poor cardiometabolic health…


Proverbs 14:30

Proverbs 14:30 ESV A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. []   The idea of calm is antithetical to modernity. Social media, politics, and the thousand other things we put time into suck us up and portion us out into frenetic, burying bundles of ‘what’s next?’, and I…


Fake Sweets, Real Fat

If only healthy living allowed you to have your sugar-stuffed cake and eat it too.  Years of nutritional research, along with billions of dollars, have gone into letting us enjoy the sweetness of sugar without the extra calories and pounds it brings.  We’ve wanted to believe that with the help of artificial sweeteners we’ve been…


Mental Health Special Session and a Sanctuary Announcement

While mental health statistics for our nation and state can be helpful in some ways, they are unhelpful in others.  Stating that a fire exists is not enough to get rid of the fire, and we don’t need statistics from the CDC to know that our society is really messed up right now.  We should…


Proverbs 14:29

Proverbs 14:29 ESV Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. []   We like to reduce theology and morality to the simplest possible set of commands. “Don’t kill,” we say- and then get all tripped up about war, capital punishment, and (most commonly) self-defense. “Don’t…


Meet Your Mycotoxin: Zearalenone

Mold is everywhere, so they say.  ‘They’ refers to mainstream medicine as they try to convince you that mold toxicity cannot be causing your symptoms.  They challenge you to explain how a little chemical called a mycotoxin made by little molds that are all around us could somehow make you feel as horrible as you…


Breastmilk Win Over Cerebral Palsy

Breastmilk has scored many wins in recent years as scientists repeatedly uncover new ways this amazing substance benefits human health from infancy into adulthood.  So many life critical and life enhancing substances have been isolated from breastmilk.  So many disease processes have been demonstrated to be influenced by the duration of breastfeeding, including asthma and…


Proverbs 14:28

Proverbs 14:28 ESV In a multitude of people is the glory of a king, but without people a prince is ruined. []   For humans, the glory of being a leader is bound up in those led. In paintings and in popular memory, perhaps, the shiny medals and the impressive title and the energetic speeches…


Sniff Your Way to Brain Health

As our nation ages, individual and societal concern for brain health continues to skyrocket.  Billions of research dollars go into finding the latest drug breakthrough or new therapy that might reverse dementia with its memory loss and cognitive processing issues.  Others look at the preventive side hoping to avoid the decline in the first place…


Ketogenic T Cells

With old and new viruses running amok and disrupting our lives, nearly everyone is searching for an extra immunity boost.  While billions are poured into attempts at finding the next wonder drug, others are searching for those simple hacks of daily life that can get the odds to favor us when we next encounter a…


Proverbs 14:27

Proverbs 14:27 ESV The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death. []   The world is dangerous to body and soul. Toes can be stubbed, fingers can get squashed, and cars can crash into each other at distressingly high speeds. Temptation is ever…


Celebrity Mold Life

We can idolize the lives of the Hollywood elites or bemoan the insanity of their worldviews, but in the end they are still human and thus susceptible to the toxins of our moldy world.  In this brief news headline, Tori Spelling, best known for her role in Beverly Hills 90210, tells of her experience with…


Arsenic and Pediatric Heart Disease

While many parents lament the effects of heavy metal music on their teen’s heart strings, all parents should be aware of the effects that actual heavy metals may have on their even younger children’s physical hearts.  Living in a toxic world, we and our precious little ones breathe, eat, and drink toxins from countless sources…


Proverbs 14:26

Proverbs 14:26 ESV In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge. []   The world is a precarious place nowadays. Politics are crazy (whatever position you hold), false religions are abounding (from child murder to mere castration, the rituals are impressively depraved), and the economy is……


Babies and Gut Viruses

While the world of microbiome research has been exploding for some time (thankfully not literally- that would involve fresh poop flying everywhere), the gut virome approaches on the horizon with new discoveries of unknown viruses in baby poop.  Whereas most gut related bacteria have been identified in recent years, this study found over 200 families…


Meet Your Mycotoxin: Ochratoxin A

Series Intro Mold is everywhere, so they say. “They” refers to mainstream medicine as they try to convince you that mold toxicity cannot be causing your symptoms. They challenge you to explain how a little chemical called a mycotoxin made by little molds that are all around us could somehow make you feel as horrible…


Proverbs 14:25

Proverbs 14:25 ESV A truthful witness saves lives, but one who breathes out lies is deceitful. []   We often condense the ninth commandment (Ex. 20:16) to ‘don’t lie’, and very often, the summarization is perfectly valid. Not lying, usually, is sufficient to avoid bearing false witness against your neighbor. Yet the ninth commandment, like…


How Can Healthcare Be Spiritually Harmful?

In a past article I suggested that some forms of healthcare could be spiritually harmful to Christians but did not explain nor name names.  Though I will again avoid name calling, I do want to encourage and equip Christians with this article in regard to discerning which healthcare practices might contradict their profession of Biblical…


Why Christian Healthcare at Sanctuary

Anyone who more than glances at Sanctuary Functional Medicine’s website will notice something peculiar: the blatant Christian nature of what we profess.  This bluntness has provoked both explicit, to-my-face comments and rumors that I only hear second hand.   Speaking in generalities, more than 9 in 10 have been glad or grateful to have a clinic…


Proverbs 14:24

Proverbs 14:24 ESV The crown of the wise is their wealth, but the folly of fools brings folly. []   Nuclear bombs and foolishness have something in common: they are, barring divine intervention, self-perpetuating phenomenon, at least until the side effects blow the whole thing to smithereens. See, that’s another way they’re alike. Nuclear bombs…


Immune Diets

The concept that ‘food is medicine’ is growing like wild kudzu through the medical world, prompting more and more research like this study on how diet can affect diarrheal infections.  This is more than just the “BRAT” diet of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast after the diarrhea has passed, meant to allow your intestines to…


ALS and Omega 3s

Correlation is not causation, but when researchers find that higher levels of specific omega 3 fatty acids and an omega 6 fatty acid do correlate with longer survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, they take note to research further.  Researchers from Harvard found the link intriguing, though they caution against too much excitement, but those of…


Proverbs 14:23

Proverbs 14:23 ESV In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty. []   It’s an unfortunate reality of life that when we try to get our jobs done by talking about getting them done, nothing really happens. At some point, you have to sit down, buckle up, and get to…


Longer Meals and Better Child Health

Parents spend a lot of time and energy trying to get their children to eat more veggies.  They also have less and less time, what with the pressures of modern life, to actually get this done.  The number and variety of games parents and children play to eat another carrot or ‘a single bite of…


Meet Your Mycotoxin: Aflatoxin

Series Intro (repeated from the last entry): old is everywhere, so they say. “They” refers to mainstream medicine as they try to convince you that mold toxicity cannot be causing your symptoms. They challenge you to explain how a little chemical called a mycotoxin made by little molds that are all around us could somehow…


Proverbs 14:22

Proverbs 14:22 ESV Do they not go astray who devise evil? Those who devise good meet steadfast love and faithfulness. []   The fine art of misinterpreting the Bible is an old and honored profession, a favorite of prelate, king, and common man alike. The early Christians anticipated the destruction of Jerusalem by getting rid…


Sucralose is Splendid for Cancer

While we know that excess sugar in the diet contributes to a multitude of health risks, we as a society still long for that sweet taste in our foods.  For that reason, the industry of artificial sweeteners has bloomed to fill that longing with the taste without the calories.  If sweetness were the only criteria,…


Autoimmune Form of Schizophrenia

As researchers search for the yet to be discovered mechanism behind schizophrenia, they have traced some cases of this psychiatric condition back to an autoimmune connection- at least in mice.  As with many neuropsychiatric diseases, multiple different triggers can lead to similar symptomatic pictures for the person afflicted.  The search for answers and therapies requires…


Proverbs 14:21

Proverbs 14:21 ESV Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor. []   Today’s verse is the moral counterbalance to last week’s realism. Last week, we got the realpolitik of the situation, the way things are whether we like it or not: people like people who…


Metal in the Fruit Juice

One of the “wonders” of modern life for parents running from one kid event to another includes the availability of small boxes of juice prepackaged for storage, transport, and consumption with less risk of spilled juice in the car.  While this option for parents makes like easier in this hectic fallen world, it does come…


Meet Your Mycotoxin: Deoxynivalenol (DON)

Mold is everywhere, so they say.  “They” refers to mainstream medicine as they try to convince you that mold toxicity cannot be causing your symptoms.  They challenge you to explain how a little chemical called a mycotoxin made by little molds that are all around us could somehow make you feel as horrible as you…


Proverbs 14:20

Proverbs 14:20 ESV The poor is disliked even by his neighbor, but the rich has many friends. []   ‘Unpleasant but true’ is a fittingly unpleasant commonality. Today’s proverb fits that category well, pointing out as it does the human tendency to align our affections to petty, selfish reasons. We like powerful people, the ones…


Effects of Maternal Vitamin D on Infant’s Dopamine Pathways

Our lives are the products of a lifetime of deficiencies or excesses mixed with genetics, beginning before we were born.  We can grow up with too little nutrients or too many toxins.  In attempts to understand how brains grow into adult brains with abnormalities like schizophrenia, researchers have looked at the dopamine neurotransmitter pathway and…


Too Sweet for IBD

For all that a patient recently told me that their GI doctor dismissed the effects of their diet on their Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) symptoms, a recent study demonstrates a likely mechanism by which sugar worsens IBD severity.  With around 3 million or more in the United States suffering from Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis,…


Proverbs 14:19

Proverbs 14:19 ESV The evil bow down before the good, the wicked at the gates of the righteous. []   Aside from its translation using one of my favorite rhetorical devices, zeugma, this verse also promises to the righteous what we so often find difficult to hope for, much less expect: victory, true and abiding.…


Excerpts on Mold: Replay 1

For a few years, we have not only cared for countless patients with mold toxicity, we have also worked to educate the public about the dangers of mold and the remedies against the effects of mold toxins.  One of our public education efforts has been a site called  We launched it by sharing excerpts…


Pesticides, Autism and ADHD

In another research summary review from my recent MedMAPS conference (see prior blogs for more details and summaries), researchers analyzed available studies considering whether pesticides may increase risks for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder when their moms were exposed during pregnancy.  With the growing prevalence of these neurodevelopmental conditions, those of us…


Proverbs 14:18

Proverbs 14:18 ESV The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. []   Preparation is the nine-tenths success, the saying goes. Making bread is significantly easier if you have the flour, the eggs, the clear space on your kitchen counter, and an idea of what exactly making bread involves. None of us,…


Empathy: From ChatGPT?

Like many of you, I could do without another story about Artificial Intelligence and how it will revolutionize your health or life beyond your wildest dreams.  We are constantly hearing more implementations of AI technology to make our lives easier, yet I for one am skeptical.  For years, I have doubted that such technology can…


Cranberry Prevents UTIs

The history of natural medicine offers countless myths and legends, both justifying the objections of nay-sayers and intriguing the open-minded in their search for answers to their own health challenges or for their patients.   Cranberry juice and its promises for preventing bladder infections have long enticed sufferers to imbibe either the sharp juice or its…


Proverbs 14:17

Proverbs 14:17 ESV A man of quick temper acts foolishly, and a man of evil devices is hated. []   ‘Evil devices’ may, if you’re of a particularly fanciful bent, conjure up images of techno-contraptions, Bond villain death traps, and printers that never work right. That’s not really what it means, though, as a quick comparison…


Some Mold Stories Worth Repeating

Over the years, we have addressed mold from many angles through a multitude of article reviews and news stories.  Our aim is always to equip our readers and our patients with information and wisdom that benefits them or their family.  As we do this, there are some articles so full of great learning points that…


Gut Inflammation Marker in Children with Autism

(Continuing highlights from recent MAPS pediatric functional medicine conference.  Refer back for prior articles from this enlightening conference and stay tuned for future articles on recent autism research findings like this one.) With the rising prevalence of autistic spectrum disorder pressing itself upon not only the children and their parents, but upon society as a…


Proverbs 14:16

Proverbs 14:16 ESV One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless. []   The trap of ‘just a little bit’ is a potent one. Just a little bit of sin, after all, seems so harmless. Stealing a banana at the grocery store, being just a…


What You Can Do to Prevent COVID

We must face the fact that COVID happens, but we must also realize that we can change how it happens to us.  As was emphasized by many early in the pandemic, this virus was destined to become endemic along with the flu and other common viruses.  Eradication of most viral diseases is a pipe dream…


Spinning Lyme to Fit Their Narrative

We live in an age where the news, including medical research reports, can be spun in so many different directions to hide the truth that we all know.  Researchers reported that a “notably small percentage of children took longer than six months to recover from Lyme disease” but their definition of “notably small percentage” is…


Proverbs 14:15

Proverbs 14:15 ESV The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps. []   Every day, you are presented with the same choice a myriad of times: do I believe what I am told or do I not? You can’t believe everything you’re told- that leads to stupidity like treating diseases with…


Autism, Allergies, and Autoimmunity

Welcome to the twelfth in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring…


Autism and Developmental Pathways Derangements

Welcome to the eleventh in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter. MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder). This Spring…


Proverbs 14:14

Proverbs 14:14 ESV The backslider in heart will be filled with the fruit of his ways, and a good man will be filled with the fruit of his ways. []   The contrast today is similar to, but not precisely the same as, a theme we’ve encountered often in Proverbs, as recently as verse 11…


Methylene Blue for Tick Borne Infections

Medical research would seem to hinge on the brand-new therapies coming out of major research labs pouring millions of dollars into the latest and greatest.  Research into using an “out-dated” therapy like methylene blue would seem a waste of time.   It now appears that the glory of those days has passed as we move into…


Recovery from Chronic Illness Takes Time

Welcome to our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring Conference focused not…


Proverbs 14:13

Proverbs 14:13 ESV Even in laughter the heart may ache, and the end of joy may be grief. []   The Bible can be a real downer. Sin, judgement, taxes… they’re all unpleasant things to confront. This verse is, honestly, among those unpleasant topics. As will become clear with an understanding of its context, though, this…


Lyme Meets COVID and We Groan

While none of us like to hear the newest, a-bit-longer-than-four letter curse word, COVID, research into the pathophysiology or mechanisms of acute and chronic COVID illness has helped us understand Lyme disease better.  Clinical experience in adult and pediatric functional medicine clinics confirms that both of these debilitating diseases work through common inflammatory pathways.  In…


Pathophysiology of Lyme

Welcome to the seventh essay in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This…


Proverbs 14:12

Proverbs 14:12 ESV There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. []   The number of utopian solutions to society is beyond counting. The number of times you’ve thought, “That’s a great idea!” is also likely beyond counting, at least if you’re given to enthusiasm.…


PANS and PANDAS Can Be Treated

In the prior article, I began with a story about Little Johnny who turned into a different Johnny after an infection of some sort which left his parents searching for answers.  While the story is fictional (you can read in the prior article) it combines pieces of several stories by parents in our practice over…


PANS and PANDAS: From Little Johnny to Mr. Hyde

Little Johnny loved his brothers and sisters since he was old enough to play with older brother Jack and younger sister Susy.  For the first 7 years, they would enjoy Saturdays, playing happily under the sun in their back yard with neighbors and visiting cousins.  Then, one morning in his 7th April, Johnny woke up…


Proverbs 14:11

Proverbs 14:11 ESV The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the tent of the upright will flourish. []   The idea of family heritage often gets sidelined in American culture. We pride ourselves on being individualistic; we pride ourselves on being self-made, not reliant on others for our achievements. The Bible, though, doesn’t…


Gut Centrality in Pediatric Health: Part Two

Welcome to the third in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring…


Gut Centrality in Pediatric Health: Part One

Welcome to the third in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring…


Proverbs 14:10

Proverbs 14:10 ESV The heart knows its own bitterness, and no stranger shares its joy. []   No matter how well someone knows you, ultimately they are a different person. Nobody can literally feel somebody else’s happiness or somebody else’s bitterness; nobody can quite grasp the fullness of somebody else’s emotions. Sympathy, empathy, psychopathy, it…


Sulforaphane: Broccoli v Autism

Welcome to the first in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This Spring…


Cerebral Folate Deficiency and Autism

               Welcome to the first in our special series sharing insights and recent research from the MEDMAPS 2023 Spring Conference attended by Dr. Potter.  MAPS stands for Medical Academy for Pediatric Special Needs and arose from the original Defeat Autism Now organization initially serving parents and providers caring for children with autism spectrum disorder).  This…


Proverbs 14:9

Proverbs 14:9 ESV Fools mock at the guilt offering, but the upright enjoy acceptance. []   Getting a gift you really wanted- the next book in your favorite series, two hours extra of sleep, etc.- is an occasion of joy. Most people, when they open such a gift or understand its reality, are glad, accepting…


Announcing Special Conference Pediatric Series

A regular mental exercise routine of reading the latest research keeps a functional medicine doctor like myself sharp and able to apply the latest research findings to the care of patients.  Without reading and writing these articles, my mental muscles could get rusty and stiff.  This weekly habit is great and all, but now and…


Breathing Better Air for Your Health

Medical research boasts thousands upon thousands of studies which prove common sense. In this case, researchers wanted to confirm that improved air quality in Stockholm, Sweden, during a person’s childhood would lead to improved lung function into adulthood.  While this seems hardly worth the time and effort to prove, such studies justify policy changes and…


Proverbs 14:8

Proverbs 14:8 ESV The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools is deceiving. []   “Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit,” says Matthew 15:14, and Christ isn’t talking about literal blind men here. He’s…


Exercise Your Mood into Shape

We live in depressed and anxious world today.  With the increasing isolation and abounding fear  intensified with the events of 2020, more and more are facing depression and anxiety as a part of daily life.  The hope of recovery in conventional medicine has long resorted to either medications or admonitions to pull oneself by their…


Milking Eosinophilic Esophagitis

While the cause or causes of the increase in allergic disorders is hotly debated, one must acknowledge the obvious increase in food reactions across the population.  One of the diseases we are seeing more often is a condition called eosinophilic esophagitis.  With an increasing number of patients experiencing this frustrating illness, more therapies are being…


Proverbs 14:7

Proverbs 14:7 ESV Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge. []   As is appropriate for a doctor’s website, today’s proverb is about an infection. This infection, however, is of the spirit, not the body. Being around fools, particularly when you listen to them, is bad for…


Fusarium Toxin T2 and Brain Damage

Much debate exists over the effects of mold toxins or mycotoxins on the health of humans in water damaged buildings.  Despite the plethora of animal research and the multitudes of patients with clear cases of mold toxicity, the wider medical world has its doubts.  They must admit the more unusual cases of third world food…


Children, Makeup, and Cancer

If the commercial for kid’s lip gloss and face glitter included a warning that these products might cause cancer, few parents would feel compelled to give into their child’s begging.  Obviously, life is never that easy or that simple.  Since no producer of these products would ever willingly profess such abuse of trust, we must…


Proverbs 14:6

Proverbs 14:6 ESV A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding. []   Any parent who has tried to teach math or grammar or colors or table manners to their kid can tell you one thing with certainty: the student’s attitude matters a lot. A kid that wants…


Moments with Mold

Only someone with mold toxicity illness will completely understand this, although many other chronic unexplained illness sufferers will share many of these emotions.  You are told by conventional doctors that it is all in your head.  You find out that your house or your workspace is making you sick.  You have to throw away a…


Inflammatory Pathways in Autism

If you have seen one child with autism, you have seen one child with autism.  This statement rises from the reality that we are still struggling to wrap our heads around the multiple causes of autism.  This disease affecting now millions of children appears to vary not only in severity but in what appears to…


Proverbs 14:5

Proverbs 14:5 ESV A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies. []   This proverb seems like a set of two truisms everybody already understood, but it highlights an important truth: people, even in the most important circumstances (especially in those circumstances), lie. Sometimes this lying seems inconsequential, like whether…


Houttuynia Review

In functional medicine, we apply both the best of natural and the best of conventional medicine to bear upon the root and the fruit of whole person dysfunction.  This means understanding the therapies we use in terms of their mechanisms and targets and applying them in a personalized fashion to each patient.  In order to…


Macrophages Prefer Low Salt Diets

Much of our time in providing functional medicine care is spent in establishing balance in a patient’s body.  Too little or too much of just about anything can be bad for the person sitting across from us.  Take salt for example.  It has gotten such bad press relating to blood pressure and heart disease that…


Proverbs 14:4

Proverbs 14:4 ESV Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox. []   No food means no people, so we have to get food. The process of getting that food, however, has some icky bits. For ancient Israel, it was the ox, with its…


Understanding the East Palestine Disaster: Part Two

Read Part One here. As promised from my recent post on how to think about the recent Ohio train incident, there are a number of things you can do even while experts sort out the scientific facts and storyline of what happened and what will happen.   The first two steps are things we should all…


Understanding the East Palestine Disaster: Part One

One might ask how we can know so little about something that everyone is talking about?  After 2020 & COVID, we should realize that in times of crisis, talking and ignorance often coexist. Now, with so many facts still being debated and (probably) many facts being withheld or hidden, let us consider how to look…


Proverbs 14:3

Proverbs 14:3 ESV By the mouth of a fool comes a rod for his back, but the lips of the wise will preserve them. []   Ever said something you really, really shouldn’t have? We’ve all done it, me not the least, and we’ve all regretted it, sometimes five seconds later, sometimes (the worst times)…


Food Addictions Abounds

Given that our society is obsessed with self-fulfillment, one should not be surprised that foods are one of the many ways that humans seek happiness.  A recent survey indicated that high percentages of different groups between 50 and 80 years of age exhibit an unhealthy relationship with food.  By looking at how the individuals thought…


Silver Lining Woven Into Antibiotics

Functional medicine providers are always searching for silver linings in medical research to share with their patients.  In this case, the silver lining is literal: silver nanoparticles have been found to synergize with a class of somewhat toxic antibiotics, making it easier to use the antibiotics at a lower dose.  Building on the centuries long…


Proverbs 14:2

Proverbs 14:2 ESV Whoever walks in uprightness fears the Lord, but he who is devious in his ways despises him. []   Why do people sin? Generally, we default to two different explanations: some people want to do things more than they care about morals, and some people want to do things without realizing those…


Moldy Rental Rights

In caring for over a thousand mold patients at Sanctuary, we face challenges like the one in the linked article on a regular basis.  In the article, Legal Services of Alabama state that they have received numerous complaints from rental tenants about moldy conditions.  A few individual stories sound like the stories of our patients. …


Salty Sprays Versus Snoring and Snots

With over 500,000 tonsillectomies occurring per year in the United States (1), researchers regularly search for opportunities to save the tonsils.  Two of the more common reasons that surgeons remove tonsils are recurrent throat infections and sleep-disordered breathing patterns.  Like any surgery, multiple complications may occur and thus avoiding the surgery is a better option…


Proverbs 14:1

Proverbs 14:1 ESV The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down. []   Folly is much easier than wisdom; unfortunately, it has side effects: sin, self-destruction, and judgement, just to name a few. Wisdom, though it is difficult, can produce enduring legacies of virtue and prosperity (spiritual,…


Red Food Dyes Contribute to Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Functional medicine providers get lumped in with conspiracy theorists and get a lot of quacking scoffs, but again we have to say a “I told you so” on this one.  For decades, natural, functional and integrative providers have warned patients about the dangers of all the artificial ingredients in the food supply.  We have warned…


Choline Makes The Headlines for Brain Health

With Alzheimer’s disease boasting stats as the fifth leading cause of death over 65 years and 6.5 million in the US alone facing it, finding effective therapies is on everyone’s mind.  Pharma has not hit any home runs, but besides the functional medicine root cause approach, a simple nutrient called choline shows promise for preventing…


Proverbs 13:25

Proverbs 13:25 ESV The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, but the belly of the wicked suffers want. []   Despite the words of this proverb, a fairly large number of Christians have starved to death, whether by persecution or mishap. Of course, that’s hardly proof of its falsity; properly understood, this verse is…


The Dehumanizing Work of Mold

Daily in our office, we talk about one of my least favorite subjects: mold.  Why would I daily spend time talking about or even thinking about something that caused so much harm to my own family?  It comes down to the simple fact that my hatred for mold makes me want to fight it wherever…


Weighing the Effects of COVID Lockdowns on Kids

As we determine the best course of treatment for a patient’s condition, we must weigh the pros against the cons and make a balanced decision.  While a surgeon may be forced to choose cutting off a leg to save a life, there are usually other options to avoid unwanted adverse effects.  With the pandemic beginning…


Proverbs 13:24

Proverbs 13:24 ESV Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. []   Being a parent, I am given to understand, is difficult (though I have no personal experience as yet). Whether it’s worry about your kids, frustration with their foibles, fear over your own inadequacies,…


Degrading Gowns Off-Gas

Whenever someone has a bright idea, they should always test out the secondary and tertiary consequences of their change before they implement them on a large scale.  Any time we implement a therapy change for our patients, we have to consider if one therapy will interact with another therapy or might worsen another condition.  The…


Updates on the COVID Rebound

COVID 19 infections from SARS-CoV2 have been the gift that keeps on giving in so many ways such that we never know when it is over.  Many government and public health officials prophesied an end to the pandemic with a two-week isolation, but that was obviously a pipe dream.  Many medical professionals hoped that with…


Proverbs 13:23

Proverbs 13:23 ESV The fallow ground of the poor would yield much food, but it is swept away through injustice. []   Oppression, governmental, criminal, or otherwise, is a common event in human history. Power corrupts, and those with power prey upon those without. Historically, perhaps the most common form of societal weakness is poverty,…


It’s Beyond Comprehension Why This Is Tolerated

We live in a changing world where many past traditions are now considered unhealthy or even immoral.  One of those changed expectations affects meat, not only whether it is good or bad, but the idea that we can call a plant-based product “meat”.  Moving beyond the psychology and honesty of this practice, some traditions should…


Digital Devices for Calming Children Backfires

We see it everywhere these days, eyes glued to smartphones and tablets.  This includes children of parents who hand over these digital devices to their young children to get them to calm down so mom or dad can take care of some pressing interaction like a doctor visit or simple car ride without behavior issues. …


Proverbs 13:22

Proverbs 13:20 ESV A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the sinner’s wealth is laid up for the righteous. []   The wealthiest people on earth, at least in modern times, tend to be incredibly sinful. Whether it’s Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or George Soros or Xi Jinping or any…


Old Drugs with New Uses for COVID 19

New challenges can bring out new uses for old drugs.  In the fight against the world’s most famous virus, we know of many old drugs and old supplements that have been tested to prevent and/or treat COVID-19.  The newer therapies with big price tags often get more media attention, but many old drugs have offered…


Which Supplement Support Cardiovascular Health

Functional medicine looks to research for support of its protocol and therapeutics.  Much of this accumulated wisdom requires piecing together data and finding from multiple different studies, then applying them to real world situations.  Occasionally, that work is made easier by meta-analyses which combine multiple studies, or consensus groups that attempt to systematically bring all…


Proverbs 13:21

Proverbs 13:19 ESV Disaster pursues sinners, but the righteous are rewarded with good. []   To those who have read this blog series before, the theme of this verse will not be unfamiliar. The world is canted towards virtue; God’s creation despises vice. These two truths, sides of the same coin as they are, run…


Death by Mold

As a functional medicine physician, I get many questions about mold toxicity.  While not everyone asks this question, some patients who feel rather terrible from chronic mold toxin exposure do wonder if their toxicity will kill them. I can assure that death by mold toxicity is quite rare, but I would argue that it is…


Synthetic Hormones Changes Teen Brains

Adolescence challenges one’s parenting skills: your child moves from depending on you to possessing a much greater degree of autonomy as they develop their own identity.  So many factors influence the path your child takes and the new self-identity they attain, especially hormones.  Their own hormones offer enough turbulence and drive towards young adulthood, but…


Proverbs 13:20

Proverbs 13:20 ESV Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. []   We judge people for the company they keep not just because it speaks to their current moral tastes but because we know that it will have an impact on how their morals develop in the…


Paths to Safe and Effective Botanicals

There can be such an adversarial relationship between the average medical provider and the world of supplements or natural medicine.  Each side lobs their stereotyped hand-grenades over the dividing wall, hoping to discredit the other.  By its very name, however, integrative medicine should work to integrate the best of both worlds.   By its emphasis on…


Another Immune Benefit of Gut Microbiome

Who needs TV to watch the unfolding of a suspenseful plot when we have the developing interactions of our GI tract with our immune system?  While observant medical practitioners of all flavors over the centuries have preached the connections between the gut and the immune system, contemporary researchers are the ones uncovering the actual connections. …


Concerned About Your Children Being Sick From Mold Toxicity?

Mold and Children Concerned about your children being sick from mold toxicity.. (A word before digging into how mold can affect children:                You may feel a little overwhelmed and stressed after the recent Toxic Mold Summit  A great line up of both clinical types and environmental remediator types took the stage for several day…


Mold Binders – Cholestyramine and Ochratoxin A

Medicine boasts its fair share of long words.  Cholestyramine is one of those long words which we use a lot at Sanctuary Functional Medicine when we’re caring for our patients who suffer from biotoxin illness such as mold. Typing or saying it over and over gets tiring, so we use the acronym CSM in the…


GI Detox – A Supplement Review Part 1

G.I.DetoxTM from Bio-Botanical Research Inc. offers a multi-modal detox in a single product for our biotoxin patients who suffer from mold toxicity, Lyme, disease, toxic algae, Bartonella, and more.  Over time, we may shift focus to a single agent such as clay or charcoal or cholestyramine alone when we find only 1 toxin remaining, but…


What Is the Difference Between T3 and T4?

As my first blog on Thyroid Answers explained, our thyroid gland makes two active forms of thyroid hormone.  The first difference between these forms, T4 and T3, lies in how many iodine atoms are attached to the backbone structure. As you might guess, T4 has 4 iodines and T3 has 3 iodines.  They are added…


Mold and the Hormonal Systems – Mold Symptoms Treatment Guide

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

“Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life”

Day 12 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Twelve Snapshots of My Abundant Life” On this 12th and final day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I wanted to share some images that help illustrate some of my ideas of the Abundant Life we talk about at SFM. We…


“Eleven Favorite Supplements”

Day 11 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Eleven Favorite Supplements” “On this, the 11th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” we offer eleven video clips of some of Sanctuary’s favorite supplements. These all-stars stand out due to their ability to provide multiple benefits in one dose. I…


“Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”

Day 10 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Ten Creative Exercise Ideas to Get You Moving”  On the 10th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” we not only encourage you to do at least 10 minutes of exercise per day but provide 10 exercise ideas to fit into…


“9 Favorite Psalms”

Day 9 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “9 Favorite Psalms” “On this 9th day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Christmas,” the staff at Sanctuary will be sharing some of their favorite Psalms. May your meditation upon these Psalms bless your season. We encourage others to look to the Psalms…


8: “Memory is a Marvelous Gift”

Day 8 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Memory is a Marvelous Gift” “On the 8th Day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I want to highlight memory. We hold traditions and affections in our memory. Our memories often help shape who we are in the present. We encourage…


Day 7 Sanctuary of Functional Christmas

Welcome to the 7th day of a Sanctuary Christmas. Today we share 7 of my favorite blogs from the past year. in no particular order.   GI Detox Supplement Review Part 1 | Part 2 Superheroes of Functional Medicine Biotoxin Spikes COVID Triggered Peripheral Neuropathy Baby Mycotoxin Bath Take a Deep Breath of Honey Tired…


“Six Gluten-free Go-To’s”

Day 6 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Six Gluten-free Go-To’s” For the sixth day of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas,” I will share a list of some of my family’s favorite gluten-free options for those times when life is just a little too rushed to worry about absolute…


“Five Minutes of Real Rest”

Day 5 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Five Minutes of Real Rest” “Rest… It can be an elusive concept in today’s frenetic world. Many things interfere with rest: newborns, toxins, stress, anxiety, illness, schedules, LIFE! And this time of the year it seems to get worse. Despite its elusive nature, rest…


“Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value”

Day 2 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “Two Gifts in One: A Gift of Infinite Value” “We all recognize Christmas as a season of gift giving. Have you ever stopped to think about the lasting value of the gifts that you give? Often, I have found that the gifts that I…


“One Dose of Conquering Peace”

Day 1 of “The 12 Days of a Sanctuary Functional Christmas” “One Dose of Conquering Peace” At Sanctuary Functional Medicine, our patients come to us seeking restoration. An important part of that restoring process includes finding relief from the chaos that chronic illness has brought into their lives. That chaos comes in many different forms.…


Proverbs 13:19

Proverbs 13:19 ESV A desire fulfilled is sweet to the soul, but to turn away from evil is an abomination to fools. []   Proverbs has much to say about fools. It would be easy to assume that when the Bible says ‘fool’, it means ‘stupid’, but that’s not quite accurate. Foolishness, Biblically understood, is…


10 Tips for Navigating Holiday Parties

Sanctuary Functional Medicine, under the direction of Dr Eric Potter, IFMCP MD, provides functional medicine services to Nashville, Middle Tennessee and beyond. We frequently treat patients from Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, and more… offering the hope of healthier more abundant lives to those with chronic illness.

Proverbs 13:18

Proverbs 13:18 ESV Poverty and disgrace come to him who ignores instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is honored. []   I don’t like being told I’m wrong. I want to be right, if only because it makes everybody else look at me with approbation, and when somebody tries to tell me I’m not, I don’t…


Where Dreams Come True

While my friends would already know that any Disney park would be the last place I would want to visit, thousands of visitors in one Disney park had their dreams (or for some, their nightmares) come true recently.  With nearby positive COVID cases, Chinese government officials locked down Shanghai Disney park until they could show…


Spikes in the Brain and Parkinsons Disease

We all ask what COVID does, but ‘What does COVID not do?’ might be the better question as we work to understand not only the symptoms of COVID and Long COVID, but more importantly the mechanisms by which this virus and others cause such long-term harm.   Interestingly, this mounting push for understanding exactly how viruses…


Proverbs 13:17

Proverbs 13:17 ESV A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a faithful envoy brings healing. []   “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news,” declares Isaiah 52:7, and we can all understand the sentiment. When someone comes to tell us good news, we are glad to see them,…


Moldy Bases Welcome Soldiers Home

Going away on a vacation for a week and returning to a water leak and subsequent water damage is never fun.  Going away for months serving your country and returning to your home base’s living quarters to find mold growing is just as disheartening.  While both may be covered cost-wise, one by insurance and the…


COVID and Pediatric Diabetes

COVID 19 has clearly left its marks on both individuals and society as a whole, and researchers have found another example of the profound immunological impact of this viral infection in reviewing the medical records of numerous children: COVID increases the rates of type I diabetes in infected children.   This should not shock those who…


Proverbs 13:16

Proverbs 13:16 ESV Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool flaunts his folly. []   We’ve all been a bit to quick to the trigger at times. We’ve spoken before thinking, acted before considering, agreed before understanding. Sometimes it works out. Often it doesn’t. This proverb points out the dichotomy between the foolish…


Humic, Fulvic, and Scientific

Functional and natural medicine live in a world where their angry cousin, conventional medicine, keeps shouting for evidence, for studies, and for proof.  Thankfully, the vast majority of what we do has sound evidence to support it directly or indirectly.  The moaning and groaning of the grumpy cousin are therefore unwarranted- except for the rare…


Fluorocarbons Hurt Gators and Humans

While alligators, as a top predator, don’t fear much in the wild, they should be concerned about the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances contaminating their environments.  Their thick skin prevents harm from potential attackers, but their immune systems can be sabotaged by the widespread fluorinated organic chemicals polluting much of American waterways.   Having recognized that alligators…


Proverbs 13:15

Proverbs 13:15 ESV Good sense wins favor, but the way of the treacherous is their ruin. []   Stories are the fundamental way people understand reality. Math and numbers may describe reality, but for the human mind, stories define reality. In other words, math is setting; stories are setting, plot, character, and theme combined. Thus,…


More Moldy Dorms

The University of Minnesota is working to evaluate and remediate recently discovered excessive mold growth in one of their freshman dorms.  After several students reported health concerns and visible mold, the university initiated a full inspection with a report to be released soon.  So far, they report having found Cladosporium sphaerospermum but no mention of…


Glyphosate Pregnancies

This common herbicide in your food and in your yard increases the risk of lower birthweight in high-risk pregnancies and appears to increase the risk of a neonatal intensive care unit admission.  With 8% of U.S. births falling into a high-risk category due to some other health factor in the mom, many babies enter the…


Proverbs 13:14

Proverbs 13:14 ESV The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death. []   Dramatic Bible verses are hardly uncommon, but this one should grab our attention: what are these ‘snares of death’? They could be literal, theological, eternal, or any other of a…


Keeping Your Head on Straight

We live in a paradoxical age, a time when information is more available to the average person than ever before in history, yet the truth seems more elusive than ever.  Multiple factors play a role in creating this volatile and anxiety provoking situation.  Together these factors challenge even the most diligent of truth seekers, while…


Iron Deficiency Suppresses Immune Cells

A study of the history of warfare emphasizes that an army’s supply lines are often the difference between victory and defeat.  Our immune system’s battle for our health, though enacted at a microscopic level, likewise depends on supply lines.  The recent pandemic, by highlighting the effects of nutrients like vitamin D on the outcomes of…


Proverbs 13:13

Proverbs 13:13 ESV Whoever despises the word brings destruction on himself, but he who reveres the commandment will be rewarded. []   We don’t like listening to authority. Well, we do, but only when it tells us things we like. Unfortunately, because man is sinful, the only authority he tends to like is that which…


Mold Exposure Affects Childhood Development

So many parents face the challenge of raising small children with unexplained chronic illness and hear the encouragement that the child will grow out of it sooner or later.  This may cheer parents in the first week or two, but when symptoms continue for weeks or progress in severity and variety, eventually parents want more…


Acetaminophen May Harm Pregnancies

Settled science sometimes unsettles.  Due to the universally recognized critical sensitivity of infants in the womb to toxins and stress, a wide body of evidence and resulting recommendations address what medications are safe or not safe during pregnancy.  Health care providers and expecting mothers depend on these recommendations and guidelines to protect their little ones…


Proverbs 13:12

Proverbs 13:12 ESV Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. []   God created man to desire. Primarily, He created man to desire Him, to love and adore Him; as a consequence of that love, though, He also ordained that we should love each other, should love…


Ginger Tools: A Review

In practicing functional medicine, we use the best of both worlds of medicine, and both worlds benefit from quality studies looking at the therapies we recommend to our patients. Regardless of whether we’re recommending an herbal or a pharmaceutical, we want some evidence to back up our plans. Clinical experience always guides our protocols, but…


Autoimmune Cardiovascular Disease

We have known for some time that various autoimmune conditions increase the risk of heart disease, but no big picture of the connection has ever been attempted.  These cardiovascular risk factors have always taken a backset to the traditional risks of diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.  This research paper sought to bring the big picture…


Proverbs 13:11

Proverbs 13:11 ESV Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it. []   Money made quick goes quick. It’s not a universal rule- this verse is descriptive, not prescriptive-, but the trend holds true. If I made money quickly, I’ll be more prone to spending it quickly, because I…


Tired of Mycotoxins

Understanding causation of a disease often starts with recognizing correlations between possible triggers and an identified disease syndrome.  Myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) has been recognized as a syndrome affecting millions for a number of years yet a full understanding of its mechanisms and causes is still forthcoming.  Researchers who take it seriously rather…


Pediatric Phthalates and Precocious Puberty

The awareness of environmental chemical effects on human health has grown over recent years as more and more studies point towards measurable effects.  Simultaneously, medical understanding of the hormonal receptors and these chemicals’ structures allow more direct connections to be made at a mechanistic level.  Regardless, much of the work begins with studies like this…


Proverbs 13:10

Proverbs 13:10 ESV By insolence comes nothing but strife, but with those who take advice is wisdom. []   Listening is a skill most humans find unpleasant to learn. Generally speaking, one’s own opinions are much more interesting than everybody else’s, unless they’re agreeing; generally speaking, being too fond of the sound of one’s own…


Post-COVID Brain

The news offers a never-ending smorgasbord of COVID-19 studies, but analyses like this one which bring together a lot of information into one presentation deserve special attention.  Many are studying the aftereffects of COVID 19, something we call Post-COVID syndrome or Long-Hauler Syndrome.  Countless symptom fingerprints are attributed to this unholy viral disease thrust upon…


Take a Deep Breath of Honey

Sometimes researchers get really sweet ideas.  Who wouldn’t want to inhale some honey to treat an infection?  Well, okay, the reality of this new therapy for a drug resistant infection is not as taste-bud-exciting as it initially sounds.   However, the potential benefits for thousands of cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis patients could be far more exciting…


Proverbs 13:9

Proverbs 13:9 ESV The light of the righteous rejoices, but the lamp of the wicked will be put out. []   One central theme of the book of Proverbs is the superiority of the eternal to the temporary, of that which is God’s to that which is man’s. This proverb continues the trend, highlighting the…


Gliotoxin Overview

Show me the science!  This situation reminds me of a middle school argument in which a friend would just reply with a “prove it” when confronted with something they did not like.  When it comes to mold toxicity, many in the conventional medical world just can’t fathom that their medical school and residency did not…


Sleepless Nights Slow Kid’s Brains

Most kids shrug off the call to bed as long as they can.  With TV’s, smartphones, computers, and headphones among other bedroom electronics to keep them busy, young children want to keep going.  Life is too much fun and there are too many things to do to justify turning out the lights and turning off…


Proverbs 13:8

Proverbs 13:8 ESV The ransom of a man’s life is his wealth, but a poor man hears no threat. []   Being rich is dangerous. People are envious, and people are greedy. Some people will take the direct route to the wealth: kidnap-and-ransom, violent theft, or (if they’re particularly envious) murder-and-loot. Some take a more…


B Vitamins and Fatty Livers

The methylation cycle shows up in all kinds of disease processes.  Researchers had linked high homocysteine levels with NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, in other studies.  In this mouse study, they found that the addition of B12 and Folate not only lowered homocysteine levels, but also lowered the frequency of homocysteine being attached to liver proteins and…


Long Hauler COVID in Children

While a prior article discussed which children get Long Hauler COVID and how often, today we add to that scientific understanding with more on which symptoms children get in this troublesome post-viral syndrome.  Those of us practicing medicine have long recognized the concept of post-viral syndromes, but we do appreciate the newly found interest in…


Proverbs 13:7

Proverbs 13:7 ESV One pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth. []   As soon as a man got hold of one pretty rock, he immediately showed it off and told all his brothers that he actually had two shiny rocks, the second was just a…


Mold Can Hurt People

The Western Journal reported on a recent case of mold toxicity in August of this year, describing how a now 42 year previously healthy woman developed a list of unexplained symptoms after moving into an apartment with her husband in 2016.  Over time her weight continued to increase while her brain function continued to decline.…


Antibiotics, Allergies, and Babies

Many would confidently assert that antibiotics have changed the course of medical progress while others would just as vigorously assert that antibiotics can change the course of one’s life in less-than-positive ways.  Yes, antibiotics have saved the lives of many who would have otherwise succumbed to some overwhelming infection. Yes, even without resorting to the…


Proverbs 13:6

Proverbs 13:6 ESV Righteousness guards him whose way is blameless, but sin overthrows the wicked. []   In the ultimate account of the world, righteousness, the true righteousness which comes from God, is a guard, a protection, to the man whom God loves; vice, conversely, brings about the downfall of the wicked. Therefore, the man…


Our Stomachs are Smart

Sometimes I have to admit when my gentle skepticism is proven wrong. Thankfully, one of the paper’s authors admits that he did not expect the results of this study either.  Conventional medicine will doubt these results, but it does appear that our natural appetites do seem to reflect innate recognition of what food combinations cover…


Score One for Vitamin D Against Inflammation

Even prior to COVID’s intrusion into the world of immune research, much debate centered around whether we needed more vitamin D or if the standard daily allowance was enough.  The exact minimum level continues to be debated, but this study provides further support for our contention that this so-called vitamin plays a role in inflammatory…


Proverbs 13:5

Proverbs 13:5 ESV The righteous hates falsehood, but the wicked brings shame and disgrace. []   Hate is the great crime of modernity. Racism, anti-homosexuality, anti-transgenderism, and a whole host of other sins against modernity (e.g. bigotry) revolve around hate, around not being loving. After all, ‘love is love’. That position is evil. To hate…


How Mold Hurts You

For those who suffer from mold toxicity, ‘Is this mold?’ is rarely relevant. They know the answer. On the other hand, they really want to know how or why it is happening.  They see others around them in the same environment who are not sick, but they themselves suffer greatly.  In the end, it comes…


Crying Out to Be Heard

Any parent gets this point, but research now supports the fact that parents of infants know a painful cry when they hear it.  It is a well know fact of life that babies cry a lot.  Sometimes it seems like they cry for no reason, but clearly, sometimes the crying means they’re hurting.  They have…


Proverbs 13:4

Proverbs 13:4 ESV The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied. []   That sloth breeds poverty and diligence plenty is not surprising. We often, however, forget about the more important results of sloth and diligence: the respective impoverishment and enrichment of the soul. Sloth…


DHA for Male Brains

Researchers have long noted that male pregnancies seem to suffer more from pregnancy stress than female.  Many theories abound for why males have higher rates of neurodevelopmental issues like autism than females.  This study looks at both the mechanisms of this effect and a possible therapy to prevent it.  In their mouse study, this group…


Viral Alzheimer’s Disease

Though tiny in size, viruses pack a big punch.  Most recognize that from the various acute illnesses we face, including the recent heavyweight SARS CoV2 (which causes COVID 19).  On the other hand, many may not know that viruses can contribute to long term conditions.  Sure we know that some viruses can contribute to liver…


Proverbs 13:3 – Part Two

Proverbs 13:3 ESV Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. []   Let’s pick up where we left off last week. The second standard, beauty, is the question, ‘Does this person have a right to this information; is this the proper time and place to tell…


Moldy Finnish Schools

The wider medical world and the world at large keep ignoring the evidence of the toxicity of water damaged buildings.  Despite this, functional medicine providers continue to treat scores of adults and children with clear symptoms due to these microbially overrun environments.  One of the challenges to confirming a causative link resides in debate over…


Post COVID Pediatric Risks

If COVID is a four letter curse word, Long COVID is a drunken sailor’s mouth which torments adults after COVID and includes a few children as well.  Thankfully, studies like today’s focus article indicate that children are affected less often than adults.  Still, parents want to know the chances and be prepared if their child…


Proverbs 13:3 – Part One

Proverbs 13:3 ESV Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. []   Snitches get stitches, or so the warning runs, and gossips have acquaintances, not friends. Some people, it seems, just don’t know when to stop talking; others don’t know when to start. This proverb addresses…


Houston Hurricane Air Quality

Hurricane Harvey’s arrival in Houston left a lasting impression.  There were the obvious impacts:  Homes and businesses were destroyed, and lives were lost.  There were also invisible impacts:  flood damaged buildings and possessions grew mold and apparently, yet more toxins touched people’s lives.  Other articles have addressed the mold toxins in the water damaged Houston,…


Good News, Bad CMV, and an Ugly Plan

One might believe that viruses besides SARS-CoV2 are novel, but viruses have been around for a very long time.  Not only have they been infecting our ancestors for generations, but right now, you have viruses that have taken up residence in your body since childhood or earlier.  Articles like today’s encourage functional medicine providers when…


Proverbs 13:2

Proverbs 13:2 ESV From the fruit of his mouth a man eats what is good, but the desire of the treacherous is for violence. []   We talk a lot. We speak to friends, family, acquaintances, strangers, ourselves, nobody in particular, and most importantly, God. We speak, and most of the time we pay little…


Mycotoxin Baby Bath

Mothers cherishes their little bundles of joy.  We celebrate their birth and joyously commemorate the day for a lifetime.  So much is poured into the infant’s first months and years in order to raise them into healthy adults. We should not ignore the fact that the little life has been swimming in amniotic fluid, absorbing…


Preterm Phthalates

I am always amazed at how we can consider our society as so advanced when we so blatantly poison ourselves with so many chemicals.  We can look back and arrogantly belittle ancient uncivilized societies who poisoned themselves with lead in their water or drank from the waters in which they sacrificed.  However, no matter how…


Proverbs 13:1

Proverbs 13:1 ESV A wise son hears his father’s instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke. []   Modernity doesn’t like fathers. To this culture, the father is a bigoted idiot, a bumbling if well-intentioned obstacle, or a Machiavellian tyrant, whom the children must evade and outwit in order to do what they…
